Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 104: When I’m sleepy, Someone hands me a pillow.

Chapter 104

The Fortune Teller carefully scrutinized Huang De Han, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. The person in front of him didn't look like someone seeking fortune-telling; rather, he seemed like someone who was here to cause trouble.

"What brings you here?" the Fortune Teller asked cautiously.

Seeing the concern on the Fortune Teller's face, Huang De Han stopped joking and put away his playful demeanor. He spoke seriously, "Don't worry, I mean no harm. But I would like to ask for your help. Are you willing?"

"What kind of help?" the Fortune Teller asked warily. "I won't get involved in any illegal activities like murder, arson, or fraud."

Huang De Han chuckled, "Don't worry, it's nothing like that. I just want you to play your true role."

Hearing this, the Fortune Teller breathed a sigh of relief. "So, what do you want me to do? Just tell me straight, no beating around the bush."

"I want you to help me lift a curse from someone," Huang De Han said.

"A curse?" The Fortune Teller's eyes widened in surprise, then he quickly shook his head. "I don't know how to lift curses. You should find someone else."

Huang De Han took out a thousand yuan from his wallet and placed it in the cracked bowl on the table. He said, "You don't need to know how to lift curses. Just do as I say. I have the antidote here. After the task is done, I'll give you another thousand yuan. How about that?"

The Fortune Teller greedily stared at the money in front of him. "What do you want me to do?"

Huang De Han leaned close to the Fortune Teller's ear and explained his plan. The Fortune Teller nodded repeatedly as he listened.

After taking Huang De Han's money, the Fortune Teller packed up his stall.

He held a stick with a small flag attached to it, on which was written: "Semi-Immortal."

Following Huang De Han's instructions, the Fortune Teller arrived at Li Man's residence.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

Just as Chen XiaoHui and Gu Ya were anxiously pacing around, they heard a series of knocks on the door from outside.

The two exchanged glances, and Chen XiaoHui said excitedly, "Could it be Huang De Han with the antidote?"

She hurriedly ran to open the door.

Upon seeing that it wasn't Huang De Han outside, Chen XiaoHui's expression turned disappointed, and the light in her eyes dimmed. She asked with an emotional tone, "Who are you looking for?"

The Fortune Teller stroked his goatee and said mysteriously, "This divine being happened to pass by and noticed that there's negative energy surrounding this house. It seems that something impure has entered."

Chen XiaoHui's eyes, which had just dimmed, suddenly lit up again. She grabbed the Fortune Teller's arm as if holding onto a lifeline and asked, "Master, do you know how to lift curses?"

Gu Ya looked at the Fortune Teller outside the door, her brows furrowed. This is a high-rise building. How could he tell that there's something impure here? It seemed too fake.

Though she had her doubts, Gu Ya remained silent. She wanted to see what this phony semi-immortal was up to.

The Fortune Teller wore a mysterious expression and stroked his goatee. "This divine being knows a thing or two."

Chen Xiaohui was desperate for a cure, so when she heard that the Fortune Teller could break the curse, she eagerly grabbed his arm as if she was afraid he would run away. She didn't even stop to think how this person ended up here.

Wasn't it too coincidental and fake that someone would magically appear to help her just when she needed it?

Chen Xiaohui quickly invited the Fortune Teller into her house and said, "My friend has been cursed. Please come in and take a look."

When the Fortune Teller saw Li Man on the bed, he was shocked. It was horrifying! If he hadn't composed himself, he would have screamed.

He forced himself to stay calm and said what Huang Dehan had taught him, "She's been cursed by an insect. The insects have already crawled into her eyes. Once they reach her brain, she'll undoubtedly die."

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