You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 577: Gondo Puppet

Chapter 577: Gondo Puppet

Chapter 577 Kuntu Puppet Spirit

It is normal for the spiritual fruits produced on the same spiritual plant to have slightly different qualities. After all, there are many factors that affect the quality of spiritual fruits. Lu Xuan can only try his best. What kind of spiritual fruit can be produced depends on the spiritual plant itself. .

For him, the higher the quality of the spiritual fruit, the better, which means that the rewards that appear in the light group may be more generous.

After picking the jujubes, white light clusters quietly emerged and flickered slightly where they grew.

Lu Xuan stretched out his hand and gently touched the surface of the light group. The light group exploded silently, and countless tiny light points condensed into a white illusory human shape, which instantly disappeared into Lu Xuan's fingertips.

A thought flashed through the sea of consciousness.

Harvest a fourth-grade Dihuang jujube, and obtain a fifth-grade treasure Kuntu Puppet Essence (remnant).

Kuntu puppet spirit? Or is it incomplete?

Lu Xuan was surprised when a ball of yellow mud appeared in front of him.

The yellow mud looks extremely inconspicuous, but it exudes a strong aura of earth spirit. It keeps changing its shape in front of Lu Xuan, changing back and forth, until it is a mutilated human form with most of its limbs missing.

The incomplete human form seemed unable to support its current form, and quickly turned into a lump of yellow mud with varying unevenness.

Lu Xuan felt a little curious, focusing on the strange yellow mud in front of him.

Suddenly, information about this incomplete earth puppet appeared in his mind.

Kun Tu Puppet Spirit, (1/5), part of the spirit puppet made of Kun Earth, contains the pure earth spirit breath. After collection, it can form a complete Kun Earth Spirit Puppet, which has a strong protective effect.

Hey, its another synthetic treasure, which is quite rare.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but laugh, looking at the changing shape of the yellow mud in his hand, thinking in his heart.

His thoughts were suddenly drawn to the Linyangfang City period.

At that time, he obtained his first synthetic magic weapon, the Splitting Silver Blade, from a first-grade Moon Eclipse Fruit. It took him a long time to collect it before he succeeded.

His impression was that the magic weapon was extremely cool, but unfortunately it was of too low a grade and had been sitting in the corner of the storage bag for who knows how many years.

Isnt it just to combine into a Kuntu spirit puppet?

You need a total of five Kun Tu Puppet Spirits and eight Earth Emperor Dates, four out of eight, half probability, stable.

Lu Xuan thought in his heart.

A few days later, he came to Dihuang Zao again and found two more fully mature Ling Zao.

Lets have a second company of Kun Tu Puppet Spirits!

After picking two spiritual dates, he whispered a prayer to the two white light groups that quietly appeared on the plants.

He stretched out his hand and gently brushed the surface of the light group. The two light groups exploded almost at the same time, turning into countless tiny light points and pouring into Lu Xuan's body.

Harvest one fourth-grade Dihuang jujube and obtain the fourth-grade elixir Tuyuan Dan. *2

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and two round, dark yellow elixirs appeared in Lu Xuan's hands.

The elixir is round and full, with many elixir patterns swimming on the surface, like mountains connected together, with a light yellow aura emerging, exuding a rich earthy aura.

Lu Xuan concentrated on the elixir and instantly learned the detailed information about the fourth-grade Tuyuan elixir.

Tu Yuan Dan, a fourth-grade elixir, contains rich earth element spiritual power. After taking it, it can enhance the earth element spiritual power in the body and speed up the practice of earth element exercises and magical powers.

In most eyes, it doesnt have much effect, but in the eyes of those who practice certain special skills, the effect may be no less than a fifth-grade treasure.

Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

There are still six spiritual dates, well, its not a big problem.

He thought optimistically and had full confidence in the light group.

In the next few days, two more Dihuang dates matured one after another.

The rewards given out in the two white light groups are pretty good, including a fourth-grade treasure, the Earth Elemental Pearl, and a fourth-grade elixir, the Tuyuan Dan. Its a pity that they are not the Kuntu puppet spirits that Lu Xuan desperately needs.

And the last four draws.

Lu Xuan looked at the four spiritual dates on the spiritual plant with slightly different progress bars, and gritted his teeth.

The light cyan light group in the Dantian rotates slightly, and a trace of Aoki Origin Qi emerges from the fingertips.

Lets just ripen them all and know the results as soon as possible!

He is now like a gambler on the gambling table. He only wants to make a profit and does not care about the little Aoki Genqi left.

Four spiritual dates were put into the storage bag. He tapped the surface of the light spots with one hand, and countless tiny light spots condensed into four strange rivers of light, like a part of the body, integrated into Lu Xuan's limbs.

Give it to me!

Four thoughts came to mind almost at the same time.

Harvest a fourth-grade Dihuang jujube, and obtain a fifth-grade treasure Kuntu Puppet Essence (remnant). *4

The information represented by the four thoughts is exactly the same. At first glance, it seems that they are merged into one.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and four **** of yellow mud appeared in front of Lu Xuan.

Yellow mud is constantly changing and combining into various strange forms.

Lu Xuan took out the first group of incomplete Kuntu Puppet Spirits he had obtained earlier and put them together with the other four groups.

In an instant, the five Kuntu puppet spirits seemed to have a special feeling for each other, slowly squirming towards each other, and finally merged into one, regardless of you and me.

A small earth-yellow puppet appeared in front of Lu Xuan. The puppet was lifelike and vivid, and seemed to have a simple spirituality.

Lu Xuans mind was focused on this little earth-yellow puppet, and he immediately learned the detailed information about it.

Kun Tu Ling Puppet, a fifth-grade treasure, is made of Kun Tu Puppet essence made from Kun Tu. It has a large amount of pure earth spiritual power and can protect the holder after being sacrificed.

When the holder encounters a fatal attack, the Kun Tu Ling Puppet will quickly transform into a giant earth puppet to protect its entire body and prevent the holder from being harmed.

Kun Tu Ling Puppet has extremely strong protective capabilities and can withstand attacks from most fifth-grade magic weapons.

The specific form can change according to the mind of the holder.

A fifth-level puppet that can be manipulated at will?

Lu Xuan felt a strong curiosity in his heart, and a drop of blood essence gushed out from the index finger of his left hand, blending into the body of the little earth-yellow puppet.

After the spiritual consciousness sacrifice, he seemed to feel a subtle connection between himself and the little puppet.

With a thought, the earth puppet in front of him changed slightly.

One side of the shoulders is slightly raised and shaking constantly. There are strands of slender hair on the head, which is combed into a middle part. There are traces of loose straps on the back. There is a bit of handsomeness in the laziness.

Kun earth puppet spirit, in short, is Kun spirit.

"You will use this form from now on. If I encounter any danger, you, the best Kunkun, will protect me."

Lu Xuan looked at the little earth-yellow puppet in the form of an old friend in his hand and sighed secretly.

After getting this Kuntu Spirit Puppet, the defense power will be greatly increased.

"When I encountered any danger before, I would either use green shoes and escape skills to escape as soon as possible. Or I would rely on a strong body to resist, and the protective power of Qingyu Feather Clothes is more focused on the soul."

There has never been a powerful treasure that can protect the physical body. Now, this Kuntu Spirit Puppet has made up for this very well, and it has greatly improved my defense.

He looked at the little earth-yellow spirit puppet in his hand and couldn't put it down.

After the spirit puppet sacrifice and refining, he seemed to be connected with Lu Xuan, his shoulders were shaking and his hair was flying.

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