Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 101: Preparing for the New Semester (3) (2)

The professor in charge of the common course lecture.

It was a name that had no business being listed as a lecturer.

[Applications of Magic Control] (Cha Soo-yeon)

<Villain> The head of my academy branch.

The psychopath who ruthlessly murdered student Holders during the ‘Academy Raid’ in the mid-late storyline…

Cha Soo-yeon, the ruler of gravity, was listed as the professor.

‘Why is this woman here now?’

Cha Soo-yeon shouldn’t appear at this point in the story.

She’s a character who only reveals herself once the main leads enter 2nd year and the story enters the mid-section…

Yet she’s appearing now as an academy lecturer. It was absolutely absurd.

I don’t know what plans <Villain> has by sending Cha Soo-yeon, but we need to avoid contact with her as much as possible before figuring out their exact intentions.

She was that dangerous of a woman.




Time passed faster than I expected.

The 2 weeks left until the start of the semester flew by in an instant, and the long vacation of over 2 months finally came to an end.



At the same time, my <Judgment of Fire> internship also ended.

On the last day of work.

The Hunting Team 5 members lightly prepared a cake to encourage me on my last day.

“You worked hard, Do Jae-hyun. Although the time we spent together was short, I’m sure it was a meaningful time.”

“Jae-hyun! You’ll join Judgment of Fire after graduating, right?”

“Hmm- You’re not intern Jae-hyun anymore, are you?”

Two months since I entered as an intern.

I participated in the large dungeon conquest project known as Forest Covered by snakes from day one and took my first steps in clan activities, quickly growing close with the team members.

And the various clan duties that followed.

I gained a lot theoretically and learned many things from my seniors in actual combat.

I roughly learned the ropes and also became much more familiar with team tasks…

Now that I was quitting like this, I did feel some reluctance deep down.

But partings should be clean.

I lowered my head and expressed my gratitude to the team members.

“Thank you. I learned so much thanks to you seniors. I don’t know if I’ll join Judgment of Fire again later, but if I do return, I’ll be sure to apply for Hunting Team 5.”

In fact, I did receive a formal recruitment offer from Kang Juyeon.

On the weekend, 1 week before leaving <Judgment of Fire>.

While we were eating together, Kang Juyeon subtly brought it up.

-If you want, would you consider properly joining Judgment of Fire?

It was an offer that came later than I expected.

She must have wanted to propose it so many times, yet she only brought up this enormously important matter in the last week of my internship…

I could feel how much Kang Juyeon respected and valued me.

I thought hard about it, but in the end, my answer was a refusal.

<Judgment of Fire> is a really great clan.

It’s one of the top 3 large domestic clans, with Kang Juyeon who I’ve gotten quite close to now, and the fellow hunters who I went on raids with.

It’s a clan that any Holder other than me would want to join.

If I had to pick a clan to join right now.

Without a doubt, it would be <Judgment of Fire>.

‘But there’s still plenty of time.’

However, I didn’t have any intention of joining a clan just yet.

I still had over 2 years left until graduation, and there were a considerable number of original story events to unfold within that time.

I didn’t have the leisure to rashly decide on joining a clan and cementing my future in this situation.

Even if I wanted to join a clan now, I didn’t know if my thoughts would change again 2 years later.

So I politely declined Kang Juyeon’s offer, while leaving open the possibility that I could always change my mind.

Upon hearing my farewell, Lee Soo-mi’s eyes dampened.

“Hmm- Intern really does know how to use empty words to the end, huh?”

“…They’re not empty words.”

“Then it’s service with your lips.”

“That’s the same thing…”

Does this woman want to torment me to the very end?

She really was a senior full of mischief.

In any case, after finishing my last duties at <Judgment of Fire>.

I could now properly prepare for the start of the semester.

With the weekend over, it really was the start of the semester now.

The beginning of a new semester with an unexpected professor lineup and developments.

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