Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 98: Stained Rock Pile (10) (2)

Yoo Eun-seol nodded.

“Yes. It’s a somewhat special dungeon, so there are conditions to enter it. I’ve been looking for party members. Coincidentally, Holder Do Jae-hyun meets those conditions. So I was hoping if you’d be willing, to clear the dungeon together…”

It was a bold proposal.

Dungeon raiding with just Yoo Eun-seol and me.

It was likely an experience no active Holder had gone through.

Moreover, this was information I hadn’t seen in the original work either, so it made me even more bewildered.

Yoo Eun-seol was an S-grade Holder who occasionally appeared in the latter half’s confrontation with the <Villain> clan. But such detailed content about dungeon raids wasn’t mentioned.

It was completely new information to me.

I carefully asked her,

“May I know roughly what dungeon it is? I’m still anxious to just accept the proposal…”

I know Yoo Eun-seol isn’t a villainous character.

On the contrary, she has such inner qualities, confronting and fighting the representative villains, <Villain>, in the latter half.

Knowing that, I joined the Stained Rock Pile Dungeon raid without hesitation.

But this case was different.

A dungeon raid with just an S-grade Holder and me…

Anyone could see it was strange.

If I readily accepted and got beaten to death, I’d have no one to complain to.

Fortunately, Yoo Eun-seol seemed to understand.

Nodding, she replied,

“Holder Do Jae-hyun has probably heard of it too. The River Touched by the Breath of a Dragon.”

“Dragon’s Breath…?”

The moment I heard the dungeon’s name.

A familiar feeling hit me, just as she said.

<The River Touched by the Breath of a Dragon>.

That was definitely…

Yoo Eun-seol’s solo conquest that allowed her to rise to an S-grade Holder, and the dungeon was rumored to be the stage for it.

Once I connected those dots, I tilted my head and asked.

“Isn’t that a dungeon whose raid has ended?”

A dungeon Yoo Eun-seol already completed the raid alone.

The dungeon’s first discovery, first clearing…

Solely by Yoo Eun-seol alone.

Its contents were so famous that <The River Touched by the Breath of a Dragon> was a well-known dungeon to the public.

Saying let’s raid it together didn’t make sense.

Yoo Eun-seol nodded briefly before asking again.

“Has Holder Do Jae-hyun heard of double dungeons?”

Double dungeons.

A special medium existing inside a dungeon.

Connecting to another dungeon through it, a dungeon within a dungeon.

Other than the peculiar method of entry, the structure itself was the same as a normal dungeon.

There was no way I wouldn’t know about it.

“Yes, I know about it. There are more overseas than domestic… Oh!”

I calmly answered then flinched midway.

Double dungeon.

And <The River Touched by the Breath of a Dragon>, whose raid was already completed.

Connecting those dots, a faint answer emerged.

“Could the dungeon you’re trying to raid be…”

“Yes. I’m trying to raid the double dungeon inside The River Touched by the Breath of a Dragon. It’s in the boss room, a location only I know. That double dungeon requires two Holders with special conditions to enter… Holder Do Jae-hyun meets those conditions.”

Yoo Eun-seol’s eyes turned to me.

Her hair, clothes, everything is pure white.

That atmosphere of a white snowflake seemed to reach her gaze.

“So while clearing the dungeons together, I’ve been looking for a chance to tell you.”

You don’t have to answer now…”

If it’s alright, we can have a more detailed talk later…”

Additional words like that rang out, but.

Honestly, they didn’t go in my ears well.

She is an S-grade Holder.

Even though I got stronger recently, the fact that I, who just reached B-grade, will be doing a dungeon raid with an S-grade Holder… was quite worrisome,

That I wouldn’t be able to accomplish much, and that it would be too dangerous.

So I honestly told her this part.

“I’m very grateful for the offer but… it will be difficult.”

“May I ask why?”

“Well… I’m better than ordinary C-grade Holders, but still, I just barely made it to B-grade… and with my skills, raiding a dungeon with Holder Yoo Eun-seol seems lacking and dangerous. I appreciate you thinking highly of me but I still think I’m insufficient in many aspects to raid such high dungeons.”

Dungeon raiding with Yoo Eun-seol!

It sounds like something I’d happily accept but thinking about <The River Touched by the Breath of a Dragon> difficulty, those words don’t even come out.

From the dungeon’s entrance, A-grade monsters appear slithering about, the boss room has an S-grade monster… moreover there are rumors it has power surpassing normal S-grade.

The double dungeon within such a dungeon.

Its difficulty absolutely wouldn’t be easy.

I really want to accept the offer too but with my current level, it is near impossible.

But despite my polite refusal…

Yoo Eun-seol’s expression didn’t change much.

Instead, in an extremely tranquil attitude she replied to me.

“You don’t need to worry about that. Holder Do Jae-hyun already has sufficient skills, and if there’s lacking parts, I can teach you.”

“Huh? What is that…”

Leaving aside the talk of having sufficient skills…

Teach me?

What kind of nonsense is this?

But before I could fully understand those words.

Yoo Eun-seol smiled slightly and held her hand out to me.

“Let me properly introduce myself. I’m Yoo Eun-seol, who will be a specialized instructor at the academy starting next semester. If it’s alright with you… I’d like for Holder Do Jae-hyun to take my classes as well.”


Like being hit on the head with a huge bell.

What is this, again.

Yoo Eun-seol is an academy instructor?

Just how and what is going on here?

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