6 Times a Day

Chapter 152 Do You Mind If I Lick It All Over To Make Sure I Get Every Last Drop?

Alan came home and went straight to his room.

Suzanne was there, standing completely naked.

He didn't even need to see her to get excited, because an attractive smell that was a mixture of perfume and strawberry filled the room.

"This is a pleasant surprise," he said with more than a little understatement.

"Sweetie, don't think I came in here for anything sexual," she said. "I just want to talk to you about something."

He noticed that she covered her crotch with her hand and looked very serious. He let the matter slide that she didn't exactly need to be naked to talk about something. He sat down on his bed and said, "Sure. Shoot."

"Sweetie, how are you at acting?"

"What do you mean?"

"Could you, kind of, not exactly lie, but be very vocal in expressing some of your feelings? I'm trying to get Susan to allow this place to get sexed up again, but she's resisting. If you could kind of pout and sigh when you're around her and do it in a way so your father doesn't notice, that could really help speed things along. You know, act like having to cum six times a day is a terrible ordeal for you, and getting worse all the time."

He considered that while trying hard to ignore her nudity. "I don't know... Sounds dicey. But whatever scheme you've got going, I know you're going to talk me into saying yes to it. How could I possibly deny you anything, especially when you're standing there looking like that? I worship the ground you walk on."

Her eyes lit up and she stopped covering up her pussy. Then she began to walk towards him, swaying her naked hips as dramatically as she knew how. "That's my boy! You know how I said, 'Don't think I came in here for anything sexual'?"


She smiled. "Now it's okay for you to think that. You need a reward for being so cooperative."

She got down on her knees, pulled down his shorts and boxers, and swallowed his newly hard dick.

He had to look away, because the sight of her long reddish-brown hair and pale back and butt with her on all fours before him was sexy enough in and of itself to make him cum immediately.

His attempt to stop himself didn't do any good though, since he wasn't practiced enough with his PC muscle exercises. He cried out as his climax overwhelmed his senses.

As his semen started to spurt down her throat, her head bobbed furiously up and down the length of his erection, and she swallowed every drop of his cum.

Suzanne was so sexy in everything she did that he wondered how he could last even a minute in the best of circumstances. She had a way of swaying her ass up and down and all around in circles whenever she sucked him off from this position, which drove him bonkers with unbridled lust.

After he finished cumming, he felt pretty bad for having so little control, and he was physically wiped out as well. He hadn't even lasted a minute.

Had Suzanne been with one of her previous lovers, she might have smirked at the lack of self-control. But with Alan, she wanted to build up his ego and his self-control so he would get better and better. She popped his shrinking shaft out of her mouth, looked up into his eyes, and said, "Thanks for the tasty treat! Do you mind if I lick it all over to make sure I get every last drop?"

"You're kidding, right?"

"No..." She started to lick. "Why would I kid you?"

"Oh man! Too sensitive! Sorry, but can you wait on that?"

She gave him a sexy pout as she stopped. "Why?"

"Seeing your long tongue reaching out like some kind of lizard's, lapping up every last drop... It's just too arousing to take!"

Suzanne chuckled, but she showed off a touch of pride. "As a matter of fact, I've been told that kind of thing here and there." She briefly stuck her tongue out, showing off its length, but she only gave him a brief glimpse.

He shook his head in wonder. "What did I do to deserve you? Don't you mind that I have no control at all?"

"Sweetie, you have tons of control. At times, I've been with you for twenty minutes or more before you popped. Frankly, I'm impressed. But you've been building up at school for hours so of course you've got a quick trigger right now. You'll do better the second time, I'm sure."

Unfortunately for both of them, he'd had too much stimulation at lunch and was pretty sure he wasn't going to get hard again. He said, "Sorry, Aunt Suzy. I don't think there's gonna be a second time this time. Maybe after my nap?"

She was surprised and disappointed, but she nodded with understanding.

Unfortunately for them both, she had things to do at home, so when he woke from his nap he had to take care of his next climax by himself.

Masturbating by himself was almost strange now. But at least getting erect was no problem, because he had so many exciting things to think about. Agreeing to help with Suzanne's latest scheme to trick Susan into thinking he was depressed was a no-brainer for him, since its ultimate goal was to have Susan sexually gratify him more often. He would have felt bad about lying to his mother, but he didn't have to actually say anything; he just had to look down in the dumps from time to time. His conscience could handle that.

