Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

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“First of all, we need to find the distribution route of the Berserk Potions,”

I slowly cleared my throat and spoke.

Upon hearing my suggestion, the hopeful gazes of the circle members quickly faded.

Even Ji Yoon-jae, who had been slightly shaken at first, regained his composure and looked relieved.

It was as if he had thought ‘Surely not that?’ but then went ‘Oh wait, he really means that.’

The [Berserk Potions] were the only evidence the spies had.

Find their distribution route, I said.

They all knew well just how fanciful that idea was.

“President, that’s too unrealistic,”

Yoon Ji-ah, who was sitting right next to me, spoke up.

She had been busy preparing to join the <Judgement of Fire> clan recently, but came to today’s meeting out of a sense of responsibility as the circle’s vice president.

She started trying to convince me calmly.

“As you probably know, President… Globally illegal items like Berserk Potions aren’t traded through normal commerce. It’s different from simply purchasing items from the Guild, or personal trades between individuals.”

Of course I know that.

I probably know it better than any other circle member.

I nodded and responded to her words.

“I’m aware. The production of illegal items is usually done in overseas third countries, and their distribution also goes through several nations before arriving in our country. So it’s not easy to trace them step-by-step. It’s like…”

I deliberately trailed off, and Yoon Ji-ah picked up with a stern expression.


“Yes. I think it’s similar to how drugs are distributed.”

In the previous world, and in this world long ago as well.

‘Drug distribution’ had its heyday.

After the drugs were produced by specialized third countries, the end products were distributed illegally and abnormally to each nation.

Cocaine, amphetamine, fentanyl…

Countless drugs were distributed everywhere, and they were also secretly traded in Korea for a long time.

Drugs were always problematic globally, whether in Korea or America.

‘But that declined quickly.’

After the emergence of Monsters and Rune Holders, and the world entered an era of irreversible upheaval, the drug market shrank significantly compared to before.

With ‘Divinity-type’ Holders who could cure any illness and addiction appearing, curing drug addicts became far too easy, and some special items obtainable from dungeons and fields boasted stimulation effects surpassing drugs.

‘So the target changed.’

The drug cartels who lost their business territory promptly reorganized their forces, and attempted new ventures.

That was the business of distributing and selling globally banned ‘illegal items’, even producing them.

These items included the aforementioned stimulant items, along with all sorts of illegal weapons and special items, as well as the [Berserk Potions] we’re dealing with now.

The occasional news about illegal drug seizures…

Had turned into seizures of illegal items.

With those facts in mind, I slowly spoke.

“While there are countless countries producing illegal items worldwide, if I had to pick the cartel with the largest scale… It would still be Colombia.”


A country famous as the world’s drug capital in the previous world.

Looking at just the cartels, it’s the country with the maximum scale.

These drug and crime cartels solidified even more after Holders appeared.

By gathering various criminal Holder members into the cartel, they transformed into an organization far stronger and larger than before.

Compared to Korea, it’s like a <Villain> clan.

Of course, they are far larger in scale and their collective purpose is also much clearer, so comparing them is somewhat embarrassing, but it conveyed just how malicious of a criminal organization they are.

As the country possessing cartels that handle the most illegal items globally.

Naturally, that would include [Berserk Potions] as well.

“I’m going to investigate the illegal items distributed from Colombia to Japan, and then smuggled again from Japan into our country.”

I will find those who purchased [Berserk Potions] in that distribution process.

And from there, find clues about the internal spies.

That was my plan.

Of course, not all illegal items distributed in Korea come only from Colombia.

Many items are also smuggled in from other cartels in South America like Mexico, and nearby Southeast Asian countries.

But the amount from Colombia is overwhelming.

Several times that of other distribution countries.

The quantity of illegal items handled by <Villain> is also considerable, so investigating them could lead to finding clues.

After explaining this much, the circle members’ expressions still did not brighten easily.

I also knew well why that was.

“How can we, just a circle, carry out such large-scale investigations…”

The plan is good, but the scale is too big.

Despite calling ourselves the <Anti-Villain> circle, we’re ultimately still a circle within the academy.

A group formed by mere students.

A circle, not even a clan, is going to attempt investigations on that level?

Anyone would likely find it fanciful.

But I smiled and dispelled that worry.

“It’s okay. This investigation won’t rely solely on our circle’s activities.”

