A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 774 It Felt Like A Predator Sizing Me Up

Chapter 774 It Felt Like A Predator Sizing Me Up

Archer and Eveline stood up before saying farewell to Marvin, who wished them a good day. He said he wanted an invitation to the wedding, which darkened the rabbit girls' cheeks.

He found her embarrassed expression adorable. Soon, they walked through the city, taking in the sights and sounds. People closed their stalls after selling off their merchandise or moved on.

While strolling, Archer took in Eveline's beauty, which he couldn't overcome. She resembled a bunny girl from an anime back on Earth. She had long white hair that flowed down to the middle of her back and glowing red eyes that gleamed with excitement.

She had a slim, athletic build with thick hips and thighs that stirred his desires, but Archer pushed those thoughts aside. Much like Teuila and Nala, she was a warrior with well-sculpted muscles that couldn't hide the feminine charm she oozed.

Archer didn't know much about Rabbit Demi-humans, and what he did know wasn't a lot. He knew some were excellent fighters and mages while the rest lived lives protected by the warrior class.

Eveline was a member of the warrior class and the seventh princess of the Moonwood Kingdom on the northeast border of the Avalon Empire. Archer found her extremely beautiful and was attracted to her.

With a unique charm that drew him to her, but as she said earlier, he wouldn't rush into anything. As they walked, he spotted a shop selling desserts with people going and coming from the store, which seemed to be popular.

Eveline stopped and pointed. ''Let's try some of the pastries,'' she said. ''Mother said they were delicious.''

He agreed and let the rabbit girl drag him toward the shop, where he could read the store name, 'Starfall's Sweet Treat Bakery.' Archer smiled as they stepped through the entrance, only to be greeted by a sea of tables and staff rushing around, delivering orders to the customers inside.

No one paid attention to them as they looked for a seat. Eveline pulled him over to the table and sat down before heading to the counter, where a man and woman were waiting to serve anyone who appeared.

Eveline soon returned to the table with an excited smile. She was carrying a large tray with two oversized pastries and two glasses of some drinks. The smell that drifted off them was mouthwatering, filling the air with the sweet scent of freshly baked goods.

Each pastry was golden-brown, with a glaze sparkling under the lights. "These look amazing," Archer remarked at the sight and smell of the pastries.

"They're the bakery's forte," Eveline smiled, setting the tray on the table. "I got one for each of us as they are so good. Let's eat!"

She then produced two tall glasses filled with a creamy, white liquid that resembled a milkshake. Archer surprised himself as he took a sip. It was milk, which he liked anyway, so he started drinking it.

"And to wash it down, we have some Grassland Bovine milk," Eveline said with a big smile on her pretty face.

Archer couldn't waste any more time, so he lifted the golden-brown pastry to his mouth. The overwhelming aroma rushed up his nose and caused his stomach to rumble, which caused Eveline to laugh at his greedy reaction.

The pastry was warm and crisp, the outer layer gently yielding to reveal strawberry and creamy custard filling. Each mouthful was a mix of flavors, with the northern strawberries perfectly balanced by the richness of the bovine cream.

Archer closed his eyes to enjoy the food, and he noticed the rabbit girl staring at him like she was waiting for him to taste it. The flavor danced over his tongue, causing him to savor it and take another bite.

The pastry was similar to the ones he had eaten before but much better. Eveline watched as she nibbled on her own while waiting for Archer's opinion on the food once he finished it. He couldn't help but admire how her red eyes sparkled with delight while she looked at him while he ate.

They continued eating as Eveline went over to grab even more food and returned with cookies, donuts, and many other dishes, which shocked Archer, but he shrugged before eating alongside the rabbit girl.

After an hour of eating, the duo finished every dish, leaving empty plates stacked on the table. While relaxing, Archer spotted a woman approaching the table with a smile as she cleaned it up.

