A Player Who Eats Metal

Chapter 70: Seoul, Demon, Saint

Chapter 70: Seoul, Demon, Saint

Translator: FenrirTL

Editor: Saphartlantis


< Chapter 70: Seoul, Demon, Saint 4 >


At the heart of Bukaksan Mountain's Grand Sanctuary was a circular space spanning an area of 19,410m.

Known as Saint Park,' the area was flourishing with all sorts of vegetation, not as a result of landscaping but due to the vitality naturally emanating from a holy relic'.

This was indeed the space in South Korea where sacred power was most densely concentrated.

And at the center, a giant white altar was prepared.

It was an installation-type object that significantly enhanced the effects of sacred magic.

Saint Emilia Mller was getting ready to cast Holy Field' upon this altar.

The annoying demeanor that had furrowed brows was now gone, and she stood quietly with her eyes closed.


"As long as we are here with the Barrier of Conviction', nothing can threaten her life.

The leader of the White Tree Guard, Peter Clarke, spoke with overflowing confidence.

It was not arrogance but a statement filled with conviction and foundation.

"Yes, I believe it without a doubt.

Next to him, Woo Sung-moon nodded, looking towards the white altar.

Excluding the leader Peter, 11 knights were now protecting the perimeter of the Saint.

12 knights of grade B and above, they were known as the High Guard,' the elite of the paladins.

Surely with that skill linked by the 12 paladins, even a nuclear bomb would not harm us."

The Barrier of Conviction' they were casting in a circular formation boasted absolute defensive power, capable of withstanding any attack, making the assassination of the Saint virtually impossible.

But Woo Sung-moon shook his head as if troubled by something.

"But Peter there will be no need for anything to reach your Barrier of Conviction anyway. Because this place we have provided does not allow for any external intrusion.

Now it was Woo Sung-moon who displayed his confidence.

It was unthinkable for anyone to attack this place. It was a natural judgment. The Saint's presence in this land was confidential, and the Grand Sanctuary on Bukaksan Mountain was a hidden location.

"And, we have installed an A-grade magic barrier and a total of 15 anomaly detection devices.

Of course, the internal defenses were impeccable.

Ha A place where not even a mouse can enter and a shield that nothing can penetrate"

Thus, the two leaders casually boasted their capabilities to each other.


Tsk, the pride of both will be slightly crushed today'

Lee Hyunwook clicked his tongue inwardly.

Though he was over a hundred meters away from those two people, he could hear their conversation.

This was thanks to Huginn' enhancing his sensesspecifically hearingby fiftyfold.

Well, it's an unavoidable problem'

It wasn't that their preparations were lacking or they were negligent.

The flaw lies within in the most trusted corner of all.'

Lee Hyunwook observed the 12 high-ranking holy knights through Huginn's vision.

Among them is a vile traitor, one of the future Four Horsemen,' a Death Knight.'

A villain who would become the vanguard of the legion of death commanded by a necromancer, trampling over the world He was none other than one of the High Guard,' concealing his dark heart beneath white armor.

Lee Hyunwook knew that leaving him alone would set off a massive explosion here.

But that did not mean he could preemptively defuse that time bomb.

Without any evidence, I cannot accuse him of being a traitor.'

Although the Saint trusted Lee Hyunwook and had entrusted him with the task of rooting out the culprit, rashly pushing forward could lead to failure, especially since everyone thought the state of the Saint was abnormal

That's why, to ensure a flawless rooting out process later, this incident must erupt first.'

Lee Hyunwook was planning to bide his time until then.

By the way, who exactly is this Lee Hyunwook?

At that moment, Peter mentioned Lee Hyunwook's name.

"To be able to use Huginn like that, how much mana does he have"

Well, I can't divulge the details, but he's one of the rising talents who will lead this country.

Then, through Huginn's view, he could see them side-eyeing Lee Hyunwook with full suspicion.

"I must say, I'm quite perplexed. How an F-grade player can gain such strength, to the point that there are even manipulation theories circulating among my subordinates.

"Yes, it's not unreasonable to think that but if you witness that man's achievements firsthand, you'll have no choice but to acknowledge them. Lee Hyunwook, this young blood has saved this land already twice over.

* * *

"In 5 minutes the casting of Holy Field will begin! Everyone, raise your swords and shields!"

A B-grade holy knight named Carlos Belfort shouted out.

He was the deputy commander of the White Tree Guard.

"WTG, we must never let our guard down! For the next 30 minutes, we will be on full alert!"

Following his booming cry, 12 High Guards, 30 holy knights, and 10 priests moved into action.

There were a staggering 52 holy players guarding this place. It was an unbelievable scene where dozens of holy knights, typically rare enough to have one in a party, were gathered in one place.

