A Step into the Past

Volume 15 3

Book 15 Chapter 03 – A Happy Turn Of Events

Just before noon, the hunting groups are making their way back to the camps and the atmosphere has become much livelier.

The palace guards and the cavalry army, taking charge of the internal and external security respectively, are quietly moving into their positions to counter the imminent rebellion.

On the whole, everything looks just the same. They will not make any large manpower deployments so as not to raise the alarm and alert Lord Gaoling’s men.

Jing Jun has become Xiao Pan’s chief intelligence officer. With a group of Wu Family Elite Warriors, they have formed an intelligence network spying on Lord Gaoling and Lu Buwei’s activities.

There are no intelligence reports yet as Lord Gaoling will not dare to act before the night hunt has begun. Moreover, it will be ridiculous if he tried to set the camp on fire in broad daylight.

At lunchtime, the camp is reasonably peaceful.

The night hunters have retired back to their tents to get some rest so as to be in tip top condition later.

Time passed slowly.

When the horn is being sounded, the hunting groups start to gather at the main assembly ground. Finally, the air is filled with excitement again.

Xiao Pan, Zhu Ji and the high ranking officials are watching the hunting groups from an inspection platform. As the hunters begin to set off for the hunt, those who knew about the rebellion are feeling more and more stressful.

Ying Ying and her female warriors have left to join the night hunt as well.

The sun gradually descended behind the western mountains.

The campsite torches are being lighted up and there is smoke in all directions. Within the defending gates, it is bustling with activities as the palace guards are setting up the place for the dinner banquet.

Prince Dan and his men have abruptly left for Xianyang City. Although this is something Lu Buwei did not expect, his suspicions were not raised. After all, they were ridiculed at the banquet last night and probably do not want to embarrass themselves again.

In the semi-darkness, the action has secretly begun.

The first column to move is the Cavalry Army led by Huan Qi. Half of them quietly swam across the Jing River and took up strategic positions on both sides of the river. No one is allowed to leave their position to prevent any leakage of information.

Within the campsite, the palace guards have silently increased their defences at the Royal Tents.

Jing Jun’s intelligence unit has finally come to life. Everything that is happening inside and outside the camp cannot escape their detection. These men have undergone strict and rigorous intelligence gathering training taught personally by Xiang Shaolong. To them, this is a task that they have been well-prepared for.

Before they entered the banquet area, Xiang Shaolong and Lu Gong stood on a slope outside the wooden gates. They were in great spirits as they enjoy the wind blowing against their skin and looking at the vast landscape before their eyes.

Lu Gong sighed: “After Bai Qi, we lack a capable general who can lead our army to countless victories. Now that we have Shaolong, I can finally rest easy.” Xiang Shaolong humbly asked: “Lu Gong has been praising me non-stop. Since I came to Qin, I have yet to fight a single battle. What makes you think I will be a capable general?”

Lu Gong laughed: “You can judge a man accurately from small details. When Bai Qi first came about, he took care of every big and small detail just you. Everyone was full of admiration and his men fought hard under his leadership. Shaolong may not have fought a proper war yet but you have everyone submitting to you and willing to lay down their lives for you. This is a basic requirement for every capable general.”

Pausing for a while, he added: “The first step to becoming a great general is soldier management. From your carefree appearance, I can tell that you are well-versed in soldiering. If laws are not enforced, there will be disorder; If training is insufficient, soldiers cannot fight; If you are carefree because you are well-prepared, you can fight ten thousand battles and win every one of them. So from Shaolong’s carefree and well-prepared outlook, I was reminded of Bai Qi in the good old days.”

Xiang Shaolong was astounded. Lu Gong’s words do make incredible sense. When he was fighting against Zhao Mu in Handan City, he has Teng Yi and Jing Jun to help him, the elite warriors are well-trained and he has Pu Bu and Liu Chao as spies. When everything is properly planned, he was indeed relaxed and carefree. However, at that point in time, he did not realise that it is a sign of good soldiering!

In Sun Zi’s Art of War, this is known as ‘proper delegation of appropriate work to the appropriate person.’

Lu Gong became more enthusiastic and continued: “A born genius is only good enough to last one generation. There is no lack of talent; only lack of people who can recognize talent. There is no lack of people who can recognize talent, only lack of people who can use talented men effectively. I noticed that Shaolong has recommended Li Si, Huan Qi and Wang Jian to the Crown Prince and know that Shaolong’s foresight is second to none. In the area, I am afraid even Bai Qi is not your match.”

