Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 98: No Detectable Disease

Chapter 98

Li Man's illness came on suddenly and inexplicably.

In the middle of the night, Li Man, who was sound asleep, suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. It felt as if there were millions of insects gnawing at her insides, causing her unbearable agony.

She abruptly opened her eyes, clutching her stomach and wailing in pain.

Li Man had moved in to live with Chen Xiaohui, who heard the commotion and quickly came over to check on her.

"Li Man, what's wrong?" Chen Xiaohui looked at Li Man with a worried expression.

Li Man's face was pale, and large beads of sweat dripped from her forehead, soaking her clothes in no time.

"It hurts, my stomach hurts!"

Li Man clutched her stomach and weakly uttered, her voice barely audible.

"Is your stomach hurting? Just wait a moment, I have some painkillers in my room, I'll get them for you right away."

Saying that, Chen Xiaohui hurried back to her room and brought back some painkillers for Li Man to take.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any better?"

As soon as Chen Xiaohui finished speaking, Li Man retched and vomited all the medicine she had just taken, along with the food she had eaten earlier in the evening.

A putrid, sour smell filled the air.

Li Man vomited violently, as if she was about to vomit out her stomach as well.

After vomiting, Li Man finally felt some relief from the pain in her stomach.

Chen Xiaohui saw black worms wriggling in the things that Li Man had vomited, and she couldn't help but vomit as well.

After recovering, Chen Xiaohui quickly called an ambulance.

Li Man was taken to the hospital, where a series of tests were conducted, but no abnormalities were found.

"Her body is perfectly healthy," the attending doctor said.

"How is that possible? She was in so much pain, how could there be nothing wrong with her? Doctor, could you have made a mistake?" Chen Xiaohui questioned.

The doctor's face immediately darkened when questioned. "If you don't believe me, you can go to another hospital."

"No, Doctor," Chen Xiaohui quickly explained, "I'm sorry, I don't doubt you. I just think that my friend is in so much pain, how could there be nothing wrong? And she vomited so many worms. Could it be a parasitic infection? Could you please check again?"

With that, Chen Xiaohui took out her phone, opened the photos, and showed them to the doctor. "These are the things she vomited. Look at them, so many worms, and they're still alive. I even saw them wriggling."

Just the thought of that scene made Chen Xiaohui's stomach churn, nearly causing her to vomit again.

The attending doctor took Chen Xiaohui's phone and carefully examined the photos, even zooming in to get a better look.

Chen Xiaohui stood aside, avoiding looking at the photos on the phone.

"Do you see anything, Doctor? Is it a parasitic infection?"

The doctor on duty furrowed his brows tightly. He had never seen such a strange bug before, and he had just examined Li Man's blood, finding no issues.

However, to be on the safe side, he decided to follow Chen XiaoHui's suggestion and re-examine everything, including stool and a gastrointestinal endoscopy.

This time, the doctor specifically informed the laboratory staff to take a careful look.

The test results came out quickly, showing no parasites in the blood or stool, and nothing abnormal from the gastrointestinal endoscopy.

It was puzzling. There was no sign of illness in the tests, yet Li Man was in excruciating pain.

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