A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 101: Bestowal of Flower Honey

Chapter 101: Bestowal of Flower Honey

This honey, even in this otherworldly realm, would probably struggle to find buyers, let alone back on Earth.

Is it really bees born from a curse?

Not only were their abilities somewhat demonic, but even the honey they produced was equally eerie.

"Would eating this stuff cause mutations?"

Hua Mi dared not try it easily.

Regardless of its special effects, merely based on its appearance, it would likely be deemed evil by others, further deepening the public's stereotypical image of wild alchemists.

Hua Mi fetched a small spoon and an empty bottle, scooping a spoonful of blood honey.

Surprisingly, its viscosity wasn't high, probably reaching a maximum of 42 on the Baume scale.

Usually, the lower the Baume scale for honey, the higher the water content.

But this kind of honey was hard to decipher.

Who knows what else might be inside.

Or perhaps it was due to some specific magical effect causing this external alteration.

Hua Mi delved his psychic power into it but sensed nothing unusual.

The seven little beings gathered around, using their innate abilities to appraise the blood honey.

Their conclusion was that it didn't contain harmful substances.

However, it did hold a mysterious magical energy that they couldn't quite grasp.

Setting aside its magical energy, its taste was unusually strange.

Even the usually ravenous Little Purple showed no appetite at all.

She didn't like this taste and couldn't bring herself to consume it.

After observing, the Little Flower Spirit conveyed through telepathy:

"The nature of this blood honey has nothing to do with the Mother Goddess's blessing. It seems to have been twisted by a domineering force."

From a magical standpoint, this made no sense at all.

"The formation of this blood honey is likely related to the curse. It's better not to risk consuming it and triggering some unknown magical effect."

On the other side of the Thunder Flower Field, he also arranged a blood-sucking bee box.

Once the honey there was brewed, he would check if it held similar properties.

Setting aside the blood honey for now, Hua Mi hurried to inspect the War Hammer Beehive.

Thankfully, the honey brewed by the War Hammer Bees looked normal.

It had a light color, leaning towards white.

The taste was incredibly rich.

More intense than the previous varieties, to the extent that a prolonged exposure might feel a bit cloying.

Hua Mi fetched a spoon and a container, scooping a spoonful of honey and slowly pouring it into the bottle, observing its viscosity and hue.

It was highly viscous, almost like glue, taking a while to flow into the bottle.

This indicated a minimal water content in the honey.

By standard measurements, the Baume scale was estimated to reach 44, even 45...

Compared to honey available in the market, this was exceptional.

However, what concerned Hua Mi the most was its efficacy.

The honey produced by rare flowers should have potent effects.

The pseudo-flower spirits confirmed that it didn't contain any harmful substances.

As for its effects, the Little Flower Spirit quickly concluded and informed Hua Mi:

"This honey can temporarily grant the consumer the 'Fire Seed' attribute."

What does "Fire Seed attribute" mean?

According to Hua Mi's understanding, it mainly had two benefits.

Firstly, it could resonate with one's life fire, continuously increasing mental power.

Of course, it wouldn't exceed the current maximum limit of mental power.

Secondly, the Fire Seed attribute had a significant role in the field of alchemy.

Alchemy practitioners' magic infused with the Fire Seed attribute not only accelerated the reaction speed but also enhanced the utilization and energy conversion rates of materials.

In simpler terms, it enabled alchemists to complete their processes faster and better.

Alchemy wasn't just mixing materials; it required continuous use of magic by the alchemist during the process.

Since Hua Mi lacked magic, this enhancement was ineffective for him.

However, increasing mental power was beneficial for him.

"I wonder how long a spoonful's effects last... Let's try."

Hua Mi consumed a spoonful.

The honey slipped in smoothly, but it was truly cloying, even sticking to his palate.

The strong scent of bestowed flowers diffused, making even his breath smell of fragrance.

After swallowing, in no time, he felt a buzz in his head, as if his spirit had connected with something.

A continuous stream of warmth nurtured his spirit.

The mental power depleted until now began slowly recovering.

It took about 5 minutes for his mental power to be fully restored.

