A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 123: Razhousen's sky

Chapter 123: Razhousen's sky

Nem split up with us to go see the sister, even though I knew it was safe for her to go I still resisted heavily for a minute or two. Am I overprotective? In the end I still left Toa and Sufilia to watch over her. While thinking about this a nostalgic looking guild appeared in front of me.

Thisis where it began.

My starting point, well not really but for me it had that feeling. I smiled underneath the mask and entered the guild.

Oi! You guys arent drinking enough!

As soon as I entered I heard some idiot shouting immediately. It was yogi, hes the same as ever, still drinking all day.

Wha! Who are you!

They were all intimidated by me as soon as theyd seen me. Although it makes sense because of the way I was dressed.

Long time no see Yogi.


When I said that Yogi just looked confused.

What, Yogi you know this guy?

Huh? No way! Look at him, what makes you think I know a guy like that?

How rude! What do you mean look at me, I put a lot of effort into designing this outfit!

Oi, who are you!?

I am me.

And who is that?

How annoying, claims that Im his eternal friend and then cant even recognize my voice.


Everyone in the guild turned to look at me the same time.


Yogi couldnt have a dumber look on his face.

Yeah, Nito. Long time no see Yogi.

I might not be particularly close with this guy but he did buy me a lot of alcohol back in the day so we hung out a lot.

I saw someone running towards me at a considerable speed. It was Cedric.

Ill break anyones neck who dares use the name of our hero!

Cedric seemed to take it seriously and was headed directly for me but I couldnt feel any bloodlust from him at all.

Hey Cedric, been a while.

I became acquainted with him through Yogi, the two of them are kind of like a set. I caught the blue magic sword he swung at me in my right hand, although I felt kind of sorry for him so I didnt break it.


Cedric and everyone else looked at me with stunned expressions on their faces.


A huge cheer suddenly rose up.

Oi! Bring alcohol! Our hero Nito is back!

Suddenly Yogi decided that I was indeed Nito.

He just stopped my magic sword with his bare hands! Theres no doubt that this guy is Nito!

Cedric was always confused.

Why are you back? Could you not forget about us after all?

Yogi throws his arm around my shoulder.

I stopped by because I had some business to take care of, dont cling to me.

Its fine brother.

Who are you calling brother!

Were friends arent we?

Before I noticed Id already had a mug of beer shoved in my hand.

Alright Nito, lets drink!

Yogi pushed alcohol onto me, originally I was just planning to show up here.

Lets feast tonight boys!


What are you, a bunch of college students?

Uhm, excuse me. Nito?


I heard a voice behind me and turned around the beer still in my hand.

I heard someone say Nito so I was a little curious.


It was good that he arrived before I started drinking or I would have had to take my mask off.

What, you!?

Yogi snapped at him.

Ah! Excuse me, my name is Ichijo. I just arrived in Razhousen.

Ichijo? Why are you here?

Yeah, right in front of me, was the hero Ichijo.

Nito, you know this guy?

Y, yeah.

Why is he here?

So you are Nito! No wonder I couldnt feel your magic power.

Sometimes being too strong bites me in the rear.

If you know Nito then come drink with us! Weve got plenty of alcohol!

Ok then.

Ichijo sat next to me at the same time the doors to the guild were flung open. It was Raid.

Is Nito here?!

Raid quickly found me and sat next to Yogi with a grin.

Nito I have something I need to talk with you about, is that ok?

Why is this guy being so friendly all of a sudden.

Im actually looking for someone.

A person? Whats their name? Someone here at the guild may have seen them!

Yogi and Ichijo had sandwiched me in and started the conversation without permission. Meanwhile Raid was staring directly at me.

Im looking for someone named Hidaka Masamune.

It came!

Hi..da..ka Masamune? What a strange name. No, wait, wasnt there someone with that name here before?


Not good, not good!

Whats wrong Nito? Your hands are shaking.


Raid is really annoying, I should have been more vigilant.

No! I cant give up yet.

Speaking of which, Ichijo!?

Yes! What is it?

Why are you here? Shouldnt you be at head quarters?

Oh, it was actually Sieg that recommended I come. He heard talk that Masamune was here.


What is that guy thinking!? Should I have just killed him?

Hmm? Yeah, I think a guy like that was here.

Yogi was trying to remember while I trembled in anger.

Uhm, did you remember anything?

Ichijo asked.

I believe he left, I think it was kind of last minute.

I see.

Ichijo looks disappointed as Yogi saves me with his idiocy. Although I cant relax just yet because hes still thinking.

Nito, I have something else to talk about as well.

Raid suddenly spoke up again.


Youre annoying, please leave.

Will you spar with me?


Weve had a lot of incidents with the empire lately and after forming the white Corp weve worked hard to train ourselves as well. But I dont feel any stronger, so I figured since youre here why not have a mock battle?

Couldnt you just ask Reinhardt?

I cant spar with him, I think it makes more sense to challenge you.

Its almost like the first time I met you.

I looked sideways towards Yogi trying to put off an aura telling Raid to go away. He looked at me with a clouded expression for a moment before smiling suddenly.

Right!? Masamune!?

Raid suddenly shouted and Ichijo immediately turned to look at him.

Did you remember something!? Anything at all is fine!

Ichijo was desperate.

I knew Id heard that name somewhere!

Raid was grinning evilly at me. What is this guy planning?

Really!? Can you tell me where you heard it!?

