A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 761 The Chaos Crocodile

Chapter 761 The Chaos Crocodile

Once Archer dealt with his status, he continued to eat until Sirenia stood up. Once he finished, she held out her dainty hand with a straight face. Seeing this, he took her hand as she spoke, ''Thank you for the meal,'' she said. ''It was delicious.''

He smiled at the woman before she gave him a slight nod before jumping off the overhang and transforming into her World Serpent form as she slammed into the jungle below, slithering off into the distance.

Meanwhile, he watched, confused over the situation, as she had come, eaten his food, shaken his hand, and left. He shrugged before pulling out some blankets and started to relax, watching the cloudy night sky as the stars shone and shooting stars passed.

Soon, Archer fell into a deep sleep while comfortable under the blankets and woke up once the sun rose in the distance. The following morning, he opened his eyes and spotted a flock of flying beasts resembling massive eagles but dark blue and red with glowing yellow eyes.

They were heading toward him with a purpose, and it looked like they wanted to attack, which caught his interest. He sighed before scanning the newcomers to see if they were strong and would be worth fighting for the experience.

[Terror Wings]

[Rank: SS+]

A smile spread across his face as he gazed upon the approaching flock of Terror Wings. His eyes gleamed excitedly at the prospect of the experience he would gain from battling such formidable foes.

Without hesitation, he leaped off the overhang, his body morphing and contorting as he transformed into his majestic white dragon form. Powerful wings unfurled, catching the air as he soared into the sky with unparalleled grace and speed.

The clash was imminent, and he eagerly welcomed it. The Terror Wings, dark silhouettes against the horizon, descended upon him. With a mighty roar, he met them head-on, his scales shimmering in the sunlight as he dived into the fray.

When he got close, he quickly snapped his jaw over one bird while his claws and tail hit two others, sending them plummeting toward the ground before crashing. He continued his aerial fight with the Terror Wings, which got a few hits and cracked scales.

But that didn't stop him from lashing out with his claws, teeth, and tail. The Terror Wings were scared as he went crazy while fighting the beasts, causing the birds to plummet to the ground.

After an hour, he finally dealt with the Terror Wings, who littered the jungle below. Archer looked down before returning to his humanoid form and descended to the ground to collect the corpses.

It took him a couple of hours to find all the bodies, and by the time he was finished, he counted thirty Terror Wings and didn't realize how many he killed. Afterward, Archer continued hunting and found a group of Panther-looking beasts, which he easily hunted from the shadows.

Archer lunged from the shadows while grabbing a hold of the cat's neck. He clamped down with his shark-like teeth and dragged it into the darkness. None of its pack mates saw this happen, making it easier for him to hunt them individually.

Once he killed the first one, he scanned the other ones.

[Shadowclaw Panther]

[Rank: A+]

When seeing the beasts, he grinned as they were strong, so he hunted the rest of them while acting like a jack in the box by springing out of the shadows and biting down on the beast's neck before dragging it back with him.

He did this for another half-hour until all the Shadowclaw Panthers were dead, and Archer sat on a branch overlooking a water hole with hundreds of beast prints surrounding it. While waiting, he took out some chocolate and started eating.

While perched on a sturdy branch, Archer remained relaxed and at peace, patiently awaiting the arrival of any beasts at the waterhole. His peace was interrupted by the rustling of leaves below, drawing his attention.

Looking down through the foliage, he spotted a group of goblins going through the brush. There were at least twenty of them, all headed towards the water. Reacting quickly, he activated his Aura Detector to scan the area.

As his mana swept over the surroundings, he sensed numerous beasts lurking nearby. Amidst his detection, he also felt a presence seated at the water's edge, though it remained invisible to his eyes.

Intrigued but undeterred, he chose to observe the unfolding scene. With a chuckle, he continued to watch as the goblins approached the waterhole, their movements tinged with panic.

Sensing an opportunity, the unseen creature at the water's edge signaled to the others. With a sudden rush, the goblins descended upon the waterhole, hastily filling their buckets. As they did, the creature in the water shifted slightly.

He decided to scan it to see what it was.

