Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Ye Gaofei arrived at Zhao Hais base without encountering any resistance.

The core members who were responsible for guarding the base were originally part of Zhao Hais group, and upon seeing that Ye Gaofei had arrived, they immediately fled.

Zhao Hai himself didnt even show up.

When the leader himself fled, there was no point in resisting.

Even those who were originally willing to fight, upon seeing this situation, gave up struggling and cowered with their heads down.

At this point, anyone who dared to resist was not brave but simply foolish.

Not to mention Zhao Hai, even if Chen Luo were to flee with his wife and others, his subordinates might not have the heart to resist anymore, and their morale would plummet.

After this incident, even if Zhao Hai could regain control over his people, the trust among them had been shattered.

Ye Gaofei was extremely pleased with the situation. This was the power of numbers and the intimidation of a Level Four ability user.

They surrendered without a fight.

Chen Luo, with just his two hundred people, what right did he have to compete with me?

On Ye Gaofeis side, morale was soaring, and they were filled with enthusiasm.

Ye Gaofei shouted loudly, I gathered everyone together with good intentions, to help us survive better. However, some individuals are driven by selfish motives, unwilling to see our unity, and they want to cause trouble. Can we tolerate such people?

No, we cannot!

Deal with them!

Ye Gaofei, believing in his sense of justice, wanted to make his actions righteous.

With great confidence and his followers, Ye Gaofei arrived at Chen Luos location.

Unfortunately, the outskirts of Chen Luos base were not spacious enough to accommodate Ye Gaofeis two thousand people.

Countless car lights illuminated the area, and the scene before Ye Gaofei was somewhat surprising.

The surroundings were entirely enclosed by walls over five meters high, thick and sturdy, measuring more than thirty centimeters thick. Only the entrance lacked a wall, but it could only allow a dozen people to move forward simultaneously.

At the same time, there were figures standing behind the high walls. If they got too close, they would face a fierce attack.

After so much time had passed, Chen Luo had already reinforced the surroundings of the base. Additionally, beneath the high walls, steps had been built, allowing members to stand behind the walls and attack.

Ye Gaofei brought along a significant number of people, and Chen Luo wasnt sure of the exact count. However, he wasnt concerned at all; they were just a motley crew.

This time, Chen Luo didnt intend to play the hero and repel these people through intimidation. Instead, he wanted everyone to participate in this battle. After all, training troops for a thousand days was for using them in times like this. Always solving problems by himself was no solution.

It was also a good opportunity to test the members loyalty and combat abilities. Some casualties were inevitable, but he couldnt protect them indefinitely just because he feared casualties.

Staring at the high walls, Ye Gaofei sneered. Even if these couldnt be considered sturdy fortifications, fortresses often crumbled from the inside.

Whats the deal here? Are these people all Chen Luos beloved family and friends, his brothers and sisters? Will they be willing to lay down their lives for Chen Luo?

With so many people on his side, he had already frightened these people. The experience at Zhao Hais base was clear evidence. If having more people wasnt useful, then why did he gather so many of them?

Several individuals with loud voices took out megaphones.

You are surrounded. Drop your weapons, surrender, and you wont be killed.

They shouted for two minutes, but there was no response at all, not even a barking dog.

The Thunderbolt King was initially playing with Xiao Hong, or at least thats how the Thunderbolt King felt. Since Xiao Hong arrived, the Thunderbolt King felt that his status had been elevated by +1. He could now vent all the frustration he had received from Rice onto Xiao Hong.

When he heard the loudspeaker, the Thunderbolt King was stunned. Someones here? Is it a battle? Do I get five points for killing an enemy? Points, is that you? Youve finally come, huh?


Xiao Hong, do you even care about points? The Thunderbolt King fiercely bared his teeth at Xiao Hong and then slapped him on the back, as a warning not to dare run away.

Then he quickly ran towards the door.

Xiao Hongs eyes seemed to have tears forming at the corners. Didnt your owner tell you to take care of me? Is this how you take care of me?

The Thunderbolt King tried to rush out but was stopped by Chen Luo. Letting the Thunderbolt King out or going out himself, what difference would it make? He didnt want one dog to create chaos among the group.

Seeing that it didnt work, Ye Gaofei personally brought a megaphone and shouted, This time, we have over two thousand people, 76 Level-Three individuals, over 1500 Level-Two individuals, and two Level-Four individuals. What can you use to resist us? Listen to my advice, surrender obediently, and dont resist.

I guarantee with my integrity that those who surrender will not be killed. We treat everyone equally as brothers.

The first ten people to surrender will receive a reward of two bottles of Red Bull and two ham sausages.

Youre testing us with this? Who cant resist such a test? Any ordinary member eats meat every day!

Chen Luo stood on a high point and scanned the surroundings. Two Level-Fours? Was it because Han Ya didnt come, or was it that Long Yu didnt come?

After a quick scan, he realized it was Long Yu who hadnt come.

Did they think two Level-Fours were enough to deal with me? Chen Luo wondered. He hadnt ordered his members to attack, but why not use the defensive measures? Why build them if not to use them?

Ye Gaofei found it hard to believe. He had been shouting for so long, and not a single person budged? Had his overwhelming tactic of using a large number of people lost its effectiveness? This was the first time.

Did he have to resort to a direct assault?

The music continued, and Ye Gaofei kept shouting. His people were having a great time. He hoped the other side would surrender voluntarily.

Chen Luo looked at Ye Gaofei and his group with frustration. Why hadnt they surrendered yet? Were they trying to starve us?

After another ten minutes or so, Ye Gaofei gave up trying to get Chen Luos people to surrender.

Unbelievable, were these people not afraid of death?

Zhao Hai sighed heavily while watching the situation. His subordinates couldnt even begin to compare to Chen Luos elite members. If only he had a group of skilled individuals like this under his command. However, he knew he didnt have the qualifications to compete with Chen Luo. Capable people wouldnt end up under his leadership.

Ye Gaofei felt frustrated and coldly assessed the situation. Dont blame me, he thought.

Ye Gaofei wondered which direction to attack from, and who should lead the charge. His own elite group of Level Threes? That was out of the question.

Ye Gaofei said kindly, Zhang Hao, your group is exceptionally capable. Take your people and attack first. If you manage to kill this batch of people, Ill give you credit for it.

Zhang Hao, the leader of a recently joined small faction under Ye Gaofei, widened his eyes in disbelief. My people go first? We may win this battle, but all fifty of my subordinates would be wiped out. Id become a commander without troops.

Han Ya coldly asked, What? Youre not willing?

Zhang Hao wore a bitter expression as he replied, Even if Im willing, my people wont follow such an order. This is a death sentence, and they wont obey it. Dont overestimate me.

When Ye Gaofei gave the order to Zhang Hao, all the other small faction leaders quickly shrank back and moved to the rear.

If you ask me, I wont be here, and I wont have heard your order, they thought.

Ye Gaofei was bewildered. He realized that despite having two thousand people at his disposal, he couldnt find anyone willing to be the vanguard. While their numbers were large, they were all inexperienced fighters who were terrified of the two hundred people on the other side.

In favorable conditions, they could handle ten opponents at once, but in a slightly unfavorable situation, they all acted like cowards. They were used to fighting zombies, where they relied on tactics and numerical superiority. They understood that dying in such situations was unlikely, so they dared to fight. However, when facing survivors, being the first to charge ahead meant having only a ten percent chance of survival.

They reasoned, Youre not my brother. Why should I risk my life for you? Even if you offer more money, its pointless. Im here to make a living, not to play with my life.

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