Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 97 - The Demon Woman

The next day, Lisa prepared a resume to apply for jobs online. She must be able to earn money independently. She didn't want to depend on Oscar anymore, especially since they both planned to divorce in the near future.

After breakfast, Lisa opened her laptop and looked for job vacancies. She didn't really pay attention to the companies when applying. Who knew she'd get an interview with one of the companies she applied to.

She spent her time sitting in front of the laptop to apply for jobs all day. Mrs. Rusminah was worried when she asked Lisa to have lunch but the woman ignored her. Lisa was totally focused on job sites!

"Miss Lisa, shouldn't you stop for a moment and eat? You've been sitting in front of your laptop for hours and you haven't touched lunch at all," Mrs. Rusminah said, worried.

Lisa then sighed. Mrs. Rusminah had a point too. She closed her laptop and went down to the dining room.


After lunch Lisa went back struggling with her laptop until afternoon. Finding a job at 25 was not easy, especially in the capital city! Many companies preferred prospective employees who had just graduated or prospective experienced youths. Lisa almost gave up, she knew that 25 was not old but many companies considered her age to be fairly old and not worthy of being hired.

The sound of the doorbell broke Lisa's concentration, who was still busy with her laptop. She didn't see Mrs. Rusminah opened the door so she took the initiative to open it.

At first, she thought it was Oscar. But there was no way he could press the doorbell because he always carried a spare key.

When the door opened, the figure Lisa hated the most was standing in front of her. Lisa's face turned irritated at once.

"Clara, what are you doing at my house? Go home!" Lisa snapped.

Lisa was about to close the door but Clara blocked it with her foot.

"You think I want to apologize and be your friend? My time is too precious to waste for trying to befriend a cheap woman like you. If it weren't for Oscar, I wouldn't be here!"

The demonic woman stepped into the living room arrogantly. She sat on the sofa and crossed her two legs.

Lisa closed the door and sat across from Clara. She watched the demonic woman's appearance from head to toe. She wore white blazer with matching trousers, not forgetting her beige high heels. Clara didn't put too much makeup on her face. She was wearing her usual bright red lipstick.

The demonic woman took off her sunglasses and smiled wryly.

"What do you really want to do here? My son died because of you. And now you still dare to come here. Are you still not satisfied with ruining my life?" Lisa immediately voiced her frustration.

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to make sure that you, Lisa Soewandi stay away from Oscar Petersson, my future husband!"

Lisa could only stare at the demonic woman with a suspicious look.

"You're kidding, right? I'm still Oscar's legal wife, you idiot! What kind of bullshit did you just say?"

Clara got up from her couch and leaned over to Lisa. "You don't believe my words? Why do you think I would waste my precious time here if it weren't for Oscar's sake and making sure you divorce him soon?"

The demonic woman brushed her hair arrogantly while showing the diamond ring attached to her ring finger. "You see this ring, Lisa? Oscar and I got engaged. We have bought a new house in the West Jakarta area. We will move in together soon, so it's good for you to get a divorce!"

Seeing the diamond ring sparkling on Clara's finger made Lisa's heart feel like it was stabbed with a thousand daggers. Didn't Oscar say he didn't love this demonic woman? Wasn't this demonic woman nothing more than a substitute to satisfy Oscar's desires?

Lisa was extremely upset. She imagined Oscar deliberately taking Clara to a romantic European restaurant and proposing to her on the spot. No, it couldn't be. Oscar couldn't possibly love his ex-girlfriend back!

Lisa tried not to lose control. She remained calm and put on an expressionless face.

"Thanks, but I don't want to know you're already engaged to my husband!" Lisa leaned over so that the two women met face to face. Her forefinger pressed hard against Clara's shoulder. "As long as I haven't divorced Oscar, that white guy is still my husband! I am the legal owner of this house and your presence is not welcome here, Clara!"

Clara shook her head in mockery with a click of her tongue. "Lisa oh Lisa, why are you still fighting for your love with Oscar? You are not the woman he deserves. Obviously, the woman who deserves the Petersson family is me!"

Lisa's heart started to boil. She almost lost her temper.

"Then I ask you to get out of this house! Go home, you son of a bitch!" Lisa snapped, her voice booming around the corner.

Clara did not accept Lisa's words. Her eyebrows knitted together and her face turned bright red.

"You are the whore Lisa! You shameless, ungrateful cheap woman! Be thankful Oscar hasn't divorced you at this time. But remember, one day, when the time comes, your husband will come and ask you to divorce immediately. And I, will legally be Mrs. Petersson! "

The woman spun around and ran to the door. Leaving Oscar's residence by slamming the door as loud as possible.


The night came and it was almost late but Lisa was still sitting in the family room along with her laptop. He is still surfing online to find out which companies he can apply to.

If only that demonic woman hadn't come and harassed her the whole day, she might have applied for about 50 job applications online. Lisa couldn't waste her time, and Lisa has to get a new job right away.

Not long after, someone came to open the living room door and stepped inside. Oscar was back.

The man walked over to Lisa who was sitting in the living room with a languid face.

Lisa glanced at him indifferently. She was still busy with his laptop.

Lisa suddenly said, "Have you thought about our divorce? I'm ready anytime."

Oscar was taken aback hearing that. The first sentence he heard when he returned home was about divorce.

The blonde man turned to Lisa and replied, "Are you sure you want a divorce? Don't you realize that you don't have much money to support your little family?"

Lisa's heart was cut when she heard Oscar's sentence. She didn't want to make her mood, which had already been devastated by Clara, was getting worse. She put down her laptop and glared at her husband.

"Yes, my decision is solid. I don't want this kind of vague relationship Oscar. "

"You better think twice about it, Lisa. Don't make decisions when your heart is filled with emotions like this," Oscar said.

"You think I'm stupid, Oscar? I know you never loved me from the start we got married. By getting divorced, you can finally marry that demonic woman named Clara, right?" Lisa snarled, pointing to her temple.

"Who told you that I..."

Not finishing the sentence, Lisa immediately cut the man, "I know everything. You don't need to hide it from me. Never mind OScar, from the start we didn't deserve to live together. "

Oscar was silent, his tongue felt drained and speechless. He glanced at his wife's face, who looked desperate. Lisa's eyes were cold and gloomy.

"Well, we will go to court to officially divorce the day after tomorrow," said Oscar flatly.

The man got up then turned around, leaving Lisa in the living room, which suddenly became quiet and silent.

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