[Chaos Crocodile]

[Rank: SSS+]

[Old World Threat]

Seeing this, he was confused and thought, 'What's the Old World? Another Era of Thrylos, maybe?'

As he monitored the goblins filling their buckets, a sudden disturbance shattered the calm of the scene. With a mighty splash, a massive crocodile erupted from the water, its jaws snapping shut with lightning speed.

When this happened, his eyes widened in surprise as he watched the crocodile clamp its jaws around one of the unaware creatures, its massive teeth sinking into the flesh with a sickening crunch.

The beast quickly silenced the unfortunate goblin's screams as it dragged beneath the surface. He watched as the remaining goblins panicked and tried to flee into the dense jungle, but the crocodile lunged out of the water and chased them.

'Oh shit, it's fast,' he mused while watching the strange scene.

Archer watched as the Chaos Crocodile chased the fleeing goblins but decided to kill them all. He transformed into Shadow Prince form before melting into the shadows below him and following his new prey.

He followed after them and got ahead of the crocodile to kill the goblins by sucking them into the shadows and slashing their throats before chucking them into the Item Box. Archer turned his attention to the furious beast that couldn't find its food.

Without wasting any more time, he lunged at the monster and pierced its skull using his claws, and the fifteen-foot Chaos Crocodile stopped and dropped to the jungle floor with a food.

Without wasting any more time, he lunged at the monster and thud.

Archer stored it in his Item Box while deciding to head back to Draconia and sell some of the bodies to the kingdom. With his mind made up, he opened a Gate to The Bastion and stepped through to see dozens of staff and soldiers roaming around.

When they all saw him, they knelt as a commander ran up to him and spoke respectfully, ''Your Majesty. What can we do for you?''

''I need to sell beast bodies as I have more than enough,'' he answered before the man nodded.

''You can head to Drakonia City,'' the commander said. ''They have an Adventurers Guild or many smaller businesses willing to buy any beast corpses.''

He nodded, ''Thanks for your help.''

Afterward, he traversed through the fortress and saw regular workers bustling around while the Homeguard soldiers guarded every corridor, and some aided other people. He knew the army needed a lot of support staff, and he guessed this was them,

Archer shook his head while stepping outside and summoned his beautiful dragon wings before taking off with a powerful flap. He soared into the air and headed toward the city, which he could see far in the distance.

While flying, he scanned the beautiful landscape that was coming to life now that Frostwinter was ending. Gazing across the landscape, a smile graced his lips. The once-shrouded grassland had transformed into a vibrant expanse of green, extending endlessly as far as the eye could discern.

Archer saw flowers of every color covering some of the hills, their petals dancing in the morning breeze. He descended to get a closer look, and when he did that, the sweet scent of blossoms hit his nose, refreshing him from the cold air he was used to.

Breathing in deeply, he relished the beautiful aroma of the Elderbloom flowers coming to life. He continued flying and crested a hill, only to spot Drakonia City in the distance. The city's towering spires and walls stood out against the lush grasslands.

When getting closer, he spotted a dirt road, which he descended and perfectly touched down while dismissing his wings. Once they vanished, he continued walking toward the city, where he saw merchants coming and going while travelers smiled at him while passing by.

He was amazed at their happiness but continued until he arrived at the entrance and stood in line to see how the Homeguard soldiers ran things. With that thought in mind, Archer put up his hood to hide who he was.

Archer stood in line for half an hour before it started moving. While there, he used the bracelet to message the girls still shopping with Mia, who was spoiling them all rotten, which made him laugh.

Meanwhile, he informs the girls of his plan to hunt and level up, which they wish him luck on before getting back to shopping. After he spoke to them, the line to get into Drakonia City was close to the entrance.

Ten minutes later, Archer entered the city after paying five silvers as an entrance fee. When he stepped inside, a mix of stone and wooden buildings lined the streets, which were well made and tended to, and he saw smaller roads spitting off in all directions.

The Draconia flag was hung everywhere as people went about their business, and merchants sold their wares at a nearby stall. He noticed the city was well maintained, and a group of men and women cleaned one of the streets that went to the western part of the city.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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