System's POV

Chapter 343 What We Need Is A Rookie Who Knows What He Is Doing

Chapter 343 What We Need Is A Rookie Who Knows What He Is Doing

After witnessing their Commander's fighting prowess with their own eyes, the 69th Battalion suddenly changed overnight.

Those who were initially doubting Zion's abilities no longer doubted him, and those who used to look down on him now saw him in a new light.

Benedict and the other representatives of the Dvalinn Federation conducted a private meeting among themselves, where they discussed what they had seen just a day ago.

"I'm sure you also saw the things I did, but I'll still mention it to make my stance perfectly clear," the representative of the Elrod Clan, Harvey Elrod, said solemnly. "That is not the fighting prowess of a Rookie."

"Although I saw many peerless geniuses over the past few years, I will have to agree with your assessment," Benedict commented. "Although I hate to admit it, none of the prodigies of the Monarch Clans and the Ten Prestigious Families could fight the way Zion did last night.

"Those moves belonged to someone who had faced many life and death battles," Troy Rhodes stated. "It seems that his title of Legendary Rookie is on point. I believe that he is the strongest Rookie in Pangea right now.

"It's really a shame that such a talented individual can no longer progress in Rank." Jordan Nightshade sighed. "Right now, we need people like him to help the current generation of Wanderers."

"Hahaha, aren't you afraid that the Leventis Family would become too powerful if Zion can increase his Rank?" Harvey Elrod smirked.

"I'm not looking at this with a narrow mind," Jordan replied. "I couldn't care less about the politics of the Monarch Clans and the Prestigious Families. What good is politics when our homes are invaded by the Jinns? Will politics save us from Genocide-Level Threats?"

"That's it. Everyone, calm down." Benedict lightly clapped his hand in order to release the tension in the air. "We are holding this meeting in order to reassess the way we deal with Zion Leventis and his 69th Battalion.

"Their performance in the battle last night made me think that Zion's objective is to turn his soldiers into Battle Medics."

Troy Rhodes nodded. "When they arrived at the scene, they prioritized giving first aid to the injured before bringing them to the rear to get further medical treatment.

"I think at least a hundred of them advanced to the second line of defense to fight against the Wolf Spiders that managed to get past us. But what concerns me is the fact that an unknown monster had appeared to deal with the three Rank 6 Overlords.

"If they hadn't been forced to retreat, I'm afraid that we might have suffered countless casualties last night."

The four people gathered at the meeting all nodded their heads in agreement.

It would take at least four Champions to effectively deal with one Rank 6 Overlord safely.

There were only eight Champions present in the battle, so even at their best, there would still be one more Rank 6 Overlord, who would be able to assist its comrade in battle.

To make matters worse, the Monster Horde would also be attacking those who would attack their Leaders, making the already difficult battle more difficult.

"Do any of you think that the monster is an avatar that belonged to one of Zion's soldiers?" Jordan Nightshade inquired. "If yes, then it is one powerful Avatar. At the bare minimum, it should be at least in the middle or peak Rank 6 Sovereign.

"It is also possible that it is a Rank 7 Sovereign, but those kinds of existence can only be commanded by the Elders of the Monarch Clans and our Families," Troy Rhodes commented.

"Then, who do you think owns it?" Benedict arched an eyebrow. "I sure know that it didn't belong to Zion. The boy has an Avatar Ban, preventing him from having Avatars."

"That's a very valid reasoning." Harvey Elrod chuckled. "Because if he didn't have that restriction, I will definitely say that the monster that helped us last night was that boy's avatar."

Everyone present smiled because they, too, would have come to the same conclusion.

"I think cooperating with Zion and the 69th Battalion will be in our best interest," Benedict stated. "Not to mention that we also received reports that the Central Government's fleet will also be arriving here in a week's time.

"Once they arrive, things will definitely get more rowdy here. That sly fox Tristan even sent his own daughter here with the excuse of assisting Zion in training his men."

Harvey Elrod smirked. "Well, this also plays to our advantage. First, Zion, then the Saintess. These two people are the rising stars of the young generation, serving as the beacons of hope in this day and age.

"I'm sure that the Elders of our Families are willing to turn a blind eye to their real purpose for coming and use their presence as propaganda to encourage our people."

"A very smart move," Jordan Nightshade nodded. "The Saintess and the Valkyries will not garner any hate from our people."

"That sly fox knows how to play his cards right," Benedict chuckled. "Still, it wouldn't hurt us to have more Wanderers here. Maybe we can finally advance and increase the range of our territory after they come here."

"A tempting proposal, but I don't think it will be wise if we become too greedy," Harvey Elrod pursed his lips. "Even if we manage to gain more land, we don't have enough manpower to maintain it.

"Also, we will need to go to the Cygni Continent in order to assist the Griffin Clan and prevent them from suffering the same fate as us."

"That's still three years away," Harvey Elrod smiled.

"No." Benedict shook his head. "It should be, it's only three years away. In three years, we will know if Humanity still has a chance to face off against the Jinn invasion. If Cygni falls, then humanity's future is very bleak."

A moment of silence descended upon the room. All of them understood what Benedict was trying to tell them.

"In the end, it's not up to us." Jordan Nightshade closed his eyes. "Because at the end of the day, unless the Monarchs manage to defeat the leader of the Jinns, everything we do is just delaying the inevitable. But, there is still hope."

Everyone in the tent looked at Jordan with solemn expressions on their faces.

"Maybe, just maybe, it will not be one of the six Monarchs who will change the fate of this world," Jordan Nightshade said softly. "Maybe, what we need is a Rookie who knows what he is doing, and all we need to do is follow his lead."

The three other men in the room glanced at each other before nodding their heads at the same time.

"Maybe you're right," Benedict stated. "So, until that time comes, we better make sure that our golden goose will not kick the bucket anytime soon."

Smiles and chuckles spread inside the tent as the four men thought of ways how to milk their golden goose and ensure that he was happy enough to keep on laying golden eggs.

Meanwhile, while the four men were having a meeting, Thirteen and his subordinates all went to Sector 1 in order to receive the packages that the teenage boy had asked for from the Dvalinn Federation.

He believed that his subordinates were now ready to take that next step in their training.

And in order to do that, he would need to give them all the same kind of Avatars, which would greatly increase their survival in the Rigel Continent.

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