A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 829 We're moving to Florida

Chapter 829 We're moving to Florida

It took the couple had an hour to finish their food and leave the restaurant. They were walking through a quiet Aquaria as the sun had set, causing Teuila to ask, looking at the moon, ''Do you think we could go back to your old world when you're strong enough?''

Archer was surprised and didn't know what to think as memories flooded his mind, causing him to stop walking. When Teuila was stopped, she turned to him with worry and quickly apologized.

But he was also lost in the sea of memories as they overwhelmed his senses, causing him to daydream. While this happened, someone very close to him, whom he was forced to leave behind on Earth, was having an encounter.


[Michelle Bennett's POV]

[A year after Archer's murder]

The older woman was struggling to hold her family together as it was falling apart after her youngest son's murder. Michelle's husband had hit the bottle and has been useless ever since while her children scattered with the wind.

She was at the graveyard outside London, tending to Archer's beautiful grave. With a brush in hand, she scrubbed the gravestone while speaking in a voice heavy with neverending grief, ''You know, I never wanted more children after I had your big sister Ellie? But when you were born, I saw those big blue eyes and curly brown hair, and that's when I fell in love again.''

Michelle brushed off the dirt as she continued, tears welling in her blue eyes as she remembered her son's smile. ''Did you know you're an uncle now? Your big sister Diana had a baby boy. She asked if she could name him after you, but I refused as I couldn't handle it.''

After speaking, she continued cleaning as the howling wind picked up, causing the trees above to sway. Michelle looked up when she heard a voice say, ''Mom! Get back to the car. Rain is coming!''

''Give me five minutes, El!'' she responded before returning to the grave. ''I wish that night never happened. But you saved Alexia, and I'm proud to have raised such a selfless boy.''

Michelle rose to her feet, her gaze sweeping across the familiar surroundings with a mixture of pain and resolve etched upon her features. "My Light Gentleman," she began, her voice heavy with emotion yet firm with determination, "we're saying goodbye to this place. Every corner, every street holds memories of you, and though they bring me solace, they also weigh heavy on my heart."

Tears streamed down her cheeks, a constant flow she futilely attempted to stem with gentle brushes of her hand. "My love for you will never wane," she continued, her voice trembling with the weight of her words, "I must leave London behind to shield the others. I couldn't salvage my marriage, but I will do everything in my power to protect them."

Michelle placed her hand on her baby boy's grave, ''We are going to stay with your Aunt Mary in Florida,'' she said in a voice full of regret and hurt. ''Your father will remain here as the divorce is due to end in six months, but I will return twice a year to see you.''

After speaking, she turned around only to be shocked. A beautiful woman stood there with a big smile. Her long, flowing white hair was blowing around in the wind, and her eyes were violet, which confused her.

'Contacts? Those are eyes straight from an anime!' Michelle thought to herself.

Michelle scrutinized the stranger even more and realized that this woman came straight from an anime show. She started watching them alone, finding solace in them after Archer's death, as they always watched them together.

The woman in front of her was the definition of beautiful and curvy, with an hourglass figure and maturely large boobs that strained against her beautiful white dress that was dirt free despite the bad weather.

She shook her head before asking, ''Who are you?''

The stranger smiled while taking in the scenery like she was a sight-seer on a British holiday before turning back to her, ''Mother-in-law, that's no way to treat your daughter?'' the woman said with a smirk as she approached.

Michelle was taken aback, as all her sons had partners, so she didn't know who the woman was talking about, but the stranger held up a medallion. ''Take this if you ever want a chance to meet your baby boy,'' she said. ''When it glows blue, think about Archer, and your wish will come true, but at a cost.''

Her brain fried as she heard the stranger. Michelle wanted her son back in her arms, so she rushed forward and grabbed the woman. ''What cost? If you speak the truth, I'd do anything!''

The woman's smile grew wider. ''Before anything, let me introduce myself. My name is Tiamat Wyldheart, and you could call me your son's 'sponsor,'' she dragged the word out as something sparkled in her eyes.

