A Divine Farmer

Chapter 16

C16 – Miss Yaru

Before Zhang Xiaoloong and his fellow passengers could utter their complaints, the driver was already leaning out of the window, ready to unleash his anger, “Who do you think you…”

He was silenced mid-sentence, his rebuke cut short. A woman with an incredibly alluring figure emerged from the car. Her police uniform exuded an irresistible allure and excitement.

Leaving aside the sheer difficulty of reprimanding such an enchanting woman, her uniform alone dissuaded the driver from scolding her casually. After restraining his urge for a considerable time, he finally managed to ask, “Who are you looking for?”

The driver’s dazed gaze didn’t bother Yemei. She moved towards the car’s rear door and spoke in a cold tone, “Step out.”

Yang Jingjing could only sigh in resignation and followed Zhang Xiaoloong as they stepped out of the car with a touch of bitterness.

“Why did you run away?” Yemei inquired.

“Well, it’s not like it’s solely my decision anymore, right?” Zhang Xiaoloong was puzzled by her question.

Yemei brushed him off and focused her attention on Yang Jingjing.

What’s this? Had something happened to Yang Jingjing too? Zhang Xiaoloong found himself perplexed.

However, this fleeting thought was swiftly dismissed. If Yang Jingjing were genuinely in trouble, the police wouldn’t have allowed them to leave the police station so brazenly. It appeared that Yang Jingjing possessed a substantial background of her own. At the very least, she was no ordinary reporter.

Yang Jingjing’s head started pounding. Just as she was pondering how to come up with an explanation, the other person unexpectedly handed her a small box.

“Your father wanted you to have this. Keep it with you.” Yemei gazed at Yang Jingjing, who seemed baffled, yet she had no intentions of clarifying further. With a turn of her head, she entered a nearby police car and swiftly vanished from sight.

“So, you know her?” Zhang Xiaoloong watched Yemei disappear, her car’s fading silhouette the only remnant, his voice reflecting astonishment.

“I don’t know her. If you’re curious about her, don’t worry, I won’t tail her to the police station.” Yang Jingjing’s tension eased. “At least things are smoother now. I can finally get on with my interview. Why don’t we start? Oh, and by the way, the name ‘Qinghe Village’ sounds enchanting. I was actually thinking of visiting. Could you take me there? Driver, let’s head for Qinghe Village.”

“Huh?” Zhang Xiaoloong’s reaction was akin to being caught off guard. It was as if the winds had changed their direction suddenly. Before he could respond, a choice was made for him. “No, no, no. It wasn’t a simple feat for me to secure this ride to the city. It’d be a waste if you whisked me back right away. I didn’t come all this way just to spend a vacation at the police station.”

Yang Jingjing stuck out her tongue playfully. “Okay, I forgot to consult you. But, tell me, what brings the top scholar of the Jin family to Qingyang City?”

“I’m here to buy glass.” Zhang Xiaoloong’s reply nearly made Yang Jingjing stagger.

“Glass?” Yang Jingjing racked her brain, struggling to discern the connection between glass and this college entrance examination high achiever.

“Yes.” Zhang Xiaoloong wasn’t bothered by whether or not she comprehended. Directly addressing the driver, he instructed, “Take us to a place that sells greenhouse glass.”

“Of course. If you’re inquiring about it, it’s no problem. If it were someone else… frankly, I wouldn’t know where to start.” The driver started the engine as he spoke, his irritation over the prolonged wait fading away. After all, he had just had an encounter with that captivating policewoman.


Ten minutes later, the taxi pulled up in front of a company labeled Yuanbo Agriculture Company. Despite Yang Jingjing’s intentions to pay for the fare, Zhang Xiaoloong remained steadfast in his refusal.

“While we farmers may lack wealth, we’re clear about our dealings. Since I’m the one making the arrangements, I can’t let you bear the expenses,” Zhang Xiaoloong’s reasoning left Yang Jingjing without an argument, leaving her to concede to his insistence.

“Alright then, my little farmer. It’s already six in the evening. I reckon the company’s closed for the day. Let’s find lodging for the night and resume tomorrow.” Yang Jingjing gazed at the darkening sky, her expression thoughtful. “Oh, by the way, you’ve expended time because of me. So, I should cover the hotel costs. Don’t you dare argue with me.”

Gazing at Yang Jingjing, a girl both lovely and endearing, Zhang Xiaoloong playfully wiggled his finger in a manner akin to a child, denying her offer. He couldn’t help but smile wholeheartedly, “But let’s just check it out first. Who knows if someone’s around?”

“Now…” Traces of weariness appeared on Yang Jingjing’s face. “Even if there were people present now, they wouldn’t return to Qinghe Village tonight. How about we rest up now and tackle this together tomorrow? Doesn’t that sound better?”

“I’m just keen to wrap this up promptly. Besides, I’ve already got something in mind for purchase here.” Zhang Xiaoloong suddenly realized something. “If you’re tired, why not rest first? I’ll take a look and find you shortly.”

Upon hearing this, Yang Jingjing felt an extra layer of exhaustion. Glancing around, she spotted a sizable hotel not too far away. “Alright then, I’ll make a reservation there. You can find me there later.”

The two parted ways, and Zhang Xiaoloong hastened into the company building.

Indeed, it was the closing hour. Upon entering, he discovered the premises mostly vacant. Yet, Zhang Xiaoloong remained somewhat unconvinced. Since the door was unlocked, it suggested there might be someone who hadn’t left.

Attuning his senses, he honed in on a subtle sound of trickling water emanating from somewhere. Guided by his extraordinary auditory perception, his steps led him toward the source of the sound.


Right as he articulated a single word, the bathroom door appeared to swing open. Emerging from within was a figure of grace and beauty, adorned in a black professional attire. Droplets of water still adorned her pretty countenance, a few strands of damp hair adhering to her skin. Yet, rather than appearing disheveled, it only seemed to enhance her allure.

The girl bore a visage reminiscent of a celebrity, her countenance egg-shaped. Her large eyes held a watery quality to them, and her extended lashes were striking. Beneath her fair neck, her garments were kissed by moisture.

Unanticipated by the prospect of someone outside, the girl let out a startled exclamation. Evident in her eyes was a trace of trepidation.

“I apologize. I intended to inquire if you have glass greenhouses for sale here.” Noticing her shock, Zhang Xiaoloong hastened to explain his purpose.

“You are…” The girl composed herself, her gaze intently studying Zhang Xiaoloong.

She had encountered a multitude of men, yet never had she encountered a young man who evoked such comfort. His eyes seemed like a vast sea, tranquil and enigmatic. Moreover, he exuded a purity rarely glimpsed in the gaze of ordinary men.

“I’m Zhang Xiaoloong. I hail from Qinghe Village in Qing Yuan County. I’ve come to ascertain whether your company offers custom glass greenhouses.” Zhang Xiaoloong’s voice resonated with calm assurance. It wasn’t brusque, rather poised and steady.

In the realm of business discussions, he was an utter novice, unfamiliar even with the mannerisms of a trader. Nevertheless, the fusion with the Shennong Tripod had bestowed upon him an extraordinary demeanor.

In tales, protagonists often wielded a domineering air, yet Zhang Xiaoloong’s bearing exhibited no semblance of tyranny. Instead, it emanated an exceptional composure, akin to a gentle spring zephyr that engendered a sense of innate affinity.

Upon beholding those pure eyes and hearing the mellifluous voice, the girl found her heartbeat hastening.

“Miss Yaru, President Chen inquired whether you’re prepared. The event is about to commence.”

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