Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 204 Suspicion

David’s eyes glimmered with joy: “Great, I knew nothing would happen to Angel!” At this time, David didn’t even notice his attention was no longer focused on his goddess.

Melanctha also saw “Angel” slowly standing up unsteadily while pushing off the ground.

Seeing this scene, Melanctha also breathed a little sigh of relief: “It seems Boyi has succeeded.”

Baroque also nodded, and the small braid on the back of his head swung up and down: “Yes, I didn’t expect Boyi’s Mother Body infection to be so successful this time. The soul and ** are well integrated. I haven’t noticed any flaws… so far.”

Melanctha’s eyes lit up: “Even the Lord doesn’t see any flaw? Would Sanders able to… can he see that Angel’s inner soul has been replaced?”

Baroque didn’t nod or shake his head: “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter whether he can see it or not. In fact, rather than this, I would like to know why Sanders took on such an apprentice.”

Melanctha replied: “Just ask Boyi later. She should have read Angel’s memory.”

“You are still calling her Boyi?” Baroque laughed rather than smiled.

“I almost forgot.” Melanctha covered her mouth and smiled. “She’s not Parasitic Mother Boyi anymore. But Milk Baron, Angel.”

When the two chatted lightly, Angel had already stood up unsteadily. His feet and hands were all trembling and looked like a person who just came out of a coma. He seemed a little unfamiliar with his limbs.

When Baroque saw this, he couldn’t stop his smiling. This is Boyi’s first time using Parasitism on a male body. Her feeling of stiff limbs is also quite normal.

At this moment, a thousand pair of eyes in the audience stands were fixed on the shaky Milk Baron.

Everyone was speculating about his next move.

Suddenly, Milk Baron raised his head slightly…

In his previous matches, he has never made such a move. Because once he raised his head, he could not completely cover his face under his hood.

But at this moment, he seems to have a fused spine, to the extent he looked rigid and had difficulty controlling his movements.

The light shone on the hood, and because Milk Baron held his head slightly high, he left a shadow of half his visage through his hood.

Milk Baron revealed his face, or to be exact, half of it.

Although only below the nose. The part above the nose is still obscured by shadows, and the specific details cannot be clearly seen. But the light of his eyes could not be hidden, and everyone could faintly see those eyes full of negative emotions.

It was a smooth and sharp chin, perfect lips, and a straight nose.

It was a pair of eyes full of hatred, pain and hostility.

It has to be said, just by revealing the lower half of his face and pair of eyes that could not be fully seen. One can see that Milk Baron’s appearance is absolutely extremely handsome.

“I thought Milk Baron was an ugly man, so that’s why he covered up his face. I didn’t expect him to be so handsome.” A female apprentice murmured in a low voice.

“If you look at his clean chin, softness in his skin and his figure. You can infer this is not a fully-grown man at all… and is a teenager at best. So, can you eat him? Old cows trying to eat tender grass.” The female apprentice was surrounded by low sarcastic remarks.

“Who do you say is old? Aren’t grooming teenagers in fashion now? How interesting it would be to groom beautiful teenagers. Many of my sisters have raised beautiful mortal teenagers. This is a trend!”

Some people pay attention to Milk Baron’s appearance. Some people pay attention to his actions, but David is more concerned about Angel’s mood.

“What’s going on? Why are your eyes full of complicated negative emotions when you clearly seem to be Angel?” David thought darkly that Angel in his impression was a gentle young man. Although he was a little wilting, his eyes were always limpid. Never before had there been such a strong hatred in his eyes.

Especially in his posture. Even though his limbs were stiff and trembling. His head was slightly raised, his chin was exposed, and his eyes were ferocious.

This Angel and the one in his memory are two totally different people!

Just as everyone was in discussion. Milk Baron suddenly lowered his head and his hood once again obscured his whole face.

Milk Baron bowed his head and seemed to be talking. The audience vaguely heard him cry out “Toby…”

Just when everyone is confused at what he was doing.

A dark shadow suddenly fell from the sky and directly smashed Parasitic Mother in the pit.

Parasitic Mother’s beautiful face, under the kick from the shadow, became fragmented bones. Her grey brain matter exploded crazily in all directions.

Even Milk Baron’s wizard robe was stained a little.

When the dark shadow slows down, it was clear to all that it was the bird perched on Milk Baron’s shoulder which killed Parasitic Mother!

This unexpected move stunned the whole audience members in the stands!

This… this bird is a dead **! Parasitic Mother has been killed!

The audience suddenly reacted. Perhaps just now, when Milk Baron spoke with his head down, he was calling the bird to kill Parasitic Mother!

Milk Baron killed Parasitic Mother! At that time the whole scene was filled with angry voices.

Judging from the bird’s movement and speed, everyone understood why Selena lost yesterday’s match.

