A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 413 - I Have Tonnes Of Honesty...

Chapter 413 - I Have Tonnes Of Honesty...

Mark's Pov:


A new person entered into my life, and I don't know how our relationship will go further, I hope he should choose the right path by choosing our side, if he really an honest person he will definitely into my family with all the faithful persons like Mona, Tom, Anna, and I no need to explain separately about them because he might know by now how we will give value to the faithful persons because he already followed us and he might have some idea about our friendship family. If he really a faithful person, we will welcome him into our friendship gang and never treat him like a servant or an assistant and I am sure he never feel lonely…

I know how he feels when he didn't have a family to share his happiness or sadness and the family is a center of our life and it is the key for our eternal happiness. Even though he pretends he is happy by stating a free bird, I can understand how it feels a lonely life because I faced it in my life. Hope he should understand the value of a family and join in our gang by winning the trust of all of us and should not get attracted to the bribe offered by our enemy to spy on us.

Let's see…

And so far we discussed till now, I am very much impressed when he said about the coffee incident; I know he attracted to Genie and to impress her he might not ask "What is that" by pointing the tray and he may directly allow her into my room without asking what she is carrying in a tray, but he asked to inspect because it's his duty to do and he didn't even consider to attract Genie and as a result he got burnt on his skin for the rage and short temper of Genie...

Whatever, he is hyper now because Genie asked him "how are you" just because of the burnt on his abbs. Hope Genie should accept him for his genuine love. Let's see how their story will end...

Actually, I should have told to Genie that he is my bodyguard for a few days but Genie knows I am not fond of bodyguard and if I suddenly appointed a bodyguard, she might think something serious thing happened and not only Genie the enemy who is behind all the attacks might get alerted if I appointed a bodyguard and plan the attacks according to that so I don't want anyone to know that Daniel is my bodyguard. Instead, I will introduce to everyone that he is one of my old friend and came to visit me to console about Ria's tragedy.

So it's better I should convince him before he said to anyone that he appointed as a bodyguard to me…

Mark: Okay, now listen to my point and keep it in mind.

Danial: Sure boss…

Mark: Don't let anyone know that you are my bodyguard, Okay?

Danial: Sure, boss, and I know it's a bit complicated issue for you and everyone might think why are you suddenly appointed a bodyguard…

Mark: Yeah, so stay quiet…

Danieal: But, boss, tell me what should I answer to them if they asked what is the relationship between you and me because it is better if we fix it in prior…

Mark: Yeah, tell them we are friends and you came to console me about Ria's tragedy…

Danieal: Friends?

Are you sure boss?

(He asked with his excited tone.)

Mark: Why not?

Danial: I didn't find any faithful friend till now, boss, and you know one thing, I thought I should be rich to get a faithful and honest friend but you proved me that I am wrong and I wonder a lot that you are accepting me as your friend because you are the faithful friend I have seen so far…

Mark: How can you say that I am a faithful friend?

Daniel: Boss, you are underestimating my intelligence, I spy on you and your friend's gang to guard you secretly when Rubeus sir appointed me to do so, and I know how you take care of your friends, so I am glad that you accepted me as your friend…

Mark: Very funny..!!!

I didn't say you are my friend, instead I cautioned you to be my friend if anybody asked you how we are related. Do you understand?

(After listening to my statement Daniel's face tuned to dull but I should stay strong until I purely trust him as my friend, it may take time to prove his honesty. Let's see…)

Daniel: So how can I earn your friendship?

Mark: When I trust you and feel you as my friend…

Daniel: How can I earn that, boss?

Mark: Through honesty…

Daniel: Whoahhh!!!

That's very simple boss. because I have tons of honesty and I will sacrifice my life to live honestly, So soon you accept me as your buddy…Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #..._51186139897325677 for visiting.

(I smile by listening to his excited, happy statement, and I know I acted a little rude by not accepting him as a friend because I don't want to take any further risks right now by trusting some anonymous person…

And yes, I agree he is very intelligent, and he observed me perfectly and understand accurately about my friendship value, he scans everything surrounded by him and me, if he didn't have a great talent, my uncle won't appoint him as my guard or a spy...

Suddenly I got a flash of my engagement party night event, Yes, Daniel attend the party and he might notice something about Rubeus uncle's incident, and with the information, he provided I might find a clue to find my enemy. So I just want to ask him about Rubeus uncle's incident on my engagement party. I hope he might notice something about it...

Mark: So you came to my engagement party, right?

Daniel: Yes boss, I saw my angel in your engagement party, and she looks soo beautiful and hot in her white short dress. I can still visualise her image.


He again started sidetracking the topic with Genie memories.)

Mark: Can you answer to my question?

(I asked in a serious tone.)

Daniel: Yes boss, I attended your engagement party with the help of Rubeus sir...

Mark: Did you notice any weird thing or suspect anyone at the party?

Daniel: No, sir, every guest is your formal guest and everyone is with the same fake expression, So it's hard to suspect one among all...

Mark: Fake expression?

Daniel: Yes, boss, their smile is not real and they are wishing to others with their fake smile. So it's tough to doubt one particular person. I don't know why these corporate friends always smile with their fake expression, maybe most of them are jealous by looking at your growth or status, or it must be a rule learned in their corporate school to fake laugh when they looked at their friend.

(I smile by listening to his explanation of fake smile, and I agree to him, even I sense their fake smile but I got habituated to it. Whatever, it's not the point I need so I asked another question,)

Mark: Okay, did you notice anything when Rubeus uncle got poisoned?

Daniel: A old lady gave the wine glass to Rubeus sir, and by that time Rubeus sir is busy in speaking to some old man and I observed that person is looking at Rubeus sir with a satisfied, smiling expression when he is drinking the wine offered by that old lady. Later Rubeus sir, lead into your group chat...

(I understand that old lady is Nanny, and that old man is Joseph uncle who is Genie's father, and I looked that exact scene in the CCTV footage and I also looked at the CCTV footage that Rubeus uncle meet Daniel in the middle and I guess he said or warned something to Daniel, So I tried to ask him what it is.)

Mark: Did my uncle say something to you at the party?

Daniel: Yes boss, he cautioned me to observe one particular person, and he also said there might be a threat from him either at the party or in the future and what shocked me is the threat happened after a few minutes of Rubeus sir caution and I didn't expect that they will attack Rubeus sir through poison.

(I am shocked after listening to him and I want to know who is that person where my uncle got a doubt. So I immediately asked him.)

Mark: Who is that, Daniel?

(Daniel stay quiet and didn't answer to me, I understand it might be the secret between him and Rubeus uncle. Whatever, I again tried to know who is he.)

Mark: Please, tell who is he…

(He still stays quiet.)

Mark: Daniel, please tell me who is he, if you shut your mouth it's very tough to sort out the case and we can't find who poisoned Rubeus uncle…

So please try to understand and tell me, who is he…

Daniel: Sorry, boss…

I should have shut my mouth, but out of curiosity, I spell out, please try to understand sir...

I can't tell you anything...

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