6 Times a Day

Chapter 272 You Might Be Worthy Of Me. It's Possible.

Brenda and Alan moved to the living room. Brenda took a seat on one of the sofas, causing Alan to sit on another sofa across from her. But almost immediately she stood up, saying she wanted to stretch her legs a little bit. She insisted that he remain sitting.

She figured she was being clever, because if he was looking up at her, he wouldn't be able to avoid looking at her body. In particular, it would be hard from him to even look at her face over her massive twin peaks.

Indeed, he did have a harder time that way. He quickly decided the only effective countermeasure was to stand up too, so he did. He gave the same excuse about wanting to stretch his legs, so she couldn't object. Although he was trying to act sexually uninterested, he already had willed his penis to get and stay erect. He wanted to give the impression that while he wasn't particularly attracted to Brenda, his penis was nearly always engorged anyway.

So when he stood back up, she nearly gasped out loud to see the lewd tenting in his slacks. She was definitely impressed, but tried hard not to show it.

He knew he didn't have a lot of time to banter about, since the "making snacks in the kitchen" excuse could only hold up for so long. So he started out by saying, "Thanks for sharing a lot about yourself, Brenda. That was interesting. I sense your marriage has not gone well."

Brenda bristled that he'd brought up such a sensitive topic right off the bat. "No shit! Sorry, but that's a touchy subject. You're hardly Sherlock Holmes though, since it's common knowledge that I'm in the middle of getting a divorce."

He said, "I'm not surprised. But it goes much deeper than that. I think you married your husband for his money."

She put a hand on her hip and gave him a sassy, pissed-off look.

But before she could tell him off, he continued, "I know, I know, that's probably evident from your wealth. It's an old story of rich guy marrying beautiful gal. But it goes deeper than that. You were very wealthy already, weren't you?"

That surprised her, since most people took her for a gold digger. "How do you know that?"

"One can just tell. People who are born into money behave differently. Not better or worse, mind you, just differently. But I suspect you were never satisfied with your husband in any case. Some people can marry for money and find satisfaction, but you didn't. Not just emotional satisfaction, but sexual satisfaction."

"What, so now you're trying to make a move on me?!" Ironically, that was what she wanted, but old habits are hard to break, and she was used to being indignant at grabby or pushy men. She couldn't resist taking another quick peek at the outrageous bulge in his slacks.

He held his hands up defensively. "Hardly! Can't you see I'm well taken care of here without you? VERY well taken care of. But it's obvious to me that you're not happy sexually, and that make me sad in a way. A woman with looks like yours should be overwhelmed by intense pleasure, repeatedly. Maybe you should talk to Suzanne. She's some kind of genius when it comes to this kind of thing. I'm sure she'd be able to help you."

"By sending me to you?"

Actually, that was what he was expecting would happen before long, if Suzanne was right. But he pretended otherwise. "No way! You know that she's one of the women who help me with my special problem. Why on Earth would she want to share me with someone new?"

"I don't know," Brenda admitted uncertainly. She glared at him suspiciously. "But then again, everything about this place is weird." She glanced again at his bulge without meaning to. She hoped he hadn't noticed (although he had), and that he wouldn't see how erect her nipples were. (He'd glimpsed that too.)

So far, the evening had been outwardly normal, like most any other card game. But the unspoken elephant in the room was the incest secret, plus all the other things she had learned about sex in the Plummer household.

He responded, "Not weird. The word you want is 'liberated'. We're having a hell of a fun time here. It's not just about sexual pleasure; that's just one aspect. The intimacy is so much more! It liberates the soul. It deepens emotional bonds. It shakes you up, letting you see things in a new light. You don't just need a divorce; you need a complete renewal. I can tell."

She was irritated at his presumption to advise her. "And how can you tell, Mister Peabody?"

He grinned, appreciating the obscure, sarcastic reference to the genius dog from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. "Okay, Sherman, so I'm too young to have gone through all that myself."

She couldn't help but briefly grin back at his "Sherman" reference, showing he understood her Mister Peabody reference.

He continued, "But I do seem to have a way with women." He leaned forward and stared intently. "I can see a lot from just looking in your eyes. For instance, you think you're a real take-charge power woman, and in some ways you are. But you also have a sexual hunger that's not being fulfilled. That's because you go for the wrong kind of men. I think you're afraid of going for what you really want."

She was starting to get scared, because she knew she was afraid of going for what she really wanted in her sex life. But she put up a blustery front. "And what's that, Mr. Know It All?"

He airily suggested, "You need a strong man, a man who won't take no for an answer."

He was taking a risk in running with Suzanne's insights into Brenda's submissive nature in such a bold manner. But he was well into his "actor in a play" role-play mode now. He figured that if he really was the cocky and confident guy the hype said he was, he wouldn't be afraid to say something like that.

