A Player Who Eats Metal

Chapter 59: Saviors of Seoul

Chapter 59: Saviors of Seoul

< Chapter 59. Saviors of Seoul – 2 >


Kim Kang-seok and Chu Gyoyong, the two giants, stood face to face, glaring at each other.

Both were over 190cm tall, making their imposing presence no joke.

However, upon closer inspection, compared to Kim Kang-seok with his robust physique and distinct facial features,

Chu Gyoyong, with his pudgy, oily figure and bland appearance, seemed unimpressive.

‘But in reality, Chu Gyoyong's combat ability is rated a notch higher.’

Of course, in terms of individual combat capability, the Druid, Kim Kang-seok, might be superior,

But he probably couldn't defeat the zombie monsters commanded by Chu Gyoyong.

Yet, Kim Kang-seok never yielded.

"…Team Leader Chu Gyoyong, we have an important battle ahead. Conserve your energy."

At his words, Chu Gyoyong snickered.

"Energy? Haha! When have I ever lacked strength? You seem to have forgotten me? I advised you once. If you keep dilly-dallying, treating those beasts like your own children, you'll remain stuck in the same place… Despite being one of the original players, you're still only B-rank?”

It was an open act of disdain.

This only intensified the tension between the two,

And the low-frequency aura emitted by their respective followers grew even thicker.

It felt as if they might engage in a full-blown battle at any moment.

Then, someone stepped in between them.

"Hey, Team Leader Chu, keep some dignity. How will you fare if you're always this hot-tempered?"

It was Choi Jung-chul.

"…General Choi, tsk— long time no see."

"Yeah, we're getting old now. You have kids— oh, you don’t, do you?"

Chu Gyoyong snickered again as if he'd just heard a lame joke.

"I was sorry about last time, but this time, your monsters won't get consumed by my flames."

"Of course, they shouldn't. It's basic, isn't it?"

It seemed that Choi Jung-chul's fire magic once consumed Chu Gyoyong's monsters.

"Well then, how about we move on? Many eyes are watching."

"…Yes, let’s do that."

Even for Chu Gyoyong, he couldn't treat Choi Jung-chul lightly.

"Hey Kim Kang-seok, be careful…"

He said to Kim Kang-seok before walking past him.

* * *

Inside the elementary school, in the teacher's conference room, about ten players gathered.

They were the commanders of AMT and leaders of various groups.

They were discussing strategies for the upcoming ‘Final Battle'.

Among them, Chu Gyoyong raised his voice.

"Think carefully, people—! If the bugs have quieted down due to General Choi's recent powerful attack, isn't this the best time when they're at their weakest? Why wait for those punks from An-Yang duo to arrive? Every hour is crucial—!"

It was a somewhat aggressive speech, but everyone listened quietly.

Surprisingly, his words made sense from beginning to end.

"I'll clear the path, so everyone else, aim all your firepower at the sky, shoot down the incoming bugs, and then my beasts will quickly charge in and crush the Erosion Factor before it's too late—! This dilly-dallying, seriously…"

He was arguing that they should launch an airstrike right now, without waiting for the An-Yang duo.

Lee Hyunwook figured out his intention.

‘He wants to lure all the forces into a trap and annihilate them before the An-Yang duo arrives.’

Since the An-Yang duo are both A-rank players,

Their arrival would significantly increase the factors Chu Gyoyong would have to consider.

He wanted to eliminate one factor entirely before that.

But for those unaware of his hidden intentions, it sounded like a very logical strategy.

With Chu Gyoyong's powerful followers leading the charge and hundreds of players following closely, concentrating firepower on the sky, reaching the Erosion Factor wasn't impossible.

‘It's indeed the fastest and most certain method.’

… only if Chu Gyoyong truly was an ally.

"Look, if we move fast and the An-Yang duo arrives later, they can just join us! Every second is precious, why waste it here? Typical military, always discussing at the table, right?”

Hearing this, civilian guild players began to nod in agreement.

Their hearts were filled with urgency too, making Chu Gyoyong's words seem persuasive.

"Hmm… I agree."

"Our <Seoul Shield> guild also agrees with this plan."

"Yes, we agree. It seems entirely possible."

Civilian guild players one by one agreed with the plan. And although Choi Jung-chul and Kim Kang-seok hadn't yet agreed, they too thought Chu Gyoyong's proposal was feasible.

But then…

"… I disagree."

The one who said this was none other than Lee Hyunwook.

"—What? Why!"

Chu Gyoyong shouted in disbelief and looked at Choi Jung-chul.

"General Choi, who exactly is this guy?”

"Ah, he's the commander of the ‘Steel Battalion'."

