1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 165: Beware

Chapter 165: Beware

"Equo ne credite, Teucri. quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes."

- Virgil, Aenid, Book II

Antonius went back to the Port of Prosphorion, the port where he started his stories in this city.

The port, still busy as it always has been ever since the siege ended, seems to not have much difference from the same port when Antonius first arrived here a year ago. Perhaps the only difference is where ever he goes around the port now, sailors salute him, children cheers skipping around him singing rhythms of praises, women walks briskly to him handling him flowers, some daring ones even surprise him with a kiss on his cheeks before escaping briskly into the crowd, leaving the blushing red faced Antonius frozen over there.

When Antonius stepped his feet into the same tavern where he first employed important crew like Yuri, Orban and Jacob, the keeper of the tavern immediately rang the bell announcing that all beverages tonight in the tavern is billed by the shop owner because of their beloved admiral Antonius' arrival, a few dancers, sailors, soldiers and pirates tittered pulling and pushing onto the stage drinking, singing and dancing alongside with them. Antonius was indeed a little shy at first but soon joined in with the atmosphere pouring liquors down his throat waving his limbs frantically into the air.

The atmosphere in the tavern entered a climax as everyone carried Antonius out of the tavern with the keep of the tavern instantly announcing that the bar is closed for the night and joined the march. The whole lot of them marched around the port of Prosphorion attracting more and more onlookers joining in, these people include Antonius' sailors, drunkards, soldiers, merchants, commoners who survived the siege, admirers of Antonius and Giovanni's legacy.

After a while the crowd feels like the harbour is being too small for then, thus they paraded Antonius out of the port right into the city through the streets of the Genoese quarters, where more and more people with the same home town as Antonius mixed themselves with the cheering people parading through the messe before the Strategion, old Palace of Botaneites, into the Forum of Constantine. As they pass through the residential area, more and more Romans and residents of the city blended in the unstoppable crowd together with even soldiers who are previously here to maintain order, but are gradually infected with the cheerful surrounding and joined the march with the weapons and banners in their hands.

It is no doubt that this unexpected mega celebration almost became like a typical Roman triumph where the general, together with his soldiers, will march across the city demonstrating his power, loot, and achievement sewing his name into the mind of every Roman getting him more political influence next time. Which is some what similar to what Antonius is having now.

In the middle of the happiness and chaotic celebration, a retired and disabled sailor who previously served under Antonius' fleet suddenly started howling, and when people came up to him asking what is wrong? He shook his head refusing to answer, pointed towards his lost arm, and then started echoing in a rhythm, a song, a tune that sounds so familiar yet so foreign to most people.

"I, shall sing thou a song of the Romans in the sea!"


"I am the sailor, sailor of the Romans!"

"The battleships and Aegean are my friend!"

"Serving for the hon-, the honourable Roman Empire!"

"With all my valor and guts!"

Bit by bit more and more folks who have fought alongside that dreadful inferno of the night by the wraith of God through that bronze siphon started shedding tears. It is a long painful history that many have sealed it under their scars trying not to reveal it as each and every one who experienced through that wall of God's fire would never want to go back again. Little by little they joined in with the song forming a choir of sailors from all walks of lives.

"And we' waiting for the battle!"

"waiting for the loot,"

"waiting for the foes,"

"Nothing in our Galley nothing except men!"

"Men with the valor of Caesar!"

"Men with the spirit of Hannibal!"

"And with the souls of Constantine!"

"We send fright to our enemies,"

"So, thee dare not raise his blade!"

"I swore to Virgin Mary, and our blessed Basileus Constantine XI,"

"And burn our foes' ships into ashes!"

By this time almost every sailor, onlooker, soldier, citizen have caught the rhythm of the song and joined in with the gang. Together singing as one they feel their ears are going to explode but yet they feels so powerful standing together. The people tonight, who might not have come across each other ever in their life, now stays united with the confidence that they can crash anything in their way. Their songs shook the sky, their torches gave the night a colour of red.

The song is finished, for the second time in the story.

Meanwhile in the palace of Blachernae.

As a contrast with the Forum of Constantine, things are rather quiet over here.

The only exception being the emperor's bed room.

Every servant, maid, courtier and advisor kneel on the frigid stiff floor with their heads low and whole body shivering as random loud banging and smashing sounds kept coming from inside that door.

The emperor, Constantine swept all the papers off his table throwing all the books onto the ground, then kicked the table with his bare foot toppling it over.

"What is the meaning of this? How did he gather so many supporters? Why does all of my people! My people! Support him! Cheering for him? What is he going to do next, what is he going to do next!" Constantine galloped through his room grabbing the collar of the guard who reported the admiral's activities to the emperor right after he got onto bed.

Constantine grabbed hold of his sword off the shelf and passed it to a courtier called Andronikos Laskaris ordering him. "You, Andronikos, take this sword, and pass it to Antonius never mind, never mind, never mind"

Then a consistent burning aching pain caught the emperor by surprise attacking him on all surfaces of his head. The emperor felt like the world is spinning around him and sat back powerlessly onto the bed, in the mid of the pain, his glimpse caught sight of his maids scrambling to help him checking if he is fine.

But he must portray the image of a strong leader, to everyone around him. Constantine forced a smile on his face holding his head, and ordered to everyone around him. "I am fine, I am fine, I just need some sleep Now shut the door and leave me be."

"Now go!"

Everyone left the room leaving the emperor by himself locked inside his room, looking at the familiar ceiling and wandering by himself.

Considering the current influence and popularity of Antonius inside the city, if he is to call for a popular uprising, will the imperial army be able to stop him? Is the army and the government loyally and reliable in the first place?

Constantine lost his sleep that night.

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