Xiang Shaolong was feeling guilty at this undeserved praise.

They were interrupted by a palace guard who came to invite them inside the defending gates for the banquet. Thus, their conversation came to an end.

The sun has finally disappeared behind the western mountain.

Mo Ao is about to die.

As per normal, the banquet is extremely lively. As expected, Lord Gaoling has given an excuse to skip the banquet.

Ji Yanran and all the ladies are here, sharing a table with Qin Qing. They came here with the intention to watch a good show. After all, the safest place is here within the defending gates.

All the high ranking officials, including Xiao Pan are all dressed in their hunting outfits. This is the last banquet and according to the Qin customs, the banquet will last throughout the night while waiting for the night hunters to come back by dawn tomorrow.

Jing Jun, Huan Qi and Lord Changwen have their duties to attend to and were absent from the banquet.

Xiao Pan is very energetic and his two eyes are shining brightly, showing his excited mood.

Lu Buwei is in his usual great spirits and frequently toasted and chatted with Zhu Ji.

Mo Ao surprisingly showed up for the banquet and is seated at the back with Lu Chan and Zhou Zihen. It may be due to his desire to see Xiang Shaolong dying before his own eyes or that he need not conceal himself any further.

Seated between Lu Buwei and Guan Zhongxie, Lu Niang Rong kept her head lowered throughout the banquet and did not even take a single look at Xiang Shaolong.

After a group of palace guards performed an exciting sword dance and the air is filled with enthusiastic clapping, one of Jing Jun’s fellow villagers Jing Shan came up to Xiang Shaolong’s back and reported in a low voice: “Lord Gaoling’s men are beginning to spray oil on the tents behind the defending gates. Master Jun has intentionally sent some men to patrol the area so only a limited area is affected.”

Xiang Shaolong whispered back: “What about Lu Buwei’s men?”

Jing Shan replied: “There are three hundred family warriors from Lu Buwei’s side who have left the camp and dived into the Jing River. Master Jun is sure that they will begin to kill Lu Buwei’s enemies when the water attack has broken up the bridges and everyone is in a state of panic.”

When Jing Shan left, Xiang Shaolong remarked to Lord Changping beside him: “Bro! It is time!”

Lord Changping exchanged a thrilled look with him and quietly left his seat. On the other side, Li Si moved closer to Xiang Shaolong and whispered: “From Lu Buwei’s expression, he must be feeling puzzled because you have yet to show any signs of poisoning. Hei! This is interesting!”

Pausing, he added: “There is something I still do not understand. Lu Buwei knowingly allowed Lord Gaoling to run amok. Isn’t he afraid that he may be killed by Lord Gaoling among the confusion?”

Xiang Shaolong observed that Zhou Zihen and Lu Chan have left their seats. He smiled: “Firstly, there must be Lu Buwei’s spies among Lord Gaoling’s men so Lu Buwei already has a clear idea of Lord Gaoling’s ambush plans. Although Lu Buwei only has an escort of about one hundred men, he has another batch of men who will slip in during the confusion. When I die of poisoning, Guan Zhongxie will take over my Cavalry Army. All Lu Buwei need to do is to stand beside the Empress and the Crown Prince. With Mo Ao giving him advice on the spot, everyone will have to listen to his commands.”

He sighed: “He must take some risks to gain the benefits.”

Li Si cannot hold back his laughter: “This is so complicated and I have never thought of that. Hei! Look at the Crown Prince’s alert expression. Last night, he only slept for several hours and today is such a busy day. Despite all that, he is still looking fresh and vigilant. The late King is much weaker compared to him.”

Xiang Shaolong agreed. The most successful people are always the most energetic people. Otherwise, they cannot handle the multi-tasking and associated stress. Xiao Pan is Qin Shi Huang and his energy level is surely higher than ordinary people.

At this moment, Guan Zhongxie left his seat and took a detour to Lao Ai’s table, engaging him in a conversation.

Xiang Shaolong nearly wanted to send someone to eavesdrop on them but suppressed this desire. He wondered if Lao Ai’s name is on Lu Buwei’s assassination list?