When he said that, the civilian player leaders in the room eyed Lee Hyunwook with interest.

They hadn't expected the commander of the famous Steel Battalion to be such a young man.

"…Ah, this kid?"

Chu Gyoyong remarked with a smirk.

Every time they encountered that damned Steel Battalion, the villains went missing.

It seemed he was surprised that such a young kid was behind it all.

"Kid, you're a soldier, right? Hey, what's your player rank?"


"You're the one who removed the Erosion Factor? Haha… Were you just lucky, or did you steal someone else's achievement? You seem to lack experience, anyway…"

"Have you ever been close to the Erosion Factor?"

Lee Hyunwook interrupted Chu Gyoyong's mocking remarks.

At that, Chu Gyoyong's face reddened.

"…What? Did you just address me that way?"

"You said we're short on time. Let's get to the point."

"That insolent—"

Ignoring him, Lee Hyunwook turned to General Choi Jung-chul.

"Sir, given the situation, I'll be a bit forward."

Choi Jung-chul nodded as if it were expected.

"Is there anyone here who has removed, or even been close to, the Erosion Factor?"

As expected, no one answered.

"Right now, only our Steel Battalion and the An-Yang duo have approached the Erosion Factor in the wave zone. On what basis are you making such a hasty decision to attack?"

Lee Hyunwook raised his voice as he looked around at those seated at the table.

Commander of the Steel Battalion, the sole remover of two Erosion Factors,

With those two titles, the way they looked at Lee Hyunwook had completely changed.

"Ladies and gentlemen! This situation itself has variables. After capturing the three Erosion Factors, an additional event was triggered, wasn't it? Deciding to break through this unprecedented variable with outdated experiences… Is this courage born from wisdom? No…"

Lee Hyunwook shook his head and said in a soft voice,

"That's… the complacency of an old man."

At that point, several heads began to nod in agreement. Upon reflection, there certainly had been an oversight.

"We encountered various traps every time we approached the Erosion Factor. And countless elite monsters popped out unexpectedly. Furthermore, we still haven't identified what the ‘boss monster' is. If we recklessly charge under these circumstances… our force, which has been hastily gathered from different places and, to put it crudely, has cohesion like powdered beans, will face annihilation."

At that, Chu Gyoyong abruptly stood up.

"Nonsense— What elite monsters? There's no such thing!"

"Really? How would you know?"


Indeed, as a villain, he would naturally know best. But without presenting that as evidence, his objection appeared baseless, like a tantrum without a reason.

"Ah, well, that…"

"Yes, you probably don't know at all. I recognize you're a formidable player with a lot of experience. But… you know absolutely nothing about the wave. Yet, you're impulsively suggesting a strategy that risks all our lives, no, the fate of Seoul, on a single charge."


Chu Gyoyong remained silent. Lee Hyunwook, wearing a faint smile, continued.

"What everyone here is concerned about is time."

Indeed, it was time.

Only one day remained until the erosion was impossible to salvage.

And as time passed, the number of ‘armored toxic bugs' increased.

"However, time might actually work in our favor."

"…What do you mean?"

A woman, a master of a medium-sized guild, asked.

"Right now, it's not just the bugs that are multiplying. Players continue to gather. The most powerful ones, the An-Yang duo are also on their way. But most importantly…"

Lee Hyunwook turned to look at Choi Jung-chul.

"The time we're using right now has been afforded to us by General Choi Jung-chul's powerful skill. And currently… the cooldown time for that skill continues to decrease."

At that, Choi Jung-chul nodded.

"Yes, I guarantee that. My skill will be available again in 11 hours."

Lee Hyunwook concluded with a final remark.

"That's right. Our optimal moment might actually be 11 hours from now."


Everyone understood Lee Hyunwook's point.

11 hours later, there would still be about 7 hours left until the balance tipped over.

At that time, Choi Jung-chul's ‘Semi Armageddon' would be available again,

And they could significantly reduce the number of armored toxic bugs at Cheongryong Mountain with another strike.

If they launched their attack then, with as many gathered players as possible…

Yes, they could fight under the best conditions.

Having heard this, everyone began to align with Lee Hyunwook's perspective.

"It seems… this suggestion is better."

"I think so too."

"Yes, that's right. We only have one chance left anyway. Instead of hastily challenging with an uncertain method, it seems more certain to wait a bit and go with this strategy."

Chu Gyoyong glared at Lee Hyunwook, trembling with anger.

His initial plan had been completely thwarted.

* * *

"Hey, Steel-whatever—!”

As the meeting ended and they stepped out into the hallway, Chu Gyoyong approached Lee Hyunwook.

Drawing near, he whispered in Lee's ear.

