A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 149: Magic isn't lonely

Chapter 149: Magic isn't lonely

Kyogoku pulled out a dagger and swung it around mercilessly. The blade was covered in some kind of purple liquid, it looked like if it so much as touched a normal person they would likely die.


But even after that youre still alive arent you Hidaka?

Hhh, That name again? You heroes are so insistent.

Kyogoku talked about my true identity as he swung his dagger around. But for some reason I was completely calm, even though he was bringing up that name I felt like he was talking about someone else.

Saeki did his best in Greyberg. I thought there was no point but he didnt realize he was being brainwashed by that woman and just continued trying his best. I think Koizumi even admitted that, so wasnt your reaction a little bit overkill? I mean as far as I know only one person in this world would have a grudge against Saeki.

Im guessing that would be me?

This is dangerous so Im confiscating it.


I snatched the dagger from him.

Blood stopping dagger added to equipment

What happened? Did you get mad? But Hidaka? Youre insecure about it just like I thought right? You even wear that mask so that we wouldnt realize youre alive right? That way you could hide a bit longer.

I dont really care but how much did this guy know? Of course Im feeling some discomfort. It was a mistake letting the world know that the hero of Razhousen was a healer. Wait, anyone can speculate this guy has no proof yet.

You really like this Hidaka dont you? But Im sorry, I told you that Im not him.

I dont care if you deny it, its not like Im going to do anything to you. I just want to tell you that it wouldnt be strange if the others figured it out. There are a lot of factors. That time you announced that you would come back and kill us all, I wont ever forget that. I think that trauma is carved into everyone else as well. Next, youre excessive hatred of Saeki. In your mind you probably just publicly humiliated him right? But for us, it was much more, I dont think Im the only one who would have your face appear in the back of my mind.

A lot of factors huh? Basically, I as a healer directed my anger at Saeki and so everyone would think of me. Isnt that just speculation though?

Why dont we stop talking.

I shortened the distance between us with God Speed and kicked him in the stomach.


Kyogoku flew backwards but I held back so he should be okay.

I have no interest in listening to a stranger talk forever, you lack imagination. You have no proof. All this was, is your own thoughts and speculations. Why dont we hurry up and end this?

Are you sure?.Im going to keep talking?

Do what you want, it has nothing to do with me.

I wont give you any information, you can just keep chasing the shadow of the man you killed. But, Im not Hidaka.

I am Nito.

I have no interest in dead people.

Do you intend to go about this match like the other one?

Kyogoku asked.

It cant be helped can it? Its not like this will be a proper match?

Didnt that old guy tell you to hold back?

Yes, that was the condition for participating in this.

Then, if I allowed it would you be able to take this seriously? I wouldnt want this to be boring after all.

Kyogoku put his index finger to his throat. It started glowing as he looked up at the audience.

Everyone! Principal, investors, I have something I want to say!

Kyogokus voice was amplified so that even those in the VIP area could hear.

If this continues on this match will be boring! At worst, Principal Oswald will just stop it again. At that point I dont know what this match is for although I understand that people arent meant to die here! But, I have a suggestion!

He ignored the noise of the crowd.

Allow Nito and I to fight to the death!

The audience flew into a frenzy at the suggestion. They waited eagerly to hear the decision of those in charge. After a moment, Oswald used a magic tool to respond.

Kyogoku, thats not possible. This tournament is just for students to understand each others power, we cannot allow anyone to die. Your proposal has been denied.

I understand, however would you mind not stopping the match like you did before? Ive asked Nito to take this seriously and I dont want to end up being humiliated like Saeki was, I would rather die. So can you just continue watching until its over?

Didnt I just tell you? I will stop this match at my own discretion.

Kyogoku didnt answer but just lowered his arm and look at me.

So Hidaka, Shall we start killing each other now? Otherwise Ill expose your identity.

Kyogoku completely ignored everything that Oswald said.

Youre so persistent. Didnt I tell you to do whatever you wanted?

In that case.

A magic circle appeared at his feet.

Ill use a different method.

He disappeared and when he appeared again he was.

Exploding fist!

He appeared in front of Toa, Nem, and Sufilia before slamming his fist into the ward.

Haha, As I thought! I cant break it!

Many in the audience were confused.

Great Exploding fist!

Kyogoku stacked up multiple magic circles over both hands and began to pumble the ward. His speed was fast, it didnt seem to belong to a human. I activated God Speed and kicked him.

Gu! Haha!

