A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 274: Monday

274 Monday

The next day…

''Xin Yong, you have a delivery! ''

''I'm coming~! ''

Xin Yong shouted from her room. She had just finished taking a shower after coming back from the company when she heard her mother scream from the parlor. After dressing up and applying her body lotion, she ate her dinner and sat down on the couch to watch TV.

After sometime, he eyes fell on a parcel on a nearby stool, remembering that her mom told her that a delivery came; she walked to it and picked it up. Her brows furrowed when she saw that it had no name written on it.

Sitting back down on the couch, she tore open.

She dipped her hand into the parcel and brought out a brown envelope. It was not sealed, so she easily took out the contents;

Her body froze when she saw what was inside.

A paper and a few pictures; Xin Yong was surprised to see who was in the pictures. She recognized herself but it took her a long while to realize when those pictures were taken.

Why was she together with Freya's husband and why was there even a picture taken of both of them in the first place?

Xin Yong was stunned for a few seconds before her eyes widened when she realized something and she quickly opened the paper that had come with it.


When she read the first word, she realized who had sent the letter and she shut her eyes for a few seconds, contemplating on whether to go on or not.

After a moment, she decided to continue reading. As Xin Yong read through the letter, her heart beat frantically against her chest. She only realized she was sweating and panting when she finished reading.

She was in a state of shock for a good five minutes. She picked up the pictures and stared at them again, this time more intently. After a while, she placed them back into the envelope and back into the parcel, and as though she had seen nothing, she continued watching TV.

Liling did not realize how fast the weekend flew until it was Monday, and time for Liu Wei to leave. The previous night, she had hugged him throughout the night, not even sleepy one bit. She took her time to stare at his face, engraving every inch in her mind. She did not even know when she slept off, but before she knew it, she felt Liu Wei kissing her face, and her eyes fluttered open, she stared the curtains which had rays of sunlight seeping through it.

''Is it morning? ''

''Mm…'' Liu Wei whispered.? Liling did not realize he was already dressed until she looked at him.

''You are going this early? '' She immediately sat up on the bed, looking worried.

''Yeah, the flight is by 9, if I don't leave now, I will miss it. ''

Liu Wei said, leaning in to kiss her on the lips. Liling kissed him back and put her arms around him, after a while, she reluctantly let him go.

''Your P.A, is he here yet? ''

''Yes, he's outside. ''

''Okay, you can go, I'll continue sleeping. ''

Lying back down on the bed, she pulled the covers above her head.

Liu Wei was stunned. He had thought she would see him to the car, but she just went back to sleep?

''Hey, are you okay?'' He whispered, touching her shoulders.

''If you don't leave now, I won't let you go again. ''

Liling said, still under the sheets. Liu Wei paused for a while then he leaned closer and kissed her forehead through the sheets,

''I love you.''

He whispered and stood up from the bed. Taking his briefcase, he walked to the door. Liling felt him watching her from the door but she did not move. When she heard the door close, she slowly lifted the covers and jumped out of the bed. She rushed to the window and peeked outside.

Just then, Liu Wei just left the building, and as Wang Feng saw him, he came out and pulled open the car door for him. Liu Wei walked to the car and before he entered, he glanced at the bedroom window, and although Liling was peeking through a small space, she felt him looking straight at her.

After a few seconds, Liu Wei entered into the car and Wang Feng drove off. Liling watched as the car left the gates and she suddenly felt an urge to puke.

Running to the bathroom, she bowed her head over the sink and vomited.? Liling flushed the puke and took the opportunity to get ready for work. After taking her bath, she called her driver before she finished dressing up; he was already waiting for her.

That day, Manager Su took Liling to some of the companies for the official signing of the contract in front of a lawyer, by the time they were through, it was already quite late.

Manager Su suggested that they had something to eat before Liling went home. Liling wanted to refuse but remembering that Liu Wei was not home, she decided to eat. Besides she was going to eat alone if she went home anyways.

They drove in Manager Su's car while her Chauffeur trailed behind. Manager Su stopped at a famous restaurant and they went in. When Liling was handed the menu, she didn't feel like eating anything although she had not eaten since morning.

Since she was with Manager Su, she didn't want to be disrespectful, so she picked something from the list. After a while, the waiter returned with their orders.

Liling had ordered hot and sour soup. When the waiter placed the plates in front of her, the aroma hit her nostrils; it was so intense that she felt an urge to throw up. Her hand involuntarily flew to her mouth and she immediately stood up and rushed into the restroom.

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