A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 804 Devil of the Deep

Chapter 804 Devil of the Deep

The knock brought him back to reality. He tried to sit up but slumped back down as Elara walked in and spotted him. She rushed over to him and tried to lift him but was dragged onto his lap.

Her face went as red as her hair, but Archer started kissing the Marshal's slender neck. Elara didn't move, but she said in a quiet voice, ''My Lord, I know you're drunk, and I do love you, but we're not ready for that.''

When Archer heard this, he stopped kissing the dragonkin woman but rested his head against her shoulder, taking in her scent, a mix of lavender and sweat, which put him at ease.

Elara wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him, causing Archer to drift off as the two cuddled on the sofa. Even the Dragon Marshal soon fell asleep to the sound of his breath.

The following morning, Archer woke up and realized what he was doing when he heard an adorable snore. He looked down to see Elara curled up on his lap, still in her officer's uniform, but as soon as she felt him stir, her eyelids flickered open.

When she came to Archer, he watched her face go bright red before pushing herself off him while apologizing, but he waved it away, ''No need to be sorry, Elara. I enjoyed our cuddle.''

A beautiful smile crept on her face, but she rushed out of the room to escape the situation, causing Archer to let out an amused chuckle before making his way to the bathroom connected to his room.

As Archer entered the room, his gaze fell upon the tub. Adjacent to it were mana switches designed to control the flow of water. With a flick of his wrist, he activated the switches, allowing the soothing water to cascade into the tub.

Settling into the water, Archer was contented as he reviewed the various ideas swirling through his mind. In this moment of peace, he felt a deep satisfaction with the direction of his thoughts and plans.

He sat in the warm water for a while until the ship's cannon started firing at the same time as someone rushed into his room while shouting, ''My Lord, the Novgorod Navy are attacking us!''

Archer jumped up while putting on pants before rushing out, with Olivia following behind. He felt her eyes on his back, causing him to put on a shirt that stuck to his skin, thanks to the bath.

While walking, he asked, ''How many enemy ships are there?''

''100 My Lord,'' Olivia answered. ''It's the southern Novgorodian Battle Fleet, and they initiated the attack.''

Archer nodded before a smile appeared as he spoke, ''Ready to put the fleet through its first battle, my beautiful admiral?''

When Olivia heard this, her pink eyes glowed with determination as she saluted him, ''I will show those dogs what the 1st can do,'' she declared. ''Now watch why I was named the First Draconian Admiral.''

He beamed before sending Kassandra a message to tell her and Demetra not to get involved in the upcoming battle, which they agreed to. Archer and Olivia made it into the bridge, and she gave orders: ''Send the battleships forward and tell them to pummel their frontline while Cruisers will split into two groups and use the smoke as cover to flank the enemy.''

''Yes, ma'am!'' Every sailor responded before concentrating on their work.

Archer walked over to the window to see the sixteen battleships speed up. That's when he spotted the Novgorodian Fleet. It was made of metal vessels like his own but not as durable or robust.

If anything, he thought they looked like the ones from Earth with more guns. While watching this, a wave of shells appeared above them, causing Olivia to scream, ''Shields!''

When the shells were about to fall upon the fleet, violet shields appeared and blocked the wave, but the Draconians answered in kind as the battleships fired a volley of their own as Olivia ordered, ''Show them what the Titan Wraths can do! Target their capital ship!''

Archer watched as the ten massive cannons pointed at one ship twice the size of the other Novgorodian ships and fired, which caused the ship to shake. He watched the carriage-sized shells soar through the sky before they fell on the enemy, causing complete chaos.

The air reverberated with the thunderous roar of cannons and the shriek of shells slicing through the sky. Explosions erupted across the water as the enemy was engulfed in flames, their proud hulls shattering under the relentless barrage.

Archer watched the chaos unfold as explosions rippled across the water's surface. Each enemy ship that was hit succumbed to the onslaught. The Novgorodian fleet faltered, its ranks in disarray as it?attempted to weather the storm of destruction.

