Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 225

Chapter 225


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

Late summer at the Philleon Academy was adorned with lush greenery. Perhaps it was the last performance of the cicadas song echoing through the skies.

Some faculty members on duty and a few early-returning students were milling around the school gate. Iril, who was gazing out the window, murmured to herself.

School will start soon.

Humming a tune, she was changing the flowers in the vase. The daffodil, with its bright yellow hue, never failed to captivate her.

Suddenly, she recalled an event from three years ago and smiled softly. It was the first time she received a gift from her always-gruff younger brother.

It was a daffodil back then too.

The daffodil Ronan held out shyly was more beautiful than any flower Iril had ever seen. Looking back, it was that day when her brother had decided to attend the Philleon Academy. She had cried tears of joy at his determination.

I hope he arrives soon.

He should be here soon. I got a message yesterday saying hed arrive sometime today or tomorrow.

Oh, really?

At that moment, a low, calm voice came from behind. Iril turned her head, her eyes widening.

Despite already having spent two hours cleaning, Shullifen was still tirelessly mopping the floor.

Sir Shullifen, you dont have to work so hard. I can do it!

I cant do that. Giving everything your best effort is the Garcia Familys motto. Besides, inhaling too much dust can lead to respiratory diseases, so we must be thorough.

Oh my.

Even though Iril protested, Shullifen remained stubborn. It had become a routine to see him cleaning while wearing a hooded cloak.

Hes grown so much.

Shullifen, who had initially appeared young and immature, now seemed like a respectable young man. He had grown taller, and his arms, visible as he rolled up his sleeves, showed prominent veins. Watching him intently, Iril applauded.

Thats right. Sir Shullifen, werent you the same age as Ronan? Wasnt it next year that you were supposed to graduate from the academy?

Yes, thats correct. Why do you ask?

Ehehe, just curious. Ill be preparing lunch soon, so lets eat together!

With those words, Iril headed downstairs. With lively steps, she suddenly changed direction at the kitchen entrance and entered her room.

Her room, decorated to match her kind and fresh image, had never hosted any guests, including Ronan, until now. Slowly approaching her bed, she knelt down and reached under it. She slowly approached the bed and lay down on the floor, reaching her arm under the bed.


It wasnt easy. Pushing her arm as far as it would go, something finally came into her handa small box just big enough to fit in her palm.

Phew, shouldve put this somewhere else.

Iril brushed off the dust on the surface and opened the box. Inside lay a contraption resembling a compassa Blood Needle, a device that points to the direction of a person whose blood its been imbued with.

A red needle was fixed towards a specific direction. Gazing at the Blood Needle silently, Iril murmured.

Theres not much time left.

She closed the box again and pushed it deep under the bed, where her hand couldnt reach.

As if gathering her resolve, she patted her own face and got up. Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard from the hallway.

Sis, Im here. And Sunbe too.

Oh, Ronan!

Irils face lit up. Rushing out of the room, she pulled Ronan, who was standing in the doorway, into a tight embrace. It had been almost two months since they last met. Adeshan, standing behind him, greeted shyly.

Oh, hello, Miss Iril.

Adeshan, its been a while too! Why are you hiding your face?

Well, um, I just got back, so Im a bit messy. I havent had a proper wash yet

Her words were true. After a long journey, both of them looked rather disheveled and sheepish. However, Iril didnt mind at all.

Oh, that doesnt matter! Ive missed you all so much!

Me too.

Ronan replied briefly. She raised her gaze and smiled brightly.

Her brother. Her one and only younger brother.



[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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This is it. Your cooking is still the best, after all, Sis.

Hehe, Im glad. Eat a lot.

Phew, then one more bowl.

Ronan scooped more potato stew into his bowl. This was already his fourth serving.

It was fascinating how addictive the stew was, despite its simple ingredients. Pointing at Shullifen sitting opposite him, he said.

Thats right. That weasel didnt do anything weird, did he?

Weird? What do you mean?

You know, like suddenly asking if he can use the bathroom while you were inside or asking for help with exercises while half-naked


Schlieffen gasped, sounding like a sigh. Fortunately, since he wasnt eating, it ended with just a bit of spitting. He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and clicked his tongue.

So vulgar. Such absurd speculations.

Well, thats good. Im just saying you should stick to the proper procedures rather than resorting to underhanded tactics.

As soon as Ronan and Adeshan returned to the Empire, they headed straight home. Luckily, it was lunchtime, so they could eat together.

The long table accommodated the four of them facing each other. With her upper body stretched out, Iril gently stroked Adeshans head.

Eat plenty, Adeshan. Youre not messy at all, so dont worry about it!

Th-Thank you. Ill enjoy it.

Adeshan nodded quickly. Despite knowing that she and Ronan were brother and sister, she couldnt help but feel intimidated standing in front of Iril.

Even if one were to search the Empire, rather even the entire continent, it would be impossible to find someone as beautiful as her. Iril, who was staring intently at Adeshans face, spoke up.

Isnt that actually more charming than messy? Hehe, did you get a boyfriend or something?

W-well um

Adeshan stuttered, unsure if she should tell the truth. What if she reacted angrily, accusing her of daring to touch her little brother? Or worse, what if she suddenly started crying? She was his sister, who raised him with so much affection like her own child

Of course, considering Irils personality, it didnt seem likely, but the fear was unavoidable. It was amidst her evident confusion that Ronan, who had been quietly eating stew, spoke up.

That could be the case. Since were dating.



