6 Times a Day

Chapter 181 Naughty Naughty

Susan remained lost in her erotic thoughts. She could hardly wait until her husband left for work and her children left for school so she could get naked. And get naked she did. However, she kept her panties on, due to her ongoing period.

Oh, dear Lord, I'm so depraved, she thought as she took off her clothes, even as she looked out the front window to watch her husband drive away to work at his company's home office. Because their house was set so far back from the road, with a great amount of vegetation in between, the chance of being seen was extremely small. Still, it wasn't something that she would even have considered doing before.

I'm growing worse every day! Please, please, I beg of you, Lord, please give me the strength to resist temptation! You know what I speak of. My son. My dreamboat, handsome son. So kind. So innocent. So...

Arrgh! I'm getting carried away here. But how can I not be affected by all the sexy things he does? The way he made me run around my bedroom naked and then forced Suzanne to suck him off right there in front of my eyes... It's like he's sexually insatiable and can't be denied!

Who would believe that such a good boy needs to be sucked off so many times a day? It's really not fair to Suzanne. I should help her out, daily. It's only fair. Why should she get all the cum? I mean, uh, all the burden?

But I can't. I can't! It's wrong! Sin. Evil! Hell, Hell, Hell! The burning flames of Hell! I have to STOP!

My point is, Lord, I HAVE to resist, don't I? Is that why you made my period start early: so I would have to resist him for several days? Or was Suzanne right and does the timing actually mean You want me to do more with him? Please! Answer my prayers. Give me a sign, some kind of sign. Tell me what I should do!

By this time Susan had undressed down to just her panties. She moved away from the front window for fear that someone might see her.

As she walked towards the kitchen with her clothes in her hands, she thought, There's nothing wrong with just being naked. It's not like I'm doing anything immoral. We're all naked before the Lord anyway, right? I just need to release my urges in a private, harmless way. I don't know why, but taking off my clothes makes me feel soooo good. I really, really don't know why. Maybe it's because I imagine Tiger looking at me. What if he could see me right now; what would he do? Would he want to do nasty things to me? Like, would he want to take his magnificent, hard COCK and grab me by my long hair and pull my head down, down, down...?

No! Don't think those thoughts, Susan. Just let your mind go blank... Blank. Breathe deep and count to ten.

She slowly counted, breathing deeply each time.

Okay. That's better. Everything is under control. I think I'll just clean up the kitchen a bit like this. Why not? I'm home alone, so who cares?

She raised her arms above her head and stretched. Aaaaahhhh... This feels great. I have nothing to be ashamed of about my body. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty darn good-looking. That's what people always say to me, at least. And the way that my Tiger sometimes looks at me shows that...

No. I can't think like that. I can't think of how he plays freely with my body and tells me all kinds of wonderfully kind things. He's such a charmer. If I listen to him, I'll just end up back on my knees with his big fat cockhead in my mouth. Again! I mean, er, penis head, I suppose. 'Cock' is such a nasty word. But Suzanne said that cockhead is the correct technical term. "Tiger, let me suck your cockhead. Mommy needs it in her mouth."

God, give me strength. Please, Lord, please! Someone, help me! I'm salivating too much!

She put her clothes on the kitchen counter and picked up a sponge. Maybe some house-cleaning will take my mind off the fact that my son has such an exceedingly thick and tasty cock, which belongs in my mouth. Mmmm! With my tongue flicking all over his sweet spot and my lips locked around him just below the crown, as tight as humanly possible, slipping, sliding, slipping and sliding! That's the BEST!

Then she paused. Ahhh, crap. Who am I kidding? This nakedness isn't enough. I've gotta go masturbate, like, NOW, just like I did yesterday at this time, and the day before that. I'm doing it too much! Too many times a day. It's like I've become addicted.

But just then she heard the front door open. Oh holy mother of God! Suzanne! Shit!

Susan dropped the sponge and ran frantically down the hallway and into the lower bathroom before Suzanne could see her in just her panties. How stupid of me, she thought bitterly. Suzanne is coming over earlier and earlier these days. She's not even giving me time to masturbate after the kids leave. Damn! And worse, what am I going to wear now?

She looked around the bathroom. To her great relief, she spotted the dirty clothes hamper. She fished around and found a top and skirt of hers that weren't noticeably dirty. She put them on. Then she flushed the toilet, to help explain her absence to Suzanne.

Elsewhere in the house, Suzanne walked around looking for her best friend. When Suzanne reached the kitchen she saw the pile of clothes still on the kitchen counter. Hmmm. This is odd, to say the least. Susan is normally so neat. I wonder if this was what she wore earlier. I'll have to ask Sweetie or Angel later on what their mother had on at breakfast. Hmmm. Intriguing.

Susan came out of the bathroom and entered the kitchen. "Hey, friend," she said to Suzanne as she smiled and waved.

Suzanne replied in kind as she sat down at the counter.