After that, the fleet steamrolled through the Novgorodian ships and let off another flurry of shots that doomed the rest of the enemy. DRN Archer's Pride barreled through the largest ship and tore it apart.

Following that, the journey went peacefully as Archer sat on his balcony watching Kassandra and Demetra swimming between the fleet. The Demon Shark's building-sized dorsal fin sliced through the water.

Three more days passed by until they could spot Draconia in the distance, and as they got closer, everyone saw the massive sea wall that stood as a silent sentinel, always there to defend the kingdom for years to come.

Archer stood at the front of the ship, examining the rough water. Demetra approached him behind and commented, ''I can't wait to see what your kingdom is like.''

He turned around and spotted the navy-haired girl whose yellow shark eyes stared at him with a mix of interest, curiosity, and attraction. Her navy-blue hair was tied into a ponytail that hung down to her bubble butt.

She had a muscular body, but it still couldn't hide her feminine charm that always seemed to work on him. Her face radiated with an ethereal beauty, each feature perfectly sculpted as if by an artist's hand.

The Demon Shark girl stood at five feet ten inches and had an air of playfulness around her that attracted Archer toward her. While gazing at her, she blew him a kiss, which caused him to smile. "Did you know your beautiful Demetra?"

She nodded in agreement, ''I know, and I'm all yours,'' she said with a teasing smile. ''We Demon Sharks mate for life, you know. It's in our nature.''

Archer beamed when he heard her words, then leaned forward, kissing her juicy lips, which he loved. Demetra stiffened as he kissed her. She wasn't used to this but quickly returned it as happiness surged.

The two passionately kissed as Kassandra approached from behind with a smile, ''You two are growing closer. I wonder what the others will say.''

As she said that, Archer and Demetra separated to say something, but a strange feeling washed over them, causing the two girls' heads to snap toward the distance as their eyes narrowed.

Kassandra mumbled, ''A Devil of the Deep is here. Why?''

''We can take it, Kass,'' Demetra declared, ''We are some of the strongest of our races, and some old monster can't do anything to us.''

Just as she said, the fleet lit up as they released numerous volleys into the water, where Archer sensed the monster. Without thinking, he jumped over the railings before transforming into his dragon form, shocking the sailors who witnessed it.

Kassandra and Demetra followed suit by jumping into the sea and transforming. The three homed in on the newcomer only for a giant tentacle to shoot out of the water and try to hit Archer, who used Blink to dodge the sudden attack.

When it did this, Demetra leaped out of the water before biting down on the limb, causing the creature it was connected to make an appearance. It looked like an ancient Kraken but was pitch black and had glowing red eyes.

It had barbs all over its tentacles, and a large beak poked out from the water. Once its body rose from the water, Kassandra latched onto it while pining it in place, giving Archer a good idea.

He flew higher and higher until he was above the clouds, then returned to his humanoid form and started to dive. While falling toward the Devil of the Deep, he transformed into his Shadow Prince form and dove into the shadow that its massive body cast.

While inside, Archer used his claws to tear the monster's flesh. Blood poured from the wounds, giving Demetra and Kassandra the upper hand as they started widely attacking the Devil.

Archer moved through the shadows like it was second nature while slicing the creature open using his claws before he dived into its body, thanks to the darkness. Once inside, he had an easy time killing the monster.

Even if it was high ranked, the fact that the three of them were strong enough to do the monster damage, Demetra, Kassandra, and Archer worked together for another thirty minutes to defeat the Devil of the Deep while the 1st Fleet diverted the battlefield.

After the monster died, he stored the corpse in his Item Box, which made him feel it. 'Oh shit its full,' he mused while Demetra picked him up.

The three followed behind the fleet, with Archer resting on the Demon Shark's head while she happily swam along, chewing on one of the tentacles, which made him laugh as she munched away.

While sitting there, Kassandra sent him a message through the dragon tattoo, ''Did you store the body?''

''Yes my love,'' Archer replied. ''Do you want some?''

Kassandra accepted the offer as she wanted to eat one of the tentacles just like Demetra, so Archer summoned one straight from the Item Box, which the Kraken girl caught.

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