6 Times a Day

Chapter 309 Susan And Kath Discussion [DD SPONSORED]

Drunk Dargon [ 4 / 5 ] 🐉


Ironically, Susan never did go upstairs to snoop, even though Alan, Katherine, and Suzanne all were fairly sure that she would. The phone call with Suzanne had lasted a long time, and when it ended, she had such a big orgasm that she was down for the count for a while afterwards.

In fact, she was still in a post-orgasmic blissed-out state when she heard Katherine clomping down the stairs. Her bare ass was on the floor and her back was against the lower cabinets. Her blouse had been tossed aside and her shorts were pulled down below her knees.

Luckily for her, Katherine's clomping gave her an early warning, and she didn't have much in the way of clothes to put on. Acting fast, she was able to stand up and get her clothes on and more or less in order right as Katherine entered the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom!" Katherine said breezily. "What's up?"

Susan looked at the clock. Katherine had been right that Susan had been anxiously checking the clock all along, despite the phone call with Suzanne. She assumed that Katherine was sucking Alan nearly non-stop, and she wanted to know just how long it would take before he blew his load. She asked, "And just what have you been doing, young lady? Do you realize you've been upstairs for... fifty-six minutes?"

Susan had been looking at the clock but she hadn't been adding up the time for a while, thanks to Suzanne keeping her busy on the phone and then her highly distracting orgasm. Now that she thought about it, she was staggered. "Fifty-six minutes?! Don't tell me you spent all that time with Tiger's fat knob in your mouth?!"

"Yep!" Katherine said proudly. "Gaawwwd, I've been stroking and sucking for so long that I think both my hands and my jaw are gonna fall off!"

Susan was stunned. "But that's impossible! Not even he can last that long, not without his strategic breaks!"

Katherine admitted, "Okay, maybe it wasn't non-stop. He did take a few brief breaks. But I kept him going most of the time. My jaw and hands are sore, and I'm all licked out. But it was grrrrrreat! Here, you wanna see?"

She walked over to Susan and kissed her on the cheek. Her mouth tasted and smelled like her brother's cum, and she breathed onto Susan's cheek as the kiss ended just to make sure that Susan didn't miss that fact.

Susan's eyes went wide and she clutched her hands to her chest. Wow! That's, that's his spermy scent, for sure! I love it, but to smell it straight from my daughter's mouth is just so, so... debauched! She wanted to chastise Katherine for what she'd just done, but that would have been hypocritical and she knew it.

Katherine watched Susan's nipples grow erect in a matter of seconds and the pace of her breathing increase.

Susan said disbelievingly, "You really were...?"

"Yep!" Katherine proudly licked her lips.

"Fifty-six minutes?!"

"Yep! I'd guess there was only about five or six minutes where I wasn't at least stroking his massive boner. Most of the time, I was like this." She held a hand up to her mouth like she was holding a stiff erection with it, and she bobbed her head back and forth on the imaginary boner.

Susan actually staggered backwards. "You...? Wow!" She shook her head, trying to wrestle with that information. It looks like I have some new and very serious competition! A whole hour? That means that I'm going to have to last even longer than that. Just a few days ago, it seemed a wild fantasy of mine that I'd suck my Tiger's delicious cock-meat for hours on end. But it's already kind of coming true!

She asked ruefully, "You're not a little girl anymore, are you?"

"Nope! I'm all grown up. I'm just like you now in that I've become one of his personal cocksuckers. Like you, I'm gonna be spending a lot of time servicing his cock. But I don't mind at all. In fact, I love it!"

Susan was floored. She hadn't really thought things through about Katherine's future participation in the hours since she'd walked in on her blowing Alan yesterday. "I just got off the phone with Suzanne a little while ago, and she called you one of his personal cocksuckers too. Maybe it's true."

Her eyes narrowed, and her expression went from stunned to stern and questioning. "Are you SURE that's what you want? It's no shame to just want to help him sometimes without officially becoming a personal cocksucker."

Katherine said defiantly, "Oh, I'm going official. I'm going full on. Personal cocksucker all the way!"

"But... But what about dating and such? Do you realize the kind of commitment you're making? For instance, going to dances and movies and the prom and whatnot. Are you really willing to give that up, maybe for years and years to come?"

Katherine shook her head. "Mom, Mom, Mom. Surely you don't expect me to cheat on my own brother?!"

"Cheating? Who's talking about cheating?"

"You are. Serving his cock isn't some part-time thing. You have to be fully dedicated to it. Surely Aunt Suzy has explained that to you?"

"Well, yes, she has, but-"

"No buts! There's NO WAY I would ever kiss another boy now, much less play with his dick, not as long as I'm helping Brother. You must feel the same, don't you? Can you imagine dating some other guy, taking him home, making out with him on the sofa, and then sucking his dick?"