But Susan had a guilty look on her face - she was a horrible actress and a bad liar. Then, noticing that Suzanne had seen her pile of clothes on the counter, her guilty smile turned to open-mouthed horror. She lamely tried to cover for their presence. "Oh, what a mess. Here, let me put these away." She took the clothes and went to put them in the same hamper where she had gotten her present clothing.

As Suzanne was left alone, she thought to herself, She's acting guilty as hell about those clothes. What's going on here? Think, Suzanne, think... Wait, I get it! She must have been naked in the kitchen when I came in. I thought I heard some running around. I must have interrupted ... what? Why was she naked in the kitchen, all alone? Doing the dishes naked, maybe? There's a sponge on the floor here. Hmmm.

Wait a minute. I know what this means. She's so fucking horny all the time now that she's naked or masturbating, or both, every chance she gets! Why, Ron only left a few minutes ago; I was watching for his car to drive away so I could arrive after he was gone. She's tearing off her clothes just as soon as she gets the chance! That gets ME so hot! Fuck! To think she was so frigid all these years; now she's like a nymphomaniac. And it's my scheme pushing her to Sweetie that's doing it. This is so great. If she has any bisexual tendencies at all, my bigger scheme to bed the whole Plummer family is really going to come true! No shit! Damn!

Suzanne was lost in reverie. She had the most blissful and joyous expression on her face, as if she'd just won the lottery. But a quizzical "Suzanne?" from Susan snapped her out of it.

Now it was Suzanne's turn to look guilty. But Suzanne was a much better actress than Susan - she covered up her true feelings within seconds. "Sorry, drifted off there for a second. I guess I'm still waking up. Still dreaming."

"I know the feeling," Susan said, perhaps a bit too truthfully. "Must have been a good dream."

"It's a great one. My favorite fantasy."

"Oh, sounds fun. What is it?" Susan asked happily. Her earlier guilt and nervousness were gone.

"I can't tell you just yet. Maybe someday. What's your favorite fantasy?"

Susan's guilt flooded back. She stammered, "I, uh, uh, I, I can't tell either." She turned away and blushed.

How cute, Suzanne thought. Talk about being able to read someone like a book. As if we don't both know exactly who she's thinking about in her fantasy. But I just love her for her cute and innocent ways like this. What an angel. To think this shy and proper woman was just standing in this same room a minute or two ago, completely naked. It beggars the imagination.

She said, "I have to apologize again for what happened on Tuesday night. I can't tell you how sorry I am that I gave Alan a handjob right there in your bedroom with you standing there. I've done some insensitive things in the past, but that one really takes the cake."

Susan interrupted, "You don't need to apologize again, and I truly mean that. You already apologized, like, four times yesterday! It's okay, I forgive you. Really."

Suzanne secretly grinned. She loved apologizing for what happened because it was a good excuse to start talking about Alan and handjobs. So she protested, "Sorry. I guess I'm repeating myself. It's just that I can't forgive myself for my rudeness. I mean, here you are, trying to get your head on straight, trying to work things out with Ron, and the LAST thing you need to see is my hands sloshing and sliding up and down your son's thick erection."

"You got that right," Susan complained.

"I mean, there you are, wearing nothing but a towel, which through no fault of your own is opening up so he can gawk at your hair-covered pussy, and what do I do? Do I say, 'Sorry, Susan. Obviously you need your privacy; I'll go now' or something to that effect? No. I actually have the gall to ask you to take off my blouse and skirt. And then, as if that isn't bad enough, I just keep jacking that big, meaty stick of his up and down, up and down, up and down. I don't know what came over me."

Suzanne illustrated what she was saying with her hands, in order to better fluster Susan. She noticed that Susan's eyes were locked on them as if Suzanne really was holding a hard dick.

Suzanne continued, "Here you are, trying to make a rational decision about whether you should help Alan with his daily orgasms and how many times a day, and I totally frazzle you like that. Honestly, I wasn't trying to influence your decision, at least on a conscious level, though God only knows how much I can use your help. That boy is simply insatiable! Of course, I spent the whole time you were at the movies last night sucking his cock - sorry, I mean his member - and I only managed to squeeze out three loads. By the time I was done I thought my jaw and my hands were going to fall right off my body, and yet three times is only half his daily target."

"You did?" Susan had had a strong suspicion of that, but this was the first time she'd found out for sure what had happened while she and Ron were at the movie. She'd been dying to find out what she was missing almost since she'd left the house, and in a major way all during the film, but this was her first chance to talk to Suzanne about it in private.

"Of course I did. Blowjobs don't happen by themselves, you know. You have to take your mouth, open it really wide, and feed inch after inch after inch of delicious cum-filled goodness between your waiting lips. But then, you know that already from having taken him deep yourself. I hardly need to remind you how good it feels when he squirts a big load down your throat." She rubbed her chin. "Man, my jaw. It's still sore from last night. His endurance is a literal jaw breaker."

"But I thought you said he was having trouble getting it up lately," Susan said in a timid voice.

"He was, until he got your help on Tuesday. I tell you, he thinks the world of you. If you're acting sexy, then he just cums and cums and cums. His penis is continually hard and thick, throbbing with arousal. But if you pull back and cover up, there's not much even I can do to raise his pole. Nothing arouses him more than your curvy naked body, and that's the truth."

