6 Times a Day

Chapter 315 Isn't Cocksucking Fun? [Dantess Sponsored]

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Not surprisingly, Susan was very distraught at her behavior on the tennis court. She worked off her guilt in a frenzy of house cleaning. But every now and then she would stop what she was doing and savor her recent erotic memories, most especially about what had happened on the tennis court. Then she would blush furiously and get back to cleaning.

Suzanne decided it would be smart not to talk to Susan about what had happened, at least not yet. She could tell that Susan needed more time to process the experience. That was a big reason why Susan had gone on a cleaning frenzy; she needed time before she was ready for her next sexual adventure.

However, Suzanne's curiosity concerning Susan's Brenda-related secret was absolutely killing her. She helped Susan with the cleaning, but after about half an hour she couldn't stand it anymore. When they happened to be working side by side in the kitchen, she asked, "By the way, have you had a chance to talk to Brenda yet?"

"No, I haven't. Sorry. There've been a lot of distractions."

"True. But this is a quiet time, what with Alan taking a nap and all. In fact you could hardly pick a better time than this."

Susan sighed in resignation. "Oh, very well."

To Suzanne's surprise and disappointment, Susan went upstairs to her room to make the call. Susan was clearly intent on keeping her secret a secret, at least for the moment. Suzanne could easily have eavesdropped one way or another, but she decided to honor Susan's wishes in the matter. Susan was adamant that Suzanne would really appreciate the news if she could just wait until things came together, so Suzanne restrained herself.

Susan sat on her bed as she called Brenda while wearing just a sexy nightie. Brenda was also in her bedroom when she got the call. After only brief small talk, Susan asked, "I'm dying to know: what have you decided about the pictures and everything else?"

Brenda let out a heavy sigh. "I knew you were going to ask me that. I still haven't made up my mind."

An exasperated Susan demanded, "Oh, please! What's so difficult?!"

"These are extremely difficult decisions! They could affect the rest of my life!"

Susan asked eagerly, "Well, if I put a theoretical gun to your head, which way are you leaning? Can you at least answer that?"

Brenda sighed again. "I'm leaning towards keeping my options open."

"What does that mean?!"

"It means I don't think there's much harm in simply gathering more information. After all, you said it's a long road to becoming one of Alan's women, and getting a reaction from him to my nude pictures is just one step. Isn't that right?"

"That's right."

"So I'm not going to make any kind of commitment just to see if he's interested in me. I could meet him a couple more times, just to gather more information. I don't have to make any commitment until well after that."

Susan was delighted. "That sounds reasonable. So you HAVE made a decision then, haven't you?"

"I guess. It's just..."


"I still don't know if your lifestyle is right for me. I like the IDEA. Heck, I adore the idea! But would I enjoy it in practice, on a daily basis? I have my doubts. To try to answer that question, after I saw you last I bought a big plastic dildo."

Susan asked, "Didn't you already have one? I'm just guessing, but now that I've had my sexual awakening, I understand that pretty much everyone masturbates, men and women."

"That's true. And I did have one already. But this one is bigger. Thicker. Alan-sized."

"Ah. And?"

"And I figured that if I'm interested in being one of his women, one of his sluts, then I damn well better make sure that I enjoy handjobs, blowjobs and titfucks. Especially blowjobs. It sounds like there are a LOT of those."

Susan giggled with glee. "That's true!"

"So I tried it with the dildo. No spark. Nothing. I practically hated it. It was just like before, the few times I went down on my soon-to-be ex. A tiresome obligation. Maybe I'm just not right for your lifestyle."

"Nonsense! That's balderdash. Poppycock! The thing is, I'm not an expert. There are things I don't even want to know, because it would take away a bit of the magic. But even I can tell that context is everything. The mental aspect is everything. It's not just the physical act; you have to get in the right mindset." Susan pulled her nightie down to expose her breasts, because any talk of blowjobs got her aroused, and she knew things would get hotter from there.

Brenda asked, "How do I do that? When I hear you talk about sucking your son's cock, it sounds like the greatest thing in the world! My mouth waters and I can't wait to do it myself. But then, with the dildo, it's such a let-down. How can I practice and get good for him if I'm not even inspired enough to use the dildo?"

"I understand. You're not using it in the right spirit." She made a quick calculation. She considered going over to Brenda's to show her and inspire her, but there wasn't time because she had other, more urgent things that she wanted to do. "I'll tell you what. I'll teach you how to love sucking on the dildo if you promise to hand over the pictures today. All of them. I can't wait to see them. Have you edited them yet?"

"Unfortunately, no. As you can tell, I've been dithering. I've looked at them a heck of a lot, but to be honest, I don't know how to use the right computer programs, like Photoshop. It's frustrating, because my son Adrian does. He's a whiz at that kind of thing. Normally I'd get him to help, but I can't exactly show him nude pictures of his mother!"

"Well, there you have it then. You need to hand the pictures over to me anyway."

"Can YOU edit them? You don't strike me as the computer whiz type."