Ah, I dont remember much. He was a healer wasnt he?

Yes! He was!

Ichijo leaned forward excitedly.

Yeah, I feel like Ive heard something about him as well.

Yogi was thinking earnestly while Raids grin seemed to be saying that he would expose me if I didnt fight him.

Oh right! Masamune is!


Its unavoidable.

Hmm? What?

You wanted to spar right?

Hmm? Yeah, I just wanted a quick exchange of fists in front of the guild. You can do that right?

In other words hes saying, Ill keep quiet if you fight me is this really the kind of knights that defend this country?


Ichijo was eager to hear what Raid would have to say after that.

Hmm? Oh sorry, I thought I was remembering but it was just my own misunderstanding.

. I see.

Ichijos shoulders drooped but Yogi followed up.

But he was certainly here.


Ichijo came back to life.

Yeah, there was certainly someone with that name here. Its a rare name so its hard to forget.

You did forget you idiot! Its a good thing he has a bad memory otherwise I would have been exposed.

But I dont think hes here anymore, I think hes already left the country.

What did he do while he was here?

I think he was an adventurer?

Whats wrong with this guys head? If you can remember that much how can you not realize it?

I see, so he was an adventurer?

If he left he probably went in the direction of Artemias and Halekuwait.

Oioi! Youre talking too much now Yogi!


You dont know about it? Its some kind of magic school.

Magic school?

Ichijo was quiet for a moment, hes not thinking about going to the academy is he?

Oh yeah, theres going to be a tournament between Halekuwait and Fishnatica soon.

A tournament? This is the first Ive heard of it.

Well, it happens every year but its different this year. After all there are 19 summoned heros from Greyberg attending Fishnatica.

Ichijo looked surprised, didnt he read magical communication? Shouldnt he know?

Oh right, isnt Nito going to the academy now? I think it was in Magical communication?

Y, yeah.

How annoying.

Nitos in school?

Y, yeah. Im researching something.

I see. And, there is..

Hidaka? I dont know, I havent seen anyone with that name.

..I see.

Ichijo immediately stood up.

What? Are you leaving already? Theres still so much alcohol.

Yogi tries to hand Ichijo alcohol.

Id like too but while Im relaxing here, hes getting further away. Thank you Yogi, and you as well.

Dont worry about it, a friend of Nito is a friend of mine.

Yogi, its convenient that youre an idiot. Raid raised his finger and asked.

Nito, about our match. Shall we go outside?

Cant be helped.

You guys! I dont know why but it looks like Nito and a white knight are going to fight! Lets go watch!


Thats why all of you are like college students. I headed outside with Raid followed by a hoard of adventurers led by Yogi.

Raid and I were surrounded, everyone had a mug of beer in their hands and was shouting. Even Ichijo had stopped to watch.

No weapons or magic, although Im going to use magic since I cant really compete with you. But not attack magic, just melee enhancements.


I agreed to Raids rules, its about time for Toa and the others to arrive at the guild so Id like to finish this before then.

Cask de If

Flames came up to cover Raids body, although they werent as wild as before. In fact they were much calmer, is this the results of his training?

What do you think Nito? How do I compare to the kings shield?

My confrontation with Raj was also in Magical communication.

Be honest.

Youre not as good as the shield.

..I see.

Raid felt some regret.

Alright. Lets begin!

Raid ran towards me and threw a fist at me.

His movement is faster as well.

Ha! Is that so?

I deflected Raids fist with my right hand, Im going to focus on defense so I dont accidentally kill him. He threw kicks and punches one after the other and ever time I come into contact with him the flame goes out in that spot. He was growing more agitated.

What!? Are you using magic?

No, its just my hand.

Apparently he didnt expect the flames to go out and Raid thought I was using nullifying magic. The adventurers cheered each and every time we made contact.

Then Raid focused the flame that was covering his body into his right hand.

This is my best!

Since its the last one I wont avoid it.

I appreciate that.

Raid dashed forward and threw his burning fist at me.

No way

One of the adventurers around me said.

Raid looked a little sad.


No, its ok. I understand. So? How was I?

Hmm, I wont say that you cant compete with those from the empire, but its not enough to take on the kings shield.

I see.

Why was everyone so shocked? Its because I had stopped Raids fist with a single finger.


A Shockwave seemed to run through the crowd.

Raid had wanted to know the distance between himself and the empire but, I dont think hell be able to do much against them.

Sorry for taking up your time.

Its fine as long as you dont talk about me.

Huh? I had no intention of poking my nose into your business in the first place.

Raid grinned and walked away.

As expected of you Nito!

Ichijo came over to me, it seems like he watched until the end even though hed pretended to be in a hurry.

Its not a big deal.

I saw Toa and the others off in the distance.

Ill be taking my leave now.

Are you going back to the academy?


For the tournament?


I see, Ill probably end up at Halekuwait myself in the future. Ill talk to you again at that time.

II see. Ok then.

You really dont have to come.

Well then

Ichijo walked towards the main gate.

What? Youre leaving already?

Yogi suddenly talked to me as well.

Yeah, Ive already finished what I needed to do. See you.

Tsk, youre still so unfriendly. Alright, come back if you get a chance then.

In the end Yogi said farewell.

The crowd was astonished when I opened the door to the dungeon.


Toa was waiting for me.

Im coming.

The three girls entered the dungeon.

The empire, what should I do about it? When Im worried I have a tendency to look up at the sky.

Grey sky again huh?

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