Susan was trying to keep her cool, but she'd already been burning with lust before Suzanne had arrived. Now she was so horny that she was forced to clench her hands together to stop herself from masturbating right there, in front of her best friend. It really was almost that bad, to the point that she seriously considered simply running out of the room to get the relief she craved. She looked wired, as her clenched hands flitted all over the place, uncertain of where to go.

Suzanne thought, This is too much fun! I just love it when I can get Susan's chest heaving like that. But any more teasing would be cruel. I'll bet she'd love nothing better than to frig herself into unconsciousness, right now, thinking about her hunky son. She must be hoping that I'll leave, and I really should. This is all getting me so hot, I'd better go do myself back at my place. Good thing no one else is home.

"You know, Susan, I just thought of something. I'd love to sit and chat like this all day, but it occurred to me I actually have an important errand to run, for once in my life." That actually wasn't true. Suzanne was horny and wanted to go home so she could masturbate in private.

Susan laughed, but it was nervous laughter. She'd never been so happy to see her best friend go, but she tried hard not to show it.

"Anyway, sorry again for the other night. I won't bring it up again. Forgive me?"

"Of course. There's nothing to forgive."

"You're too kind. Well, I'd better get going, but my errand shouldn't take long. Let's meet again in, say, one hour, to do our usual morning exercises. We've gotta stay in shape to have the kind of fit and curvy body Alan loves."

"Perfect!" said Susan. That'll give me plenty of time to rub myself. I'm still so worked up! And she's so right about the importance of exercising. Just thinking about keeping my body strong and shapely for my son makes me too horny. I hope she leaves soon!

After a few more pleasantries, Suzanne went back to her house next door.

Just as Susan had done earlier with her husband, she watched Suzanne go and waited until the coast was clear. Then she shucked off her clothes again. She ran upstairs and hopped into the shower. Despite her eagerness to be naked, she still only felt at ease masturbating in one of two places: under the covers of her bed, or in the shower.

— — —

Once she returned to her own house, Suzanne took the same typical masturbation location option: the shower. For security's sake, she didn't dare walk around naked or frig herself just anywhere, in case her son or husband happened to come home for some bizarre reason.

At first she frigged herself wildly in the shower until she came with a feverish intensity. Then, exhausted, she got out, soaking wet, and sat down in the bathroom to rest. She started to fantasize some more, and slowly grew aroused again.

As she ran her hands slowly over her legs, she thought, Boy, Susan is really something. My seemingly decades-long quest to get her to become more cultured - go to plays, the opera, listen to classical music, appreciate fine wine - I'll admit it hasn't been terribly successful. But then I try to get her to go after her own son, and she becomes a hopeless case in a matter of weeks! This is so much more fun than my culture lessons, for both of us.

But this path is also full of danger. I'm not terribly concerned about Ron or my husband; they'll both be out of the way soon, if I have anything to say about it. The problem is, Susan and Sweetie might get so into each other that they'll completely forget about me. After all, they have that whole taboo / forbidden fruit appeal thing going on, not to mention such a long and close loving relationship. And I always thought I could out-sexy any woman, but Susan is easily at least my match with her body.

I just have three things in my favor over her. One: a readiness to go farther with him, and faster. With any luck, I can be his first fuck. Two: a more devious and scheming mind and a greater overall awareness of what others are doing. Three: much greater sexual experience. That's key. That'll be my main weapon to win both of them. I'm sure I can lick and suck and kiss and fuck way better than Susan. And Angel too, for that matter.

Mmmm. Angel. Now there's another sexy Plummer to ponder.

Suzanne's hands had wandered over her wet skin, but now they started to converge on her ready and leaking pussy. What I wouldn't give to get my hands on her sweet hole, instead of my own! I wonder how things are faring between her and my Sweetie. Mmmm. Imagine those two going at it together. There's a sexy thought. Very sexy...

Suzanne lost her train of thought for a few moments as she fantasized about being a fly on the wall while Susan's two children fucked each other.

But after she climaxed, she returned to her strategic thinking. Those two are going to fuck, for sure. But Angel is like Susan: way too chaste and prudish. Since I haven't been wearing her down as much as Susan, it'll take longer for her restraints to give way.

Suzanne was dead wrong on that last surmise, because she didn't realize that Katherine had a long-standing secret lust for her brother. Not only that, but she hadn't done enough snooping into Katherine's behavior.

She did think a little bit about the need for finding out more about Katherine, though. I wish I was closer to her so I could really know what she's thinking about her brother. It would be great if we were close the way Susan and I are, and shared all our secrets. I should find out soon how things stand between those kids. I know things are starting to develop, but just how far have they gone already?

Given Alan's and Katherine's goody-goody reputations, and Alan's lack of assertiveness, Suzanne could not have guessed that the two teenagers had plans to fuck each other that very afternoon. But if she had known, she wouldn't have been too terribly upset, since it fit in with her overall plan to break down all the Plummers' sexual barriers.


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