A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 100: Harem

Chapter 100: Harem

The girl opened her eyes and called Sarah princess.

Wait, I thought you were at the top of the food chain in the spirit world?

Im pretty sure the princess isnt a queen

Yes I am. Im the princess.

Then how are you the princess?

Because the queen is still alive, she just doesnt respond to the summons.

Well I guess it doesnt actually matter.

Hey dont ignore me! More importantly why is the princess here!?

Compared to Sarah this other spirit is really noisy. Although I guess Im not the one that has to Make a contract with her.

Patrick, hold out your finger.

Sarah ignored the spirit talking to Patrick instead, who did as he was told and held his finger out. Hed nicked it with his knife before he did so though.

First me.

Sarah licked his finger.voluntarily this time.

After that Sarahs body was wrapped in flames that scattered into the sky.

I dont need you anymore.


I dont really understand but it looks like my part is finished, Sarah let go of my arm. Wait, whats going on? Sarah just licked Patricks blood. Which means.what?

Ok, Yui youre turn.


Sarah stared at the spirit shed called Yui.

Yui, Patrick summoned you and wants to form the contract.

I see I see.

Patrick, this is Yui. Youll work very well together.

I understand.

What in the world happened while I was in the dungeon? Why does he trust her so much now?

Now Yui lick Patricks blood. I licked it so you can too right?

Ok! Since the princess did it. paku.

Without hesitation Yui turned and bit Patricks finger.


Yui! Youre not supposed to use your teeth!

What.am I watching right now? It looks like something that should be happening in a private room.

Toa and Sufilia didnt seem to think anything of it though. After that Yuis body was wrapped in flames.

Ok its finished.

Sarah smiled at Patrick.

Yeah. Thank you for helping.

Uhm, Im lost. Can someone tell me whats going on?

I have no idea whats going on.

Its simple, I reformed my contract with Patrick and then he formed a new one with Yui.

Huh? So in other words Patrick now has two spirit contracts?


Thats totally cheating

Apparently this is supposed to help me ue more stable spirit magic.

Patrick explained.

Stable magic my backside, its a harem! This guy as completely forgotten about the school competition and has built himself a harem.

Youve become much calmer havent you?

Sarah suddenly spoke go me.


It probably has something to do with what Bell did.

Am I that different?

Yeah, you look like a different person. Try not to get swallowed by the abyss again.

The abyss!? This guy is a fool of the abyss?!

Yui barged into the conversation.

More or less.


Yui seemed confused.

So Sarah is Patricks spirit still?

Toa asked.

Yes. I decided I wanted to stay in the world a little longer. Its fun.

Yui and Nem were already shaking hand. Nem can get along with anyone it seems.

So are you going to practice some spirit magic now? Want me to come along?

No thats ok. Yui and I will teach him.

I was turned downPatrick didnt say anything either, maybe he just wants time with his Harem.

Oh, ok then.

I feel like I got rejected, I guess Ill go do my own stuff..

What are you three going to do?

Nem is going to learn magic!

Im going to go with Nem, I think I might try and participate in the school battle.


Yes! Nem is also going to participate!

What about you Sufilia? Are you going to participate?

No, Ill just watch.

In that case Im going to go run an errand.

Ok, well be fine.

I guess Ill just leave then, but I forgot to ask something.

By the way, it doesnt look like youve been found out yet but, did you still want to go by Sufilia?

It doesnt matter. Although I would like to take Lord Nitos surname.

I dont have a surname, see ya.

I will see you later.

Sufilia bowed.

I knocked on the principals door and heard a voice from inside.

Pardon the intrusion.

When I entered I saw Sabrina inside.

Well if it isnt the hero, or should I call you dungeon clearer?

You can just call me Nito. Im here for the application procedure, are you busy?

I came here before we went to the dungeon but we put Sufilias application to the school on hold.

No, you mean Sufilias application?


What a strange name, sounds like a princess.

Hahaha, Im sure shell appreciate the compliment.

That didnt sound like a guess, she probably knows.

So how was the dungeon?

I figured she was going to ask.

You didnt actually give an answer to magical communication.

Ill leave the truth to your imagination.

Hmm, Id still like to hear about the dungeon. Was it just like people said they were?

Well, I can probably tell her this much without worrying.

No, its different.

Sabrina leaned towards me making it look like her breasts were going to pop out of her shirt.

How different was it? Completely? Just a little?

Completely, everything this world thinks about dungeons is wrong.

Her eyes were sparkling.

A dungeon isnt something someone can go in and clear after all, it only accepts the right person.

Anyone other than me was not allowed to enter.

Thats an interesting way to put it. What do you mean?

I didnt really mean to give any information away but the principle kept digging.

Theres not really any special meaning.

She slowly sat back down.

I see, so you arent going to tell me anything more..


No, thats ok.

She took out a book.

Do you know why I want to know more about dungeons?

Of course not, Ive never really talked to her.

Is it not just curiosity?

Partially. But theres a more important reason.

More important?

Yes, because I am the principal of Halekuwait.

. I see.

I dont get it, I was however curious about that book. It looks like the cover was colored using black crayons.

This book is about this schools founding.

Do you mind if we take care of the procedure first?

Ive already done that. Now you have a duty to listen to me.

A duty? What do you mean?

The principals opened the book, the print was small and hard to see. But when I leaned forward to look she closed the book and looked at me.


This school was was founded to keep watch over something.

This seems like its going to be a dangerous topic.

The founders name is Marcellus Halekuwait. A deciple of Adams.

I felt like I suddenly understood what she was talking about. In other words this school had something to do with Khalifas book, maybe this was the luck she was talking about.

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