A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 833 Aeris Means A Lot To Me

Chapter 833 Aeris Means A Lot To Me

Archer looked at his uncle and replied with a mocking chuckle, ''Yes, I stole your wife, but now I think I will go after your daughters if you don't apologize for slandering my good name.''

Rylon sputtered when he heard his response and couldn't believe how shameless his nephew was. Archer stood up and approached the man surrounded by his guards. ''Now you mention Fianna,'' he said with a grin.

He leaned in to whisper to the Duke, ''I will make her my woman tonight and mark her womb with my seed.''

When Rylon heard this, anger took over. He swung at Archer, who leaned back to dodge it, before unleashing a devastating punch to the man's gut, bringing him to his knees as the strike dented his uncle's armor.

The guards quickly rushed forward, but Archer used his tail to swipe at the stupid soldiers and took them to the ground. He looked at them and spoke with a smirk, ''Don't be stupid. If you attack me, that would mean the Avalon Empire has declared war on the Draconia Kingdom.''

Archer smiled, ''Now take my uncle back to the Summerfield Duchy. Tell the empire that I will help the Dunespire people.''

''How will you help?'' The Redcliff guards questioned as more of them appeared from the front gate.

''Like this,'' Archer waved his hand, summoning even more Stone Men and ordered them to clear the kingdom of the Swarms monsters, which they instantly obeyed.

He watched them rush through the city while pinpointing the creatures who snuck over the walls. When the Stone Men caught the Swarms minions, they were crushed and turned into chunks of meat.

Archer turned back to the guard. ''I will clear the kingdom for Aeris, but she'll come with me once it's safe.''

The guards didn't know what to say and looked at each other before a velvety, smooth voice said, ''Ara ara, it looks like my cute granddaughter has found someone who cares about her.''

He turned to see a mature woman standing there with a seductive smile on her beautiful face. Archer noticed her sinful curvy body that had the right amount of curves, and her massive boobs strained against the dress's fabric.

The woman looked like an older version of Aeris if she were to have long, wavy hair. Archer was instantly attracted to her, which she sensed. She turned to him with a grin, ''Oh, a young man who appreciates a mature beauty?''

Archer nodded with a charming smile, but then something hit him as the woman closed in on him and was only an inch away. ''The young nowadays think if you're over thirty, you're an old woman, which is ridiculous as my beauty can match anyone younger.''

'Narcissist much?' he thought when hearing the woman's complaints. 'But she can be as she's drop dead gorgeous.'

He chuckled to himself before speaking, ''You're not old. You are beautiful, and age doesn't affect you whatsoever.''

The woman's smile grew wider as her red eyes glowed, ''Sweet words will only get you so far, dragon,'' she said seductively.

She looked around before leaning forward, allowing Archer to get a good view of her deep cleavage, ''Now, little dragon, if you want this Wraith, you're going have to prove what it takes. Conquer Pluoria, from the jungles in the south to the ice tundras in the north.''

Archer gulped as the beautiful woman approached, her hot breath brushing against his ear. ''Once the white flag flies over the whole continent, I will become your woman and will give you powerful children, as most of mine have failed me.''

He looked into the woman's eyes and realized she was being serious, ''What brought this on?''

The woman smirked. "You will be my granddaughter's husband, but if you desire me as well, you'll need to prove you're worthier than all the kings who've sought my hand, including the emperors of Nightshade and Novgorod."

Just as Archer was going to reply, a bad feeling washed over him; he looked around and didn't see anything but rushed forward to push the older woman out of the way just as a green blast slammed into the spot she was standing.

When the spell connected, Archer flew backward and crashed into the mansion's outer wall. The guards rallied and surrounded the woman, but a sudden voice reached his ears, ''Arch!'' it said.

Seconds later, he was wrapped in a comforting darkness as his body started mending. Archer looked around only to realize that Aeris was shielding him from another wave of spells, and he felt her pain.

He cast Cosmic Shield and Aurora Healing without a second thought before Blinking out of her. When Archer did that, Aeris returned to her human form and lunged at him while wrapping her slender arms around his shoulders.

