Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 100: Preparing for the New Semester (2) (2)

Get a grip, please.




The new semester was right around the corner.

Whether as a student in the past or now…

If I had to pick the most important thing while preparing for a new semester.

It was, of course, course registration.

The academy was focused on educating Rune Holders, but the system itself was similar to a university.

Naturally, if there were lectures I wanted to take, I had to register online and get a seat.

“Ugghh- sleepy….”

8 AM in the morning.

Like any other student, I went to a PC cafe to get ready for course registration.

And next to me was a man with messy hair.

Park Jin-woo sat there with a drained expression from exhaustion.

“So you’re here to register for courses too.”

“Ohh… so sleepy. This is normally my sleeping time….”

“What about morning training?”

“Usually… 9 AM… uhmm…”

Course registration this time was pushed back about a week compared to normal.

The reason was, of course, Yoo Eun-seol.

Due to the ultra-special lecturer being recruited late, some time was needed to open lectures.

That’s why course registration was only starting now, 2 weeks before the semester began.

“I’m nervous.”

“What are you nervous about?”

“What if I can’t get a seat? The competition ratio for Ms. Yoo Eun-seol’s lecture will be insane.”

The lectures I planned to register for this semester were 6.

General courses <Application of Magic Control> and <Harvesting Byproducts>.

Warrior-type major courses <One-handed Sword and Shield Usage>, <Understanding Two-handed Swords>, <Enjoy Getting Hit>.

And finally, the assassin-type major course which was…

The only lecture by Yoo Eun-seol opened this semester, <Dagger Usage and Sword Techniques>.

I chose those six courses because I needed them all, but Yoo Eun-seol’s lecture was especially important.

It was a chance to improve my dagger skills which had stagnated to the point of regression, and a lecture taught by an S-grade Holder.

Even if I failed the others, I absolutely had to succeed in getting this one.

But Jin-woo, who was listening to me, tilted his head.

“Why are you taking Yoo Eun-seol’s lecture? You’re in the warrior class.”

“What are you talking about? I entered as an assassin.”

“That’s not the assassin I know…!!”

Ignoring Jin-woo who suddenly fell into despair alone.

I focused on the course registration page on the screen.

The lectures were already reserved.

All I had to do was click the registration buttons 6 times when it was time.


I don’t know why course registration is so nerve-wracking every time.

I took a deep breath and stared at the screen.

Before I realized, the time raced towards 9 AM.

8:57, 58, 59…

As the minutes ended and it flipped to seconds,


The alarm for the hour rang, and hellish course registration began.


[Dagger Usage and Sword Techniques (Yoo Eun-seol) : (0/0/0)]

“What the fuck, no way?”

As expected, I failed spectacularly.

Refreshing right at 9 AM allowed me to avoid the hellish waitlist, but…

The moment I clicked “registration”, the seats were gone in less than a second.

Damn it.

Is everyone using a supercomputer?

How is it so freaking fast?

Fortunately, I didn’t panic and finished registering for the remaining courses, but I felt frustrated after missing the most important lecture.


“Give up. It feels nice to give up.”

Park Jin-woo, who gave that consolation-like advice, was finally starting to look for lectures to register one by one, opening his sleepy eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you mean ? Looking for lectures.”

“You didn’t reserve them in advance?”

“When did I ever?”


He came to register without reserving lectures in advance.

This bastard. If I didn’t tell him yesterday, he probably wouldn’t have even known today was registration day.

“Ah… I need to find another lecture.”

There was still the method of waiting for someone else to cancel and open up a seat.

Whenever someone vacated a spot, a seat would open up.

But there was no way that stroke of luck would happen for Yoo Eun-seol’s lecture.

What crazy dude would cancel registration for the S-grade Holder’s lecture that might be the last?

The possibility was zero.


Just as I was about to give up and look for another lecture,


I got a text from an unknown number.

[010-… ] This is Yoo Eun-seol. If you tried to register for my lecture but failed, give me a call. I’ll open up a seat at the right time.

Only then did I remember the obvious fact I had forgotten.

That’s right.

She came to the academy because of me.

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