Once Carlos confirmed that every member was in their correct position, he looked at the commander, Peter Clarke.

"Peter! Everyone is in position and waiting for the next command."

At his words, Peter nodded and pulled a shield from behind his back.

Then, looking over the knights of the White Tree Guard, he slowly began to speak.

"From now on we cast the Barrier of Conviction'."

With the short command, the 12 High Guards surrounding the Saint gripped their shields and knelt on one knee.

Then, from the center of their shields, a white light began to blossom, intertwining into one


A congregation of white light formed a huge dome shape, enveloping the area.

[The Barrier of Conviction' has been formed by the combined holy power of the twelve high-ranking holy knights.]

-Caution! If you leave your point, the area will be nullified' and cannot be restored.

"We will not move for the next 30 minutes, no matter what!"

The Barrier of Conviction was a top-tier defensive skill that could only be cast by the linkage of 12 B-grade or above holy knights. However, to maintain the skill, they absolutely could not leave their designated positionpoint.

In essence, all of the High Guards, the elite of the holy knights, were virtually rendered unable to fight,

But it was a skill worth the trade-off as it provided the most secure protection for the Saint.

"Peter, if I suddenly need to go to the bathroom, you'd cover for me as commander, right?"

Carlos looked at Peter and said in a teasing manner.

"Carlos, I wish you would keep the gravity of such an important moment."

The two men looked at each other and cracked a smile.

They were comrades who had fought side by side for a whole seven years, and Peter thought they knew each other's intentions just by exchanging glancesa bond of trust.

However, the true feelings of Carlos were quite different.

Peter that's not your place. It should have been me there.'

Carlos thought this while maintaining a playfully smiling face.

He hated Peter. The hatred had grown from secret envy and jealousy he had harbored for a very long time.

He had awakened to his powers faster than anyone else there and had joined the organization sooner than anyone else.

And he believed that he had dedicated more to the organization than anyone. However

Why should I be treated as lesser than you?'

The highest position was never his. Peter, who was the favorite of the previous commander Nicholas and Saint Emilia, was always a step ahead, even though Carlos himself had a higher level

Its outrageous that the best squadron of holy knights is swayed not by skill, but by mere connections.'

Misplaced jealousy began to ignite a wicked spark in his heart.

Then, four years ago, he met a man by chance, and that spark turned into a flame.

Gordon Price my new guide'

That man saw through Carlos' true feelings and made him an offer so secret it was shocking.

Trap and remove the previous commander Nicholas Steel Carlos followed that demand.

And when he managed to trap Nicholas, an unfamiliar system message appeared before him.

[You have received a quest(!)]

It was a hidden quest' message with strange content, and Carlos accepted it.

And so

[Hidden Quest]

[From faint light blooms deep darkness]

-Death of Emilia Mller (In Progress)

-Reward: Hidden Class Change (Death Knight)

He was currently on a villain quest.'

Moreover, it was a quest of great difficulty: the death of the Saint.

I absolutely do not regret having started on this new path.'

While he was thinking this, a white light began to radiate from Saint Emilia's hands.


[Holy Field is being deployed in the area. (1%)]

The first step in the Seoul purification operation had finally been taken.

At the same time, it was the moment when the first bullet for the assassination of the Saint was loaded.

"Everyone, focus! The Holy Field has started! For the next 30 minutes, concentrate!"

The average casting time for Holy Field was 31 minutes, which could be reduced to 28 minutes if Emilia was in good condition.

And the point where she would be completely immersed in the phenomenon and lose awareness was around 15 minutes

Thats when the skill can no longer be interrupted'

Carlos was waiting for that precise moment.

Unknowingly, he suppressed his ragged breath and glanced sideways at the Saint.

The woman with golden hair, beautiful yet fragile

Soon, her head would be severed, and a beautiful fountain of blood would spray forth.

As time went on

[Holy Field is being deployed in the area. (50%)]

With the skill half completed, a huge white halo formed above Emilia's head.


It meant that the deployment of the Holy Field' had reached a point where it could not be interrupted.

Now she's completely defenseless.'

In short, the time had come.

He let out the breath he had been holding and slowly, deliberately stood up.


"Uh? Deputy Commander what are you doing right now?"

A holy knight on his right exclaimed in shock.

"Deputy Commander, if you move any further, your area' will be damaged!"

"Walter, I know that better than you do. What do you take me for?"

"Eh? Then why on earth are you"

As he took a step forward


One of the twelve sections making up the Barrier of Conviction shattered like glass.

[Barrier of Conviction (11/12)]


While the remaining 11 still held, the introduction of a single flaw was fatal. All members of the White Tree Guard gazed in horror at Carlos.

