A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 135: Can't understand

Chapter 135: Can't understand

The magic that controls the heavens and the weather. Depending on its use it could cause natural disasters and being catastrophe to the world.

So thats what heavenly attribute magic is?

Yes. Even I could do nothing against that magic.

So, when was the last time you saw Kagetra?

I havent seen him since the end of the war.

What about the other members?

I mainly just talked to Kagetra, besides theres a teaching that dragons shouldnt really be involved with Humans in the first place.

Why shouldnt you be involved?

Because humans are stupid creatures. It is usually humans who wage war and lead the world to ruin.

Is that so?

Yes, humans are stupid creatures is something the dragon king used to say.

Dragon king?

The black dragon said that in the past the dragon king was once under the control of humans.

So, who is the dragon king?

The only thing I knew was that the king wasnt human.

You dont know of the old dragon?

Whats the old dragon?

Old dragon Dostoevsky. That is the name of our king.

Our? There are others?

Do you not know anything about dragons?

The black dragon asked as if this information was common sense.

No, Ive only met 2. You and a red dragon named Hardy.

What!? Did you say Hardy!?

You know him?

The Red Dragon Hardy de Stein Van Gogh is one of our three great dragons!

Three great dragons? Theres another one?

The last is the white dragon. And the one that brought us together was the dragon king.


More importantly, where did you meet Hardy?

Near Artemias, he had his dragon treasure stolen so I helped out.

I see. So it was you after all.

Apparently hed already heard. Do dragons visit each other often?

So about Kagetra, what happened after the end of the war?


The black dragons expression changed.

After a while I heard of Kagetras death, apparently it was because he fooled around with some princess. But I didnt believe it, he was a man of character, I think he got caught up in something.

The black dragon seemed sad.

His death was a great loss and yet the world is unaware of it.

It seems like the dragon had a great deal of trust in Kagetra.

I understand. And although I understand I want to move on to the main subject here so Ill tell you this, dragons heart is alive.

The dragons eyes opened wide.

What!? Really?

I dont know about Adolf and Kagetra, oh and Shawns dead.. but Khalifa and Zephyr are alive.

I see. Ive heard those names several times but Id forgotten them.

Apparently this guy was only interested in Kagetra.

So you never like, talked to Adolf?

No, I only ever talked to Kagetra. I dont know that other guy, but I think something must have happened behind the scenes, and I know the memories of dragons heart have disappeared.

Its the same as what happened to Khalifa.

So, you dont know anything else?

No, after his death I figured there was nothing I could do for him. So I inherited his will and formed this dragons heart.

The new dragons heart huh. I understand but I want to ask one more thing.

Youre asking a lot of questions today.

Sieg said with a frustrated attitude.

This is the last one, it may involve you guys as well.


I ignored Sieg and spoke at the Dragons behest.

You know about the empire right?

The atmosphere in the room changed drastically.

I was actually a target of the empire for a while until I went to meet the emperor directly.

..what did you say?

The expression on the dragons face told me that the empire meant something to them. Seeing how it was using its power to cause war etc, it was probably a target.

My conversation didnt pan out all that well but I found out that the empires target was dragons heart.

What!? What does that mean?

Sieg asked immediately.

I dont know why but hes searching for the 5 of them. His whole expression changed when I behaved as though I knew them, he was very excited. So I wanted to ask you, do you know why hes looking for them?


The black dragon stroked jts chin as it thought.

Its ok if you dont know because with what I know now I cant do anything.

Cant fo anything?! You? Is the emperor that..

Sieg misunderstood what I was saying and freaked out.

Thats not what I meant, they themselves are insignificant. I could destroy them right now.

Sieg relaxed.

But my question is, are they in control of the beast country? I dont know why but it seems like they are oppressing the beast country. They may have hostages.

Then the black dragon began to speak.

I dont know. I dont know but its possible that he assumes we destroyed the empire.

Are you talking about hundreds of years ago?

Yes. The empire has the same name as back then so its possible that there are historical records recounting the war that survived.

I had thought the same thing at one point but I decided it was too simple. To think that the empire had been preparing for war the past 20 years just to go after 5 adventurers.

Well Im also a temporary member of dragons heart, so what do you guys think of the empire? Arent they a perfect example of people abusing their power? Are you just going to leave them be?

Thats not it.

Sieg said.

Thats why we were gathering friends.

I immediately understood.

..I see.

I now understood why Sieg used to say that they didnt have time and was trying to recruit people.

When we met you there were only three of us and with only 3 we are unable to take on the empire. They have the kings shield and an entire unit made up of beastmen after all, its not the same as Greyberg.

I see.

So, we decided to look for help first. But before we could, Greyberg performed a hero summoning.

I understand what youre saying. What about now though?

We have you now. If what you said earlier is true, thats encouraging.

Is it okay for him to keep relying on me?

