A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 450 - Please Accept My Promise...

Chapter 450 - Please Accept My Promise...

Anna's POV:

Mona: Anna, we are so sorry; we don't mean to hurt you, actually; I didn't accept to Rubeus uncle's proposal and when he said about the drama I am in a total dilemma and I didn't agree with him because I know how much pain you and Mark will take if Rubeus uncle's health condition deteriorating...

Rubeus uncle: Yes dear, I forced Mona to say the false statement about my health condition to you and Mark that's the reason she informed to both of you that I want to see you immediately and I also requested her to say that I am not feeling well in the phone call...

She didn't accept it but on the next day she came to me and said, "I will join with you uncle, let's begin the drama and in just a few days they should accept for their wedding, At first we planned for a wedding in a week but I spell out 2 to 3 days and luckily you and Mark accepted to it..."

(I immediately looked at Mona because I want to know why she changed her decision all of a sudden and joined Rubeus uncle's drama...)

Anna: Tell me what is the reason behind your sudden acceptance to Rubeus uncle's plan, Mona?

Mona: I am really worried when you left us and went to the orphanage, Anna, I know you did it for Mark's safety but I also know how much pain Mark takes when he didn't find you and I know how much pain you take to take that decision. He can't live without you, Anna and you can't live without him and once both of you get married, neither you nor Mark will take those kinds of decisions and sort out all the issues like a good couple, that's the reason I joined with Rubeus uncle plan...

But remember one thing we both did this just because both you and Mark will live happily forever, I hope you understand what I mean...

(I nodded my head as okay and yes, because of my stupid decision Mona takes this decision if not she don't allow Rubeus uncle for such an act and Rubeus uncle take this decision to get rid of Mark's lonely life.)

Mona: Please don't say anything to Mark, Anna...

Rubeus uncle: Yes dear, if he knows about the drama, he will be mad at me and he doesn't talk to me again...

Mona: Yes Anna, he doesn't talk to me too and I should learn Strawberry magic trick from Rubeus uncle to make him calm down...

Rubeus uncle: Yeah, but Mark will give an excuse only once, if the mistake repeat again he will show the hell...

Mona: Then I am lucky uncle...

Rubeus uncle: How?

Mona: Till now I didn't lose my first chance so he will definitely excuse me and I am sure you should pack your bags once he knows about our drama because you lose your first chance. So before Mark shows the hell better you leave him again...

(Mona teased Rubeus uncle but I want to confirm to them that I will keep the secret of their drama.)

Anna: no no no...

Please don't go to anywhere uncle, I don't let Mark know anything about your drama...

Mona: So Anna, welcome to the partner in crime...

(I smile the moment I listened to Mona, Mona immediately kissed me on my forehead and tapped on my back. But as Rubeus uncle said Mark doesn't allow the second mistake I feel scared a bit because I already lost my chance by going to the orphanage and luckily he excused me from my mistake but after our wedding, I want to reveal about my education loan. I hope he should understand about it too.

Meanwhile, Rubeus uncle opened the cover I bought and smell the food...)

Rubeus uncle: hmmmmmmm...

What did my baby girl bring for me?

Seems like delicious food, am I right, Anna?

Anna: Yes, uncle, I bring cheese egg rolls; I hope you like it...

(Uncle immediately patted on my head very caressingly and take the egg roll and tasted it.

Rubeus uncle: It's delicious, my dear...

I love egg rolls and these are according to my taste...

Mona: Anna, don't you bring anything for me?

(Mona asked me with her pout face.)

Anna: I bought an egg roll for you too, Mona…

(I said and take another roll and handover to Mona she immediately tasted it and looked at me with her smiling face.)

Mona: Anna, it's soo delicious...Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #..._51881324646031318 for visiting.

Did you cook it?

(I nodded my head as yes and looked at her with my smiling face.)

Mona: How sweet...


I will tease Mark...

(By finishing her words, she takes her phone to call Mark.)

Anna: He is still in the meeting, Mona...

Mona: Meeting?

Anna: Yeah, yesterday's meeting was adjourned to today, so he said he will come by afternoon...

Mona: Hoo, did you stay alone all the night?

You should have called me for the company…

Anna: Yeah, but I feel I don't want to disturb you and Tom…

Mona: So just because of Tom you didn't reach me?

Am I right?

(Mona asked me with a serious note.)

Anna: Mona, Last night Mark came to me and we both sleep together, and he again went in this morning…

(Mona's anger immediately cools down and smiled by looking at my blushed face…)

Mona: See uncle, How both of them are missing to each other and they can't stay apart for at least one night so our drama is worth it…

And Yes, it's time to ring the wedding bells…

Anna: Stop teasing me, Mona…

Mona: ok, pk…

I will tease him once we meet and I am sure he will die with jealously because I eat the egg roll which is made by you...

Rubeus uncle: No Mona, Anna will definitely cook again for him and after the wedding, she doesn't support you if you tease Mark...

Anna: Uncle…

You too started teasing me?

Mona: Yes uncle, and from tomorrow after the wedding, she cooks regularly for Mark and Mark enjoys in eating her...

Anna: eating me..?

(Both Mona and Rubeus uncle laughed at me, Mona patted on my head and looked at my face.)

Mona: you will get to know about it after your marriage, Anna...

(I looked at Mona with my blushed face because I understand she said something relating to the lewd thing...)

Mona: Okay Anna, okay uncle, I will go to check my patients...


Anna: Bye Mona...

(Mona left the room and now Rubeus uncle and I stayed in the room, and I feel relieved because Rubeus uncle's health condition is perfect. So, I can ask him all my doubts openly.)

Rubeus uncle: What are you thinking, dear?

Anna: Nothing uncle, I just want to know about...

(Can I ask or I should wait for Mark's presence?



Mark doesn't know that Rubeus uncle's health condition is fine and he may get doubt about their drama too so it's better if I ask Rubeus uncle without Mark's presence.)

Rubeus uncle: What you want to know, dear?

You can ask me openly, I will say if I know about it?

Anna: Promise?

(He immediately narrowed his eyes and looked at me. I understand he got the doubt that I may ask the secrets he is hiding till now.)

Anna: uncle, do you remember you take a promise from me about your last wish and I accepted it without hesitation so it's payback, uncle, Please accept my promise and tell me whatever I ask you...

(He smiled by looking at me and immediately accepted my promise by placing his palm on my palm.)

Rubeus uncle: you are very good at dealing with people, Anna and, you are so smart and you make everyone to fall into your innocent trap...

Anna: it's not a trap uncle, I just wanted to know some unanswered questions which can only answer by you and I guess it may help to solve Ria's case mystery too...


Rubeus uncle: Ria's case mystery?


Rubeus uncle doesn't know anything about Ria's case. I should cover the situation and after he answered all my questions, I will think about whether I should say the fact to him or not.)

Rubeus uncle: What happened to Ria?

Please tell me, Anna…

(He asked me with his anxious tone.)

Anna: We all know that Ria dead because of suicide, but we don't know the reason behind her suicide decision. So I think your answers may give clue to find the solution regarding Ria's case. So please tell me, everything uncle...

Rubeus uncle: Sure dear, ask me what you want to know?

Anna: The first thing I want to know is why you left Mark abruptly?

(Rubeus uncle stays quiet and involved in his own thoughts.)

Rubeus uncle: that's in no way related to Ria's case dear...

Anna: Uncle, please...

If we discuss everything we can find any clue regarding to Ria's case and there must be a strong reason behind you left him and it may definitely help uncle...

So, please trust me, uncle. I never share your secrets with anyone, but once you open up with me, we may find at least a small clue to solve Ria's case...

So, please...

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