A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 152: Silence

Chapter 152: Silence

This happens shortly after Ichijo and the others had left the venue.

Master, Stop it.

Bell said suddenly.


You know what Im talking about.


Bell was advising me.

Do you want to be swallowed by the abyss again?

If that happens youll help me wont you?

Yeah but if too much of you is swallowed I cant help anymore. If something is goes against your will then it is unacceptable.

What are you talking about? Being swallowed?

Toa entered into the conversation causing Bell to glare at her. Toa laughed awkwardly and it wasnt surprising to find out that Bell didnt entirely know why he was glaring at Toa.

Bell, Stop.

No I cant stop. I am masters other half, I will oppose anything that is harmful to master. Miss, if you love master , can you not cause him to go insane?


Toa was having a hard time with that one.

You understand dont you? Master doesnt want to help the humans because he has a grudge against them.

Even if you tell her all of a sudden she isnt going to understand.

A grudge? But Isnt Nito a human?

Thats why, thats exactly why he has a grudge. And when it comes to the product of a parallel world he loves them without reason.


You dont get it? Thats what it means. Thats why helping humans goes against masters will. Are you alright with that miss?

Alright with what? What are you saying?

Is it alright for master to lose his personality? Were you not listening?

Lose his. Personality?

Its no use trying to stop him anymore, it looks like Bell is going to keep talking until the end.

Since the abyss appeared in this world the ones who were able to make use of the abyss were very sensitive. If they dont have sharp senses then they cant make contact with it. However that makes it easier for them to fall into darkness. Therefore they relied on their loved ones to help them withstand the abyss. The mighty magic power of the abyss isnt something that can be withstood alone. However the most troublesome thing is also that love.

I can understand what Bell is saying but can Toa?

Do you get it? If youre selected as the one that the candidate relies on then you have to understand how to treat them. If everything you do is selfish then the master will break. For master youre the only one, this cant be changed anymore. There is only one King but there are many who help him. The person who cant see how important of a role they play will ruin the candidate. Do you know what happens to a candidate who loses their personality?


Toa didnt say anything.

Bell stop. I will help those who can be helped, I already promised. And breaking that would be contrary to the abyss wouldnt it? Betraying Toa as would would probably have an even bigger impact.

..Thats true as well. But master, dont lie to yourself okay? The next time it wont end with just a friends arm.

.Yeah..I know.

I sent bell back to the dungeon, what had I called him for in the first place? After I did that I heard a scream coming from the entrance to the venue, it seemed like someone was being attacked.

Shall we go then?

Yeah.Lets go.

Sufilia seemed angry that I told her that I was going to return her to the prophet and Nem was squirming.

Erosion wave

I eroded the demons in the passage away instantly, behind them was a crouching family with a daughter.

Are you ok?

Toa rushed up to them immediately, They knew that I was the one who killed the student earlier but Toa was the one who had run up to them so they were confused. There was blood everywhere and the smell of metal was strong. Wasnt the wind blowing a little to strongly here? There may have been a collapse somewhere that the wind was coming in.

Lets go.

I ignored the humans and started walking again. Toa told them to follow after us and then at the corner we saw to more people and she called out to them as well. Two more. Three more. We were finding survivors one after the other and before I realized it we had a line of them following behind us. We arrived at the entrance soon, however there were signs of multiple magic powers outside.

Theyre outside..

Small and large magic powers were out there but the smaller ones seemed to be disappearing one after the other. It seemed as though there was a fight and humans were being killed. I looked behind me to see a line of frightened people, everyone was trembling. I sighed involuntarily, its like Bell said, Im helping humans without any benefit to myself and that made me feel uncomfortable. However I didnt say anything and just opened the door.

Magic bullet

Everyone was in uniform, it looked like it was a group of teachers trying their best to protect the students. In total it looked like there was around 10 or so demons, I would have to kill them as well.


I inverted fireball and cast the magic. A crack appeared in the sky and a woman wearing a nurse uniform dropped down. A bandage ran across her eyes and her arms were behind her back, she looked very similar to a young woman although she was barefoot and groaning. She couldnt talk because she had no tongue.

She turned to the demons and bowed making a strange sound that made me want to cover my ears. Seconds late the front of her body tore open and her organs shot up into the air sending blood spraying everywhere. The blood froze in the air for a moment and then shot out like bullets towards the demons. After the demons were dead to the blood bullets the woman collapsed to the ground and dissolved into a pool of blood.

Alright, lets go.

The teachers and adventurers I passed had cramped expressions on their faces. I didnt care though I wasnt doing it for any kind of gratitude. But Toa still called out to them and had them follow us, she was trying to save everyone. I looked at sufilia and saw that she was just staring at me while neem was following with an anxious look on her face.