Jing Shan came again to report: “From the light signals, Lord Gaoling’s men hiding upriver have pushed giant logs and rafts into the water. When the camp catches fire, they will lead a coordinated attack. Zhou Zihen and Lu Chan have left the campsite. One of them is heading towards the Jing River while the other one is likely to be liaising with another group of Lu Buwei’s family warriors. Master Jun has instructed Pu Bu to trail him. If they tried to do anything funny, they will be killed without question.”

After Jing Shan departed, Xiang Shaolong leaned towards Li Si and informed “It is time. Official Li must alert the Crown Prince now. I will go and have some fun with Lu Buwei.”

The two men left to carry out their tasks. After finishing his deployment, Lord Changping came back and ran into Xiang Shaolong. He updated: “All the members of the royal family have been transported to a safe place and everything is going as planned. Now, I will protect Empress and Crown Prince. Shaolong must be careful.”

Both men exchanged a smile and went on their separate ways.

Xiang Shaolong took a detour and came to Lao Ai’s and Guan Zhongxie’s side, smiling: “What are the two of you talking about? Both of you looked so happy.”

In actual fact, both men are speaking with a serious expression on their faces and there was no sign of happiness. Hearing his inverse description, they know that Xiang Shaolong has a hidden meaning in his words.

Guan Zhongxie smiled awkwardly: “Without Official Xiang, our conversation is indeed boring. Come! Let’s have a drink or two!”

Their table is three tables away from Lu Buwei’s table. But as Xiang Shaolong, Guan Zhongxie and Lao Ai were all well-built men; they managed to distract a surprised Lu Buwei who is speaking with Zhu Ji.

Xiang Shaolong raised his head and looked at the crescent moon high up in the sky. He shook his head: “The sky is dark tonight which makes it favourable for a sneak attack. I am in charge of security and I should not drink. Official Guan, please forgive me!”

Despite Guan Zhongxie’s iron nerves, his face changed colour slightly.

An ignorant Lao Ai smiled: “With Xiang Shaolong here, any attackers will suffer a huge defeat.”

Xiang Shaolong decided to use this opportunity to erode more of Guan Zhongxie’s confidence. He deliberately commented: “There are many strange occurrences in this world that can happen unexpectedly. One cannot change the will of Fate. Does Official Guan agree with what I said?”

Guan Zhongxie is feeling really uneasy. When his face lost even more colour, Xiang Shaolong left with a smile on his face.

Xiang Shaolong walked towards Lu Buwei and Mo Ao.

His mind is filled with endless thought and countless emotions.

Since the tragic death of Princess Qian and the four maids, he has always been suffering at Lu Buwei’s hands. All the anger and pain is hidden deep in his heart and he has suffered greatly.

When Wu Tingwei is executed due to Lu Buwei’s bribery and his beloved King Zhuangxiang died from Lu Buwei’s poisoning, his biggest wish is to insert a knife into Lu Buwei’s body.

But since he knew that Lu Buwei will live for a few more years, his passionate wish has transformed into a deep pain.

Although he managed to remove Lu Xiong from his official post, it only vented a small part of his frustration. He did not feel a great sense of satisfaction yet.

But today will be different. Because Mo Ao is going to die.

Without Mo Ao, Lu Buwei may not use such a devious scheme to harm him. Since there is no way to be sure, Mo Ao is still considered as the main reason for his pain.

After tonight, he will not give Lu Buwei any face.

Only when he brings out his full potential can he last until the day when Xiao Pan is coroneted.

Before Mo Ao dies, he must make fun of Lu Buwei and Mo Ao as a way of venting his frustration.

With this thought, he went to Mo Ao’s table.

Sitting in front of him, Lu Buwei and Lu Niang Rong turned around in astonishment. Lu Buwei smiled: “Shaolong is coming to drink with me?”

Zhu Ji turned her attention to Xiang Shaolong and was baffled at his solemn expression.

Guan Zhongxie followed Xiang Shaolong to Mo Ao’s table. Observing that he is coldly staring at Mo Ao, his face lost more colour.

The lively banquet is still carrying on with wine drinking contests, chatting and joking. Lu Gong, Xu Xian and Wang He have received their secret signal and slipped away one by one.

Xiao Pan is behaving normally and is having a conversation with Zhu Ji. However, their eyes are focused on Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong scanned Lu Buwei and Lu Niang Rong before the corner of his mouth curled up in a smile: “I am here to present my thanks to Mister Mo.”