With this fast and powerful magic bird, no wonder a junior apprentice would dare to climb Sky Tower!

It’s not unusual for a contestant to die in Sky Tower, but if the one that died is a goddess of the people. This would be a big deal.

Numerous hate-filled curses were all hurled at Milk Baron. All of whom did not know the situation behind such action, but the one that died was the goddess of the whole audience. They do not care who is right or who is wrong! Just now, Parasitic Mother had fainted on the ground, but Milk Baron still does not hesitate to end her life. This was a pure and deliberate murder!

After receiving all the curses. Milk Baron, who was standing in the middle of the battle arena, was indifferent. He just laughed in a low voice. At the moment when he ordered Toby to kill the former Parasitised Parasitic Mother, all his hatred was released.

Angel’s eyes were clear again, and he felt better even when he was cursed.

At least, he is still alive.—

Looking at this “Angel,” Baroque suddenly changed his face and said: “No!”

Melanctha looked at him doubtfully: “What’s the matter, Lord Baroque?”

“No, no.” Baroque kept shaking his head. “It’s not supposed to be like this. Boyi wouldn’t kill her original host body. The previous body is full of taeniasis green velvet spores… Besides, Boyi wouldn’t have that expression if she gained a new body.”

When Melanctha heard this, her face and eyes changed sharply. She trembled as she pointed to the man who was being cursed and condemned by a thousand people in the middle of the arena. “You mean he’s…”

“He’s Angel! Not Boyi!” When Baroque came to this conclusion, he couldn’t believe it himself. But the facts are before him. Even if Boyi had read Angel’s memory, she would not be able to perfectly follow Angel’s character nor would his pet listen to Boyi so easily.

Therefore, there is only one answer.

A battle that no one could see in that place. Boyi lost and Angel survived!

Baroque’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I really underestimated you. This junior apprentice has a spiritual defence, even… the ability to fight back. It seems that Sanders has put a lot of effort into this disciple, and this Angel’s identity is really tricky.”

“Only Sanders can leave behind some defence in Angel’s soul. Otherwise Boyi would not have failed.” Melanctha’s face is very pale. If what she speculated is true, then the current situation shows Angel’s weight in Sanders heart is much greater than she imagined.

“Haha, now I’m even more curious. Why would Sanders take Angel as an apprentice? Why lay such a heavy defence in his soul?”

Boyi’s death brought a little surprise to Baroque. However, he soon adjusted his mood. Boyi’s identity is no different from that of other apprentices, even though she is a sleeper agent for Sky Machinery City. At best, there is a little camaraderie.

If Boyi succeeds in Parasitism then he will be happy to make plans for the next step. But if Boyi isn’t successful in her Parasitism, then he wouldn’t care. He will only say he lost an insignificant sleeper agent.

Baroque is still a Lord. Even if Angel had begun doubting who was involved in Boyi’s attempt to seize his body, this doubt will not involve him.

He doesn’t believe that under his soul state, they could still communicate with each other. Even if she could talk, he would not believe Boyi would dare call him out by his first name.

Therefore, he can’t know he was involved. He will continue believing this match is just a personal act by Parasitic Mother and has no involvement from Sky Machinery City at all.

However, what Baroque doesn’t know is even though Boyi cannot communicate with Angel during their soul states, this does not mean he doesn’t know who was involved. Even if he removed himself completely from this matter and shows that he did not ask Boyi to do anything voluntarily. To the point of making it seem like Boyi made all the decision by herself.

He would never have imagined that Angel’s special soul had enabled him to perceive a message about his involvement from Parasitic Mother’s emotions.

“Since he had set up a soul defence for this disciple, perhaps Sanders already knows what’s going on here right now. But we don’t have to worry, Boyi’s business has nothing to do with us.” Baroque narrates plainly.

Melanctha looked pale, but she also understood this key point. With Boyi’s death, it will at least not reveal more information about their involvement.

“Yes, I know. Boyi is just an ordinary contestant of Sky Tower.” Melanctha also echoes this sentiment coldly.

However, Sanders really did not leave any backhand in Angel’s soul. Melanctha and Baroque’s guess were totally wrong from beginning to end.

Sanders didn’t really know what Angel had been doing these days.

But now, on Phantom Island, Sanders was focusing his attention in the direction of the Underground Market.

“Hmm, what a familiar breath?” Sanders murmured in a low voice, then his eyes suddenly set straight and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Back in the arena floor.

Angel is standing there, shivering and shaking all over.

He inexplicably won his soul struggle against Parasitic Mother, but the ** struggle was lost. Now with Parasitic Mother’s soul dissipating. Angel has regained control of his **, but the taeniasis green velvet spores remaining in all four of his limbs have still not been eliminated.

Now he can only stand up by exhausting all his strength.

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