She asked snidely, "And I suppose you're that kind of man?"

He worried he was going too far. However, he saw a burst of lust flame up in her eyes. So, despite her caustic tone, he felt encouraged to pursue this risky approach. "I would be, if it weren't for the fact that I'm not interested in you. Sure, to be frank, you're beautiful eye candy, but nothing more for me. I'm very involved with women I'm deeply in love with, who are at least as beautiful as you, if not more so. Most of them I've known all my life. Harsh, I know, but I need to disabuse you of this idea that I'm coming on to you. That way, we can talk freely, as friends."

She was stunned by his blunt words. She just stared at him wide-eyed, not knowing what to say to that. She was totally unused to anyone not wanting her sexually. Normally, she would scoff at any straight man making that claim, but, given Alan's other stunning lovers, it seemed possible. Furthermore, her submissive side was her most closely guarded secret. No one had ever implied that she was submissive before, since she worked hard not to give that impression. Even Suzanne in recent days had been careful not to reveal that she'd discovered that about her.

Finally, Brenda asked, "So... Mr. Has All the Answers, what kind of man do I need?"

"May I be frank?"

"As if you aren't already?!"

"Even so, may I?"

She huffed, "Fine! Whatever!" But she was dying to find out what he'd say.

He was still working from Suzanne's inside information, but he was also quite horny now too. Even though he continued to avoid looking at Brenda's voluptuous body, he was aware of the great sexual opportunity he had with her. He had no need to will his penis to stay stiff when he had the idea of fucking her huge, soft tits in the back of his mind.

Thus, when he spoke, his lust was heavily influencing him too. "You need a man who treats your body like he owns it. I can tell that you're bored by men who are keen on flattering you and fawning over you. You want someone who YOU have to flatter and fawn over to keep his interest. Your ideal man, he's not going to ask for sex, or even demand it. He's just gonna unzip his fly, point his stiff, jutting erection at your face, and expect you to service him!"

Alan enjoyed watching Brenda visibly swallow, hearing his words like dangerous thunderclaps. The "deer in the headlights" look in her eyes made her seem deliciously vulnerable.

He went on,"You're a woman of tremendous potential, but you need a man who can not only match you but also let you be the woman you were always meant to be. He'll treat you like a queen most of the time, out of bed, but in bed, he'll be your lord and master!"

Brenda gasped out loud. She'd never imagined he would suggest something so outrageous and lewd. His words seemed to bypass all her defenses and go straight to her heart.

He belatedly worried that he'd gone too far, way too far. He tried to maintain a poker face, but his heart leapt up to his throat. Already, he was thinking about how he could backtrack some and limit the damage.

Luckily, not only was Suzanne right that Brenda was sexually submissive, but Brenda was even more submissive than Suzanne realized. That's why she'd been afraid to ever act on her submissive feelings and she tried to be intimidating, including having public temper tantrums. She was terribly afraid of opening that Pandora's Box and losing all control to her sexual lusts. As a result, his words hit home like an arrow striking a bull's-eye.

He was even luckier than that though with his word choice. He'd used the words "lord and master" inadvertently in a dramatic flourish. That seemed to be his most outrageous mistake.

But in fact, those were the very words that affected her the most. When she heard "lord and master," an electric thrill ran down her spine, straight to her pussy and nipples. She very nearly came on the spot! Even though she'd never acted on it, she'd had many fantasies along that line. If there was one word that aroused her more than any other, it was "master." Her greatest fantasy was to be a sex slave for a powerful master who had a harem of other equally impressive sex slaves.

Her nipples were already erect, but her pussy started to lubricate too. More tellingly, and embarrassingly, her huge tits began heaving up and down, despite her heavy bra support, due to her sudden need to gasp for air. She felt completely naked, both physically and emotionally. She was aware of her heaving breasts, and considered putting her hands on them to still them. But she was suddenly so very aroused that she worried she couldn't trust her hands to simply hold them in place. Her face turned redder and redder as her boobs bounced in an obvious manner with no explanation except for his words.

Her body's obvious physical reaction to his words saved the situation for him. He realized that his overreach wasn't a problem after all. So instead of sheepishly backtracking, he felt even more emboldened. He didn't say more just yet; instead he just stared into her eyes from a close distance, as if he was trying to win a battle of wills.

That made her feel that he was daring her to admit her true nature. Perhaps he was even challenging her to submit completely to him right there, at that moment. Her already strong desire for him shot through the roof. Her fear more than doubled too.

In fact, he didn't have any specific intentions. He was merely aggressively maintaining his "cocky, confident, yet aloof" pose. He sensed he'd struck a chord, but he didn't even begin to realize just what an enormous effect his words had had on her.