[Due to excessive use of holy power, your holy power will be greatly reduced for 60 minutes. (-50%)]



He threw away his shield and walked out of the circular formation.

"Carlos, what, what on earth are you doing?"

Peter's voice, filled with confusion, struck the back of his head.

"Peter, the truth is I received a certain quest a few years ago"


"So, I'm sorry, but it seems I must k**l that white whore"

"What are you talking about, why"

However, he could not directly assassinate the Saint or his fellow holy knights due to the Sacred Oath.'

In other words, he needed to use someone else's hand.

He pulled out a dagger from within his robes.

[Item Information]

-Name: Unknown

-Effect: Unknown

This was an item passed on to him by the Shadow Baron,' a critical key to this operation.


He cut his own wrist with the dagger, and as the artery was severed, blood gushed out like a fountain.

Thud thud thud

He lifted his arm and scattered the blood in all directions.

"Kuh, Peter Clarke, listen well This is a failure that you have brought about!"

"Damn it, Carlos! What the hell are you talking about!"

Faced with an incomprehensible situation, Peters face was painted with intense bewilderment.

Ive always thought that someone as incompetent as you doesnt deserve to sit in that position.


"For the sake of the White Tree Guard, and if you truly wished to protect the life of that white whore, you should have placed surveillance even on your trusted friends for thorough monitoring If it were me, I would have done so."

He said this as he cast Heal on the wound on his wrist.

Meanwhile, the copious amounts of blood he had scattered about began to move on their own, converging into one.

Then it bubbled and boiled, and in the next moment, it evaporated and floated up into the air.

The gathered globule of blood warped the space around it


A portal opened.

Someone then walked out from within it.

Step Step

A very tall figure wearing a bland grey mask and a purple robe

"That, thats the Shadow Baron!

Peter recognized the identity of the stranger.

A red player with a mysterious attribute, known for moving in and out of sight with all sorts of peculiar methods, his movement skill was unknown to the public, rendering him untraceable.

To open a portal with blood, what kind of nonsense'

But now, it seemed that he had revealed a new movement technique.

And he had conspired with none other than their most trusted deputy commander, Carlos Belfort

From the opened portal, hordes of miscreants began to pour out.

"There's the Saint! The Saint is over there!"

"Oh, the frail beauty! Couldnt we have a bit of fun before we k**l her?"

"Hehehelook at those panicked faces!"

Around seventy individuals at a glance, they were players who appeared to be operating outside the law, and it was obvious that they were the group that had plotted the demonic summoning.

And then

Step Step

The seventy-odd miscreants parted to either side, and someone emerged from between them.

A man with long hair in a black coat and black shirt,

"Thats the Sword Saint assassin"

Okita Kaito, Sword Saint assassin, finally showed himself.

His cold, sharp gaze was fixed solely on the Saint, Emilia Mller.

Like a predator that has decided on its hunt, his pupils slowly dilated.

If I come face-to-face with this man one-on-one, theres no chance of survival.'

Peter, feeling the intense murderous intent emanating from him, trembled involuntarily.

It was the instinct of a prey in the presence of a predator, something he had never felt when facing anyone before.

Director Woo, are you seeing this? Damn it! Come quickly!

Yes! Im on my way now!

But then

"No, if they all come in, itll become too chaotic and lose the fun."

The Shadow Baron spoke and then spread his arms wide.

His shadow then began to rotate like the second hand of a clock.

Tsst tsst tsst

In the next moment, it split into five strands that slithered across the ground like snakes, squeezing through the five pathways leading into Saint Park'.

[Caution! Shadow Traps' have appeared in the area.]

The floors and walls of the five passages were now stained black with his shadows.

Then, as government agents started to rush out from the buildings, the moment they stepped on the shadows,

Swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh

"Argh! What is this!"

Dozens of shadowy grasps surged from the floor and walls, clutching the agents ankles.

"Ah! What is It wont come off!"

"Damn it, try magical attacks on the floor!"

It was a strange spell that could not be easily escaped, even by those of high rank.

Thus, the feet of the reinforcements were bound right before their eyes.

A chuckling laugh emanated from behind the Shadow Baron's mask.

"Now, Sword Saint, you have exactly five minutes. That's how long I'll be holding the leashes of the watchdogs."

At his words, Okita Kaito nodded and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword at his waist.

Following his movement, the seventy-odd miscreants all drew their weapons in unison.

"White Tree Guardblock them by any means and fill the space!"

Excluding the 11 High Guards, the 40 members of the White Tree Guard stepped forward to confront the miscreants.

"Dont hold back anything, sacrifice yourselves if necessary!!! We need to hold out for the remaining 15 minutes!"

