Small upgrade system

Chapter 575 575 - Killing monsters

Chapter 575 Chapter 575 - Killing monsters

Emma and the others begin to follow the river while they advance in that place. First of all, they decided to follow the river as many Monsters came out from the rivers and naturally they also got points after killing them. Also they decided that after killing some more monsters they will go inside of the forest to kill more monsters.

Compared to the Monsters of the rivers you can say killing the Monsters of the forest will be far more dangerous as they would be able to hide themselves very clearly in the forest and naturally to attack them those monsters did not need to come out from their hiding place.

Until now every Monsters that came out from the rivers needed to come out from the water to attack them and that is the advantage they get while following the river. But the problem is that they also know not every Monster present in the river did come out of the water to attack them as many feast type Monsters also appear and they could naturally attack them, even when they are hiding in the water.

The good thing is that until now they did not see any other team near them so that is a good thing for everyone. First of all any team or even they could challenge any team for their points and naturally in the challenge both of the team leaders fight each other and the winner will get all the points of the loser team.

If they meet any team which only had elite grade warriors, then Epic grade Warriors, then naturally they did not have the slightest chance to win that fight. You can say Maria, Livia, Ruri and the others were peak Elite grade warriors, only Emma present there was a peak Epic grade Warriors, naturally if a powerful team like that challenge them then they would needed to accept the defeat

This is also a reason that they followed the river until now but naturally they need to change their direction after sometime later because most likely like them many people also did the same thing.

Sometime later,

At this time, Livia and her teammates just kill the last water lizard and with that they already got the points of killing those Monsters. Also they already put all the loot that they get after killing those Monsters in their storage. After that Emma told them that it is time to rest.

They fight those water lizards for sometime and naturally in that fight they already lose much of their spiritual energy and they need to recover that spiritual energy to fight the next group of Monsters.

On the other hand, fighting the water lizard also wasn't easy as those Monsters had the poison element alongside while they could also use the water element. Naturally using the water elements they could travel fast inside the water and instantly they begin to shoot water bullets toward them even without going out of the water.

Not just water bullets but at the same time you can say they control those waters and try to grab them using the water hands. Also you should know that the color of that water was fully green and it contained deadly poison.

Like those poisonous frogs, water lizards are also very deadly and naturally they also have powerful poisons. Fortunately, they are already able to protect themselves using the spiritual barrier in front of them and also at the same time Emma takes the lead to kill most of them while the remaining Monsters get killed by Maria and the others.

If you are thinking that she is taking the chance to get more points then you are wrong. She just decreased the danger of those Monsters and naturally after that she also gave a chance to Maria and the others to attack those Monsters so with that she also did not get that much point.

Naturally if she joined any group of Epic grade Warriors, then most likely right now she would have much more points but unfortunately she did not decide to join that as she only wanted to follow Maria and the others. Emma did not care about that as her main motive is to protect Livia from this kind of danger. Winning the competition really doesn't matter for her.

Now back to main matter,

They are already using the life detection device. Naturally that got created in the human Kingdom and other than the human Kingdom only the Oni Kingdom had that technology. Ruri, Elisa and the others naturally get surprised by that device and they really get surprised when they are able to know what is the main capability of that device.

Even compared to their observation technique the device is far more powerful and it has the ability to fully observe 15 to 20 km area around. Naturally when they looked at the device screen they could already see many Monsters present in those places but fortunately none of the Monsters coming toward.

The good thing is that even looking at the device screen they did not find any other life signal other than those monsters so with that they became sure that no Warrior was present near them. At this time only the Monsters who hiding inside the water did not show up in the device but the moment they tried to get out of the water they would immediately get detected by the device.

The Spiritual wave of the device was not able to enter the water so naturally the Monsters who hid themselves inside the water won't be able to get detected by the device. But that doesn't really matter to them as they could already see many Monsters that were also coming out of the waters and even not far away from the location they could see many Monsters.

Fortunately, they already found a good place to hide while recovering their spiritual energy and strength. At the same time they are also deciding in which direction they should go next to kill more Monsters and to get more points compared to before. First of all this is not easy for any of them to fight a large number of Monsters at once but at the same time to get the points they need to do something like that.

But suddenly the device began to send them the danger signal as Monsters already came very close to them. Those Monsters suddenly came out of the ground and naturally they came near them using the ground travel technique or something like that.

It looks like those Monsters already found the location of them so they are already coming toward them while using the ground travel technique once again. If you are wondering how they knew those Monsters using the ground travel technique, then in the device screen they could see those monsters traveling very quickly and at the same time every one of those trees present there did not have any kind of effect on those Monsters.

You should know that even those trees have different kinds of signals that you can see inside the device so naturally in the device they could see those monsters did not get any kind of prevention from any of the trees, so with that they get to understand this most likely the case.

Now the moment everyone realizes that they already became prepared to face those Monsters even though they did not fully recover their Spiritual energy. Sometime later they could already feel the vibration that naturally came out from the underground and with that it became definitely sure that those Monsters were using some kind Earth technique.

The good thing is that they could only see 20 of those gray signals that naturally came out from those Monsters. Even though Maria and the teammates did not know about the power of those Monsters but they had the confidence to take them as they know that no powerful Monster would appear in that place and if a strong Monster would appear in that place then Emma would already tell them about this.

After 5 minutes later,

Right now they have already come out from their hiding place and the ground beneath their food has already disappeared. And many mouths also came out from that place. Fortunately they already jump away from that place and instantly they begin to attack those Monsters the moment they try to come out of the ground.

In front of their quick response naturally those Monsters were unable to respond that quickly and with that 6 of them already died and 6 of them got seriously injured. While the remaining Monsters still exist inside the underground and they still have not come out.

Emma, and the others already landed on the ground and instantly they can feel the vibration once again present in the ground and naturally everyone of those Monsters who already went inside of the underground once again trying to attack them using the same technique.

But fortunately compared to those Monsters, Maria and the others much faster and they were already released from which place those monsters would naturally come outside.

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