Hua Mi utilized the controlled bees to deplete his mental power while monitoring its status.

The effect lasted for approximately 10 minutes.

He gained a clear understanding of the bestowed flower's effects on replenishing mental power.

Starting from a state of complete exhaustion, just consuming a spoonful wouldn't fully restore it, probably only about one-third.

Similar to the Thunder Flower honey, as the consumption increased, so did the duration of the effect.

Hua Mi contemplated.

This batch had a relatively low yield, probably just over four hundred bottles.

And this type of honey had no effect on people from Earth but shone brightly in the otherworld.

Whether as a mere restorative or an auxiliary potion for alchemy, it was a perfect creation.

Especially for the latter, which alchemist could resist such a temptation?

Therefore, this time, he decided not to sell it on Earth; it would be too wasteful.

"Let's release another notice when we go back."

His work focus had undoubtedly shifted to this otherworldly side. With the income gained here, as his reputation spread, his business would only flourish.

Continuing to sell magic honey on Earth was a way of giving back. A sense of attachment to his homeland and the desire to bring some benefit or positive impact to his hometown and fans were influencing him.

Following tradition, the first jar was still reserved for the seven little beings to taste.

They seemed not to find the bestowed flower honey too overwhelmingly sweet.

Their novelty for the new flavor completely overshadowed any flaws.

"Aren't you going to try it?"

The Little Flower Spirit shook her head, exuding an air of serenity.

Throughout the entire process of bottling, she stayed by Hua Mi's side, curious to watch him operate the machine.

In total, 463 bottles of bestowed honey were produced.

Then, with a queasy feeling, Hua Mi also bottled the box of blood honey.

A total of 14 jars were filled.

Finishing these tasks took until late at night.

The seven little beings had long been exhausted and gone back to rest.

However, the Little Flower Spirit resiliently stayed with him until the end.

Sometimes sitting on his shoulder, sometimes lying on his head, and at times, even slipping into his pocket.

Eventually, she too yawned endlessly.

If they didn't wrap up soon, she probably wouldn't be able to last.

Hua Mi tidied up and returned to Earth's side, logging into the online store's backend, ready to send another delayed announcement.

As expected, the comments section was flooded.

"Weren't you supposed to restock quickly? It's been months."

"Boss, did you time-travel? Are you even doing business anymore!"

"Open the door, let me in!"

"February Red here, pleading for honey!"

"Everyone, don't rush him. The boss probably returned to his home planet. Just be

patient; he'll be back in a few light years."

"Upstairs, light-years are a unit of distance."

"Of course, I know light-years are a unit of distance. When I said 'a few light years,' I meant 'a few years' time' in a condensed expression, using an inverted sentence structure. If you don't get it, don't speak randomly."

"Boss, bring out a honey that cures stubbornness!"


Glancing at these comments, Hua Mi initially thought of replying to a few.

But then, he decided against it.

After all, he had already delayed, deceiving them further would be unfair.

Moreover, he couldn't disclose anything about the otherworld to them.

In fact, regarding selling honey on Earth, he had a new idea to better communicate with his fans and maintain control, but it was still in the planning stage.

So, he posted only one new announcement, apologizing for the delay due to unforeseen circumstances, thanking everyone for their support and patience, promising for the next time!

After posting, he quickly logged out.


The next day.

The snowstorm had finally stopped after a day and a night.

Outside, the aftermath of the snowstorm brought freshness; the sky seemed clearer as if purified.

Hua Mi cleared the snow from the doorstep and placed several bottles of bestowed flower honey on the shelves.

As for the pricing.

After contemplating last night, he set the price at 30 gold coins.

Besides considering the honey's effects, he also weighed the quantity.

After all, it was a consumable.

One bottle of honey, at a dosage of one spoon each time, would last at most twenty or thirty uses.

For an alchemist, using the bestowed honey to save time and enhance the quality of their final product would easily bring about a gain of one or two gold coins.

Not to mention the honey's ability to restore mental power.

Therefore, pricing it at 30 gold coins seemed reasonable to him.

Depending on the situation, he could further adjust it later.

In the afternoon.

Clark suddenly paid a visit.

He came to bid farewell.

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