"No, I'm not. Far from it. But Suzanne is. Well, not exactly a whiz, but she can do everything she needs to on a computer, including edit pictures. On top of that, we have a special printer with special paper for printing high-quality color pictures."

"I don't know. I don't know if I want Suzanne to see me like that."

"Sorry, girl. We're a close-knit team here. If I see them, and Alan sees them, how could Suzanne not see them too, sooner or later? In fact, odds are good Katherine will see them too. We don't share our secrets with the outside world. You're the only exception, and that was largely my mistake. But within our family we share pretty much everything. The important thing to remember is that Alan will not know the pictures are of you. He'll just think it's some busty fox. Suzanne is great at scheming. If you put this in her hands, she'll do better at it than I will."

"Hmmm. I still don't know. I do want Alan to see the pictures, because otherwise I can't take the next step. And I don't know exactly how else I could edit them. I can't exactly go to Kinko's for a job like that."

"No, you can't. Also remember, I'll teach you how to love the dildo as much as if it was Alan's real cock."

"THAT I've got to see! I don't believe you!"

"Have we got a deal? I'll prove it to you right now."

Brenda hesitated, but only for a few seconds. "Okay, deal. But I'm only handing the pictures over to you IF I'm fully satisfied with this dildo experience. I don't just mean something mildly okay; I want to go hog wild over it, losing myself in the experience like I just can't get enough!"

Susan couldn't have been more confident. "No problem. Do you have it near you? Where are you?"

"In my bedroom, sitting on a chair."

"Good. Get the dildo and take ALL your clothes off. Then put your sexiest pair of high heels on. Sit back on the bed and switch to speakerphone mode. Can you do all that?"

"Sure. Just give me a minute. But I've gotta warn you, I'm VERY dubious."

Susan's lips curled into a smile. "I'm not. You'll see."

A couple of minutes later, Brenda was back on the line, in speakerphone mode. She wanted to give the experiment a fair shake, so she really did take her clothes off. She even put high heels on, although she was sitting up in bed on top of her covers. "Okay, I'm ready. Now, what is this magic that you're so sure about? We're not even in the same room. What could you possibly say to me over the phone to get me to enjoy a blowjob?"

"That's easy. I played tennis today. In fact, I finished just a little while ago. I'm going to tell you all about it."

"What, are you nuts?! How is that supposed to work? Are you going to try to bore me into a trance?"

Susan chuckled. "Hardly. You'll see. Because I was playing tennis with Alan, and this was no ordinary tennis match."

"Huh. You're serious, it seems. Should I do something with the dildo?"

"Not yet. But keep it within easy reach. Just between you and me, if you want to touch yourself in naughty places while I talk, that's okay. It's even encouraged." Susan had taken her clothes off too, because she was planning on taking her own advice, but she wasn't willing to admit that to Brenda.

Susan started telling the story of the tennis match she'd just experienced with Alan. She gave a very detailed account that started even before it began, back when she was in the house arguing with Alan and Suzanne over what she was allowed to wear.

So at first Brenda wasn't that aroused, or even particularly that interested. However, it wasn't long before Brenda was hooked. Susan skipped past nearly all mention of the tennis they'd actually played, instead focusing on the sexual aspect, and especially her sexual humiliation. From what had happened at the photo shoot, she could tell that Brenda got off on that sort of thing as much as she did, if not more so.

Soon, Brenda was huffing and puffing and playing freely with herself, particularly her pussy, clit, and nipples. She was glad that Susan was doing nearly all the talking, because she was almost too winded to even breathe. Occasionally she would ask a question, but more often she'd exclaim how hot Susan's story was. It would have been a great story for her as fiction, but she knew for a fact that it really had happened to Susan only a short while earlier, which made it the hottest story she'd ever heard.

For a long time, Brenda's dildo was completely forgotten. But then, as the story started to reach a flaming-hot intensity, Susan told Brenda to pick up the dildo and pretend it was Alan's cock. She still wouldn't let Brenda put it in her mouth, but she would allow Brenda to "help keep it hard" by stroking it from time to time.

Brenda's attitude towards the dildo was totally transformed. Previously she hadn't been in an aroused mood and the dildo had just been a piece of plastic. But now, with Susan's shockingly arousing story continuing, in her mind the dildo truly became Alan's big erection. She was frustrated, because she wanted to stroke it, play with her nipples, and play with her pussy and clit all at the same time, but she didn't have enough hands. She kept switching back and forth between stroking the dildo and stimulating her erogenous zones, squealing in orgasm from time to time.

Then Susan reached the climax of her tennis story, when she had been totally defeated by her son and he'd claimed his prize by fucking her mouth right in the middle of the tennis court, through the tennis net no less. As the description of her blowjob started, she finally allowed Brenda to suck on the dildo.

Brenda was nearly out of her mind with raging lust. She sucked on the dildo like her life depended on it. She was so enthusiastic that she repeatedly pushed it deeper into her mouth than she could handle, coming dangerously close to triggering her gag reflex. The resulting loud choking and gagging sounds delighted both Brenda and Susan to no end.

