Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 127: Vacation (5)

Vacation (5)

The nurturing program overseen by Libra is held only once a year. It’s entirely free, and they even provide scholarships. As a result, countless university students apply, and only a tiny fraction are selected.

Therefore, naturally, the number of high school students is scarce.

“I didn’t expect to find Shion here.”

In the hallway of Libra’s Section 3 dormitory, Soliette spoke as we walked side by side.

Whether it was because of her or because I was an unfamiliar face, the surrounding university students were sending me glares mixed with envy and jealousy.

“I didn’t expect you to be here either.”

At that, Soliette gave a small laugh.

“It just happened that way. It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?”

“Indeed. How did it go with Akane?”

I asked about Akane.

“Did you get any information?”

“No. We met and even had a conversation, but there were no particular clues…”

I glanced at her sideways.

The faint change in her expression. The small breath. The gaps between her words. From all of that, I noticed her lie.

There was something.

But it’s not something I should get involved in. It’s between Akane and Soliette.

“Which room is Shion in?”

Soliette casually changed the subject.

“Room 33.”

“I’m in room 32. Right across from you. How interesting.”

“We were together when we got the keys.”

I opened the door to room 33. It was a single room, much better than a temporary shelter.

“Well then…”

I looked at my smartwatch. It was 9 AM. The official orientation wasn’t until after 11.

“Let’s unpack and meet up later.”

“Yes, Shion. Rest well.”

Soliette went into her room. I closed my door as well.

After unpacking my things, I stood in the middle of the room.

I looked around the interior.

It was quiet and serene. A suitable environment for concentration.

My physical condition wasn’t too bad. At least it wasn’t as bad as yesterday.

I closed my eyes for a moment. I took a deep breath. I breathed magic into the R-elix.


The debris in the room began to float.

Particles as fine as dust, hidden in places that hadn’t been cleaned or couldn’t be cleaned, gathered in front of my eyes, the size of a fist.


Watching the phenomenon, I bit my lip slightly.

Indeed, this R-elix seems to have absorbed an aspect of the monster Grawl. The problem is that I still can’t be sure what that ‘aspect’ is.

In the worst case, I might have to undergo surgery to remove the R-elix.

Whoosh- I waved my hand. The stone debris moved with my gesture. I manipulated it into various shapes. Star, circle, cookie, cat…

As I watched, I muttered to myself.

“What the hell is this?”

─Are you talking about me?


I blinked my eyes.

Just now, this gravel debris cat, or rather, the cat-shaped R-elix, or whatever it was, seemed to have spoken.




I took a step back. I gripped the back of a chair. If necessary, I was ready to swing it.

“Are you Grawl?”

─I don’t think so.

The cat spoke. I furrowed my brow.

“You don’t think so? What kind of vague answer is that?”

I released my grip on the chair.

I still don’t know what phenomenon this is, but it must be due to my R-elix.

─Yes. I’m not ‘that’ Grawl. I’m a virus reconstructed based on Grawl’s existence information.

“A virus?”

Could the name of this C-class R-elix itself be “virus”?

“So, you’re born from Grawl’s existence information… like DNA?”

─Yes. Rather, it is closer to a direct descendant of Grawl.

“But why do you talk like that?”

It’s too light and childish. The Grawl in my Memory is different from this.

──Is this what you want?

His voice suddenly deepened. The cat lowered its back and raised its tail.


“Go back to the normal.”


The cat sat on its hind legs. It spoke again in a childlike voice.

─I’m a virus. I was born based on Grawl’s magic. Initially, I tried to invade your consciousness. I tried to take control of the brain through the R-elix.

He was quite honest about trying to take over my entire body.

“You’re pretty bold.”

─But it was impossible. I can’t rebel against you. Your body has an unusually strong immunity to magical entities like me.

“……So. Have you been in my body since the time I killed Grawl?”

─Yes. Since then, I’ve been forming a personality that you would like and not be bothered by.

The cat meowed and laughed.

“You’re the one who saved me from the sniper, aren’t you?”

─Yes. If you die, I disappear as well. I can do various things. Right now, it’s just 「Automatic Defense」 and 「Tracking」. Please teach me Magic Spell.


Grawl’s virus.

In other words, a magical entity reconstructed based on Grawl’s existence information.

It’s over-spec for a C-class R-elix, but if it’s upgraded to B~B+ like 「Treasure Hunter」 because of me, I can understand this level of intelligence. From B-class R-elix, they have a double-edged nature.

“So, you want to maintain consciousness?”

─No. I don’t particularly want to form consciousness. I just don’t want to die. My goal is just survival.

Survival. I carefully examine the cat.

“I see.”

Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be a threat. His claims that I’m immune to magical interference seem true.

─Can you feed me? I like to eat in this form.


─Mana stone and mana core.

“……You eat expensive stuff.”

─If I eat that, I can form a self-magic circuit. I can be more helpful to you. I want to eat not only a lot but also good quality stuff.

He’s pretty demanding.

