My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 103 Secret Realm— Disappointment

Xi Meili's words echoed through the group, causing a ripple of surprise and intrigue to spread among them. Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili looked at Yuan with wide eyes, their expressions a mixture of confusion and anticipation.

"A secret realm?" Anna asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "What exactly does that mean, Dear?"

Yuan took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "A secret realm is a hidden dimension or space that exists within the fabric of our world. It's a place filled with profound mysteries, treasures, and powerful cultivation opportunities."

The group absorbed his words, the significance of the secret realm sinking in. The allure of rare spiritual herbs and treasures that could aid their cultivation sparked excitement within each of them.

"So, you're saying that beyond this stone gate lies a realm of untold wonders?" Grace's eyes sparkled with excitement. 

"Indeed, Mom Grace. The thick spiritual energy gathered around the gate and the ripples emanating from it indicate that it leads to a realm where cultivation and enlightenment can be accelerated."

Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement as she interjected, "So, this stone gate leads to a hidden world filled with treasures and opportunities? That sounds amazing!"

"Imagine the treasures and knowledge that await us inside. It could greatly enhance our cultivation and help us grow stronger." Emma's voice quivered with anticipation.

"Hehe, Indeed, my dear Emma. Exploring this secret realm could provide us with the resources we need to strengthen our cultivation and reach new heights." Yuan nodded. 

Exploring the secret realm can greatly enhance their cultivation and provide them with resources that are scarce or nonexistent in the outside world. It's an opportunity to accelerate their growth and discover hidden wonders.

"I can't wait to see what lies beyond this gate! It's like stepping into a whole new realm of possibilities." Lily, always eager for adventure, couldn't contain her excitement. 

"We must enter this secret realm and explore its depths," Anna declared, her eyes shining with determination. "The potential benefits are too great to ignore."

"Indeed, the treasures and opportunities that await us inside could significantly elevate our strength and broaden our horizons." Grace nodded in agreement. 

Yuan and his wives approached the majestic stone gate, their eyes filled with awe at its grandeur. Anna, Grace, Emma, and Lily marveled at the sight of the gate, standing tall and undamaged despite the passing of countless years.

"Hubby, it seems we can't enter the secret realm yet." Xi Meili sensed the fluctuations of the spiritual energy at the entrance of the secret realm.

She was disappointed, as she was very eager to venture into the secret realm to increase her cultivation and support Yuan better.

"Sigh!" Yuan let out a sigh, understanding the limitations of accessing the secret realm. "Yes, but it's a bit disappointing knowing we can't enter yet." He knows that the secret realm only opens once in a while, often after decades, centuries, or even millennia. It's not surprising that they can't enter at this moment.

However, not everyone in the group was aware of this fact. Lily couldn't hide her confusion as she questioned, "Hmm? Can't enter? But why?"

"Do we need a key to open it? Perhaps there's a hidden key somewhere." Anna, always quick to find a solution, suggested. 

Grace, with her customary cold tone, added, "But where would we find the key? Besides, there doesn't seem to be a keyhole on the stone gate."

Yuan and Xi Meili exchanged a knowing glance, and Yuan realized that he hadn't imparted some common knowledge about the cultivation world to his wives.

'Sigh! It's my fault for not teaching them some of the common knowledge about the cultivation world.' Yuan sighed softly, acknowledging his oversight.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan decided to enlighten them. "Actually, there is no need for a key to open a secret realm, nor is it a place we can visit whenever we want," he explained patiently. 

"The portal to a secret realm opens on its own accord, but it only does so at specific intervals. Some secret realms open every ten years, while others may open once every hundred years or even once in a thousand, if not millions, of years."

Yuan's words left the group feeling disappointed yet enlightened about the nature of secret realms.

"So, it's a pity, but we can't enter the secret realm for now," Yuan concluded.

"Is that so?" The group exclaimed in realization, coming to terms with the current situation.

