Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 102 The Grey World Gathering, A New Member, And The Emperor's Predicament

Morning in the beast plane was the same in planet Darvis.

The bright rays of the sun tinged with a hint of red shone from the horizons, illuminating this massive world and all its inhabitants.

Like its glow was an announcement for the day to start, the chirping of birds and sounds from other animals soon filled the air, forming a lively cacophony.

Among the cacophony was a glaring high-pitched barking sound.

On waking up, Legolas looked only to see something shocking.

All 8 foxes of Lucky's Society were already gathered at a corner of their hideout as they all went through their morning drill under Commander Redmane, the Red Fox was serious as it issued orders to the foxes.

"…" Legolas was speechless.

"Do they really think they're a military unit?" He chuckled and stood up.

Despite all the beasts waking up already, Christensen was still the only one shamelessly snoring as he enjoyed the sweet world of sleep.


Legolas kicked him on the butt. "Wake up".

"Ouch…" Christensen rubbed his butt as he slowly woke up.

"What time is it?" Christensen asked in a complaining tone as he rubbed his eyes, clearly, he still wanted to continue sleeping.

Legolas tsked. "Have you forgotten what day today is?"

Christensen paused a bit before his eyes shone the next moment. "Ahh…, I'm sorry, I'm so foolish, I almost forgot".

While Legolas left to wash up, Christensen also left as he rushed to wash up the jungle way since they were not inside a shelter at this moment.

Having lived alongside Legolas in the wild for over a month already, Christensen already learned the ways of the wild.

Once they were ready, Legolas waved his beasts goodbye.

Not knowing Redmane's real identity and the extent of his abilities, Legolas was not taking the chance of going to the grey world in his presence.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning


On returning to the island, Legolas quickly located a cave that could protect them when they were out before sitting cross-legged.

Legolas instructed his student. "Sit down cross-legged and meditate".

"Don't open your eyes till everything is over".

"Remember, be respectful when meeting the Hermit".

"Yes master". Christensen replied with a mixture of excitement, dread, and anticipation in his voice as he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

As soon as Christensen started meditating, Legolas opened his eyes before secretly touching the grey apple tattoo that was on his wrist.

Instantly, Legolas's consciousness left his body to the grey world.


On arriving, Legolas saw the old Elementalist already waiting for him. "Aaron, how's life been going? It's been long since I saw you man".

Aaron laughed. "Nothing much, the usual, just studying the grey world".

"Oh, have you discovered more?"

"Not really, I told you that we'll be left in the dark until you become stronger since that is when more of the mysteries of the grey world would open to us".

"Ok". Legolas replied as he observed the grey world.

Everything was in order, most of all, the setting for the grey world gathering was already set-up by Aaron even before his arrival.

"Thanks man". Legolas patted the old man before taking the head throne.

As soon as Legolas sat on the throne of the Hermit, he saw the dark-orb shaped objects representing the members of his gathering glowing.

He first created a doppelganger for himself before drawing them in.

Bzzz! Bzzz!

"Good morning, your Excellency the Hermit". Like in all other gatherings, the Star's cheerful voice was the first sound that graced the gathering.

The Emperor and World's voices reverberated the next moment as they paid their respects to the Hermit who was calmly seated on his throne.

As soon as they sat down on their seats, on the Hermit's silent consent, they were about to start the gathering but the Hermit interrupted this time.

"Before we start today, I want to introduce a new member to our gathering that was recommended and evaluated by the World".

The Star and the Emperor were surprised.

Before they could understand what was going on, the air space shifted.


A new member appeared inside the grey world the next moment.

As soon as Christensen appeared in this grey and gloomy world, he felt his heart skip a beat first but he forced himself to stay composed and focused.

Like Legolas instructed him before coming here, he bowed and payed his respects to the blurry silhouette of the Hermit before exchanging basic greetings with the other members of the gathering.

The Star and the Emperor were polite as they welcomed him.

After this, Christensen sat down on one of the empty chairs but he barely sat down before the Hermit addressed him, Christensen's heart skipped a beat.

"Give yourself a codename".

'Ahh…" Christensen almost felt like hitting his head, due to the tension and his uneasiness, he forgot this.

He hurried to stand up again before thinking, he already forgot the codename that he decided on before now so he settled for a random one.

"Call me the Magician".

Legolas felt like shaking his head at his student's performance. 'And he decided on the Sun yesterday'.

Without further ado, as soon as the Magician choose his codename, the gathering kicked off as the first phase commenced.

Starting with the Star, all of them gave accounts of the happenings in the outside world in their various regions, updating each other on trending news.

After about 35 minutes, this phase of the gathering came to an end as the transaction session began where members trade among themselves.

Today's transaction session became the liveliest in the history of the grey world gathering. It seems that the Clown Revolution affected a lot of things since all 4 members of the gathering had a lot to trade this time.

Even the newcomer, the Magician traded a lot of goodies. The Star ended up purchasing the Elementalist staff that the Magician put up for sale.

After over an hour of transactions, this session finally came to an end.

The Hermit was the one with the privilege of taking proceedings of the 3rd and last phase of the grey world gathering since it mostly involved him giving missions and objectives to the members of the gathering.

Since the gathering started, through his omnipresent control, Legolas detected from the beginning that the Emperor was in a state of emotional turmoil.

Since he didn't talk about it, he also didn't place it on himself to ask but before he could take proceedings of the last phase through his Hermit identity, the Emperor gritted his teeth as he gathered the courage to speak.

The Emperor fell on his knees. "Your Excellency, please I need your help…"

"…" The Hermit kept quiet for a few seconds before nodding calmly.

For some reason, this simple nod sent a message of calmness and confidence through all the members that the tension of the Emperor kneeling disappeared.

"Your Excellency, my tribe is in danger of the Clown Society".

"Since their emergence, they've always targeted our mineral resources for various reasons. Recently, they took more drastic measures".

"I don't know how they did it but the Clown Society managed to bring the Ancient Titan race of the desert back to life".

"They are now using the great Titans to bring an end to my tribe".

"Your Excellency, please, I need your help, we're barely standing".

"…" The Hermit was silent as he looked at the kneeling Emperor.

Legolas was shocked at the Emperor's words. 'They're reanimating the Titans already? Things are moving faster than in my previous world'.

'Are these ripple effects of my reincarnation?"

As Legolas thought, his virtual interface lit up a notification.


[You have received a Grade C Mission…]


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