I first extracted about 5 units of the 「Notepad」’s capacity as a mana core. He ate it crunchily, like a fish.


Then, its appearance became more distinctive. The appearance that seemed like a pile of gravel turned into a baby cat that looked like a real creature.

─Should I anchor this appearance?


─I will appear in this form in the ‘virtual world’ from now on. You can also give me freedom! I can roam around.

“I can’t trust you that much.”

─Why is that?

The cat’s eyes widened.

“You just admitted to trying to take over my body three minutes ago.”

─I also added that it was impossible. Your immune system is something I can never defy.


The sound of a knock. I looked in that direction. Grawl also lowered his posture, on guard.

─Shion. Are you there?

It was Soliette’s voice.

“Yeah. Come in.”

She opened the door.

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing much…….?”

Soliette looked at my desk. There was a cat I had forgotten to retrieve.

“Wow…… um. No.”

Soliette inadvertently let out an exclamation, then quickly stiffened her face.

“Why did you bring a kitten?”

“……Well. It was too quiet.”

The cat meowed. Soliette’s expression softened again. She approached, her lips trembling.

“Here’s this month’s salary.”

She handed me an envelope. It contained 20,000 Ren.

“……This month? I haven’t done anything lately.”

“I consider connecting you with Miss Akane as part of the job.”


Did she just consider that day as just another day at work?

Soliette, sitting in the chair, tapped the desk with her hand. The cat approached her. With a soft smile, she suddenly said.

“Thank you.”

Then, a small smile spread on my lips.

The words ‘part’ of a job.

Yes, a part of the ‘job.’

“I didn’t even properly say thank you. I just fainted in the middle.”

While Soliette busily petted the cat with her two fingers, she looked at me. I sat on the bed, facing her.

“What. We agreed to go together to the end.”

To the end.

The end of Knightmare.

And…… to my end.

“Isn’t that right?”

I ask, hopefully.

I hope you live at least longer than me.

“……I don’t think there was a clause ‘to the end’ in the contract.”

Soliette smiled mischievously, seemingly pleased.


She nodded her head.

“Let’s go together, to the end. Shion Ascal.”

* * *

──The Libra nurturing program helps you blossom your talents.

In Libra’s conference room, I’m sitting there where the O.T is in full swing.

──Every evening, Libra will invite world-renowned scholars, mages, and knights to be with you. Of course, you can also use Libra’s advanced training facilities at that time. Participation is entirely voluntary.

But some uncomfortable guys are sitting on opposite ends of me. Gerkhen on the left, Elise on the right. Especially Elise, she keeps glancing at me.

──First, on the paper distributed, there is a program prepared for today.

[Dungeon Capture]


[Magic Implementation]

[Formula Invention Practice]

……There were many other programs. I checked Dungeon Capture.


I heard the sound of checking from the side. It was Elise.


Reflecting on it, ‘Dungeon Capture’ seemed like it will be too packed.

After some thought, I changed it to ‘Teaming’.


The sound of a checkmark being made came from the side. It was Elise again.

I turned to look at her. Elise was there, her chin in her hand, her face indifferent.

──So. We’ll run the program from 1 to 5, and gather again in the evening.


“Nice to meet you. I’m Belingham Kantar, in charge of the ‘Teaming’ program.”

Aerial Garden. A state-of-the-art artificial magic space of Libra, equipped with thirty total magic spaces.

Program manager Belingham looked around at the 26 college students and 4 high school students and spoke.

“Teaming is exactly what it sounds like. A knight and a mage form a team and spend a long time syncing their breathing before moving. Why do you think that is?”

I looked to the side. Elise was there.

Usually, she would be the one to answer such questions, but she was unusually quiet today. More than that, I wondered why she kept standing beside me.

“Because magic and swordsmanship cannot distinguish friend from foe. To avoid harming allies, you need to coordinate your movements, and as the number of people increases to three or four, the complexity increases exponentially, right?”

Belingham continued.

“So, a knight and a mage form a team, and once they form a team, they operate together for a very long time. That’s ‘Teaming’.”

Belingham Kantar shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s also why there are so many knight-mage couples. At the same time, it’s also why the divorce rates are high.”

People laughed. Elise also twitched her lips as if trying not to laugh.

“Of course, Teaming doesn’t happen in a short time, but experiencing it through the program will be helpful in the future. Now… there are four senior magic high students here, right?”

Gerkhen. Elise. Me. Soliette.

Soliette and Gerkhen were already surrounded by college students, and Elise was beside me.

“In Teaming, the mage’s opinion is important. In fact, in all situations, a mage is more valuable than a knight. In that regard, the students who aspire to be mages will choose the knights.”

Belingham paused for a moment.

“Would it be okay to give the seniors priority?”

Then he looked at me.

No, he looked at Elise next to me.

“Miss Elise. Among the seniors, you’re the only one who aspires to be a mage.”


Elise seemed to ponder for a moment, her fist tightly clenched. Her lips pouted. Then she raised a finger. She pointed to her side.

“I’ll do it with him.”

