A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 140: Circus animals

Chapter 140: Circus animals

A blade of wind headed towards Nem from the sky. However, Nem didnt look scared at all but immediately posed with her hands together as if in prayer. In that moment the same two arms as before came out of the ground and protected her from the wind blade. The wind didnt make a dent in the arms and they spread apart to reveal a defiant looking Nem.

Tim may dominate the sky but it was Nem who ruled the earth, their match had just begun.

Wind bladeAir press!

Tim applied the air pressure behind the wind blade intending to give it it more speed and power, but for some reason Nem released the skills.


Time was so distracted by this that Nem was easily able to dodge the wind, he didnt even try and control it and the magic flew right past her.

Will o Wisp!

Nem immediately fired off three fireballs.

Demons breeze!

Nem transformed the smaller fireballs into blazing giants that filled Tims vision as they roared in his direction. Even the audience could feel the heat coming off of them.


The large pillar of wind was able to defect 2 of the 3 fireballs as the flew towards him, unfortunately the wind pressure only increased the speed of the third as it flew towards him.

Ku! Wind spear!

His spear extinguished the fireball, however at that time two giant arms appeared behind Tim.

Bowl of the primordial trinity!

In the next moment a huge fist slammed into Tim knocking him back down to the ground.


Tim vomited blood from the impact as a painful sound echoed around the venue.

OOOH what a big miscalculation, Tim Lloyd, the prodigy of Fishnatica was slammed to the ground. Whats going to happen!?

The announcer commented on the fighter and Tim rose up from underneath some rubble as if in defiance of that voice. His expression was sad but Nem showed him no mercy.

Thunder demons armor!

The moment the magic circle appeared at her feet Nem disappeared. Wearing the lightning on her feet she approached Tim quickly with the crackle of electricity echoing behind her.

Cat Fist!

Nem slammed her fist with all her might into Tims stomach.


The sound made the audiences faces cramped as Tim barely retained his consciousness. He tried to cast magic but Nem wasnt finished yet.

7 colored Cat Fist!

Nem released 7 cat fists so fast that even she wasnt entirely sure where all of them landed.


Tims eyes rolled back as he began to faint.


He was chanting unconsciously now, and a huge ball of wind appeared above him. It approached Nem from the front but Tim was already incapable of controlling his magic and Nem slipped quickly behind him.

Bowl of the primordial trinity!

The rubble gathered into two large arms behind Nem appearing to the audience as though they belonged to a giant demon.

This is the end.

Nem entered a stance to strike a blow, but

The match is over!!! The match is over!!!!!!!

The announcer suddenly signaled the end of the match.

Contestant Tim Lloyd has been confirmed to be unconscious!

With that Nem released her skill and stood, as a great cheer rose up from the audience.

The winner is Nem!

Youre kidding right!? Theres no way that little kid could be the winner!

Everyone was surprised by the outcome.

Who is that kid?

Who? They called her Nem didnt they?

Everyone was becoming interested in Nem, even Francesca and Dolly were there.

Did you hold it down properly Dolly?

Its perfect!

Should we ask Nito just in case? Although I dont think he can hide it anymore.

The Reporter immediately went looking for Nito with a glint in her eye, aware that she had a scoop.

Nem on the other hand continued jumping around happily in the arena as there was no sign of the cheers stopping. The medical team arrived to carry Tim off as they began applying healing magic to him.

Meanwhile in the VIP area the two principals have made their way back to Schneiser.

That was amazing! The combination of magic she displayed was exquisite, shes still young but I must invite her to be court mage!

Y, yes her name isNem.

Hmm? Whats wrong?

Schneiser sensed that Sabrina was uncomfortable for some reason.

Actually, shes Nitos..

Hmm. I see.

Schneiser understood before Sabrina could finish.

In other words I cant invite her without first getting permission from Nito.

My apologies.

It cant be helped but you must watch the other kings. To put it simply this is not just a tournament, this is a mage auction. Im sorry to put it in such a way but there are many kings who will have made note of her. If something happens it will mean a confrontation between them and Nito, although I hope there are no kings that foolish.