— — —

That very evening, he acted secretly pained all throughout dinner, as if the burden of having to cum six times a day weighed him down - a burden that he was trying but not completely succeeding at hiding. It was a good acting job, made easier because his father was at a business dinner, so he could not notice.

Susan definitely took notice, and her heart went out to him in his faked agony.

Otherwise, Katherine and Alan acted like two model children and gave no clue about what had happened between them.

There was no opportunity for Suzanne to have any more secret sexual visits with Alan that evening. Evenings were usually out of the question now that his father was around. In fact, Suzanne and Amy hardly came to the Plummer house at all while Ron was in town, as neither liked him. Besides, it fit Suzanne's "Alan is suffering" scheme if Susan didn't see her stimulating him too often.

But since Ron was at an evening business event, Amy more or less invited herself over to the Plummer house for dinner. She'd been doing that from time to time for years, so it wasn't seen as anything unusual.

After sharing a nice meal together, Amy retired to the living room with Alan and Katherine while Susan did the dishes. Usually, they watched TV or played video games together. "Boy, that was a great meal," Amy said enthusiastically, as she sat on a sofa. "I'm stuffed."

"If you liked it, you should tell that to my mom," Alan pointed out.

Katherine felt naughty. She added, "I'll let you in on another Plummer family secret, since you're practically family. When we Plummer ladies really like a meal, we show that appreciation by opening our shirts all the way in the front. Just like how guys unbutton their belt buckles."

"Gosh! That's neat," Amy said as she opened her shirt and pulled out her tits until her nipples could be seen. "I wish we did that at our house; I just love getting naked."

Katherine gave Alan a secret wink, and he winked back. She also undid her top, but not as far as exposing her nipples as Amy had done, just in case Susan came in. "Mmmm. I agree with Aims. That was good food."

She turned to her brother and asked him, "What about you? Didn't you enjoy the meal?"

"I must say I did." He gleefully unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped his fly. But his boner was still underneath his underwear. He was feeling a bit devilish, and just to get both girls going a bit more, he pushed his erection through his open fly so it made an obscenely huge, though covered, bulge.

"Is that all, Big Brother?" Katherine complained. "Didn't you enjoy your meal any more than that?"

"Yeah, Bo," Amy agreed, very quietly so Susan couldn't hear. "Maybe if we get you some dessert, you'll enjoy the meal just a little bit more?" She stared at him.

Alan thought, If I didn't know better, I'd swear that Amy is staring lustily at my crotch! That can't be right, can it? She's too innocent for that. Although this kind of feels like déjà vu: when I did all that Life Drawing modeling for her in those skimpy briefs, there were lots of times when she stared at my crotch with kind of a hungry look, just like she has right now.

Susan walked in at this point, and saw Amy with her nipples exposed.

Alan quickly dropped his T-shirt down over his shorts zipper before his mother could see the bulge there.

Susan complained, "Amy, didn't Tiger and Angel make it clear that we don't dress like that anymore?"

Amy asked with a clueless expression, "But isn't this what people do after a big meal, kinda loosen their clothing? That's what Katherine was just telling me. Oh, and I wanted to say what a great meal you cooked. Thanks a ton!"

Susan rolled her eyes in frustration. "You're welcome, but please button up. And Angel, no more of these little jokes, okay?"

Katherine replied, "But Mom, we're just having fun. Isn't helping Alan out with some visual stimulation the most important thing lately? He's been suffering so much!"

Susan let out a very loud and frustrated sigh. She didn't know what to say, or what was right or needed anymore. She remembered all that Suzanne had said about how rarely Alan was getting aroused lately, and she noticed that he had a nice hard-on. So she just went upstairs without further comment.

After Susan left, Amy went and brought a tray of strawberries sprinkled with dark chocolate from the kitchen for Alan. He ate some of them, but even before he was done he pronounced it delicious by pulling his underwear down below his erect dick, causing it to flop out through the zipper of his shorts.

That seemed to fascinate Amy, who said, "Oh, wow! Kat, look at that!"

Katherine's pride got the best of her, and she just smiled knowingly. "I know. Pretty cool, huh?"