Michelle watched as Tiamat glanced at Archer's grave before asking a strange question that caught her off guard, ''Would you ever view him as a man?''

''View who as a man?'' Michelle replied with one of her own.

''Your son, your baby boy, the boy who was murdered protecting his first love,'' Tiamat answered.

When Michelle realized what she had said, her heart started beating. She answered, ''Well, I could try if it meant seeing him again, but the thought is revolting to me as that is unnatural.''

''On Thrylos, it is rare for a younger man to want an unmarried woman with a dozen children and a washed-up ex-husband who abandoned the family when they needed him the most,'' Tiamat said while walking toward a bench, dragging her along.

Michelle didn't know what to think, as the thought of doing anything with her made her feel sick. Still, Tiamat's next words left her blank: ''He is no longer the same boy and loves a mature woman, as I've heard him talk about during his adventures.''

She noticed Tiamat looking her up and down as she continued. ''You would be the perfect mother figure next to Brooke as you both have that 'Mommy vibe' Archer keeps talking about.''

''But your job is to ensure he stays on the right path, as the little goblin is always finding trouble, and to give him as many children as he wants from each of his women, including me,'' Tiamat finished with a smile.

When Michelle heard all this, she felt her cheeks go bright red, 'Women! Children! Sex with my son! What is this crazy woman talking about?' she internally thought.

She was going to reply, but Tiamat put her finger on her forehead, and Michelle's consciousness was sucked somewhere as she appeared in a fancy-looking room that wasn't decorated too much but just enough to give it a nice feeling.

Michelle spotted a window, walked over to it, and looked outside to see a sprawling city in front of her. Her eyes widened, and she thought, 'Wow. It'sstraight out of a fantasy book!'

There were buildings made of stone and wood stretching as far as her eyes could see. In the distance, there was a massive river cutting through the land. Michelle was baffled but soon relaxed as something seeped into her body.

Looking around, she spotted a mirror and walked over to it, only to be shocked once again as she looked twenty years younger. Her fading brown hair was back to when she was younger.

Her skin was smooth, and every wrinkle and worry line was gone. While standing there, she heard a silky voice say, ''Morning, Mom. I hope you enjoyed last night.''

Michelle turned around only to spot a tall, strikingly handsome young man whose looks made her heart beat even faster. She noticed that he shared the same features as Tiamat, which caused her to wonder, 'Archer?'

His eyes were like a portrait, revealing a lifetime of pain. Michelle asked, ''Is that you, Archer?''

The young man nodded in understanding when he heard him say, ''Yes, Mom, it's me, but just different from how I once was.''

''What happened to you?''

''When I died, Tiamat reincarnated me into Thrylos, but I lost my memories until I became her champion,'' Archer explained.

''Don't you mean wife? She called me Mother-in-law,'' Michelle asked

Archer smiled, but the scene changed once again before he could speak. She found herself on a hill, looking at millions of soldiers lined up before a stage with an even greater number in the distance.

Michelle noticed Archer standing with twenty beautiful women wearing medieval-looking armor behind him. The next thing she heard was her son's voice boom, ''Soldiers of Draconia! Will you help me conquer the world and bring peace to Thrylos!''

She watched as her son continued speaking, but she sensed the heartbreak in his rage-filled voice, ''Those dogs attacked me in my own home and injured five of your queens who now cling to life by a thread due to protecting me from their vile poison.''

When he said that, the crowd boomed with chants of death to the enemy, and Michelle felt it in her core that these soldiers would die for her son, but his next words shocked her even more, ''Draconia will conquer the world in return! I will lead Thrylos in the fight against the --------- .''

Michelle couldn't hear anything else as the scene changed again, and she was back in the graveyard with Tiamat in front of her. She shook her head, rushed toward the white-haired woman, and hugged, ''Thank you for looking after my little boy.''

Tiamat smiled before patting her on the back, ''Archer is a unique boy who is slowly recovering from all his suffering, but there is one thing I need from you, Michelle, if you want to see him again,'' she said.

[Give my new novel a read and let me know what you think - Level Up: Voidwalker]

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