A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 180: Masamune forgot

Chapter 180: Masamune forgot

It seemed like it was going to take some time before the alliance ceremony was ready as apparently they needed to convene the order of gold knights. Because of this we were waiting in a separate room that was simple yet luxurious, all the furniture looked expensive.

I thought it would take longer for Lord Nito to become a king.

Sufilia said this as though she was expecting me too the whole time. Personally I never intended to be a king, but I guess I am a King candidate.

It was over before we could even say anything.

Toas looked tired.

Well to be honest forming a country sounds like a hassle but since William said he would take care of it all I thought it would be best to go ahead and make a decision. Why was there something you wanted to say about it?

Not really. If its what you want to do then why not?

Although Toas expression seemed to be saying something else.

M..Master, what kind of country are you going to make?

Rather than being interested in the country it seemed like Nem was a little worried about me becoming a king.

HmmI want to create a country where no one is oppressed. But thats all I can think of for right now, after that we can just mass produce Old Gert and since it seems to sell well to aristocrats no one should have financial trouble.

I see. Can Nem and other cat people live there?

The country will be mainly for beastmen. Since they are oppressed and discriminated against in this world I want to create a place where they can live in peace.

I could tell by the expression on her face that what I said meant a lot to Nem. Around that time Leonardo and another big guy entered the room.

Hmm? What are you finished already?

Im sorry it will still be a while yet. Albrecht just wanted to say hello.

The big man next to Leonardo spoke next.

Nice to meet you Nito, I am Albrecht Hyuman. I, along with Leonardo, am the captain of the golden knights.

Nice to meet you.

I shook hand with him.

Hmm? Captain of the golden knights?

I suddenly registered what hed said.

Did you just say along with Leonardo?

Yes of course. The golden knight corp has two captains which help organize them.

Leonardo is a captain?

You were a captain? When we met you didnt say you were just a knight?

Leonardo smiled wryly.

I didnt say just.

Same thing.

My bad.

Well, its fine I guess.

Was this guy really that capable?

Well, thats no wonder.

Albrecht said.

No wonder?

Yeah, after all Leonardo usually suppresses his magical power but he is actually more skilled than I am.

Whos better than this big guy? Leonardo? That doesnt sound right, did he really have that kind of power? Leonardo turned a little red as he saw me glancing at him.

Well, whatever. I guess I just misunderstood.

Sorry, I should have said as much when we were at the dungeon.

Thats right, I met him for the first time there.

Well then Nito, we will call for you once we are ready.

Abrecht left with Leonardo following behind him.

Once the Alliance ceremony is over we should find somewhere to stay. Oh, I guess Schneiser probably prepared a room for us.

In fact I was told that all of our food, board and even clothing would all be paid for by the country. Therefore whatever restaurant we went to would just send the bill to the castle.

Hey guys?

I was thinking.


All three of them looked at me.


Im at a loss. Ive been thinking about something ever since leaving the school and even more so after agreeing to become a king. However I was trying to find the right time.

Nito? Whats wrong? Is something bothering you?


Its written all over your face.


Well it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that Im worried.

No, Im not particularly worried but

Theres no use trying to hide it.

Will the demon country still let Sufilia and I in even though we are humans?

Thats what it was? If its my dad then its fine.

I probably shouldnt push any further since Toa is slightly unstable when it comes to talking about the demon country. After a little while the door opened again and it seemed like everything was ready.

The golden knights were lined up along the walls in the throne room. The to Captains were right in the center Albrecht was large and muscular while Leonardo looked rather slender. They stood on either side of the throne that Schneiser sat in.

Great mage Nito. We are here in the name of Schneiser Dam Arden to declare the formation of the alliance!

Nito had said he didnt want anything to dramatic but it seemed that this was not only customary but necessary.

The great mage Nito is a hero who protected many from the demon army of Shastain. This is an honor for our country!

After that everything was over and everyone bowed to each other, after that the knights all left until only the two captains the king, Nito and his three companions were left in the hall.

Nito, we now have an alliance. In other words your errand is done.


Nito was still thinking about something else. He had been wondering ever since he left the school if he should go back and tell his old classmates that it was him and that he was alive. But he didnt know how or why hed come up with such an idea.

Nito, it looks like we are comrades now.

Leonardo said with a smile.

Yeah.I think Im happy about that as well.

Albrecht didnt say anything but stood by the kings side straight backed. It seemed he acted slightly different when in front of his men.

By the way Nito, what are you going to do now? Are you planning to leave?

Despite the alliance Schneiser was still responsible for Nito.

Hmm.I dont have anything really planned out. Ill probably just go off on an adventure again but I dont really have a destination in mind.

I see..

Schneiser looked a little displeased by the vague answer.

Schneiser, could you take care of these three for a bit?

Toa, Sufilia, and Nem were all confused by what I said.

What are you talking about Nito?

The first person I saw when I turned around was Toa. But all of them looked confused.

Im going to go to Fishnatica and talk to them and then come back.

They all understood who he was talking about. His red and black robe then flashed as it switched back to his light brown robe that he had worn in Razhousen. It was simple but it was clean.

So youve decided?

Toa asked with a smile. However Schneiser who was watching from the throne was still confused.

Ill be back soon.

Nem will be waiting for you.

I understand. I would like to go with you but I will wait.

Sufilia and Nem smiled as I turned back to Schneiser.

I dont mind but may I know why?

Schneiser asked.

I cant really tell you. But Im not going to do anything Im just going to see some..friends.


Can you lend me Leonardo? I want to make sure these three are as safe as possible.

Thats fine. Leonardo, serve as an escort for those three until Nito returns.

Got it.

You said Fishnatica?

Yeah Im going to the school.

Its enough to know that much. Dont say anything more.

Nito turned back to the others one more time.

Youre all wearing your rings right? Ill be back soon.

Nito planned to return in less than an hour. When the black portal appeared next to him Schneiser had a stern look on his face, it was the first time hed seen that. Eventually Nito disappeared into it and the room was silent.

What was that

No one answered so Schneiser figured that he should ask Nito himself.

I will be serving as your escort for a while then.

Leonardo said Nem, Toa, and Sufilia.

Your majesty!

The large door opened and a messenger appeared.

Weve received an urgent request!

What is it?

Pascantin is under attack!

What did you say!?

Schneisers expression grew tense.

The great wall corp has already been destroyed. The situation is dire!

Schneisers head was in his hands. Although this was quite the worrying situation, the seven kings were maintained for a reason, if one goes missing then there will be a war. If there is territory that is up for grabs then all the other countries will want to claim it and end up fighting over it.

Is it Dragons heart?

Schneiser knew that Pascantin was rather large if not the strongest country. Still, it would take a group of brave individuals to attack it. He was still wondering what he should do, he could try and teleport but the further the distance is the less people he would be able to take with him.

Send in a few reconnaissance units first. If its dragons heart there might not be much we can do.

The king should remain in the castle

No..I cant betray Tonpearl. Youll send me as well, Albrecht form a small unit of scouts. Avoid contact with the enemy and put your and your mens lives first.


Schneiser stood.

Leonardo, you take care of Nitos friends until his return.

You have my word.

Leonardo put his hand over his chest as he said this. After that Schnieser and his knights left and Leonardo ushered Nem and the other two over to some chairs.

Hey Sufilia, Did Nito say something about this to you?

No nothing in particular.

Nem either.

Nito had a secretive side but all three of them wished that he would be a little more open with them and talk about things. It felt like there was some invisible crack between them, but all they could do right now was wait for Nito to return.

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