The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 479

Chapter 479


The filming crew was baffled. They had been brought here by Huntsman, and they weren’t stupid. It was obvious what would happen if they released this footage.

Even though they had recorded Huntsman leading the hunters and dealing with monsters like a powerful leader, they absolutely couldn’t record him in such a pitiful state.

“That’s a bit...”

“Do it,” Illaphael said coldly.

The cameraman felt a chill down his spine. The angel wasn’t threatening the crew with her weapon, but her terrifying aura was enough to overwhelm them.

If an angel from the Abyss, strong enough to be the household member of a constellation, was determined to intimidate ordinary humans, they would have no chance at resisting.

“I... I understand.”

Illaphael nodded with satisfaction. In her eyes, Choi Yeonseung wasn’t being overly greedy. Humans as a whole were greedy and self-centered, so if Choi Yeonseung remained quiet, it was very likely that others wouldn’t even know about what he had done here, let alone thank him.

But it didn’t matter. All Illaphael had to do was to properly teach those insolent humans.

“Right now, the broadcast was interrupted due to the wendigo’s attack. I’m sure many of you are worried, but we are all safe. Here is Hunter Choi Yeonseung, who came to the rescue...”


-What’s going on?

-What about Huntsman? Is Huntsman okay? Huntsman is America’s hope!

The live broadcast had been abruptly cut off, and the people who had been waiting on the edge of their seats were stunned. They were mostly Huntsman’s supporters, so their reactions were naturally heated.

-There’s no way Huntsman would fall in a place like this! He’s Huntsman!

-You’re right, friend. Huntsman is probably commanding the hunters. They need to kill the wendigo.

Sob, I thought I was going to die... Those sons of bitches just take money... Such bastards...”

-Who is that?

-Isn’t he Huntsman? It sounds like Huntsman?

-What nonsense is that?! Wait, are you a Kenny supporter, you piece of shit? You’re spreading fake news! In what world would Huntsman cry like that?

-By the way, Hunter Choi Yeonseung is really amazing. Is there an A-grade hunter who rushes to raids that are A-grade or higher like this? How long has it been since he fought in Texas?

-Hey! Get this asshole out of here! This crazy guy is clinging to Hunter Choi Yeonseung! Are the hunters here so bad at managing civilians? A crazy guy is clinging to an A-grade hunter!

The spectators didn’t think it was Huntsman. That person seemed too pathetic to be him.


Those buried underground didn’t know what was going on outside as they tried to dig their way up.

In fact, it was rather tricky to rescue them from under this huge pile of earth without getting them injured. To make matters worse, the wendigo had hardened this mountain of dirt with its magic, making it difficult to dig through.

“Throwing them away is one way,” Illaphael suggested calmly. It wasn’t because they were humans; she would’ve said the same thing if angels were trapped there.

Given that there was a deadly monster close to them, lowering their guards to go on a rescue operation was very dangerous.

Of course, the other household members reacted differently.

Lamart, the nightmare demon, looked at Choi Yeonseung and carefully said, “It will be very dangerous, but if you want to save them, I will do what I can.”

Humans tended not to be very rational, so if Lamart had said that she couldn’t save them, many humans around her would’ve been furious.

‘It’s best to say this.’

In Lamart’s opinion, Choi Yeonseung probably didn’t want to save these people that much. From what she had heard, they were more like competitors?

If she just pretended to want to save those humans while also saying that it would be dangerous, Choi Yeonseung would just think about it for a moment and then retreat.

In reality, she was on the same page as Illaphael, but Lamart’s words were more clever and tactful.

Illaphael was caught off guard and glared at Lamart. “It’s not that I won’t do it! I’ll do it if you give me an order, but it’s dangerous right now...”

“Calm down, Illaphael. It’s not that I don’t trust you. Illeya, can’t you deal with it with your power?”


Illeya looked at Choi Yeonseung with a baffled expression. Objectively, she was the weakest out of everyone here, and yet Choi Yeonseung was asking her if she could use her power to try to save those people.

Wasn’t this too much?

Of course, sometimes the power of a constellation was the best option, regardless of how strong the constellation was, but...

“Sorry... I can’t!”

“Oh, is that so?” asked Choi Yeonseung as he looked at Illeya with a slightly disappointed expression. The look in his eyes gave Illeya goosebumps.

It was as though he was trying to squeeze a dry towel to get a few more droplets out of it.

Perhaps other people weren’t aware, but Choi Yeonseung was very unreasonable at times.

‘Piercing through it isn’t the problem. What I’m worried about is the aftermath.’

-It is definitely dangerous. If you hit it wrong...

No matter how tightly the monster had clumped the soil and gravel together, the mountain of dirt couldn’t withstand Choi Yeonseung’s strength, as he was known to have the purest concentrated energy in the Abyss.

The problem was the scale of the mountain.

The hunters should’ve dealt with the soil and gravel before it had piled up into a small mountain. Now that it was like this, making a hole through it was easier said than done. They felt like not even their strongest skills would make a dent.

In that case, rather than focusing all power into one point and drilling through, it was better for Choi Yeonseung to unleash a huge blast upon the mountain and blow away the entire top part, like hitting it with a hammer...

But if he hit too hard, those trapped underneath could get hurt or even blown away together with the top part of the mountain. Choi Yeonseung had to hit it with enormous power, but he also had to accurately control the direction and blow it sharply over the middle part of the mountain.

He was genuinely worried. He hadn’t had to worry about such things when he had been fighting in the Abyss...

‘Earth has too many things that can break.’

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ says that no matter what you choose, she will respect this choice.]

[She says that she is by your side.]

The goddess cheered Choi Yeonseung on by bestowing power to his hands and feet. It seemed that not even she was sure if this would work or not.