There was no hint of hesitation in his calm tone. Adeshan tried to protest urgently, but it was too latethe cat was already out of the bag.

A moment of silence fell over the dining table. Thud! Suddenly, a spoon fell from Shullifens hand as if on cue. Iril, extending herself further, grabbed her face with both hands.

Wh-What! Seriously?!

Y-Yes Thats how it is.

Adeshan nodded like a woodpecker. She looked even more beautiful up close. Alternating between Ronan and her, Iril let out an exclamation.

Waah! Oh my goodness, thats really great. You two look perfect together!

I think so too.

Since when did you decide to date? Who confessed first? Did you hold hands? Or, did you already kiss?!

A barrage of questions poured out like a waterfall. Adeshan stuttered as she tried to answer each question, while Irils legs fluttered as if swimming.

How delightful.

Watching the two, Ronan chuckled softly. He had missed this atmosphere so much. The past two months spent tangled with snow, polar lights, and sweet-smelling furries, were enjoyable in their own way. But they couldnt compare to the serene atmosphere he was experiencing now.

As the pot emptied, Ronan suddenly spoke up.

Sis, theres something I want to ask.

Huh? What is it?

You said you have no memories of father, right?


Irils face momentarily stiffened before relaxing. She nodded her head as if wading through muddy waters.

Thats right. He left when I was very young. Why do you ask?

Just curious, I guess.

Ronan shook his head. He had hoped to gather information about the Savior or Abel, but it seemed like wishful thinking. He had witnessed firsthand that she, too, was affected by the curse in the Mental Realm.

Just be careful. Especially if someone who resembles you insists that theyre father or our relatives. Never open the door for them, okay?

Uhh? Okay, got it. But Im not sure what you mean

Iril blinked as if she didnt understand the language. Ronan emphasized the need for vigilance in a tone reminiscent of scolding a child. Now, with Nebula Clazier looming closer than ever, it was the most dangerous time.

A wounded tiger is the most fearsome.

They had put a lot of effort into security, but it was still a possibility. If they found out about his home or his sisters existence and attempted a kidnapping, it would be trouble.

Im just saying to be careful. Oh, I brought you a gift from the North.

Oh, a gift?!

Having finished their serious conversation, Ronan shifted the topic to the gift. Ultimately, he had to focus more. Soon after finishing their meal, Ronan and Adeshan left the house.

I ate well. Ill drop off Sunbaes luggage at the dorm and be back.

Yeah, take your time! Adeshan, come back again!

Iril waved happily as she bid them farewell. As soon as the front door opened, several figures scattered swiftly from the corner of their vision. Ronan, gazing ahead, spoke up.

How many are there?

Twenty-three. There are seven more a bit further away.

Adeshan replied. Her amazing detection ability never ceased to amaze. Ronan smirked, raising one corner of his mouth.

Good. Hes keeping his promise well.

They were the home guards whom he had asked the Emperor for as a reward for his previous service. He had expected maybe six at most, but thirty? And judging by their movements, they seemed to be quite skilled.

How many days until school starts?

Two. This vacation was spent mostly in the North.

Yea, I know. Hmm What should we do?

Ronan sighed as he pondered something. Although the long journey had just ended, there was no time to rest. Adeshan cocked her head curiously.

Whats the matter?

Oh, its nothing. Im just thinking about who to go with. Since Subae is the Student Council President and in the graduating class, she needs to focus on the academy.


The next destination was practically decided. However, it was a tough place to go, so Ronan struggled with the timing and the companion he would go with.

Ronans worries persisted until he dropped Adeshan off at the dormitory. After confirming there was no one around, he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Even after returning home, his mind was consumed with these thoughts, keeping him from sleeping until the wee hours of the morning.

Upon waking up, he dedicated his time to organizing the information collected from the northern regions. While sending the data in its entirety would have been much easier, he felt more at ease organizing it himself and reporting directly, considering the potential interference from both the Royal Palace and the sect. Handing the seventh report to Cita, Ronan spoke.

Here it is. Please.


Cita flew out the window. With this method, he usually received a response within three hours. Come to think of it, he had to stop by the Royal Palace at least once.

Anyway, with his busy life, two days passed in the blink of an eye. At the opening ceremony held at the main square, many familiar faces gathered. Spotting Marya, who was with Aselle, Ronan waved as she waved back.

Ronan! When did you get back?

Ma-Marya. Haha, Im out of breath

Fortunately, the two had also returned safely. For some reason, they seemed much closer than before. Ophelia, Braum, and Elizabeth also seemed more mature as they kept their positions. And of course, there was Shullifen.

Where the hell did this kid go?

But Ronan was looking for someone else. After wandering around the school campus for a while, he finally found the blond boy in the club training ground.

As he opened the door, a gust of hot wind mixed with ashes rushed in. Seeing all the training dummies engulfed in flames, it seemed like he was fully committed to training from the first day of school. Ronan called out to him.

Hey, Iru.

Who dares to disturb me like this Ronan?

Intargand turned his head. His handsome face, befitting of the bloodline of Navardose, was sweaty and flushed. When his eyes met Ronans, he grinned triumphantly.

Its been a while. Did you come here to train too? If you want, we can spar

Spar sounds good. If you want, I could beat you so badly that youd soil your pants. But before that, let me ask you something.

What is it?

Intargand raised an eyebrow. Brushing off the ash from his clothes, Ronan spoke up.

Tell me how to get to the City of Dragons, Adren. Preferably in a way that ensures we arrive alive.


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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