Purple Romance

Chapter 102: 102 Family Dinner 1

Chapter 102: 102 Family Dinner 1

The sunlight shone through into the room from the gap between the curtains blinding Maria's eyes as soon as she opened them she squirted her eyes and sat up looking around. She seemed to have forgotten that she spent the night at Ad-Din's place. Memories of the night before came to her mind and she blushed and pulled the blanket from her body and saw that she was naked. She heard the sound of the shower flowing and quickly covered herself up.

She opened the blanket a little and looked at the bite marks on her body and frowned. Just what kind of beast was Ad-Din. He really kept to his words and didn't let her sleep the whole night.

Maria wrapped the blanket securely on her body and attempted to get down from the bed and felt pain in her legs to her thighs and hissed. A strong arm quickly held her stopping her from falling. She looked up and saw Ad-Din with only a towel around her waist and flushed. She looked away as droplets of water from his hair fell on her.

''En, can you move back a little or change into something?'' Maria said nervously and Ad-Din smirked.

''Why? Do I still make you nervous? Even after what we did last night? Maria, if you behave so shyly I might be tempted to ravish you right now'' Ad-Din said and she turned and looked at him as if he had grown an extra head.

''Aren't you tired?'' Maria asked.

''No, I still have enough energy to last a few more hours. Do you want to try it out?'' Ad-Din said and Maria pursed her lips. She turned slowly and run into the bathroom before she shouted at him.

''Beast. Shameless beast. I can barely walk''

Ad-Din laughed and shook his head. he was just teasing her. did she have to have such a reaction? Ad-Din went to his closet and picked a set of lounge wear to put on. He heard the shower flowing and went out of the room. After a few minutes, he returned to the room with a set of female clothes and placed them neatly on the bed and spoke to Maria who was still in the in the bathroom.

''Maria, I'm stepping out for a bit, I won't keep long. I've placed a set of clothes on the bed. You can use that before we go for your things later on''

''Okay, thanks'' Maria said and Ad-Din smiled before going out.

Main Denarius Quarters.


Ad-Din entered and saw his parents alongside Calia, Gibbs and their grandfather eating at the table. Old Mr. Denarius sighed and spoke ''aye, the prodigal son has arrived. He completely ignored his family and eloped with a woman''

''Grandpa, why you sound like a jealous wife this morning? Off course he needs to spend time with sister in law so that you will get a great grandchild very soon'' Gibbs said.

''Yougo back to the states on Monday. What are you still doing here?'' Old Mr. Denarius said.

''Son, where is Maria?'' Mona Lisa asked.

''She is at home. she was taking her bath. I will send her home to pick her stuff and move in with me'' Ad-Din said as he picked a toasted bread from the plate and ate.

''Looks like someone needs energy this morning'' Calia said casually and Ad-Din glared at her and she pursed her lips adding ''sorry''

''Mom, dad, Maria and I will join for the family dinner tonight before you go back to the base''

''Sure'' Ken Denarius responded.

''Where is Max?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Right, elder brother is not here. Is strange, he usually eats breakfast here every morning'' Calia added.

''Who knows, he might just be busy with something more important than breakfast". The old man said and sneered. Last night, he clearly saw him coming home with Calia's secretary. Hump, his grandson was really fast in catching his prey. He left no chances for excuses at all.

''I will go and call him'' Gibbs said and stood up and the old man pulled him back on the chair.

''You sit, eat and mind your own business. Max is old enough to know when to eat breakfast''

''I have to go back. Maria must be ready by now. She hasn't eaten anything yet'' Ad-Din said.

''So, you are going to prepare her breakfast?'' Old Mr. Denarius asked and looked at Ad-Din with a mocking gaze.

''Dad, what's wrong with you? I am beginning to feel that Gibbs was right. Your behaviour right now seems like you are jealous'' Mona Lisa said.

''I am not jealous. I just think that Ad-Din has become a lot like his father after getting together with his girlfriend. Back then, when Ken first brought you to this house, he didn't even allow you to do anything. I'm sure he didn't allow you to even bath yourself''

Ken Denarius coughed and the old man looked at him adding ''I was right. why are all the men in this family so loyal? Must be from the good genes I gave them'' the old man said and started eating heartily and everyone turned and looked at each other. They weren't sure what exactly he meant. They didn't know whether he was praising himself or scolding the men in the family. They shook their heads and went back to eating.

Ad-Din chuckled and went out. He passed by Max quarters and almost knocked on it before deciding not to disturb him and went towards his own quarters.

Inside Max quarters.

Marvel opened the door of the guestroom slightly and looked outside, checking for the presence of a certain someone. After spending the night at Max's quarters, she wanted to leave quickly and avoid being caught by anyone especially Calia. She wasn't sure what kind of explanation she would give in order to not make them misunderstand her. She still cursed herself internally for getting into Max's trap in the first place.

Marvel placed one leg out and moved her whole body along, tiptoeing towards the hall. She almost fell back in fright when she saw a figure holding two rice bowls to the dining table. She stopped abruptly not knowing whether to retreat or advance.

''If you are done thinking about whether to retreat or advance, come for breakfast'' Max said and sat on the dining table. Marvel looked at him with a shocking expression.

Was this man a psychic or what? How did he know what she was going to do? well, if she was caught, then she might as well have breakfast. It was better to argue in a full stomach than with an empty stomach. marvel straightened her back and walked coolly to the table. She placed her bag at the end and sat across him.

She stared at the food in front of her. there were simple dishes. Rice, vegetable soup and some side dishes. Marvel looked at Max and noticed he was eating his food with no reservation and thought that he looked quite good when he was quiet and not talking or harassing her. Max looked up at that moment and their eyes met. Marvel immediately looked away and picked her cutlery to eat.

The table was quiet except for the small noise made by the cutlery. It was too quiet and Marvel was becoming a little uncomfortable. Was he going to ignore her the whole time?

''I am not ignoring you. I don't talk when there is food in front of me. that is the respect I give to the food that I am eating''

Marvel coughed and sipped some water before responding ''oh, I see'' she looked at him. She didn't think he was that kind of person who respected food so much. She was suddenly curious about him. Marvel shook her head casting the thought aside and concentrated on her food.

After the quiet breakfast, Max wanted to clear the dishes and Marvel stopped him ''you prepared breakfast, let me handle the dishes'' Marvel touched his hand in attempt to take the dishes from him and didn't notice it. Max looked at her hands and smiled before leaving them to her.

''I will get changed and send you home'' Max said and turned to go.

'No. Actually, you don't have to do that. I can go on my own. I already inconvenienced you enough. I will just leave after I am done with the dishes' Marvel said and Max's face turned gloomy.

''I am guessing you don't want to be seen by any of my family members while leaving here? I don't mind anyone of my family seeing you walk out of my apartment but I know you wouldn't want that. If you don't want that then, you should leave with me. I'm going out anyways'' Max said.

''Okay'' Marvel didn't refuse anymore. After all, it was less risky going out with him than leaving alone. Max nodded his head and went into his room.

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