Kyogoku was blown backwards but he appeared calm as if he knew I was going to kick him. I held back but he should have been reasonably damaged by it.


Kyogoku laughed as he flew through the air. He was shaking his body in a vigorous dance until he neared the ground. In the moment before he hit, he twisted his body and landed on his feet. Unlike Saeki who had slammed into the ground and been done. Cheers rose from the audience when he did, it looks like he has a little skill to go with tha magic power.

That almost felt strong! What happened?

This guy is so annoying. Ive hardly had any interaction with him so I dont necessarily feel any sort of need for revenge against him. But, He is really annoying.

If you just want to die it doesnt have to be right now does it? I dont mind killing you but it would cause my friends trouble if I did it here.

Its not like I have a ton of free time you know? Besides I want to do it now. I dont care about your opinion, its simple isnt it? In a match we should do our best, shouldnt we? So dont worry about it and just come at me.

It didnt show on his face but he seemed to be angry about the kick.

Piercing Javelin!

Six silver javelins appeared around Kyogoku. To summon 6 at a time he might even be on Siegs level, his magic power had risen higher as well. I used God Speed to appear above him and grabbing two of the spears with my bare hands I used them to smash the others.

Youre all talk arent you? I mean it looks like youre decently skilled I guess. Your magic power at the very least seems to be on the level of the Empires kings shield. I took a peek at your status, Level 67? For someone who just came to this world a few months ago arent you growing a little fast? Do you know what this world calls a level 67 mage?

Its not like he entered the dungeon, how did he get that much experience that fast?

It was unlimited wasnt it?

Kyogoku replied calmly, the adventurer guild set standards for adventurer rank but these were separate from that.

Lv.1 Lv.18 Bronze class (60%)

Lv.19-Lv.30 Silver class (25%)

Lv.31-Lv.49 Gold class (14%)

Lv.50-Lv.65 Platinum class (1%)

Lv.66 or higher Unlimited class (0%)

Unlimited class level mages are said to not actually exist in this world. Platinum class mages are referred to as great mages regardless of their actual ability or achievements. The title is usually given to someone based of their achievements but once you reach platinum class its given to you either way as experienced points are valuable in this world and its hard to increase your level.

You have growth correction as well, is that one of your blessings?

Kyogokus level went up again, he was already well beyond the level of the kings shield.

I wonder? Maybe it is?

Blessing, really? What, did he get all this power by soaking in the bath?

I see. Ive changed my mind. Why dont I get a little serious?

Action speaks louder than words.

A magic circle appeared at his feet again and an even larger spear than the ones before appeared. After that he summoned a set of magical armor.

Magical clothing huh? And the whole body at that.

The stronger the magic the more armor would appear. Once you managed to get the armor to cover your entire body as well as your face it was said to be the highest level. And Kyogokus armor covered every inch of him all though it looked like crap, it was all silver with protrusions at the shoulders, knees and his feet.

Who taught you that magic?

I took out the executioners axe and smashed his spear when Kyogoku stabbed at me. However the spear had regenerative properties and he continued to stab at me in a desperate attempt to kill me.

Of course it goes without saying that my axe was much better than his spear. However the spear is repaired each time its broken, its quite troublesome.

Assassins Shadow!

His shadow wiggled and lifted off the ground to form another Kyogoku with the same armor and the same irritating spear.

Do it!

The shadow Kyogoku rushed forward at that signal and stabbed with its spear. I flipped my axe over to my left hand to block the spear from the real Kyogoku and used my right to reach out and grab the shadow spear.

Javelin Hoard!

When he cast magic I reflexively tried to put distance between us but when I looked my right hand was covered by the shadow and my axe was occupied by the other spear. The shadow spear had unraveled to form something like a spiders web, it had crawled up my arm to my shoulder and was pinning me in place.

Checkmate hero.

The crowd was going wild, Kyogoku had a bold smile as the shadow was wrapping around my body.

I was hoping for something a little more out of the additional match.

Kyogoku expression said that hed barely tried, the shadow robbed me of my sight with countless spears floating in the air.

I win!

The audience cheered at Kyogokus triumphant laughter. Apparently most of them had wanted him to win, the spears seemed to fall out of the sky towards me.


Kyogoku was laughing crazily. But sorry, if it was anyone other than me Im sure this would have worked. Its a nice combo. If I wasnt a mage of the abyss I would have probably lost there, hes a wonderful mage.

Erosion Wave!

The wave erased the shadow and the large amount of spears that had been flying towards me.