While she did that, the store manager approached them and spoke respectfully, ''Young master, mistress, I hope your visit was enjoyable, and you will come again.''

Archer greeted the man, ''Hello,'' he said. ''How much for everything?''

''Four gold, young master,'' the manager answered.

Upon hearing the price, Archer retrieved the four pieces of gold needed and handed them to the man, who thanked him. Afterward, he and Eveline left the store and exited the busy street, still teeming with shoppers.

As they emerged, Archer took a proper look at Eveline's outfit, which consisted of a black winter dress stopping just above the knees and a thick cloak wrapped around her body. He couldn't help but notice the material straining against her thick thighs, which he found attractive, causing him to shake his head to clear the lewd thoughts.

Then, he heard her sweet voice speaking in a teasing tone. ''You just made me shiver,'' she said with a smirk. ''It felt like a predator sizing me up.''

Her words caused Archer to chuckle, ''Well, I can't help but admire a beautiful girl, and you are indeed that,'' he commented while getting close to the rabbit girl. ''I love that dress on you; it looks lovely.''

When Eveline heard his compliment, she beamed before thanking him, ''Thank you, Arch.''

After speaking, she leaned over and kissed his cheek, which caused him to smile just as she linked his arm. The two started walking and talking about everyday things while getting to know each other.

Another hour passed, and Eveline told him she had to meet her family for a meal before the tournament started. Archer offered to walk her there, which she accepted, and the two set off for the noble district.

It didn't take them long before they arrived at the district entrance, and Archer said goodbye to Eveline, who had a sad smile but soon smiled as she stepped forward to place a soft kiss against his lips.

A shock shot through his body, causing him to shiver as she dashed off after showing the guards her pass. Archer watched her running down the main street until she turned right and vanished from sight,

Afterward, he decided to see if he could find the girls, and if not, he would relax in the domain until tomorrow. Archer searched for a while and didn't find anyone, but now he found himself on the pier looking out to sea.

While watching the sea, he saw large-looking dolphins exploding out of the water before swimming off when they reentered it. He soon found a bench to sit on and watch the scenery.

Archer got comfortable on the bench overlooking the sea, the perfect relaxing place. As he sat there, the never-ending ocean was in front of him, and the peaceful sounds of waves crashing against the sea below.

He remembered holidays at the seaside with his family and Alexa's back to Earth, where both families would rent out a beach home in France and spend the summer there. The memories annoyed him as he already accepted his death, but the thought of never seeing her again pained him.

When thinking about Alexa, he raised his hand and tried to open a Gate to Earth. The violet portal flickered to life but quickly cut out thanks to insufficient mana, even at his amount, which took him by surprise.

After doing that he felt tired as his mana was drained because of the failed portal, forcing him to sit there for a while as he regenerated himself using the world's mana. The salty breeze that carried the scent of the ocean mingled with hints of distant lands and exotic spices.

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be put at ease by the gentle lapping of the waves and the distant calls of seabirds soaring overhead. Archer watched large trade ships pass by as they entered the city to sell its wares.

Each vessel differed from the others. Some were big and bulky ships that reminded him of galleys from Earth, while others were small but sleek and looked like they were from the Far East, which interested him.

Archer found himself lost in thought, his mind drifting away from the day's worries and future uncertainties. For a moment, all that mattered was the here and now, the simple pleasure of being present in the moment and basking in the beauty of the world around him.

As the ships continued to glide past, Archer reached into his Item Box and retrieved a piece of chocolate, savoring its sweetness as he watched the maritime activity unfold. His keen eyesight allowed him to discern the sailors bustling about on deck.

They engaged in their tasks as they navigated the waters and conducted business upon docking in the bustling Starfall port. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed as Archer remained seated, absorbed in his observations of the bustling harbor.

It was only when a message from the girls pinged on his device that he realized how quickly the hours had flown by, signaling their return to the domain. Archer stood up and teleported back there to meet them as the sun started to set.

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