"Damn, you sure run your mouth well for such a young brat…"

He placed a hand on Lee Hyunwook's shoulder.


He seemed intent on causing pain by squeezing hard.

However, Lee Hyunwook showed no sign of discomfort.

"This kid— his body…"

It was as solid as steel since he already hardened himself long before the toad came to him.

Feeling pain in his own grip, Chu Gyoyong finally let go and brushed off his hand.

"Anyway… you better watch your back."

He was now openly threatening.

"My pets can be a bit uncontrollable at times; accidents tend to happen, you know?”

It was a clear warning that anything could happen at any moment.

In response, Lee Hyunwook nodded and replied,

"I'm still getting the hang of my abilities, so mistakes happen frequently. Be careful of flying metal shards."

"…What? Metal shards? How can someone like me be affected by mere metal shards?”

Just then,

"Everyone, look over there!”

"Hey, what's… what is that?”

Outside the window, the schoolyard began to stir with commotion.

Soon, a frantic shout rang out.

"Damn! A swarm of bugs is descending!”


Lee Hyunwook quickly moved to the window.

‘What the….'

From afar, near Cheongryong Mountain, a black surge was rising.

It wasn't smoke from a fire.

‘They've… released them.’

At an unexpected time again, it seemed the villains had used their ‘guidance item' once more.

‘…Are they pushing for a final showdown?’

Chu Gyoyong sidled up with a sly grin.

"…Ha, looks like your stupid delay tactic failed. Now what?”


"That's why I said we should strike first. Oh, if only you'd listened… Hehehe—"

Chu Gyoyong must have taken more drastic measures since the initial plan went awry.

Summoning the armored toxic bugs, which hadn't fully amassed yet…

He aimed to sow chaos and scatter the players' formation.

"Prepare for battle—!”

From somewhere, Kim Kang-seok's shout could be heard.

However, the only ones who properly reacted to his voice were the AMT soldiers and some seasoned players.

The majority, who hadn't anticipated this situation, were just panicking.

Chu Gyoyong looked on as if he was enjoying the scene.

"Aren't they panicking too much?”

"Wipe off that drool.”

“Heh, I'll go ahead.”

Chu Gyoyong flung open a window and leaped out.

"You idiots—! Don’t panic and fight properly!”

As he shouted that, Chu Gyoyong dashed across the playground.

At the end of his run, his tools lined up in a row.


At his gesture, they drew their weapons and began to charge forward.


They pushed aside all the cars that were parked on the playground and charged fiercely in a certain direction.

But their movement was odd.

They seemed to ignore the swarm of bugs coming from the sky, jumped over the school fence… and then disappeared from sight.

Chu Gyoyong's idea was simple.

‘The armored toxic bugs will keep appearing. It's okay if some are consumed here.’

This place had been announced as the rallying point, and players from all over Seoul were gathering.

But if the word spread that this rallying point was under attack, those who were on their way would surely halt,

This would disrupt the players from preparing their powerful attacks.

He was basically trying to sow ‘chaos' in advance.

‘If we don't consume their numbers and stamina now, they'll eventually break through…'

And also…

‘Go and spread the enhancement magic.'

After jumping over the wall, Chu Gyoyong's subordinates were somewhere in the distance casting an ‘Enchantment of Strengthening' towards the ‘Armored Toxic Bugs'. It was a very rare skill possessed by Chu Gyoyong.

[Your minion ‘Minotaurus' sacrifices its health to radiate ‘Wild Enhancement'.]

Along with such a system message, a gray smoke could be seen rising in the distance.

Friendly monsters that get enveloped by this smoke become up to three times stronger.

"Damn, the swarm of bugs will soon be upon us. Where have all the Minotaurs gone?"

Someone approached him, questioning in a confrontational manner.

It was Lieutenant Go Jin-han.

"What? They're naturally wild ones. Just ignore them and do your job!"

"So, you can't control them? We have to defend this place!"

"Ah, damn it— I told you to not mind them… do you want to die?"

Go Jin-han muttered a curse under his breath and retreated.

‘Once the enhanced bugs accumulate, this small amount of troops will be nothing.’

Chu Gyoyong scanned the players with a sardonic smile.

‘And when the forces weaken, I can just sweep them away directly. Even if someone sees me…'

He was ready to be branded a terrorist in order to succeed in the villains' plan.

Thud— Thud— Thud— Thud—

As he was thinking, a massive rumble approached him.

It was a monster resembling a 5m long turtle with a deep red shell, called the ‘Golem Turtle'.

"Team leader, we've deployed the Golem Turtle."

"Good, keep a close eye on it."


Then, three Black Orcs approached him. They were his bodyguards.