Schneiser was hoping that there was no one who would try and take Nem by force.

But Nito is an adventurer correct? I dont have any prejudice against him but there is also that possibility.

Sabrina had an unpleasant premonition at Schneisers words and decided to go looking for Nito right away.

Youre majesty, please accept my apologies, Im going to go see Nem and Nito.

That would be better. You should take Oswald with you, if something happens you can count on him. Please forgive this old man for not going though.

Not at all.

The two of them bowed and left.

After Nems match the three of us were waiting down the tunnel for the contestants when we saw Nem come out of her room.

Master I won!!

Yeah I saw! You did your best huh!?


Nem ran and jumped into me.


I held Nem in my arms and patted her head.

This calls for a celebration! Nem what do you want to eat?


She gave the same answer as usual and although Sufilia and Toa were a little disappointed in it they both wore warm expressions.

If you want Meat you can eat plenty at the banquet tonight cant you? You dont want to try something else?

Nem wants meat!

Nem answered strongly.

Alright then, Lets head back to the school. Today its Fishnatikas turn to host the banquet isnt it?

Probably since Halekuwait held it yesterday.

The two schools took turns hosting.

Since its quite some distance, why dont we teleport. Lord Nito, if you please.

Sufilia looked a little annoyed, as a dubious looking trio came running in their direction. What was going on? Two of them were hiding their bodies in a long robe, it was almost certain that they were not students but instead people who had come to watch. And in the middle was a large overweight man with short legs. He wore an arabian style Hat and everything else he wore was white with Gold trim, was he the king of some country?

Either way he looked gross as he was dripping with sweat.

Oi you! I desire that cat girl!

The man pointed as he spoke.


Not what! Im saying I want that white cat girl!

He had a sticky jarring voice. What is he talking about? The only cat girl here was Nem, moreover white cats are rare so he must be talking about Nem. Then as if to answer my question the guy on the left came forward.

This is the reining king of the Pascantin Kingdom. King Tonpearl Pascantin.

The voice sounded like that of a mans, as he raised his hand to indicate the large man in the middle.

His majesty saw the match earlier and now desires the Cat girl to be the court mage in the Pascantin kingdom. You should hand her over quietly.

The man on the left said as if it was natural for me to do so.

I will have another pet!

Tonpearl jumped happily and his stomach moved much more than the rest of his body. It was like it was already decided that Nem would be going with him.

Im sorry, Nem is a member of my party. As such please refrain from trying to recruit her.

Did you misunderstand something?


The one on the right spoke then, he seemed to be a man as well.

This isnt a recruitment, were telling you to hand her over.

I see, so after some idiot aristocrat next is an idiot king. Although I guess this was the original purpose behind this tournament in the first place.

If it isnt King Pascantin, It has been a long time. Just as fat as ever I see.

Then another person appeared and the king reacted with a squealing sound.

Oh, Look its King shorty from the Utopiya kingdom.

Another king? Apparently the two of them were acquainted. The second kings escort appeared in front of him as well.

This is the King of the Utopiya Kingdom, King Nut. He saw the match earlier and is here looking for the Cat girl. Hand her over immediately.

Nut was really small, his head disproportionate to his body. Are these two really humans? They look like they belong in a circus.

What are you talking about!? I found her first so she belongs to me!

Oh? What a noisy pig, we cant eat it but why dont we have a hunt before heading home?

This two are rotten, theyre talking about Nem as if shes a thing.

Now, Hurry and hand over that catgirl!

No! You will give her to me!

Was the school really supported by these kinds of people?

Nito? What do we do?

Its ok, Ill do something about this.

Toa seemed worried while Nem clung to me tightly.

I really want to kill these people because Ive grown frustrated listening to them but I cant.

Excuse me!!!

I shouted in a loud playful tone causing the two kings to turn to me at the same time.

Dont make me say this again. Nem will not be going with either of you. So return to whatever circus the two of you came from. Youre making the air foul.

I answered through the mask.

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