My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 105: Your biological parents should be old cows

Chapter 105

The classmates scrolling through their phones naturally received Song Ying's message, so everyone grabbed their metaphorical popcorn, ready for some juicy gossip.

It really pays to have connections. Shi Li's family had a classmate who was like a secret informant, so they wouldn't miss any news about Shi Li even after she went home.

[Is that so? What news have you heard? Share it with us!]

The person who sent this used a somewhat vulgar emoji that looked quite sleazy.

[It's about something related to me. I don't know what to do, so I wanted to consult everyone for advice.]

Song Ying didn't know if her classmates would still be curious about something concerning her, but she had to say this upfront to avoid wasting everyone's time if they found her secret uninteresting after she revealed it.

What she didn't know was that when it came to gossip, her classmates were absolutely indiscriminate. No matter who it was about or what the topic was, they treated all gossip equally.

Moreover, she clearly underestimated the impact of this matter.

[From Shi Li's tone, it seems that my current mother might not be my biological mother.]

Everyone: !!

Before anyone could recover and think of how to respond with a comforting message, Song Ying's second message came through.

She said: [It looks like I might die within three years.]

Everyone: ?!

This... I've never encountered something like this before and don't know what to say. Previously, Shi Li had foreseen someone's death - it was Wei Yi's father. But that old guy had several mistresses outside, so when something happened to him, everyone was gleeful. No one tried to stop it or felt sorry for him.

Then there was that time with the class monitor's father. Those predictions were all about classmates' relatives having accidents, but we've never encountered a prediction about a classmate themselves having an accident, let alone dying outright.

Even the most tactful person in the class, the class monitor, was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to comfort her.

No one knew what to do. The class monitor was like a mother to the whole class, so following the principle of "when in trouble, find the class monitor," everyone sent messages to him, urging him to quickly respond and comfort Song Ying.

Class monitor: I really appreciate your trust in me.

The class monitor had the teacher above him, so he thought about transferring all the classmates' trust to the homeroom teacher.

He was about to send a message urging the homeroom teacher to comfort Song Ying when he opened the chat and found that among the sea of people urging him to comfort Song Ying was his respected homeroom teacher.

The class monitor was truly speechless. You're the homeroom teacher, how can you pass such an important task to a student? Is this really okay?

With no choice and a useless homeroom teacher, he had to figure out how to respond to Song Ying himself.

After typing and deleting for a long time, he only sent one sentence.

[Can you recall in detail every word Shi Li said at the time?]

This wasn't because he was nosy; he just wanted to use the information from Shi Li's words to help his classmate avoid misfortune and seek good fortune.

The class monitor gave Song Ying the impression of being very reliable, so even though his words seemed a bit gossipy, she didn't think much of it.

She roughly recounted Shi Li's original words: [Shi Li said that if I can live for two more years, my biological parents will come to find me.]

The others lurking in the chat: As expected of Shi Li, look at the amount of information in that sentence. One sentence dropped two bombshells.

[She also said, 'Get ready for the plot twist where the dragon king returns and slaps the foster mother's face.']

[I don't really understand what that means.]

Sun Yiling, who had been lurking in the chat, couldn't hold back and replied: [How can you not understand this? You should get it, right? Congratulations, sister, your biological parents must be really powerful!]

The others wished they could rush to her and tell her to think before speaking. Song Ying's mother turned out to be a foster mother, and she might die within two years. How is this something to congratulate her about?

Sun Yiling was scolded by her deskmate behind her back, telling her to be more thoughtful. She felt wronged and thought, from what was said, Song Ying's biological parents would slap the foster mother's face. If the foster mother treated her well, why would Shi Li use the phrase "slap the face"? It must be because the foster mother didn't treat her well.

A mother who doesn't treat you well suddenly becoming a foster mother, unclear reasons for adoption, and your biological parents turning out to be important figures - isn't this worth congratulating?

As for what her deskmate said about Song Ying possibly dying within two years, there's no need to worry about that at all. With Shi Li around, there won't be any accidents.

It's just like what happened with the class monitor's father. Normally, he would have had an accident, but in the end, it was Xue Xuejia's scumbag father who had the accident.

This kind of small matter doesn't need to be taken seriously at all.

Hearing Sun Yiling's careless words, her deskmate didn't know how to respond and could only say, [You have a point.]

Sun Yiling felt that she indeed made a lot of sense, so she went to privately comfort Song Ying, copy-pasting this exact explanation and telling her not to worry.

Song Ying wasn't really worried about her own death; she was just suddenly overloaded with information, making her feel lost about the future. She didn't know what to do.

People in the group chat were also comforting her, with Sun Yiling being the most excited.

Strangely enough, when she saw Sun Yiling's message, her confused and floating heart instantly settled down.

That's right, her life was already pretty bad.

What Shi Li predicted should be a good thing for her.

Hong Yan was just her foster mother; her biological parents should be quite formidable.

As for the deadly crisis she would face within two years, now that she knew about it in advance, there might be a possibility to resolve it.

Even if it couldn't be resolved, she could strive to live each day to the fullest, not wasting her time. Even if she suddenly closed her eyes one day, she wouldn't feel regret.

Compared to many others, she was already very lucky. She shouldn't be afraid.

The homeroom teacher finally took on a leadership role for once.

He said: [So now we have two problems to solve: helping our classmate Song Ying find her biological parents, and resolving her deadly crisis.]

[Since it's a matter of life and death, the second problem is more urgent.]

[This is where we need some background music.]

[It feels like the background music suddenly became intense.]

Going off-topic was a traditional skill of the first-year class one students. As Song Ying watched the conversation drift further and further away, she timidly asked: [Excuse me, but how can we resolve my deadly crisis?]

Then her screen was flooded with a string of [Ask Shi Li].

Song Ying: Huh? Weren't we supposed to keep this a secret from Shi Li?

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