"However, as I mentioned earlier team leader, I will keep a close watch on the Steel Battalion."

"It's fine, man— what would they have noticed? They must have just been lucky."

Chu Gyoyong believed that the Steel Battalion had discovered nothing about the villains.

The Five Slaughterers were captured by Kim Kang-seok and Seo Eunha, only for Ki Baek-jun to initiate a suicide spell,

Gong Hyun-joon, being somewhat eccentric and lacking composure, must have been caught off guard,

And Choi Minseong's group probably got captured and then all together triggered a suicide spell.

"And with so many watchful eyes around, how would they attack me without any evidence?"

The Steel Battalion, they were soldiers.

They wouldn't ordinarily engage in misconduct.

"In other words, we are in the safest state right now."

They were in the heart of enemy territory, protected by the enemy.

It was like a cuckoo chick in a sparrow's nest.

"Ha ha— This is… not as bad as I thought?"

He now openly grinned.

But then,


There was a loud noise from above.

Reactively looking up, he saw a ‘steel pillar' colliding with a ‘mana drone'.

"What's that?"

The magic drone crashed straight down, and the great sword was repelled.


The great sword, which had lost its flight path and was spinning around,


Embedded itself straight to the hilt into the back of the Golem Turtle.


Chu Gyoyong tilted his head while his mind was drawing a blank.

He was unable to understand what had just transpired in front of him.

"How, how could…"

The Golem Turtle's shell was very hard.

It was so sturdy that an A-class warrior player would have to strike it dozens of times to break it.

But how could such a blunt aimless sword…

‘Ah, of all places, it hit the gap—!'

Yes, as the Golem Turtle aged, its shell became harder, and the gaps in its shell widened further.

And that was precisely the strategy to tackle the Golem Turtle.

But the fact that it was a weak point was almost unknown.

Even Chu Gyoyong only discovered this after continuously studying his subordinates…

Coincidentally, right in that spot, a massive greatsword was firmly embedded.

It was a perilous moment.


Of course, the Golem Turtle didn't die from just that damage.

No, it would never die, as long as its heart remained safe.


Chu Gyoyong patted his startled chest.

Because the hearts, or the ‘Heart Boxes', were deep inside that creature.

"Hey! What are you looking at? Aren't you going to remove that?"

"Ah! Understood!"

The moment Chu Gyoyong shouted at his subordinate—


Suddenly, a massive explosion occurred,

Boom boom boom——

The Golem Turtle shattered into pieces and each one exploded.

Chu Gyoyong was thrown back several meters from the impact and fell upside down.

Then, someone approached him and helped him up.

"……Are you alright?"

It was the commander of the Steel Battalion, Lee Hyunwook.

And he whispered softly,

"Ah, a mistake……"

Chu Gyoyong still looked flabbergasted.

Pushing Lee Hyunwook aside, he stood in front of what used to be a proud Golem Turtle.


Heart Box…

He couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.

It was a secret known to none, carefully hidden from the world.

Indifferent system messages appeared one after another before his eyes.

[Your subordinate has perished.]

[Your subordinate has perished.]

[Your subordinate has perished.]

[Your subordinate has perished.]

[Your subordinate has perished.]




And the three Black Orcs that were guarding him suddenly collapsed.

The next moment, boiling with intense rage from within, he swiftly turned and hurled his fist at Lee Hyunwook.

However, Lee Hyunwook dodged the punch with ease.

"Damn, mistake? Are you out of your mind, calling this a mistake?"

Lee Hyunwook shrugged with an unruffled expression.

"As I mentioned earlier, I'm still clumsy with my abilities, so be careful of metal fragments."

Metal fragments… calling such a massive sword a mere metal fragment…

Chu Gyoyong's face turned from red to a pale shade of blue.

Lee Hyunwook had an expression of genuine innocence.

"It's okay. What's a monster like that worth? I'll make it up to you."

To anyone unaware, it might have seemed like an innocent accident due to mishandling of abilities. Especially since the collision with the ‘Mana Drone' was the main cause.


Chu Gyoyong, an A-rank player, sighed as he looked forlornly at the sky.

The ‘hearts' of all his subordinates were in that creature, and they were all destroyed.

He was now left with nothing.

Lee Hyunwook gently placed his hand on Chu Gyoyong's shoulder.


It felt as if a hydraulic press was squeezing him, bringing immense pain.


Chu Gyoyong bit his lip in agony, and Lee Hyunwook whispered in his ear.

"That's why we should've followed my plan…"

Chu Gyoyong had never imagined that Lee Hyunwook would audaciously destroy it under the guise of a mistake.

And so, one threat was thoroughly neutralized.

It was time to tackle the final Erosion Factor in earnest.

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