The combination of holy knights and priests totaled 40 individuals.

Even if one excluded their offensive capabilities, their defensive strength alone was of the highest tier.

If they formed a shield line, they could hold out by any means necessary.


[Caution! The curse of Gregory Azazel' spreads! The holy power in the area is suppressed!]

Such a message made it inevitable for the bodies of the holy knights and priests to tense up.

Whirr whirr whirr

One of the miscreants was holding up a bracelet,

From which black beams of light were being emitted.

It was the vessel of a fallen angel, an anti-holy power item.

As it unleashed its power, the holy energy of the holy knights and priests drastically diminished.

Given that this was a holy site, the effect would fade quickly, but the impact was instantaneous.


"The power it's draining"

"The sanctuary will bless us, it will be brief! Hold oargh"

With that, Okita Kaito surged towards them, who were now at a disadvantage.


With one sweep of his sword upon drawing it, eight heads fella scene beyond comprehension.

"It can't be"

Peter Clarkes face turned deathly pale.

He turned his head to look at Emilia. She seemed completely unaware of what was unfolding around her, eyes tightly shut as she continued to manifest the Holy Field.'

"Damn it, if we interfere with her now, the mana backlash could cause fatal damage."

Holy Field, being a spell of immense purification, carried significant penalties.

If it were forcibly interrupted midway, Peter wasnt sure Emilia would survive.

"Do we have no choice but to act?"

"Commander! If we release the Barrier of Conviction now, our holy power will drastically fall!"

After casting the Barrier of Conviction, they would suffer a 50% reduction in holy power for an hour.

Moreover, they would be exposed to the power of the corrupted angels vessel.

Yes, facing that insane monster in a weakened state would be suicidal.'

Peter watched the ghostly figure wielding a bloodied sword, eerily cutting down the holy knights as it approached.


"Even if we must sacrifice our lives, we must buy time by any means."

As Peter was about to stand up from his position

"Holy knights, hold your positions."

A calm voice, completely at odds with the dire situation, sounded from somewhere.

Everyone turned their heads in that direction.

In the gap created by Carlos's departure and the broken Barrier of Conviction,' a figure began to appear.


The invisibility magic dissipated, revealing someone's form.

"You are!

Lee Hyunwook, known as the savior of Seoul, appeared out of nowhere before them.

"I will fill this empty spot."

He declared as he walked into the space where Carlos was supposed to be seated and stood firmly.

"How on earth did you"

The Korean government forces coming to their aid were floundering, caught in the Shadow Baron's Shadow Trap.'

"I've been monitoring with Huginn and came immediately when I sensed something was off. That's how I avoided the trap."

He said this and turned to face Okita Kaito directly.

Peter lowered his head as he gazed at that figure.

"But you alone wont be enough! That man is the Sword Saint assassin, Okita Kaito!"

"Yes, I am aware."

Lee Hyunwook nodded and drew a sword from behind.

"Even if I can't beat that man, I can hold him off and buy us some time."

Peter lowered his head as soon as he heard those words.

"That's nonsensical You're a control-type player, aren't you? You absolutely"

"Peter, you must not release the Barrier of Conviction. You're too slow and won't be able to catch that man."

That was true.

The moment the Barrier of Conviction was released, if he rushed in and targeted the Saint

Yes, we absolutely won't be able to catch him.'

Therefore, just as he said, if he could just hold off Okita Kaito with his sword,

Maintaining the Barrier of Conviction and covering the broken gap' was the best course of action.

But then

"Hehehe, what's this? Is there just one guy left now?"

"Heylooks like that guy over there is trying to cover the hole by himself?"

Their last hope, the 40 members of the White Tree Guard, had already been dealt with all too easily.

They had been rendered powerless because of Gregory Azazel's curse.

The priests could have lifted the curse immediately with their purification spells, but there was no time. Sword Saint assassin had charged in first and cut them all down.

Thus, dozens of miscreants approached the gap in the Barrier of Convictiontowards Lee Hyunwook.

"K**l him!"

As someone shouted, they charged at him.

However, Lee Hyunwook did not retreat a single step; he slowly raised both arms, and


Black smoke began to billow from his arms.

Then, from within the smoke, two large metal boxes burst out and soared into the sky.


There was a quiet yet mechanical engine sound, black steel surfaces, and magical circuits embroidered on them. The Aerial Drop Device (Prototype)' came to a halt towering above Lee Hyunwook's head.

"What is that?"

For a moment, the charging miscreants inevitably slowed their pace.


The bottom of the aerial drop device opened,


From it, 110 metal balls were released simultaneously, spreading like shots from a shotgun.

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