For Brenda, this was a pivotal moment, possibly a life-changing moment. She had strongly desired Alan already, due to what Susan and Suzanne had said about him in recent days. However, she had been highly doubtful that he really was "all that." This card game was an excuse for her to test him and see if he was for real.

Due to this conversation she was having with him, she thought, You know what? I've just realized that Alan is everything that Susan and Suzanne have claimed, and maybe even more! And with his "lord and master" comment... Oh God! My desire for him has doubled, and then doubled again! I don't just want any good man, I want THIS man! I want Alan! Nobody else will do!

And some of his other words shook her to her core. Until a couple of days ago, she had been convinced that any woman who claimed she enjoyed giving a blowjob was lying. Talking to Susan and Suzanne had started to shake that. But then Alan had said to her, "He's not going to ask for sex, or even demand it. He's just gonna unzip his fly, point his stiff, jutting dick at your face, and expect you to service it." After she'd heard that, had he pointed to his crotch, she very well might have dropped to her knees and started sucking right then and there, even knowing the other three women were nearby.

She saw the way that his gaze had dropped to her chest, so she finally placed an arm under her massive breasts, lifting them and thrusting them out directly at him. She intended it to be a safe way to stop their heaving, but the way it worked out, it was as if she was offering herself up for his inspection and approval.

She suddenly found herself afraid to be in the same room as him. She felt a curious, powerful urge to take her clothes off, and especially to show him her bare breasts. But she decided that she had no choice but to steel her willpower and brave it out.

It seemed that he'd finally noticed her incredible body and revealed his lust for her. She should have been happy about that, but instead she felt afraid. It was all too much, too exciting. She no longer thought of him as an eighteen year old high schooler who hadn't accomplished anything significant in his life yet. Instead, he was "lord and master" - the master of Susan, the master of Suzanne, and the master of many more amazing beauties.

She felt panicky. Dear God! Alan... He, he... He's just... I'm not worthy! She had to turn her head because she couldn't handle his intense gaze.

The silence between them grew. She felt like she had to say something to break the awkwardness, but she didn't know what. Finally, she asked, "Is that... is that how you treat the women who help you, like Susan and Suzanne?"

He shrugged. "I try. It depends on them. I give them what they want and need."

She thought, My God! He's modest about it, but he DOES treat them like that! Lucky sluts! No wonder they can't stop raving about him! If he gives me what I want and need, then he's going to give me his cock! Right down my throat! Dear God!

He just kept staring at her ample rack. That went directly against Suzanne's advice to play hard to get. In fact, if there was one thing Suzanne had repeatedly emphasized, it was to avoid looking at Brenda's breasts. But he trusted his own instincts too, and he sensed that the situation had significantly shifted somehow. He didn't understand how exactly, but he was getting immediate feedback in the form of Brenda's arousal. He could tell that the more blatantly he stared at her tits, the more trouble she had just breathing.

The silence grew again until it became unbearable for Brenda. She finally asked, almost fearfully, "And... and... what about my breasts?"

He didn't understand the question. "What about them?"

She was completely flustered and wide-eyed. "What would you... I mean, what would this man, this ideal man you say I need... what would he do to them?"

He gave her ample chest a long look. Her tits were continuing to heave up and down somewhat, even with her arm underneath them, because she was that excited. "The thing is, everybody thinks you're just a walking pair of boobs, but he would know that that's not true. He would know you have an incredible body from head to toe, and he'd want to possess every inch of it. Every last inch!"

She gasped. "Every last inch!" Sweet Jesus! He would own me! All of me!

He went on, "True, your tits are a big attraction, and I'm sure he'd caress them like he owns them. He'd have you topless most of the time, if not completely naked altogether. That would make it easy for him to slide his dick between them daily. But he wouldn't stop there. He'd... No." He shook his head.

"What?!" His words excited her so much that she felt dizzy and giddy.

He could see a burning fire in her eyes, and her body somehow held an eager pose. But nonetheless, he figured he should stop while he was still ahead. "Sorry, I'm being too forward. Don't listen to my mad ramblings. You should talk to Suzanne. She'll help you out."

Brenda was crushed. He'd set her whole body aflame with his words and his intense stare, and now she wanted to hear more, much more. "Wait! Don't stop! Sometimes it's good to hear a male perspective. What else would you, I mean, uh, what would he do to the rest of me?"

Encouraged, he got even more blatant. He leaned in close and spoke in a low but passionate voice. "Well, he would FUCK your pussy! And I'm not talking about the tepid 'making love' you've experienced before. I'm talking about getting well and truly fucked, like a beautiful woman such as yourself deserves to be, where you feel so good that you honestly wonder if it's possible to simply die from an overdose of pleasure. He would do that to you daily!"

Brenda looked like she was ready to jump on Alan, she was so wired with desire. Of course he'd fuck the shit out of me! He'd skewer me deep, until I screamed my voice hoarse! It's his right! As lord and master!