Archer returned the hug with one of his own before the two separated, as he had to block more spells that were cracking the shield. With a relieved voice, Aeris spoke, ''Grandmother will be able to look after herself as she's a Demi-God.''

''Its the Swarm,'' he revealed. ''They must have ambushed us with an elite unit when the monsters discovered I was in the city.''

Aeris nodded before returning to her Wraith form and shouting a shrill scream that stunned the attacking monsters. When Archer saw this, he rushed out, lunged at the first Mutant Human, and sank his sharp teeth into the creature's neck.

He tore its head off before blasting another with Eldritch Blast when it tried to get closer. Archer was enjoying himself when he found Aeris fighting a group of Blightborns with shining claws.

When they struck the Wraith girl, blood flew and stained the ground. 'Have they found her weakness?' he asked himself internally.

Archer shrugged and used Blink to appear before the monster attacking Aeris, who was trying to retreat. He easily tore them apart while his tail was like a deadly whip decapitating anything that got too close.

He protected Aeris because the Mutated Humans rushed at her in the dozens. Archer knew something had to happen before taking a deep breath and releasing a stream of violet-colored fire that washed over the creatures.

His attack gave the mature woman time to deal with the stronger mutants. She transformed into a massive Wratih, which tore the creatures apart while letting out an ear-piercing scream and shattered windows.

It even hurt Archer's ears, forcing him to cover them due to the intense pain. Shortly after that, Aeris appeared in her human form before cupping his cheeks and kissing him. When he felt her soft lips, a shock ran through his body.

Soon, the two separated, and the battlefield started to calm down, thanks to the city guards, who crashed into the creature's rear. Archer didn't want to give up the experience he could gain, so he cast the Plasma Missile hundreds of times.

Once the violet missiles appeared above him, Archer sent them flying forward, causing a wave of explosion that easily annihilated the Swarms of Monsters. As he did that, Aeris's grandmother continued her attack.

The older woman killed the remaining creatures before appearing in front of Archer with a smile, ''So you're the White Dragon,'' she said in an exotic accent that he couldn't place. ''I'm Narcissa Redcliff, Matriarch of the Redcliff noble family.''

Archer smiled at her, ''Archer Wyldheart, King of Draconia.''

Narcissa nodded while glancing around. ''Dunespire will fall,'' she said. ''Will you take little Aeris to your kingdom? I know she likes you, and by the way you look at her, you feel the same.''

He nodded in affirmation. "Of course I feel the same. Aeris means a lot to me."


Archer glanced at the short-haired girl, her cheeks flushed red as she avoided his gaze. "She's caring and saved my life from a Demi-God. Plus, I've grown quite fond of my little Wraith and her beautiful red eyes."

The older woman beamed, ''Great. You two will fly back to Draconia, where I will come in a few weeks.''

When Aeris heard this, she stepped forward, ''Where are you going?''

''I have some private business to attend to, little wraith; I'm sure this handsome young man will give you a nice place to live where I can join you when I finish,'' Narcissa said before her gaze turned to him.

Archer nodded, but then he got a message from Nefertiti, [Husband! You need to aid me as these vile creatures have sent assassins to target my family]

When he received that, he looked at Aeris and said concernedly, ''We need to help Nefi. The Swarm are sending monsters to target the imperial family.''

Aeris nodded just as Narcissa commented, ''Good luck. I shall see you in a few weeks, lovebirds.''

The black-haired girl went red as she transformed into her Wraith form. Archer summoned his wings and took off with a boom. He quickly used Mana Manipulation to speed south, followed by Aeris.

While flying over the chaotic landscape, Archer summoned dozens of extra large Stone Men by pouring stupid amounts of mana into them. The stone giants crashed into the ground below like an earthquake.

They quickly went to work, destroying everything in sight. As the stone constructs wreaked havoc, Archer felt a constant stream of experience flowing into him, filling him with growing excitement.

As he flew, Aeris caught up and wrapped herself around his body, causing a warm feeling to wash over him. ''Thank you for coming to help me, Arch,'' she said in a sweet voice made better by her exotic accent. I hope we get along while I spend time in your kingdom.''

[Give my new novel a read and let me know what you think - Level Up: Voidwalker]

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