World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Demon Realm (7)

The root that supports the entire continent of Arcadia and the mother of all things and life.

An existence that serves as a bridgehead connecting the world itself and the spirit world and the fantasy world.

world tree.

As the only being on the continent of Arcadia who possesses divinity and the second child of her father, she surely possessed a powerful force that no one dared to match.

However, the world tree is bound by a powerful mission that cannot use its mighty power and divinity in any offensive direction. That is why she was always surrounded and protected by those who protected her.

Elves, her most loyal children who exist and were born for the World Tree.

Those who love nature more than anyone else, understand the value and meaning of the World Tree the most, and follow it. So, until now, the World Tree had chosen its apostles among the high elves, who had the most noble lineage among the elves.


[The successor ‘do it'.]

[If you don't do it, I'll keep sending it until you do it.]

[What if you don't do it? Everbeb.]

The world tree was forced into a situation where he had no choice but to be chosen as an apostle due to Dex's atrocities (?) of sending ignorantly identical humans as a branch of the test he had gifted. Thus, for the first time since her creation, she chose a human instead of an elf as her substitute.

[I want to become stronger. So that those who have never heard of my story and explanation do not dare to ignore my words so that they do not have to suffer any more unfair deaths. And so that no one on this continent dares to ignore or scorn me.] The

sincere aspirations of human beings who have been frustrated by countless unfair deaths.

Thanks to that desire, Choco Paijoa was able to become the Apostle of the World Tree and the Will of Nature.

Throwing off the look of a level 82 warrior and being born anew, he has since grown stronger with incredibly rapid growth.

-Clear Choco Paijoa's impregnable dungeon ‘Cerberus's Hell'.

-Choco Piejoa's highest level spirit revealed.

-Achieved Choco Piezoa level 280.

-Choco Piejoa.....

He is at the top of the overwhelming power as a Spiritualist. In the process of carrying out his mission according to the will of the World Tree, powerful forces gathered around him.

“The Mother of all things told us to prepare for the disasters that will come to this world according to her command. Please tell us which way we should go.”

“May the blessing of green leaves always be with you.”

“The forest will always welcome you, dear friend of nature and spirits.”

A high elf clan that has regained its noble lineage thanks to the blessing of the World Tree.

And countless fairies and spirits gathered one by one from all over the continent around them.

Originally full of low-level and dangerous monsters such as goblins and ogres, the Amil area was turning into a home and haven for mysterious beings such as fairies and nymphs and ent dryads.

The kingdom of the age of myth so lost.

The moment the Elven Kingdom is wriggling for its resurrection.

A lot of darkness began to pour in here.




Demons of hell who look grotesque and hideous enough to make your limbs tingle just by looking at them.

From as small as an adult male to as large as a house, an enormous number of demonic legions were advancing through Amil's Great Forest.

“Subscribers, do you see this? I'm on my way to the World Tree right now, but it seems that all the troops from all continents are gathering here. As you can see, the number is staggering, right? Moreover, according to the stories we hear now, it is said that demons of higher rank or higher are starting to appear. Maybe if you go like this, sooner or later the demon king too...”

“Kya. what did your brother say? I can't even eat this! Didn't I say it's a large event that you have to board even if you die? This epic item was tailored thanks to the sweet accumulation of contributions by quickly boarding the dark coin! If you wear this alone, the damage is increased by at least 40% compared to before, and there is a special effect...” “

If you catch this, how much will the contribution be reduced this time? Are you curious too? Then like, subscribe and even set notifications!”

There are numerous adventurers among the legions of the demon realm.

Due to the real-time broadcasts sent by those who chose the evil camp and joined the Demon King's Army, the whole world was able to check the situation happening in Arcadia in real time.

-Wow..... The advanced demon level... is that so high?

-400...? Isn't that enough to deal with 3 master level players at the same time?

-Because the Pope was estimated to be at level 500... It's almost the same.

- Aside from the demons, there is no answer to the monsters or levels. It seems to start at least level 200?

The forces of the Pandemonium appeared in earnest for the first time in this Arcadia. It was revealed that he had tremendous power beyond imagination, and everyone was surprised, but soon asked as if he did not understand.

-But why are you suddenly hitting the world tree?

-I know? Shouldn't we hit the Holy Kingdoms first?

The demon king's army abandoned the sacred kingdoms that still had power and started attacking the world tree in the center. Those who did not know the inside story were watching this situation as if wondering, but in the camp of the world tree, they were waiting for the war with a sense of spleen.

“Enemies are coming!”

Those who began to be agitated for a moment by the cries of the elves who sensed the enemy invasion through the spirits. However, soon after seeing the two people who stood at the forefront, he began to prepare for battle with a strong fighting spirit.

“Brothers and sisters, the forest will always protect you to the end, so please do your best to protect this forest.”

“The damn dark forces over there are advancing to kill all of us who used to live peacefully. But we are glorious guardians of nature! And the last bastion of the World Tree! Never back down!”

Melissa, the head of the High Elves.

Angel of the World Tree, Choco Paizoa.

Elves and fairies built a defensive line led by the two most powerful people in the camp of the World Tree. And they did their best to throw themselves into this battle.

“Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu these wicked seeds of evil!”

“Stop! Do your best not to advance even a single step!”

“They are setting the forest on fire! Turn off the lights right now!”

“Noahs! Bury them all!”

The elves and fairies did their best to form a blockade in the forest to stop the endlessly invading forces of the underworld. They were resisting as much as possible by making full use of the power of the spirits and the advantages of the forest, but their defenses were clearly reaching their limits due to the reckless attacks of those who were not afraid of death.



“Ha ha ha ha! How dare a weak elf play tricks against this Ferdos!”

A high-level demon Ferdos.

With the appearance of an elegant scion, with a fishy smile and gushing blood from the victim he just slain, the powerful demonic energy rising from his whole body became a powerful blade with just that energy, tearing everything around him into hundreds of pieces.


An elf groaned, feeling helpless at the overwhelming strength. Ferdos, who looked down at him with cold eyes as if despising him, said.

“Die and throw away.”

The blades of darkness pouring down along with those words.

However, the blade did not serve its original purpose.


A water curtain created by the highest level spirit.

Even though they were high-class demons who brought all of their body's power, the attack was not enough to break through the defense of the highest-class spirits right under the spirit king. Ferdos, who looked with interest at his attack, which was blocked by obstacles and vanished in vain, soon turned his eyes to the being that blocked his attack.

“...can't you step back right now?”

Choco Pie Joea looks tired, but her eyes are alive.

It seemed that he had exhausted quite a bit of his strength, but Ferdos asked with his eyes wide open as he did not back down from himself, who had the strongest force here.

“Is it you...? Who the great dark lord ordered to kill?”

“...What nonsense is that?”

But Ferdos didn't answer that question. I just muttered as I looked at him carefully as if I was looking at an interesting toy.

“Interesting. Interesting. An adventurer with immortal powers and an apostle with the divinity of a god at the same time. He's a completely different guy from the worm-like adventurers I've seen so far.”

He muttered to himself as if he was really having fun. And then, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

“Killing will be fun.”

“what....? What is that all of a sudden...”


An attack that flies before you can even answer.

When a huge blade of darkness flew by, Choco Paizoa instinctively created a shield.

But as if he didn't mind, he continued to lash out.

“Ha ha ha ha! Hang on somewhere! The strength of the great and valiant clan of Nargal!”

Quaang. Wow. Wow.

Storms of magic flying in from all directions.

Choco Piejoa, who was in a hurry to avoid and defend it, barely endured it. However, he was unable to block hundreds of thousands of demonic blades flying in all directions, and soon fell to the ground with a miserable face.

[Received fatal damage.]

[Falled into a dying state.]

[Bleeding for abnormal conditions.]

[If you do not quickly recover your health, you may die.]

He fell to the floor, bleeding all over his body, and looked at him with satisfaction. A high-ranking demon, Ferdos, looking down. He was laughing maniacally, as if he was proud of the fact that he single-handedly defeated Choco Paizoa, an apostle of the World Tree and possessing the divinity.

“Kuhuhuh... Kuhhahaha. You are really weak.”


Choco Pie Joea lying down unable to speak properly due to a state abnormality. However, seeing his still unbent eyes, Ferdos's face distorted for an instant. And soon, as if he had an interesting idea, he muttered with a fishy smile.

“Oh yeah. Death is nothing to you adventurers. I was thinking wrong.”

A wanderer adventurer blessed with the power of immortality and a being from another world who does not die even if he dies.

Realizing that death meant nothing to the target he had just defeated, Ferdos looked at countless people fighting for life and death on all sides and whispered to Choco Pie.

“Then... I will kill all those you cherish with my own hands. I will slaughter every single one of them, so that even their souls cannot rest.”

A high-ranking demon, Ferdos, a member of Nargal, the lord of slaughter.

He felt the greatest joy in the process of massacre with the power specialized in massacre, and soon began to raise the energy of his whole body as if he was looking forward to it just thinking about it.

Koo Goo Goo Palace.

An aura of destruction spreading from the middle of the Great Forest.

In the great demonic storm, everything was torn to shreds and began to disintegrate.

That moment when that powerful blow was directed at the forest clan.

Powerful brilliance began to pour from the sky.


“Keuuuu .....”

A power that is incompatible with all evil.

divine power.

A powerful and pure divinity that even a high-ranking demon could not handle suddenly began to encroach on the surroundings.

“What the hell is this...?”

Woo woo woo.

The height of divinity that even a mere human or a lowly angel could not imitate.

With that powerful and overwhelming power that holds transcendent divinity... And as he watched the monsters screaming in excruciating pain and burning and turning to ashes just by being around him, Ferdos murmured with a shocked face.

Choco Pie Joea, who had been wriggling on the floor like a bug until just now.

However, seeing him stand up intact in that powerful radiance...

And seeing the mighty power felt in him and the sword burning with the fierce torch in his hand.

Ferdos froze without saying anything.



Choco Piezoa, who has completely changed from earlier and speaks with a ferocious face.

And those were the last words he heard on earth.

“What are you, why are you attacking all of a sudden?”

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