Purple Romance

Chapter 109: 109 Sorry I couldn't recognise you 2

Chapter 109: 109 Sorry I couldn't recognise you 2

Max came out of his study room and went to the fridge to get a glass of water. He looked tired and massaged his aching head as he poured himself a glass of water. He lifted the glass and looked at the window. It was pouring heavily outside with lightning and thunder.

Max placed the glass on the kitchen table and walked out. He was about to go to his room when his doorbell rang continuously and he frowned wondering who was at the door. It was almost midnight. Max walked to the door and looked at intercom and saw Marvel's face. His first expression was shock mixed with worry. After what happened, he didn't think she would dare to go near him again but now, she was at his door step shivering and beaten up in the rain.

Max hurriedly opened the door and was about to ask her what the matter was when he suddenly felt her body on him. She hugged him tightly as she sobbed. It surprised him.

''Marvel, what is it? Are you alright? Did something happen?'' Max asked as she still wrapped her arms around his waist. She shook her head still sobbing.

''Then, what is it? Why are you here? No, come inside first. You are soaked and must be feeling cold'' Max said and after a lot of struggle, he managed to free himself from her embrace and pulled her to the hall and locked the door.

Marvel was now shivering and the rain water dripped from her pyjamas down. Max looked at her sorry state and sighed. He really wanted to know what she was thinking. He was getting angry just looking at her.

''I will prepare a hot bath and get a change of clothes for you. Let's talk after you have calmed down. follow me'' Max said and walked away and Marvel followed him. He sent her into his own bedroom and picked a pair of pyjamas and handed to her before going into the bathroom. He returned a minute later and said to her ''the bath is ready. Wash up and get changed. I will prepare you hot cocoa''

Marvel turned and looked at him as he walked out. Up until then, she still couldn't believe she actually did such a crazy thing. She actually ran into the rain to come and see him and was now even inside his bedroom, about to take a bath in his bathroom. She suddenly realised how impulsive she acted but it was too late. She was already there and she had to do what she came to do anyways. She finally recognised him even thought it was late.

Max was preparing the hot cocoa and casually looked towards the door. He still didn't know her reason for coming over suddenly, not caring about the rain. Something crossed his mind and he creased his brows and mumbled ''no way, right? Did she finally remember who I am? Is that why she came here?''

Marvel came out of the room wearing the blue pyjamas and walked awkwardly towards the kitchen counter. Max saw her and picked the mug of hot cocoa and met her halfway. He stretched his hand and handed her the mug saying ''be careful, is still hot''

''Mm'' Marvel mumbled softly and held the cup. She blown on the cocoa before sipping it and turned to see Max seated at the hall. He had turned on the Television and it was showing a Chinese drama titled 'intense love' it was Marvel's favourite drama and she wanted to watch it but she felt extremely awkward. The hall was silent except from the voices on the television screen.

''What are you doing standing there? Come and sit down'' she heard Max's voice and came back to her senses and walked over. She sat on the single seat sofa blushed when Max looked at her.

''Is really good. The hot cocoa'' Marvel said awkwardly trying to ease the tension in herself but all she heard was her own voice. Max didn't say anything. He simply just placed his one hand on the sofa head and crossed his one leg over the other, leaned relaxingly over the sofa and cocked his eyes at her.

Marvel instantly pursed her lips and went back to sipping the cocoa. Max's lip curved into a half smile as he stared at her before asking casually.

''You remembered me, right? That's why you dared to ran over here despite it raining cats and dogs outside?''

Marvel choked on the cocoa and coughed. She placed the mug down and blushed as she looked at him.

''Say it. whatever you want to say'' Max said to her.

''Say what?'' Marvel asked.

''I think you have something to say to me. I'm listening'' Max said and straightened his knees to face her.

''I suddenly remembered you'' Marvel said. ''I was at the hospital because something happened to our models and when I was about to leave, I suddenly saw a young man carrying a girl on his back and I suddenly remembered you. You are the big brother who saved me and even gave my uncle a job afterwards'' Marvel added.

''So? You suddenly remembered and came running here even though it was raining? I don't know whether to praise you for being brave or to scold you for being silly, Miss Nelson?'' Max told her and she pursed her lips. ''Is so late and you didn't even care about your image. Your pyjamas were so soaked and stuck on your body like a second skin. Did you think I will be happy seeing you like that?''

''II was just so happy and afraid at the same time. I didn't think too much and just acted based on my impulse and came here. I'm sorry for intruding on you'' Marvel said.

''Do you think I am angry because you came here? No, I am angry because you didn't care about your health and just did something based on impulse. Is good you got here safe. What if something had happened to you? You don't even have my number; how would I be able to find you then?''

''I'' Marvel looked at him and frowned asking ''so, should I go back? Do you not welcome me because I came without calling?''

Max chuckled and looked at her. It was like she suddenly took a 180 degree change within the last 24 hours. She was here before warning him to stay away from her and now she was back to her old self. The persona he remembered since the time at the hospital that year.

''Why are you laughing?'' Marvel asked.

''Nothing. I just feel that you have suddenly changed. You looked more like the person I remembered you to be'' Max said.

''I'm sorry I couldn't recognise you. I asked my uncle and he told me certain things I couldn't remember. I wonder why I suddenly forgot of you? thank you so much for giving my uncle the job. Thanks to that, I was able to go to the university and graduate with a degree'' Marvel said.

''I see. Is good then'' Max replied and smiled.

''But, there is something I want to know. How did you recognise me? I mean, I look a little different from back then but it seemed you recognised me the moment you saw me'' Marvel asked.

''I wouldn't have recognised you if I didn't embrace you that day. It was your scent. Your smell was unique back then and is still the same. It was the scent that made me recognise you and after looking at you for a while I finally saw the traces of your younger self in you''

''My scent? You mean smell?' Marvel asked and sniffed herself.

''No, that's not what I mean. I mean you have a unique smell that belongs to only you. I first smelt it from you that year at the hospital. It was like roasted chestnut powder mixed with cinnamon''

''What? Roasted chestnut powder mixed with cinnamon powder? What kind of smell is that exactly?'' Marvel asked.

''Like burnt incense. The one religious groups use for prayer'' Max said.

''I smelt like that?'' Marvel asked.

''You still smell like that''

''Oh, that must be from my homemade shower gel. I make it myself using herbal ingredients'' Marvel said.

''I see. anyways, I recognised you first. Shame on you for not recognising me'' Max said and flicked her forehead.

''Ah, is painful'' Marvel hissed.

''That's for forgetting me'' Max said.

''Wait. What about your girlfriend. The one whose birthday you went late because of me?'' Marvel asked.

''Shewe are no longer together. But, I still remember someone telling me she will marry me if I am still single the next time we met?'' Max said and Marvel blushed.

''That, that was so long ago. a lot of time has passed already. Besides, we are different people now'' Marvel said and stood up.

''How different are we?'' Max asked and held her hand and she paused in her steps.

''Big brother, I remember calling you that'' Marvel said in attempt to change the subject.

''I am not your brother'' Max said and stood up ''you came here suddenly, barging into my life after gaining your memories. Did you come here without knowing the consequences? Even after I told you about my feelings?''

''You said it was a mistake? You said I should forget about it'' Marvel said and stood in front of him.

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