Susan reacted strongly, just as Katherine knew she would. "Angel! Don't make me ill! My mouth, my body, it belongs to my son and my son alone!"

"See? What's true for you is true for me too. Brother's cock is very POWERFUL and DEMANDING. You can't be half-assed about serving it. I'm saying I'm here to help in any way I can, as often as I can. You, me, Aunt Suzy - we're his personal cocksuckers now. We're a team." She was deliberately using some of the lingo Suzanne used on Susan almost every day, as well as throwing in some of her own ideas.

Susan could see what Suzanne meant when she said that sharing Alan with Katherine too could be more arousing than jealousy-inducing. Right now, Susan was feeling a little bit jealous but very, very horny. Hearing Katherine express her passion and dedication was practically driving her wild.

However, there was a part of Susan that remained mindful of her duty to be a good parent. So she protested, "But you're different. Suzanne and I are pushing forty and effectively unattached. Nobody will mind much if we spend the next ten or twenty years with our heads in Tiger's crotch."

Katherine cut in, "'Effectively unattached?!' You're both married! What about Ron?!"

Susan looked away in embarrassment. "It's... complicated. Let's not go into that right now, okay?" She resumed eye contact. "What about you? You're still young! There's so much you'll miss out on. Dates with nice boys-"

Katherine cut her off by sticking her tongue out in disgust. "Yuck! Mom, I don't care about that. Not anymore. I LOVE my brother, and being his fuck toy sister is what makes me happy."

Susan poked a finger at her. "I don't like to hear you call yourself that. It's demeaning."

"Come on, Mom. You and me, we're a lot alike, I can tell. Don't you get off on that kind of language? I know you won't let him fuck you, but 'fuck toy' is a state of mind, suggesting total submission and obedience. Doesn't that turn you on? Or, if not fuck toy, what about sex pet? As a good Christian, you're not allowed to lie. So tell me: don't you find it exciting to think of yourself as your son's sex pet?"

Susan's face reddened and she dropped her head down. She whispered. "Yes!" Somehow, confessing that doubled her already high arousal level in a flash.

Katherine smirked triumphantly. "You see? If you feel that way, why can't I feel that way too? Besides, this is his time of great need. What should come first, wasting my time on dating some losers, or helping my loving brother with his dire medical condition?"

"Well, it's not really THAT dire," Susan pointed out rather reluctantly. Most of the time she tried not to think about his medical condition at all, because she knew on some level that was a weak excuse for all the "helping" she was doing.

"True, but family comes first. We're lucky that playing with his cock is great fun, but I'd do it even if it wasn't, just because I love him."

Susan complained, "Same here. But when I caught you two yesterday, and gave you permission to continue helping him, this isn't what I envisioned at all! I don't mind you helping him some, but please don't become one of his personal cocksuckers. That's a big commitment that will prevent you from having a normal social life. It's highly improper!"

She was doing her best as a responsible mother to talk Katherine out of this path. But at the same time her massive boobs were heaving up and down inside her blouse, because she secretly found it very thrilling that her daughter would choose that path.

"Mom, this is a unique situation here. We have to think outside the box and throw old notions of 'proper' out the window. Brother's cock has big needs. BIG needs. You know that even with you and Aunt Suzy helping, he still has to masturbate by himself sometimes. That's forcing him to commit the Sin of Onan. That's just not right!"

Susan had a sinking feeling she would lose this battle, especially since she wasn't putting up much of an argument due to her conflicted feelings. Still, she said, "That's true, but with Ron gone I can help out more. A LOT more. And I'm here most of the day. Suzanne or I can handle almost any situation at home."

Katherine had already anticipated that argument. "Yes, but remember what Akami said. It's not just-"

Susan completed the sentence for her "-the quantity; it's the quality. I know. But I'm good at both."

"I'm sure you are, Mom, but the more we stimulate him, the better his stamina gets. I just sucked him for fifty-six minutes! Imagine if that was you. Fine. You can handle that. But then he gets stiff again an hour later. Could you handle THAT too? And then again another hour or two after that? No!"

She held her hands up. "Look at me. My hands are so tired from stroking that I can hardly lift them this high. My jaw, lips, and tongue are feeling wrecked as well. Don't tell me you won't feel the same after a hour or two."

Susan nodded, and then stared off into space. Oh my goodness! This is really happening. I'm going to suck him until I'm simply too tired to carry on, and then others will take over! My son is such a stud that it leaves me breathless!

Katherine stated, "A really powerful, dominant cock like his needs the three of us helping out, at a minimum. I'll bet Amy will be joining us too, and we'll need her help. I'm not just ready to be one of his personal cocksuckers, I already consider myself one. I have no problem totally dedicating myself to serving his cock. Can you say the same?"