Kyogokus mouth was hanging open stunned by the development. The audience had fallen quiet, they had expected Kyogoku to win in that moment as well.

Kyogoku? This is the real strength of a hero.

Sweat appeared on Kyogokus forehead.

Hahahahaha! I never thought you would be able to stop it that easily.

He seemed to be smiling but his words and the tone of his voice showed a level of impatience.

Kyogoku, no matter how cornered you think you have someone. Dont let your guard down until their magic power has vanished.

Hahaha.. Ill remember that.

By the way, You said earlier that you wanted to do this for real right?

I did say that but..? Im not like Saeki, Ive already cornered you once so that threat isnt going to work on me.

I brandished the axe.

If youre opponent was someone other than me, they probably would not be able to defeat you.

And then I.



I narrowed the distance between us in an instant and smashed the axe into him.

Your growth correction is troublesome. Im reluctant but the nails that stand out get hammered down.

The axe was buried half way into his waist nearly cutting him in half.

Gofu! ..Gaha!

Kyogoku coughed up blood.

Youre the one that said you wanted to kill each other.

I put the axe away and grabbed him by the head before he could hit the ground.

Gaha! I..lose..thatsucks

He can still talk?

Its nothing to be embarrassed about. Youre strong, I was just stronger.

He didnt reply and his skin was turning blue. It looked like he would die soon. He cant be helped now, I have no grudge against him but Ill kill him now.


I felt a presence appear around me and a reflexively stopped what I was about to do.

What are you going to do principal?

I saw Oswald there.

This is where I draw the line. Release him.

Oswald wasnt the one who replied but someone else.


Who are these guys. Multiple knights in gold armor had appeared around me.

Your majesty, my most sincere apologies.

Oswald addressed the old man with a long white beard next to me as your majesty.

Its fine Oswald. I didnt think the adventurer Nito was this kind of person.

I looked around me. It seems like I was surrounded.

Dont move!

A knight thrusted his sword up against my neck the moment I so much as moved a finger.

Adventurer Nito! This match is over, lower your hand! What you have done cannot be overlooked!

Kyogoku was still breathing, but he was dying. The king told me to lower my hand.

I am Scheiser, King of Dams Ardan. Nito, release him.

Schneiser gave the command in a low voice.

Dams Arden? I see youre Leonardos superior then.

Leonardo? .I see, so hes already been in contact with you then.

I wonder why this king is an investor here? He and his knights all wear gold armor, wouldnt this be considered abuse of power? Now I want Dragons Heart to kill him.

So, I asked what you were doing? Can no one give me an answer to that? Im in a match right now, if you get in my way Ill kill you.

Y, You bastard! Watch what you say to the king!


The king commanded the knight to stop.

Nito, can you move away from him please?

What? This guy said he wanted a fight to the death?

That may be true but we cant tolerate anyone being killed here.

So you intend to shame Kyogoku?

That would be better than dying. Death has no meaning.

Meaning? You mean as nourishment for the investors? Where is the meaning in that?

The king stared at me with his mouth closed. Which one is the best path here, do I kill Kyogoku and make them my enemies or do I keep him alive. But the answer is obvious, this guys rate of growth is incredible if I keep him alive he will become a threat in the future. Its much safer to kill him. In that moment I heard multiple voices calling his name from the audience.



I turned to look and saw Kawachi, Hiragi, and Kanoi and Iida all calling his name.

Can you hear them? Kyogoku, theyre calling your name.

I whispered softly into his ear. There was a slight reaction but he didnt reply, I dont think he can speak anymore.

You were loved even though you never came to school. I envy you.

He made a low growl at that. Schneiser remained silent watching me. I looked at the heroes in the audience again. Saeki was there as well staring at me, His wounds seemed to have been healed and Kida sat next to him.


When I looked back at them I realized that those who had abandoned me were all lumped together. They had a bond, It was as if I was at the bottom of a pool of dark murky water and there were all staring down at me.

fu..I see.

I spoke unintentionally.

Nito, Please. Let go of the student.

The audience was looking at me with hate. Im the bad guy here, the shadow was floating over all of them.

Ill stop here for today. If the ending is good then its all good isnt it?

I turned to Oswald and spoke and the king slowly smiled.

Im grateful Nito.

He looked relieved.

Dont worry about it.

Lower your swords!



The moment the king ordered the knights to lower their swords I cast a spell on Kyogokus head. I blew it away and fresh blood spurted out from his neck.

Shinya Kyogoku, level 67 has been defeated.

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