The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 130

130 The biggest secret in the Federation

Yi Chen, who had stood up to grab his t-shirt arched his brow as he asked, “What are you doing?”

Li Ran, “...”

“Shit shit shit....,” he swore while scrambling for his light brain to turn off the video feed. When he heard his light brain ringing he had assumed it was a voice call and had accepted it. He only realized now that it was a video call.

“I have already seen it so what is the point?” asked Yi Chen as the t-shirt slid down his abs to his V line in a reverse strip tease type of show.

Li Ran stopped scrambling and asked, “So what do you think? Hela asked me to send her a picture in a skirt. Maybe then she would agree to go with me to the carnival next weekend.”

Yi Chen pulled down his t-shirt while responding honestly, “It’s ugly..... did you take your mother’s skirt and put it on?”

Li Ran, “.....”

His expression looked like he had been caught in the act but his mouth carried on lying. “Ah... no.... what the fuck are you talking about?”

Bang bang bang bang!


“Hey, idiot did you take something from my room?! I saw you snooping in there just now. Open this door,” said a sweet voice yelling outside his door.

Yi Chen chuckled while saying, “You took your sister’s then.”

“Fuck,” he whispered before yelling at the door, “You snoop in my room all the time and I don’t fuckin interrogate you!”

“If you don’t open this door I am going to tell mum,” she said but less than a minute later she was already yelling while going downstairs, “MUM!!”

“Shit..... you only have three minutes to talk. What’s up,” said Li Ran rushing to the door to block it with his body.

Yi Chen put on his jacket while saying, “Can you do a deep dive,” his expression serious.

Li Ran put on a roguish smile as he asked, “Who do you want to hack?”

Yi Chen pulled at his sleeve while responding with a lowered head, “The Marshal.”

Li Ran, “...”

His eyes widened in shock. This was a first. He never thought Yi Chen would do such a treasonous act thus he was skeptical.

“What? Are you scared?” asked Yi Chen and Li Ran hurriedly waved his hands his excitement clearly written on his face.

“Fuck no! If we go down we go down together. Give me five minute-,” he said when his door was banged followed by his mother’s voice yelling the roof off the house.

He plastered his back on the door again and raised his ten figures mouthing, “Ten minutes,” before cutting the video call. Yi Chen wanted to ask if he needed his help with his mother but Li Ran was already gone. Whenever Li Ran got into trouble he always spoke on his behalf. That’s because his mother admired Yi Chen so much and even wanted her oldest daughter to marry him.

Yi Chen left the medical bay soon after his mood a little bit better. His father on the other hand wasn’t happy in the slightest. He was so upset with his son that he swept everything off his desk.

Back then he was only following orders but because of it, he had accumulated so much hate from Zi Xingxi. If he had known he would attract so much hate he never would have accepted his royal highness’s request. That woman was crazy and she wouldn’t mind dragging him to hell with her.

Regretting ever getting involved he poured out some whisky to calm his nerves. He still had a call with the prime ministers and he was so not looking forward to it.

Fifteen minutes later...

Yi Chen was sitting in front of a floating screen with a decrypted folder. There was faint hesitation in his eyes but he still commanded Raylan to open the file. Raylan was the AI system running his mech and linked to his light brain.

As the folder opened several documents popped up on the screen. He began to read each one meticulously. He had some suspicion that the conflict between his father and Zi Xingxi had something to do with the prince.

As expected this folder contained records of conversations between the Marshal, Zi Xingxi, and Zi Feiji. The conversations were heated and threats were even issued among them.

Yi Chen narrowed his eyes as he leaned forward staring at the only audio file in the folder. He tapped it open and he soon regretted it.

Heartbreaking sounds of a woman crying transmitted through and from the voice he could tell it was Zi Xingxi. She was inconsolable at first begging for Marshal Yi to do something but her attitude soon took a turn and she began to rebuke and threaten him. The words that resonated with him most were,

“.... he died like a dog on the street and you did nothing. You are still doing nothing about it... I swear, I fuckin swear that if you don’t bring him justice I am going to fuckin take you down to hell with me.... You used him to consolidate your power yet my son..... *sobbing... fuck you Marshal and your rotten government.”

His father tried to talk some sense into Zi Xingxi but she was too ridden with grief that she didn’t hear anything he said. After that, the call abruptly ended and he heard his father tiredly sigh before the recording ended.

This recording was sent to Zi Feiji and from the following messages, Zi Feiji said he would calm her down. He seemed to know the Marshal had his considerations when he made that decision but he was still angry.

A few days later Zi Feiji angrily scolded the Marshal. That’s because his daughter had vanished without a trace. Much more happened afterward but what really caught his attention was one of the pictures. It was a picture of the prince wearing a sunny smile just days before the incident.

He had seen countless pictures of the last prince of the federation but what grasped his attention was the thing around his neck. When he zoomed in it was as though he had been punched in the gut.

“Raylan, clean the image,” he said with his gaze transfixed on the pendant.

“Yes sir,” replied Raylan, and as the zoomed image became clear Yi Chen’s hands trembled.

“Fuck,” he swore under his breath feeling like he had discovered the biggest secret in the federation. Why was the prince’s mech around Zi Han’s neck?

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