A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 287: Well think of a way

287 We'll think of a way

''No, not recently; is there any problem? ''

Liu Wei asked, walking towards the table to blow dry his hair.

''No, not really, but Xin Yong called now, she asked to go shopping, it's quite unlike her. I think she has finally ended things with him.''

''Ow, I thought they were getting back together? '' Liu Wei asked, looking concerned; he had noticed their closeness in the hospital and at the party; it really looked as though she had forgiven him.

''Yeah me to, she still loves him but she cannot bring herself to go back to him after all she had gone through. ''

''Yeah, I understand.''

'' But will it just end like that? I mean, is it over now? ''

Liling asked but Liu Wei could not reply. It wasn't over till Jin Yue and Xin Yong said it was. They alone could determine whether they wanted each other back or not.

''Can we call him, to know how he's doing? ''

''Yeah, my phone is on the drawer. ''

Liu Wei pointed and Liling took the phone and dialed Jin Yue's number.

''Hey, bro, what's up? ''

''Jin Yue, it is Liling. ''

There was a two seconds pause before Jin Yue continued;

''Ah, Liling, how are you? ''

''I'm fine, is everything alright?... with Xin Yong? She called now and she wasn't sounding okay, did anything happen? ''

There was silence on the other end of the line; Jin Yue heaved a sigh;

''Yeah, she ended things with me; ''

His voice was deep and Liling could sense how much he was stopping himself from sounding hurt.

''I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. When did this happen? ''

Liling felt really sad; although he made a mistake, she knew just how much he went through to get through to her. It was sad knowing that it was going to end that way.

''Two days ago ''

''I'm really sorry. She still loves you, you know that right? She loves you so much that she is afraid of running back to you and getting hurt again.

When she called she wasn't sounding fine, I suspected that something must have gone wrong, that's why I called. She asked to meet today; I'll talk to her, okay? ''

''Yeah, thank you. Where is he? ''

Liling chuckled, knowing who he was referring to;

''He just finished taking a shower; he says he'll call you later. ''

Liling said, reading Liu Wei's hand signs.

''Okay, thanks for calling ''

''Yeah, bye ''

''They love each other but they cannot be together?! Is that not tragic?''

Liling threw her hands into the air sadly;

''And the sad thing is that she would readily want to be with him if he's dead or gets together with some other woman. ''

Liling drove to Xin Yong house after having lunch with Liu Wei. When she arrived, Xin Yong was still wrapped up in her duvet. She hadn't even taken her bath.

''Xin Yong! What's going on here? Why is everything upside down? ''

Liling exclaimed as she tried shifting the littered clothes and sitting beside Xin Yong on the bed.

''Oh, you're here already? ''

''Xin Yong, it's past three already and you are still wrapped in a duvet? ''

Xin Yong pushed the duvet off her body and sat upright.

''I didn't know when I slept off; let me go bath, just wait a second. ''

Xin Yong said, standing up from the bed;

By the time Xin Yong stepped out of the bathroom, Liling had finished arranging the room.

''O my bestie. How much I love you. ''

She said, smiling sheepishly.

''Stop flattering! ''

They laughed. After some seconds of silence, Liling asked what had been in her mind ever since;

''Did you break up with Jin Yue/? ''

Xin Yong froze for a few seconds.

''Broke up? Were we together? I just clarified things between us, that's all! ''

She forced through her teeth, keeping her gaze on the cream as she poured it onto her hand.

''Are you okay? ''

Liling asked, staring intently at her face. She could see that she was trying hard not to look affected by what had just happened.

''Yeah, I'm okay. Why are you asking, don't I look okay?''

Xin Yong forced a chuckle.

Liling stayed quiet for some time;

''Alright, hurry up let's go. It's already quite late. ''

She didn't want to press on. Doing that would make matters worse.

After shopping to their fill, Xin Yong opted that they go to a bar.

Liling wasn't in a mood for alcohol, but she understood how Xin Yong must be feeling at the moment, so she followed her.

After drinking for a while; Xin Yong became a bit drunk.

After a few more minutes, she started crying.

It started as little sobs and Liling thought she was joking until it turned into a full blown wail;

''Xin Yong, are you okay? What is wrong? Why are you crying? ''

''I miss him. I miss him so much but I can't be with him. I can't …''

She sobbed sadly, clutching her chest; ''It hurt … it hurt so much that I want to hug him but I can't. I want him back but I can't bear being hurt again! ''

Liling felt her heart squeeze as she watched her friend sadly.

''It is okay. We'll think of a way. ''

''Which way, there is no way. I've ended it. It's over now. ''

She cried sadly, raising her glass to down another drink but Liling took it away from her.

''Stop now, okay, stop drinking. ''

Xin Yong couldn't even fight back; she just fell back on the table and dozed off.

''Xin Yong? Are you sleeping? Wake up! …''

At that moment, she regretted ever agreeing to come to the bar. How was she going to carry her back home? !!

After shaking her up for a while to no avail, Liling took out her phone to dial a number. She tapped on Liu Wei's contact and stared for a moment, after a few seconds, she changed her mind and called Jin Yue.

After a few rings, he picked up.

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