However, her support was enough for Choi Yeonseung.

‘That’s right. Since when did I think so deeply about things like this?’

Choi Yeonseung realized that if he wanted to do something, he should just do it. If he screwed up and a disaster occurred, he would proudly pass the blame onto others.

In fact, everyone else was to blame!

After all, Isabella Meyer and the other clans were messing around with the monster and ignoring the survivors.

Indeed, the rescue attempt might fail, but if Choi Yeonseung didn’t even try, those people would surely die.

“That’s reassuring.”

“Hunter Choi Yeonseung!”


One of the hunters involved in the wendigo raid rushed to Choi Yeonseung’s side.

‘What’s going on?’

“Meyer has asked me to join the wendigo raid as soon as possible.”

“...Has she erased from her mind that there are trapped people over there?” Choi Yeonseung asked with a dumbfounded expression.

At that, the hunter flushed with embarrassment and said, “Uh... I’m sorry, but she doesn’t seem to care...”

“Go. I’ll take care of my business.”

Choi Yeonseung stood still and turned toward the mountain of dirt. He was standing still, but the constellations shuddered at the enormous, twisting flow of magic power engulfing him.

He looked like a ferocious monster of the Abyss, crouching down and getting ready to pounce on his prey with maximum power.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ casts ‘Heavenly Dragon’s Protection’ on you.]

[He declares that he respects your noble choice.]

‘Thank you.’

An incredible mass of intense energy surged forth and covered Choi Yeonseung’s hands and feet, empowering him. This power was named after the dragon that the angel constellation had hunted.

[The ‘Observer Who Returned From a Cold Place’ casts ‘Heavenly Eyes’ on you.]

[She says this power will help you with the fine control.]

‘Illeya still has some strength left.’

Choi Yeonseung thought that he shouldn’t believe Illeya even if she protested or scolded him.

The Observer Who Returned From a Cold Place would be dumbfounded if she learned about this.

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ shares ‘Future Sight’ with you.]

[Future paths unravel before you.]

All the magic power in the air was converted into Choi Yeonsenug’s internal energy, which he concentrated into his feet, turning it into a peculiar force.

Choi Yeonseung exuded a deadly aura, like a bowstring pullet taut or a crouched beast ready to pounce.

The hunters conducting the raid stopped attacking and looked back in confusion. The wendigo also sensed Choi Yeonseung’s threatening presence, so it stopped attacking the hunters and glanced at him.

Then, Choi Yeonseung shot out with a ray of light.

He combined Concentrated Energy Arts with Origin of the Celestial Kick and Origin of the Celestial Meteor Drop, resulting in an attack that could annihilate Abyssal monsters the size of a planet.

The power of the skill was greatly subdued, but its precision was ten times higher than any other skills Choi Yeonseung had used before.

[The realm of ‘Nobility’ has become stronger.]

[The realm of ‘Cooperation’ has become stronger.]

[The ‘Seed of the Realm’ is starting to take shape more and more!]

[Realms intertwine and merge.]

[A new realm has emerged.]

[It changes to the ‘■■’ realm.]

[Your power of existence as a constellation has become stronger!!]

In this brief moment of explosion, Choi Yeonseung felt numerous powers in him growing and fusing together. In addition, there was a sudden rise in his power of existence.

‘My faith is rising at a time like this?’

Choi Yeonseung himself couldn’t figure out the reason, but one thing was certain.

He was brimming with energy!


Instead of breaking the rock with an egg, Choi Yeonseung turned the rock into powder and blew it away.

Compared to the huge mound of earth, Choi Yeonseung was like a speck of dust, which was precisely why the sight of him colliding with it and blowing away all the dirt seemed unreal.



The hunters were lost for words. Throughout history, there had been quite a few hunters with all kinds of unique and overpowered skills, but they had never encountered a hunter who could do something like that with just his body.

‘The mountain...’

‘...He knocked it down!!!’

The man who blew the mountain away with one kick landed as if nothing had happened. He then pulled everyone to the surface.


“Those bastards! I’m going to kill them all!”

“Mr. Huntsman! There are many eyes watching! You have to calm down!”

As soon as he reached the surface, Huntsman tried to catch the hunters and kill them. Evidently, that didn’t happen, as his aides desperately grabbed and pleaded with him to stop.

If Huntsman really started fighting the hunters, he would be the one to suffer the consequences, not the hunters.

“I realized it today. All American hunters are scum! Compared to Korean hunters, they have no talent! The only thing they can do is make dirty money!”



If he had heard that, Choi Yeonseung would’ve told Huntsman that he was mistaken about Korean hunters, but Huntsman was adamant about this. He made up his mind to beat up all those hunters who were holding back society and lead America on the right path!

“The wendigo has fallen!”

At last, the wendigo had succumbed to the constant attacks and fell to its knees.

In the meantime, Huntsman tried his best to subdue his emotions and manage his expression.

“Everyone has worked hard!” Huntsman shouted. “Let us thank the valiant hunters who have come here to help us!”

At that, the aides, secretaries, bodyguards, and filming crew all clapped as Huntsman had told them beforehand.

Even though Huntsman had ordered them to clap, they were genuinely grateful to Choi Yeonseung. They had heard that those bastard hunters hadn’t even tried to rescue them and instead just focused on the wendigo.

They couldn’t believe the hunters had betrayed them like that.

“I’m different from the clan leaders or companies who have received bribes and become corrupted! I’m going to hand over the rights to the wendigo to the people who came here to help us!”


At that, Choi Yeonseung raised an eyebrow.

‘Wait. Can he make that decision?

Wouldn’t the hunters stab Huntsman in the neck if he arbitrarily decided who would get the rewards from an A-grade monster?

-He said he’ll give it to us, so just take it and think about it later.

-Yes, you’re right.

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