“Huh? Then…”

Yoon Ji-ah cocked her head and asked back.

I turned my gaze to Kang Juyeon sitting on the other side.

“The Judgement of Fire clan, which has trade routes opened to the Japan side, will actively assist us with this investigation.”

<Royal> and <Judgement Flame>.

The two major clans had officially decided last Friday to actively support the <Anti-Villain> circle.

Among them, <Royal>’s support was…

Safety assurance for <Anti-Villain> club members.

They composed an escort TF (Task Force) team within the academy, and even sent top clan member Seong Na-yeon as the team leader, displaying powerful physical support.

Thanks to that, Seong Na-yeon and I could go hunting outside the academy under her escort, returning safely.

“And if Royal provided such physical support, Judgement of Fire promised monetary or personnel support.”


Finally realizing it, Yoon Ji-ah clapped.

Among domestic clans, <Judgement of Fire> is the clan that has best secured ‘trade routes to Japan’.

Naturally, they have also highly specialized in manpower and knowledge regarding that area.

If they enthusiastically participate in this investigation, it could pave the way for the previously vague clue exploration.

“Of course, we’ll be sharing the investigation details with the Judgement of Fire clan. They must have their own countermeasures against Villain as well… And they may produce far better results than us. But well, that’s that, and this is this.”

I smiled and looked around at the circle members.

The clubroom, which had been quiet.

Even those who had been distrustful at first were now all focused.

“While we’re just a circle, we can simply continue on our path. We have to achieve the will and purpose for which we first formed. That’s why we gathered.”


At those words, Yoon Ji-ah let out a small exclamation.

Then soon…

She slowly nodded her head and said.

“…You’re right. From the beginning, it felt like an impossible circle. Yet still, just managing to gather like this must have been a miracle. And here I was reconsidering possibilities within it. Without even trying first.”

She made a bright smile and continued.

“Sorry for objecting right away. I’m in favor of that method.”

“No, Vice President, that was a very rational objection.”

As we laughed and aligned our opinions, the other circle members quickly expressed agreement as well.

“I’m for it too! I don’t see a better way than this right now. Hehe.”

“Oh, I acknowledge that part.”

“I should start preparing the equipment in advance….”

Circle members actively consenting, noticeably so.

“…Our clan doesn’t have that kind of grand counterplan.”

“Juyeon, you’re not still mad, are you…?”

“Mad? I wasn’t in the first place.”


…Circle members chatting idly, regardless of the methodology.

Aside from them, most other circle members also took my suggested method positively.

Firstly, because a domestic top 3 clan like <Judgement of Fire> was collaborating.

In that regard, they all seemed to feel great trust.

Well, I’m the same in that.

As someone who’s worked in a clan before, I know better than anyone just how neat and accurate <Judgement of Fire>’s work is.

To be honest, <Judgement of Fire>’s collaboration seemed more reliable than the abilities of the hastily gathered club members.

“Then I’ll take it everyone is in agreement, and proceed with the first phase plan as I outlined earlier. Next, let’s discuss the detailed division of roles. First…”

After the biggest agenda item smoothly passed.

The subsequent detailed PT and concrete discussions followed.

“So the first investigation date is…”

“Contacting the Judgement of Fire side can be handled by President and Holder Kang Juyeon…”

“I’ll lend out the equipment I’ve made in rental form. They’re probably better than most equipment on the market…”

It was a passionate meeting, taking up well over 40 minutes.

I also satisfyingly moved the meeting along.

And in the process, I glanced at Ji Yoon-jae’s expression a few times.

Still to get a read on his intentions, like before.

But that blank expression still had no changes.

Certainly a poker face befitting a veteran spy.


Ji Yoon-jae’s motive for joining <Anti-Villain> was obvious.

To acquire information from our circle, while Ji Yoon-jae himself spreads false information and interferes with circle activities.

But I gave no opening to spread false info from the start, and acquiring info from us would have little meaning now.

Taking any action at this point could be more risky in terms of getting exposed.

‘How should I catch this guy.’

Unlike other spies, I know for certain that Ji Yoon-jae and Cha Soo-yeon are spies.

If I can just catch them, I can somehow obtain evidence.

But the optimal timing for when to catch them.

When I can perfectly purge them, and from there reach <Villain>’s head.

That seemed to require more thought.

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