Even with Mo Ao’s intelligence, he has no idea what Xiang Shaolong is talking about. Nonetheless, he was taken aback and stood up in surprise, asking: “Why is Official Xiang thanking me?”

The banquets of Qin are casual and informal. There are many people who are standing and challenging each other’s wine capacity. Although the three men are standing and talking, it did not attract any attention. Moreover, they are standing at one of the rear tables.

Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan have stopped speaking and are listening intently to their conversation.

Lu Buwei also felt that something is amiss. He stood up with a wine cup and came in between them, inquiring: “What does Shaolong want to thank Mister Mo for? I am also interested to find out!”

Xiang Shaolong took a glance at Guan Zhongxie who has a suspicious look on his face before officially stating: “First, I want to thank Mister Mo for getting Drunken Wind Brothel owner Mister Wu Fu to give me Flying Dragon. In the future, I will use it to kill my enemies on the battlefield to express my gratitude.”


Lu Buwei’s hand trembled and his wine cup fell down to the ground, shattering into pieces.

The three men’s countenance changed instantly.

Xiang Shaolong looked at the broken pieces of the wine cup and broke out into laughter: “On the ground, a flower blooms. Wealth and riches to follow. That’s a good sign. I pray that Premier Mentor will live to a hundred years and enjoy great health.”

With these words, the three men buckled. Even Zhu Ji’s expression changed drastically as she can sense that something is very wrong.

Mo Ao suspiciously questioned: “How am I related to Brothel Owner Wu Fu who gave Official Xiang the precious spear?”

Lu Buwei’s face darkened. When Xiang Shaolong wished him to live to a hundred years, he is obviously stating the reverse. Thinking that Xiang Shaolong will soon die of poisoning, he will not clash with him in front of Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan.

Cai Ze, Wang Wan and a few other guests from the neighbouring tables are starting to notice their exchange. All of them have stopped their activities and are looking in their direction.

Xiao Pan is certain that Xiang Shaolong is creating an opportunity for him. He excused himself and left.

Lu Buwei and the others knew that Xiao Pan is leaving but as Xiang Shaolong has their full attention with his shocking statements, they could not be bothered about other matters.

A cold murderous look flashed past Xiang Shaolong’s eyes. He stared at Mo Ao and interrogated: “The wisest man will slip one day. I only mentioned that I was given Flying Dragon but did not say what it is. How did Mister Mo know that it is a precious spear?”

When Mo Ao is speechless after realising his mistake, Guan Zhongxie enquired in a deep voice: “What is the second thing that Official Xiang wants to thank Mister Mo for?”

Xiang Shaolong faced the sky and laughed: “Of course it is for Miss Guiyan’s kiss. Mister Mo has kissed her many times and should know better than me.”

The three men lost control and the faces were drained of colour.

Mo Ao is truly a genius. Clutching his throat, he coughed: “You...”

Xiang Shaolong continued looking at the sky and sighed: “It is almost time. Mister Mo’s calculations are infallible. You should know the exact time of your death.”

His eyes shining icily, he indicated to Mo Ao and state one word slowly after another: “When you count others, don’t forget to count yourself. Does Mister Mo understand the meaning of these words?”

Lu Buwei coldly snorted: “Shaolong!”

Xiang Shaolong coldly faced him and shot back in a deep voice: “Where are Zhou Zihen and Lu Chan? It is very chaotic outside. I hope they don’t get killed in the confusion.”

Lu Buwei’s face darkened even further and roared: “Commander Xiang, what do you mean by these words?”


The colour on Mo Ao’s face is changing rapidly. With his two hands clutching his throat, he kept coughing but cannot say a single word. His eyes were filled with dread.

Petrified, Guan Zhongxie rushed forward and supported him, asking: “What is going on?”

Mo Ao shivered for a while and large beads of perspiration is flowing down from his forehead. In the corner of his mouth, blood is seen trickling out. It was a hideous scene.

Xiang Shaolong threatened Guan Zhongxie: “Official Guan had better stay right here. Otherwise, do not blame me when I punished you for AWOL.”

He faced Lu Buwei and plainly smiled: “This sky is dark tonight. Premier Mentor must be careful when he crosses the bridge.”

When Mo Ao collapsed into Guan Zhongxie’s arms, Xiang Shaolong has already left a long time ago.

Torches and war cries can be detected simultaneously from the direction of the river. The first rebellion since Xiao Pan took over Qin has finally begun.

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