I mean sure, I said I could kill then but. You dont intend to kill the beast people do you?

Thats something that cant be helped. If we act now, there will be fewer dead in the long run than if we let a war break out.

But a human war has nothing to do with the beastmen?

But the Beastmen arent related. Are you just going to kill people that have nothing to do with it?

Siegs eyebrows wrinkled.

Its unavoidable. Not all of them are being forced to fight you know. Some of them are there because they want to be, because they get treated better there than the beast country. If they chose to be there then theyre guilty, whats wrong with killing them?

Because the Emperor seduced them!? That old man is capable of that you know.

Sieg looked fed up.

Why are you so concerned about the beastmen!? You know back when you destroyed that castle there were hundreds of unrelated people inside of it. Just because you didnt realize it doesnt change the facts. Sometimes there are people there that are unrelated but its still necessary

It doesnt matter how many humans die.

Huh? What did you just say?

No matter how many humans die, it doesnt matter to me.

Sieg doesnt seem to understand what Im saying.

What does that mean? .wait, did you really just say that humans dying doesnt matter to you?

Yeah, theres not some deep meaning behind it. You dont have to think that hard.

Sieg just stared at me.

Nito, isnt that strange?

Alford said.

Youre human too. Why did you say humans dont matter to you? Theres a very big relation between you and them!?

All Im saying is I dont think anything of human death. Especially those that have nothing to do with me. But arent the beastmen a necessary existence for this world?

Necessary existence? What do you mean?

Alford didnt understand.

Nito, can you explain it in a way that we can understand?

Even Eliza seemed confused.

I see.. its fine if you dont understand.

They probably wont understand even if I told them, its something only I can understand.

Its not fine! If you arent going to help then that changes the plan drastically. First and foremost it makes it impossible!

Then, shouldnt you go?

Its not as good as me going but, the dragon should be able to suppress the kings shield.

I wont be going. This is something only you can solve.


I will not help in the organizations mission.

I dont get it, isnt this guy the one who made the organization?

Is there.a reason?

The next time I appear on the battlefield will be when I die. There is no other reason.

What does that mean?

Like you said, its fine if you dont understand.

This guy is annoying, he just wants to sit around and let Sieg and I take care of things.

And youre okay with that!?

What does Sieg think of this lazy dragon?

Of course, its been that way from the beginning. This was always going to be handled by us.

Its good to be confident but in the end, you cant do it without me right?

Im not saying we cant. Just that the plan has to change.

What do you intend to do?

Sieg sighed.

Well send out a request to other countries.

A request?

Meaning, Sieg was going to gather troops and wage war on the empire. Waging war to stop war, Sieg said it couldnt be helped because the main goal is to minimize the damage the empire could cause.

Well then, I will go to the beast country and take a look at the damage there. Otherwise I wont know the actual situation.

Do what you want. I wont say anything anymore but your power is essential to destroy the empire.

It seems like youve known something about the empire since before. What is it that you know?

Siegs expression grew dark, I could see hatred there.

Nito, I dont know how it is for you but for me they are my greatest enemy.


My entire purpose is to kill that country. Thats the entire reason Im in this organization.

I dont understand. Can I ask what happened?

Eliza and I, that country killed the people most important to us.

Sieg refused to say anything more. Before hed said something like we all have darkness inside of us, is this what he meant?

Well if you dont want to say I wont ask. Im not going to change my mind though. I help those who are worth it and thats it, I dont know when Ill be in the beast country. There wont be a war for a while yet so I plan to continue my journey and stop by the beast country along the way.

But Sieg didnt seem to think much about what I was saying.

Do you not get it? It wouldnt be strange for a war to break out in this situation.

When it happens it happens. And if the war started now who would fight the empire? Razhousen isnt prepared to fight. And even the other country Dams Ardan that has invited me to fight with them said they were not yet ready. So who exactly is going to stand up to the empire?

Youre information seems to be flawed. Thank you for it but it will not effect our decision.

Apparently Sieg expects a war to break out soon.

When it starts Ill come running. I have friends in Razhousen so, if youre going to make a request. Do it there.

Sieg didnt say anything else.

Ill be heading back but before that. Sieg, did you tell Ichijo about me?

Tell him about you? What about you?

Then I saw Alford trying to sneak out of the hall.


As soon as I called his name he stopped, his shoulders shaking.

You? Youre the one that told him about Razhousen? I was almost exposed thanks to that.

Alford turned around, a forced smile on his face.

Dont be so worried. This is a problem between him and I.


A stubborn guy, a interfering guy, and a stupid girl. I may have made a mistake by joining this organization, it seems like I cant even have a proper conversation with them when I visit.

Depending on the situation Id like to get rid of them but Im lacking information so lets stick with them for now.

I didnt know Siegs plan but when that time comes Ill have no use for these guys. Although this is kind of fun, it feels like Im manipulating events.

I sighed and left the hall through the dungeon.

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