……It was me.

Shion Ascal.

“Hmm. Unexpected.”

Belingham raised an eyebrow, and Soliette and Gerkhen turned to look at us.

-Are you crazy?

I tried to protest by mouthing it to her, but Elise didn’t flinch.

* * *

After the team formation was over.

The two of us entered the magic space. It was a plain with a grid pattern.

I guess phantom beasts will soon be rushing in from all directions.

─The Teaming program will start soon. Monsters will swarm in endlessly. There’s a small reward if you can hold out until the ninth wave. Try to distribute your stamina and movements as efficiently as possible.

How should the route be decided? How should the strategy be set?

Elise was pondering over these aspects.

“Do you have a strategy in mind?”

“Well, I’m planning on trying my best.”

Shion was enthusiastic.

After all, Libra would be watching this program. The high-ranking members of that family would record and replay the program.

There was a reason for Shion, a loyal servant of Libra, to perform as well as possible.

Shion drew his sword. It was ordinary, but sharp.

“…Is it a sword you bought yourself?”

“It’s a family heirloom. Not particularly good.”

Elise nodded.

“I can see that.”


Shion looked at her. Elise swallowed and averted her gaze.

“I’m sorry.”

She had inadvertently evaluated its worth.

“…Never mind. They’re coming.”

Shion pointed to the other side. Dark wolves were gathered in a pack. They were Dire Wolves.

“You go ahead first. I’ll support you while watching how you do.”

Shion nodded and took a few steps forward. Elise retreated to a safe distance.

─The round begins.

With the sound of Belingham’s voice, the wolves rushed in like a wave. Shion reached for his sword.

At that moment, an all-out battle erupted.



The sword, drawn like a crescent moon, swept across the front. About six wolves were cut down at once, and he plunged into the gap in the enemy lines he had created, embracing all the danger.

He twisted his body and swung his sword among the countless wolves. It was as dazzling and brilliant as when he defeated Gerkhen.

Elise provided cover for him. She used telekinesis to knock down the wolves targeting his feet.

“I’ll take care of the ones at your feet and above your head. Don’t deliberately lower or raise your stance. Just focus on the front.”


This in itself was Teaming. A process of understanding between the mage and the knight, complementing each other’s deficiencies or inefficiencies.

In that regard, Elise found Shion comfortable.

This is how it usually is.

The mage is comfortable, while the knight doesn’t protect himself and takes on all the risk instead. All she has to do is check the areas his sword can’t reach, maintain the barrier, and prepare for any surprise attacks.

Even as this was happening, the wolves’ heads were flying in the sky. Two or three wolves were killed every second.

Shion was calmly piercing only the vital points of the enemy, even in the midst of them….


At some point, Elise found herself blankly staring at him. She was admiring him as he swung his sword, dripping with sweat.

Perhaps it was because it was rare to see a swordsman who would take on such risks for a mage.

Or maybe.

It was because his swordsmanship, his style as a swordsman, was urgent, dramatic, and dynamic.

He effortlessly wielded all sorts of irregular sword techniques, as if slicing through space itself. His form was so…

Elegant to watch.


Elise didn’t know.

For now, she was merely assisting him with her telekinesis.

As time passed, the endless waves of wolves began to thin until only one remained.


Shion’s sword pierced through its gut.

─The battle is over. There is a 5-minute break.


Shion lay down, still clutching his sword. Elise approached him and asked him.

“……Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’ll recover soon.”

He looked up at the sky with a sweat-soaked face. Elise sat down, her knees drawn up.

She murmured while glancing at him.


Shion turned to look at her.



Elise slouched.

They had just finished the first wave.

There were still eight stages left, but suddenly…

“You know, this might be out of the blue……”

A question had popped into her mind.

“What if…… there’s someone who has wronged you greatly.”

Elise shook her head, correcting herself.

“No, someone who has been wronging you…… what would you do if they apologized?”

She glanced at Shion as she asked.

He immediately retorted.

“Do you have something to apologize for?”

“……Idiot. I’m just asking.”

In truth, it was advice from ‘At Your Service’.

Take action. Approach first. She was practicing both at the same time.

Shion sighed.

“Well, I’d ask. Why apologize now of all times?”

Elise’s lips were dry.

“……And then?”

She asked what would come next. At that, Shion sat up, looking into her eyes as he spoke.

“Why do we have laws and police if an apology can end everything?”


It was then, as Elise simultaneously accepted and became dispirited by his answer.

──Wave 2 begins. This time, it’s golems.

The second wave was golems. Shion suddenly put a hand to his ear.


He seemed to be having a conversation with someone.

Indeed, a voice flowed into his ear.

─That golem is made of high-quality mana stones and a mana core. Can I attach myself to your sword? I think I can absorb it.

Shion nodded.

“That’s a good idea. Let’s make a profit.”


Elise asked, her face slightly gloomy but deliberately distorted to hide her feelings.

“Let’s prepare for the next wave.”

Shion gripped his sword. Its blade was dyed the color of crimson gravel.

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