Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 102: Im Also Taking That Class (1) (2)

Kim Do-yoon was a psychopath who would suit up with women who had a crush on him, then kill them when he lost interest.

His victims are only women.

It does not discriminate between ordinary people and Holders.

All the women who fell for his tricks suffered crimes such as kidnapping, confinement, and assault, and eventually died brutally when they reached the end.

With such a worst criminal hiding his other side.

He was looking at me with a kind smile.

“What’s the matter? What’s going on?”

Kim Do-yoon asked, seeing me suddenly stop talking.

I shook my head and replied.

“This is the Special Division B building.”

“Isn’t it? It’s my first time coming to the Special Division building, so I’m confused. haha.”

“F*ck. It’s clearly written on the building sign, but you can’t see it.”

“… what?”

Kim Do-yoon asked as if he had heard it wrong.

His face was taken aback by my sudden swear words.

I said to him, holding the cell phone in my pocket.

“Oh sorry. I got a text message from a friend. He is a fool who always needs to be trained. He always gets confused about the building, so he asks me. He’s not even a monster who can’t read Korean, so why is he confused? haha.”


Kim Do-yoon suddenly had a worried expression on his face.

Ignoring him, I calmly thought.

The <Villain> branch members at my academy don’t just move carelessly.

They’re a group of psychos who enjoy killing people foolishly, but they have a clear hierarchy, especially the academy branch members who move precisely according to commands.

Naturally, it wasn’t just a coincidence that Kim Do-yoon was speaking to me.

There had to be a clear reason.

In the first place, there was no reason for a crazy guy who only targeted and killed women to act friendly towards another guy.

‘Are they being wary of me after the Ha Do-kwon incident?’

The <Villain> spies are being cautious of me.

The most immediate reason I could think of was the Ha Do-kwon incident.

At the time, I had stopped Ha Do-kwon from committing murder using my [Declaration of Domination] skill, and later charged in during his duel, blocking his attack.

If not for the ‘Berserk Potion’, Ha Do-kwon would have been subdued by me then and there.

A sudden, unnoticed obstruction that completely disrupted their plans.

My abrupt appearance and interference with the <Villain>’s schemes was likely cause for wariness from the spies.

“I’m going to classroom 302. Where are you headed?”

Looking like he regained his composure, Kim Do-yoon spoke to me again.

Classroom 302.

Where the <Harvesting By-products> class I’m going is being held.

In other words, my class and Kim Do-yoon’s class overlapped.

It was an unexpected situation.

‘How annoying.’

Did Kim Do-yoon originally take <Harvesting By-products> in 2nd semester?

There was no way to know.

Since Kim Do-yoon was a character who only emerged in the mid-to-late parts of the story.

“I’m going to 302 as well. I’m taking <Harvesting By-products> too.”

“Oh! That works out. I’m taking that class too. Let’s go together.”

“F*ck, this sucks.”


Kim Do-yoon’s expression rapidly darkened.

He didn’t even have the leisure to ask me to repeat myself, realizing I had just cursed at him.

Of course, I shamelessly held up my phone.

“Ah, really sorry. My friend is bothering me nonstop. I was complaining how there’s this punk starting conversations with me for no reason on the first day back.”

No response from Kim Do-yoon.

I felt his gaze boring holes into me.

…Is this punk really pissed now?

His eyes are rather murderous.

Despite trying to hide it, I could feel subtle killing intent thanks to [Ice-Cold Focus].

I lightly fueled that fire.

“Guys who look like playboys really do talk too much.”


“Let’s go, Do-yoon. It’s good we’re in the same class. Follow me since I know the Specialized Division building well.”

I patted Kim Do-yoon’s shoulder a couple times and started walking.

Was I going too far?

I thought, and that’s spot on.

I did spit out whatever came to mind as an excuse, but…

Since he had clearly received orders related to me, he couldn’t casually treat me rudely anyway.

He was just a clan member moving according to commands, after all.

And it wasn’t like I was the one spying, so there was no need to be overly polite and accommodating.

If he got pissed off at this trivial behavior and charged at me.

I’d be thankful.

“What, you’re not coming?”

After walking several steps without hearing anything, I looked back.

Kim Do-yoon hurriedly hid his temper.

Putting on a forced smile.

“…Ha, ha. Let’s go.”

Looks like he was glaring daggers at me just now.

I glanced back and told him.

“Hurry up. We’ll be late.”

The moment I turned my back, I felt his gaze piercing me again.

Glaring at me murderously again, huh.

Stare all day if you want.

See what happens.

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