I know what she wanted to say but this is for the best. Everyone should just stay away from me otherwise they will die. I walked towards town wondering what I should do with Nem since she was an orphan, She didnt have anywhere for me to return her to. As I was thinking about that we came up to the town and saw that it had been burned down.

I could clearly see what was going on since most of the buildings had been burned out of the way, I saw what looked to be an adventurer fighting in front of a group of people as if he was trying to protect them. The same thing was happening all over.

Then the earth began to shake and everyone crouched down but I quickly realized it wasnt an earthquake but another horde. I looked across the grassland and saw a horde rushing towards us, I could tell they were demons immediately because of their magic power. The magicians and adventurers who saw this told the people they were protecting to stand back and immediately ran towards the horde. Doing that kind of thing would normally earn them the right to be called a hero but personally I thought they were stupid. Theres a thin line between being a hero and being stupid.

The adventurer that I was watching was barely able to handle a single demon and was running towards that enormous horde like an idiot. Well, maybe it was the adrenaline? But I did promise Toa, until all of this is over I have to play the hero.

I saw most of the people there start heading for the horde without hesitation. If you didnt have any hope to defeat it wouldnt you run away? Ive thought about it and it would have been totally acceptable for them to take the people they had been protecting and run. Why didnt they? It would be easy to just take them over to Halekuwait and toss them in.

I slowly shifted my gaze to the right and saw them standing there. The summoned heroes. I saw Saeki there so I decided to head that way for now but before that.

You should be safe here since the enemy is only on the one side now.

A lot of people had gathered together, they saw a group and came to be a part of it. But I couldnt help thinking that being on your own might have been safer, If youre alone then you can hide but if you are with a large group then you could be seen easily. Toa put the evacuees on standby and after confirming that I headed over to where Saeki was. But behind me I felt the magic of those three following me.

Are you going to follow me? Im probably going to end up fighting the demons soon.

I would prefer that the three of them remained here. I dont want them to see me slaughter the demons. When said this the three of them stared straight into my eyes.

While I am alive will never leave Lord Nitos side. Please do not abandon me.

Sufilia said with tears in her eyes. To be honest Im happy, no one had ever said this to me before.

Nem too! Nem is already Masters! Only Masters, Nem will never leave!

Nem was wiping at her tears, she was already like a daughter to me and I didnt want her to leave either. But I felt like she would be better off away from me.

Dont worry about it Nito. I love you more than anyone else and I will continue to love only you.

Toa smiled at me.

You guys.

I almost broke into tears.


Continue to love? I was a little slow realizing what was said and looked at Toa.

..Hmm? Whats wrong Nito?

Toa was smiling gently but I only felt uncomfortable. It was an eerie smile as if she was playing at kindness.

Toa? Somethings strange about you.

Huh? Strange? ..What?

When I brought it up Toa just kept smiling.

Are you angry with me? Or.

Angry? Me? Im not angry, I love you so why would I be angry with you?

Love me?.

This was the first time Toa had said something like that, is it because shes angry? I mean if you look for a reason as to why she would be angry theres no end to it right now. Im keenly aware of the awkwardness between us.

I didnt dare say anything else to the three of them and just went towards the group of heroes. Saeki was the first to see me approach.


Saeki was hostile right off the bat.


Why are you here!? Someone who murders students shouldnt be here!

It seems like he cant forgive me for killing Kyogoku, Its funny how the guy who killed me is capable of mourning others.

You cant handle the demons on your own. Ive come to help.

HelP, You killed Kyogoku without mercy! What the hell can you do!? What can you do with those dirty hands of yours!?

Saeki hasnt changed a bit, hes still short tempered. He left me for dead so that makes him dirty too doesnt it?

Then why are you here? Why arent you fighting with them?


Like I said, it didnt work, did it? Saeki.

Saeki didnt make a sound.

No matter how much you scream, thats the way it is.

Stop talking , Noone here respects you.

I ignored him and passed by.


Then another person called out to me, it was Kotori.


I looked back slowly.

Youre going to save us right?


Saeki was confused by how she reacted. But not just here all the other students were as well.

Kotori, You should stop.

Emi tried to stop her.

Theyre enough, we cant do anything. Its dangerous.

Kotori kept staring at me.

Then, please save the teachers.

Kotori! You dont need to ask this person anything!

Hiragi huh? This world is going to be tough on him.

But Kotoris eyes never left me.

Leave it to me No matter how weak you are there are still things you can do. Get the other people out of here. You should be able to do that much right?

With that I turned around and left leaving Nem, Toa, and Sufilia to have to run after me. I said I would help but I still felt the disgust from the others there. They were friends with a delinquent drop out but still did all those things to me. Thats why I cant forgive them.


I laughed, what was I thinking. Id never had a place among them in the first place. There were corpses all around me and I couldnt tell who had been helping and who had been running away. All that was left was a charred smell in my nostrils and that was the way that I headed to the battlefield.

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