Brenda felt even more emboldened and aroused by that, to the point that she actually tilted the dildo up high above her face with her head tilted way back, and brought it down in an inspired attempt to deep throat it. She had no idea what she was doing since she'd never tried deep throating before, so she failed. But just the effort, as well as even more choking and gagging noises and sensations, thrilled her even more.

Brenda also appreciated that when she had been stroking the dildo, she'd needed to use one hand to hold it in place and another to stroke it. Whereas she could pound it in and out of her mouth with just one hand, leaving her other hand free for masturbation.

She had an exceedingly loud orgasm well before Susan finished the blowjob part of the story, and the muffled sounds of her attempting to scream despite her mouth being crammed full of the dildo further aroused both women, causing their excitement to soar ever higher.

Susan had a couple of orgasms of her own, but she was embarrassed about that and tried to keep them secret. Brenda was so carried away with the tennis story, plus her own gasping, moaning, and frequent screaming, that she hadn't put any thought into the possibility of Susan masturbating. In her mind, Susan was on the tennis court getting her face fucked. Except, at the same time, Susan was her, and she was the one getting thoroughly humiliated and dominated out in public by Alan's powerful cock.

Eventually, the story wound down. Both women were content to recover for a while on their beds.

But the line was still connected. Eventually Brenda said, "Okay, you win. THAT was convincing. The dildo became Alan's cock in my mind, and I loved it!"

Susan couldn't resist crowing a little. "You see? What did I tell you? It's all about context, and attitude. Isn't cocksucking fun?"

"Oh. My. GOD! I had NO IDEA! It's the greatest! And that was merely with a plastic dildo. I can't even imagine what it would be like with the real flesh-and-blood Alan and his pulsing, throbbing cock!"

"Oh, it's better! Much, much better! And not only that, but you get your big, creamy, delicious, spermy treat at the end for all your hard work!"

"UNGH! HNNNG! Oh God! I can't wait! That does sound fantastic!"

"It is! Which means you owe me some nude photos, girl!" Susan giggled with glee at that.

Brenda groaned. "Oh, shit! I didn't think there was any chance I'd lose that bet. But you won fair and square, so I'm willing to pay up. In fact, it never felt so good to lose. God it felt good!"

Susan giggled some more. "Funny you should say that, because those were the exact words that I thought after Tiger bested me on the tennis court. These are still early days, like I keep telling you, but I've got a funny feeling that I'm going to end up saying that a lot. He'll stand triumphant time and time again, his great cock jutting proudly into the air, and I'll wind up kneeling and naked, my face and tits doused in his spermy goo. But that's the life of being one of his personal cocksuckers."

"His what?" Brenda had heard "personal cocksucker" from Susan once or twice already. She was starting to think it was some sort of official name.

Susan grinned and replied enigmatically, "Oh, I'll tell you all about that later. I don't want to get you worked up all over again. Now, about the photos, I have an idea. I'm about to go shopping."

"How can you go shopping after that?! Especially since it really happened to you. I would need days to recover!"

Susan giggled. "There's no time for that around here. As soon as Tiger has blasted his load all over your face and tits, the process starts all over again. Even as I'm thoroughly licking his balls clean, I revel in the knowledge that inside those balls, millions of little new spermies are being created. That's one reason why it's fortunate that he has lots of big-titted lovers. It would be too much for me, taking care of his cock all by myself!"

"I can see that." Brenda was awed. "It DID really happen to you, didn't it? You're not just making that all up?"

"No way. I wouldn't lie to you about that. Besides, that's just one adventure I've had in the last twenty-four hours. Now that Ron is gone, it seems that things are twice as cummy and tingly as before! I could tell you many stories."

"Please do!" They both giggled over that. But they also knew this was not the time. They were sexually satiated.

Then Brenda asked, "So what's this about you going shopping?"

"Oh, yes. I'm about to leave shortly, as soon as I freshen up. And it's not just any shopping trip, either. I'm in the middle of remaking my wardrobe, from the fuddy-duddy clothes I used to wear to lots of cock-stiffening super sexy outfits! I was thinking that while I was out and about, maybe I could stop by your place to pick up your memory card with the photos on it. Or we could meet somewhere."

"Definitely! Let's meet somewhere! Now that you mention it, I want to buy some sexy new outfits for him too. Maybe we can go shopping together?"

"Sure. That would be fun. But I thought you were still undecided on him?"

"Fuck that! Not after what just happened!" Brenda realized it was dangerous to let her passion run unchecked, so she added, "I'm not saying I want to go all the way and commit to him now. But I definitely want to take the next step and see where things will lead."


Susan was very proud of herself. After the phone call ended, she thought, Now, I REALLY can't wait to tell Suzanne all that I've done with Brenda lately. Even with my jealousy over Brenda's breasts, it's too much fun to talk to her like that. I can't resist! I suppose there could be a lot worse things than having a new, beautiful, super-busty friend like her to share the joy of pleasuring Tiger's cock. Just so long as she doesn't take up too much of his time. But I still want to wait until I can actually look over those nude photos before I reveal it all to Suzanne!

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