She asked with even more eagerness, "What else?! What about my ass? What would he do to my ass?!" She suddenly twisted her body to show off her ass while still looking back into his eyes. She even bent over slightly and put a hand on her ass. The skirt was so short that that showed off a fair amount of bare ass cheek. He could see a bit of her panties wedged between her cheeks as well.

He knew he was playing a dangerous game in letting his lust do the talking, but he could see that it was having a great effect on her. Besides, the way she was showing her ass off short-circuited his restraint. "Of course, he'd know that you have a fantastic ass! He'd love to run his hands all over it, and even kiss it and lick it!"

She was in seventh heaven. "What else?!" She used the hand on her ass to subtly lift her skirt up higher.

He tried to think what else he could say to continue his run. He briefly considered shocking her with the idea of anal sex, but he found it too unappealing to be convincing about it. So instead he said, "Just so he can fully appreciate and fondle your ass, he'd flip you over and fuck you doggy style!"

She gasped. She whispered in awe, "My... my... pussy?"

He started off speaking calmly, but as he carried on he found it harder and harder to restrain himself. "Not your pussy; your cunt! You'd find yourself lying naked on your bed with a telephone pole stuffed up your hot, needy cunt! His thickness would take possession of you. You would strain to take every throbbing inch as he plows deep inside you! Your face would be mushed against the pillows as you whimper and moan and wriggle. Your breasts too. Sweat and cum would pour off you. You'd claw at the sheet and gasp desperately for air. You'd beg for him to stop because you just can't take that much intense pleasure, but you'd also beg him to keep going because you'd find you need that pleasure almost as much as you need air to breathe!"

Brenda knew exactly how that felt, because her breasts were still heaving wildly as she panted for air. Her arm was no longer under them and supporting them. Yes! Yes! It would be exactly like that! I already know it would be the best! Perfection!

He concluded, "I guess your begging would just be incoherent. You'd churn your rear end all over his big cock as you screamed his name!"

Brenda was so horny that she actually did have a small climax right then, due entirely to his words. Her pussy was gushing, soaking her panties. She could easily imagine herself getting thoroughly fucked doggy style by Alan precisely as he'd described.

Suddenly she had to hide her ass from him, for fear that he'd notice her orgasmic trembling. So she turned her body back towards him. But she had to turn her head away immediately after that, because just looking into his eyes had become too arousing for her to take.

Once she broke eye contact, Alan sensed that he really was going too far this time. He came to his senses somewhat and tried to downplay what had just happened. He said, "Sorry if I got a little carried away with my description, but I'm just trying to convey that what you're lacking is passionate sex like that."

"That's quite all right," she replied, now fully facing him again, but with her head shyly bowed down. She was feeling flush, and hoped it didn't show in her face. (It did.)

He continued calmly, "It's too bad I'm already taken several times over, because I could be that man for you. You might be worthy of me. It's possible. But don't worry. There are other men like that out there; you just need to find one. Like I said earlier, we've been going through a sexual liberation here lately, mostly thanks to Suzanne. You really should talk to her. She'll help you find the sexual satisfaction you need to make your life complete."

He thought, "You might be worthy of me. It's possible." Jesus! What chutzpah! Did I really say that?! About HER?! How embarrassing. I'm taking this whole cocky attitude thing way too far!

Brenda looked back in Alan's general direction, but she was afraid to make eye contact again. "You might be worthy of me. It's possible." Did he really say that?! Oh God! Dear God! There's HOPE!

She felt wrung out, like she'd just had the intense kind of sex he was talking about. This situation was far too exciting for her. She decided she had to force herself to behave in a calm and normal manner, lest he see just how much he'd gotten to her. She nodded. "That's a good idea. I'll do that. Thanks." Oh God! There's hope!

He was still looking her body over in a blatant manner. He'd been focusing on her enormous tits, still heaving wildly, but now his gaze went lower. Suddenly, it was his turn to gasp with surprise.

That gasp worried Brenda greatly. She looked down her body to see what might have caused it. But her breasts were so very large she had trouble looking down past them.

However, she suddenly felt what he had to have seen: she could feel trickles of cum rolling down her inner thighs. That wouldn't have been so bad, except that she was painfully aware that her dress covered her crotch like a miniskirt, and a short one at that. Clearly, he must have seen the trickles of cum sliding down her skin!

Oh no! I'm ruined! No! What is he going to think of me?!

She had to escape, and right away. She quickly started to walk away, towards where she knew the downstairs bathroom was. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go powder my nose."

He smiled. "Sure. It's been nice talking to you. I hope I didn't offend you."

"No! No problem! Uh, bye!" She fled the rest of the way to the bathroom, practically running there.

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