Katherine and Amy got topless again, and the three of them talked about "checking for bumps" and other sexual things.

Generally, Katherine and Alan told Amy more outrageous sexual lies, just to see how much they could get away with.

For instance, Katherine claimed, "When a woman gets bad breath, there's something that works even better than mouthwash. I just put Alan's penis in my mouth and rub it around. It really works! It's not a sexual thing; it's just what works best."

"Gosh," replied Amy, as she stared blatantly at Alan's exposed hard-on. "I wish I had bad breath right now so I could try that out. Oh no! But Mom says I'm not allowed to touch one of those penises, no matter what. Darn it. It sure looks fun."

Alan lightly stroked himself to keep the two women going.

Amy watched closely from just a few feet away as Alan jacked off. The sight of his naked boner seemed totally natural as they all sat around and talked, but it also made both girls very obviously excited.

According to Alan and Katherine, putting Alan's penis in one's mouth, jacking him off, or drinking his cum could cure many ailments and problems, from nervous tension to hiccups to bad grades.

Amy just nodded enthusiastically. She commented, "Boy, how come I never knew any of this stuff before? Everyone has been keeping me in the dark way too much. Penises sound so necessary for good health - I wonder why Mom won't let me touch them? Maybe I should ask her."

"NOOOO!" Katherine and Alan shouted simultaneously. Then they broke up laughing.

Eventually Amy and Katherine retired to the bathroom for another pussy shaving.

Alan went to his room. In part, his penis was so overtaxed that he worried he was going to hurt it or something. But also, his conscience got the best of him. He reminded himself, Letting Aims see my dick is okay, I suppose. But I don't want to go too far and have Aunt Suzy get mad. Not only do I love her, but she's the one making all the sexual fun happen around here lately, and she's got this weird thing about seeing Amy as her cute "Honey Pie," like she's still a little girl. I need to stay on her good side.

Later on, alone in her room, Katherine wrote in her diary,

Dear Diary,

Today was THE BOMB! Ka-boom! A total explosion of sexual awesomeness! Boy oh boy, where to begin?! Best. Day. Ever!

She practically wrote a tome, because she had so much to say. And the retelling of the day's greatest adventures made her so aroused that she ended up writing with one hand and masturbating with the other until she got herself off. Then, even that deserved commentary, emphasizing to her what a great day it had been.

As she neared the end of her writing spree, she grew a bit more contemplative even as she remained giddy.

I wonder what Kim thinks of me. I know she got off on the fact that Alan and I are siblings, but I don't think she really gets it. This is not just a sex thing; it's a LOVE thing! I'm so totally head over heels in love with my brother!!!!!! I wish I could call up Kim or Amy or somebody and talk about how much I love him. And I'd love to tell someone how much better everything is now that I can physically express that love with him instead of trying to hide my "secret shame." It's like the colors are brighter and the sounds are clearer and everything even tastes better. Especially Brother's cum! Yum, yum, yum!!!!

How can I convey all that to Kim? And if I did, would she think THAT is weird or wrong? I hope not. At least I can share these things with you, D. And on the subject of Kim, I could tell Bro was feeling a little nervous around her, like, "Hey, why should we trust HER?" God, if she did spill our secret, I would totally go postal on her for screwing everything up. But I think she knows that there's something special going on, some kind of special love, even if she doesn't know just how deep it is, and that's not something to play around with.

Diary, I CAN'T WAIT until one minute after midnight on Wednesday! Ohmigod! No, one second after! I swear, the second that clock ticks to the new day, I want my Big Bro's even bigger cock all the way in me! Oh God! I want him to pump his baby into me, right then and there!!!!!

Sigh. There I go again. Sorry, Diary, I'm probably boring you for the zillionth time about how I want him to knock me up, so I'll shut up about it... for now! Tee-hee-hee! But this time it's not just a fantasy, it's for real! He might not actually impregnate me yet, but he could! He's gonna be IN me!!!! Filling me up all the way! Does it get any better than this? Hell no!!!

Sorry, D, once I get going I can't stop, but I'm really stopping now. And it's time to go to sleep anyway. The sooner I go to sleep, the sooner it'll be the end of Wednesday. Or, as I like to think of it, Sister Fucking Time!!! The only problem is, I'm sooooo excited that I doubt I'll be able to sleep a wink!


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