Anna, Grace, Emma, and Lily exclaimed in disappointment, feeling the weight of their missed opportunity.

Xi Meili carefully observed the entrance of the secret realm, her eyes focused on the pulsating spiritual energy emanating from it. After a moment of concentration, she turned to the group and spoke with certainty, "Although we cannot enter the secret realm yet, based on the spiritual energy it is emitting, I can confidently say that it will open within two months, approximately 60 days from now."

Lily's face fell, clearly disappointed by the news. "Two months? That's such a long time to wait," she remarked with a hint of frustration.

Yuan disregarded her complaint and turned his attention to Xi Meili. "Are you sure, Meili?"

Meili nodded proudly. "I'm a hundred percent sure that the secret realm will open in two months."

At that moment, Nora's voice resonated in Yuan's mind. [Host, Xi Meili is correct. The secret realm will indeed open in two months. Moreover, the existence of this secret realm within the ruin indicates that this place was once home to a prosperous and powerful sect, one that was likely abandoned or destroyed in the past.]

Yuan's eyes lit up with excitement. "If that's the case," he exclaimed, "there must be a treasury hidden somewhere within this ruin, holding rare and precious resources and countless treasures." 

Nora confirmed his suspicions. [Indeed, it is highly probable that the sect, recognizing the value of their resources and treasures, sealed them away with a powerful formation. They aimed to protect their treasures from thieves or even their own disciples. By using your divine sense, you should be able to detect the presence of the formation and locate the treasury.]

After that, Yuan activated his divine sense, extending it to its maximum range. However, he soon realized that his divine sense could only reach a limited distance of 90 meters, significantly limiting his search area.

Muttering to himself, Yuan sighed, 'If only my divine sense were a bit stronger...'

Approaching Xi Meili, he asked, "Meili, can you use your divine sense to look for any unusual areas in this ruin?"

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma frowned, puzzled by Yuan's request, their eyes questioning his intentions. What is he up to this time? 

"Let me try..." Xi Meili, happy to assist her beloved husband, immediately activated her divine sense and began searching for any unusual presence. She understood that Yuan was asking her for something that others couldn't accomplish.

Meanwhile, Yuan also unleashed his divine sense, scanning the surroundings in tandem with Xi Meili's search.

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma, lacking the ability to utilize divine sense, observed their actions, wondering what exactly Yuan was looking for.

Soon, Yuan sensed a disruption, a barrier impeding his divine sense from extending further. Approximately 30 meters away, something was blocking his exploration.

"Mm, something is blocking my divine sense," Yuan muttered, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

[That must be a formation, specifically designed to protect the treasury. It's blocking your divine sense from reaching it. You should investigate the area.] Nora's voice echoed in his mind.

Yuan followed Nora's guidance, heading towards the location where his divine sense had been impeded. As he approached, he could sense a dense gathering of spiritual energy, almost tangible to his heightened senses.

To the untrained eye, the area appeared to be nothing more than a massive wall with numerous cracks. But for cultivators like Yuan, the immense concentration of spiritual energy was unmistakable.

Nora's voice resonated in his mind once again. [The formation must have weakened over the millions of years it hasn't been maintained. A single strike from your sword should be enough to break it. However, be careful not to exert too much force, or you risk damaging the entrance to the treasury.]

"Understood," Yuan responded, and his soul weapon, 'Empyreal Oblivion', appeared out of thin air in his grasp and took aim at the formation before him.

"One Sword One Strike!" With a resolute focus, Yuan activated his sword technique, channeling his energy through his blade. The sword faintly glowed as it descended upon the formation.

Bang! The strike landed with precision, shattering the formation like fragile glass. A cascade of cracks spread across the surface, revealing a wide and magnificent entrance to the treasury, concealed for countless ages.

The resounding noise attracted the attention of Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili, drawing them closer to Yuan. 

As the dust settled, the group gasped in awe at the sight before them. The entrance emanated an alluring aura, beckoning them to explore the secrets within.


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