"Of course I can!" Susan replied indignantly. "Nothing is more important to me than giving him those prolonged, highly satisfying orgasms Akami told us about! And I'll have you know I've made that commitment for a while now."

"Oh really? Is this the same woman who kissed Ron goodbye yesterday? On the lips?"

Susan suddenly blushed and looked away. "It wasn't really on the lips. Besides, that was a fluke, an emergency situation. Let's not talk about that. Like I said, it's complicated, and Ron will be gone soon. By the time he comes back, months from now, the situation will be completely different, believe me."

She looked back into her daughter's eyes with renewed determination. "Let's talk about YOU! You're a young girl who's growing up. You need to develop normal relationships so you can settle down and get married and have kids!"

Katherine had expected Susan to say that too, and she'd prepared an answer. She cleverly lied, "Don't worry, Mom, I've got that covered. Brother has his medical situation right now, so that comes first. But things change. He'll go to college; I'll go to college; his energy problem will be licked; all kinds of things will happen. I'll have lots of time to date guys later. I've got a twenty-year window to have kids, if not even longer. But for now I have to remain focused on what's most important, and that's serving my brother's medical needs! Naked and on my hands and knees if need be!"

Susan was greatly dismayed by Katherine's answer because of what it portended for herself. Oh my! Here I am, just starting out on this new path of helping Tiger, and Angel points out the end is in sight! What if he DOES get better? And what about when he goes to college? That's looming in the future, next Fall. It's inevitable, and I've been doing my best to completely ignore it! Oh dear!

Katherine knew Susan's ways of thinking very well, and so knew that after she'd made that point Susan would be too busy worrying about her own future with Alan to think much about Katherine's new status as one of Alan's official personal cocksuckers, or, as she preferred to think of it, one of his "fuck toys." And she figured that unless Susan really put her foot down quickly and specifically prohibited certain things, the de facto situation would become established tradition. That's what she was counting on.

Out of the blue, Katherine asked, "Soooooo... What's for breakfast, then? Brother should be down in a few, and we're both famished."

Susan grumbled, "Breakfast? More like brunch after certain people took a full fifty-six minutes to... well, never mind." She sighed. She was frustrated, because she sensed she'd lost the argument. Plus, she was hot and bothered, but now she had to cook. "I don't know. What do you want?"

"You know, the usual. How about waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, noodles, oatmeal, potato omelettes... any mix of that kind of thing will do. But make sure to make a BIG bowl of fruit for Brother, with LOTS of pineapple."

"Pineapple? Why?"

"It helps with the taste of his cum. It turns out that cum is alkaline, so acidic foods like oranges, lemons, and pineapple get rid of the bitter taste and make the cum taste better."

Susan protested, "But Tiger's cum is already delicious!" She blushed a little at that.

"I know. Believe me, I know. That's because he's practically a vegetarian and even a fruitarian already. But if he eats more sweet things, especially fruits like pineapple, it'll taste better still!"

Susan asked incredulously, "Is that even possible?"

Katherine giggled. "Mom, you're so cute. And speaking of our favorite cum dispenser, I'll go see what's taking him so long. Later!" She rushed out of the room and up the stairs.

Susan stood in the middle of the kitchen, wondering what had just happened. She felt like she'd been run over by a truck. I can't believe it. I thought she was just going to help Tiger a little here and there. Suzanne and I would take the heavy load, so to speak. She's such a willful girl. I don't know about this. I should put my foot down before she gets all kinds of wild ideas.

I know: I'll talk to Suzanne. She'll know how to handle Angel's willfulness. It's one thing for her to help him out from time to time. I suppose that's inevitable since she lives right across the hall from him and all. But really, it's MY duty to be his main personal cocksucker, with Suzanne also one, yes, but more helping out when I'm busy. Angel needs to live her own life!

She looked around the kitchen, figuring out what she'd need for breakfast. She didn't actually have any pineapple to put in a fruit salad, but she made a mental note to buy some more soon. She grinned as she took out some pots and pans. Yep, I'm gonna buy some pineapple. Lots and lots of pineapple!

Back in her room, Katherine chuckled to herself. That went well, 'cos Mom is soooo predictable. That was kind of brutal, but necessary. She needs to get used to the fact that I'm doing this for Brother, and that's not going to change. It's true he's going to go to college and all that, but I'm not too worried. I'm gonna stick like glue to his side, if he'll let me.

This is just the start. Hopefully soon, Mom and I will be casually talking and joking about his sperm all the time. Not to mention, licking his cock together! I can't wait for THAT! And, of course, he'll fuck all of us day and night! She snickered happily.

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